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The paper looks at the development of a literary culture in South East Queensland from colonial times to the present. Economically, South East Queensland developed into a classic example of a port and administrative centre servicing a... more
The article "Vineta, Sedina, Griffin: A choice of literary examples of pomeranian myths around 1900" tackles the topic of regional myths at the turn of the 20th century in the Pomera-nian region as found – or not – in literary works... more
The paper analyses six folk tales on the legendary pirate Klaus Störtebeker. The topic, known from the middle ages, was written down in the 19th century. Five of the works of reference come from the turn of the 20 th century, as the Klaus... more
Writing Region: Robert Kroetsch and the Poetics of Prairie Space (John Thieme) Abstract This article considers the problematics of writing region with a particular focus on the formal strategies employed to represent Prairie space in... more
Chapter 1 in Benjamin Kohlmann and Matthew Taunton's CUP volume of essays on, among many other things, the "Long 1930s." This chapter recovers English regional writers as part of the history of 1930s literature, arguing that they... more
The article “Between »Femme Fragile« and »Femme Fatale«. The feminine Element as Future Indicator for the Pomeranian Society around 1900 in Hans Hoffmanns Stories From Farther Pomerania [Geschichten aus Hinterpommern]” tackles the topic... more
The book by Roswitha Wisniewski, published in German in 2013, offers the very first thoroughly edited and relatively lengthy review of the development of literature in Pomerania from its beginnings until today. The study shall most... more
The arid and semi-arid parts of Queensland west of the Great Divide, north of the border with New South Wales and south of the Gulf of Carpentaria – including the Channel Country and the Gulf Country, and towns as diverse as Birdsville,... more
Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable. (Eliot, 1968) All moments of decolonisation in former colonies were... more
The article problematizes the use of the term “minority” literature in the literary context, proposed by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. According to the author of the paper, their definition proves to be too narrow and applicable only... more