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L’errore giudiziario è una manchevolezza che può derivare, e non di rado deriva, da un uso inadeguato degli strumenti lato sensu logici che il giudice ha a disposizione. La presente indagine si propone di approfondire proprio il rapporto... more
Abstract. Nel dibattito sulla prova specialistica, in particolare scientifica, si evoca spesso una formula, “Iudex peritus peritorum”, per rendere l’idea dell’autonomia valutativa riservata al giudice anche in questa sfera. Tuttavia, non... more
The teacher is the decisive factor in the quality of education, the crux of the reform and innovation in modern general education. In order to improve the quality of teaching and learning to adapt to the general education program... more
STRONG INDUCTION and its underlying definitions are presented in this white paper (knowledge base).
The need for smart e-learning environments is resulting in new challenges for researchers and practitioners to develop intelligent systems that can be used to automate the Higher Education (HE) activities in an intelligent way. Some... more
This is a small (98 page) textbook designed to teach mathematics and computer science students the basics of how to read and construct proofs. Why do students take the instruction "prove" in examinations to mean "go to the next... more
This article discusses the challenges posed by the scope and volume of the evidential record to fact-finding and the presentation of cases in international criminal trials. To this end, it introduces a modified version of a technique... more
Romano Guardini was highly valued by Joseph Ratzinger as a lecturer and author of inspiring books. They shared the zealous pursuit for truth, the courage to ask fundamental questions, the boldness to confront the Christian faith with the... more
This paper brings up some important points about logic, e.g., mathematical logic, and also an inconsistence in logic as per Gödel's incompleteness theorems which state that there are mathematical truths that are not decidable or... more
O Supremo Tribunal Federal teria aparentemente alterado seu anterior entendimento de que qualquer constatação de um crime em estado de flagrância dentro do domicílio era capaz de validar uma busca domiciliar realizada sem mandado... more
Los recursos tecnológicos digitales han mostrado la posibilidad de profundizar en la naturaleza del conocimiento matemático y establecer nexos entre diferentes conceptos. La investigación didáctica ha mostrado que es posible usarlos para... more
First days of a logic course This short paper sketches one logician’s opinion of some basic ideas that should be presented on the first days of any logic course. It treats the nature and goals of logic. It discusses what a student can... more
Ante las dificultades probatorias del nexo causal en supuestos de responsabilidad civil o patrimonial el Derecho obliga a que el peso de la incertidumbre recaiga en su conjunto sobre uno solo de los sujetos implicados: sobre el agente... more
... pro-vides general information on Islam, corrects some misconceptions about it, and answers some commonly asked questions, such as: § What does Islam say about terrorism? § What is the status of women in Islam? A Brief Illustrated... more
This essay takes logic and ethics in broad senses: logic as the science of evidence; ethics as the science of justice. One of its main conclusions is that neither science can be fruitfully pursued without the virtues fostered by the... more
Le seguenti riflessioni hanno un fine teorico-pratico: imparare a trattare adeguatamente i due giudizi in cui si articola la decisione del giudice. Esse nascono da un’esperienza personale, che forse può essere utile comunicare. Nel corso... more
A selection of my essays on legal pragmatism. Translated into Portuguese by Andre de Godoy Vieira and Nelio Schneider; organized by Adriano N. de Brito and Vincente Barretto.

Publshed by Editora UNISINOS 2015.
A teoria da argumentação, que nas últimas décadas experimentou tão espetacular desenvolvimento, tem dedicado uma escassa atenção ao juízo de fato. Prova do que se acaba de dizer é que ao folhar as bibliotecas jurídicas constata-se que a... more
A finalidade da prova é permitir o convencimento. Ocorre que nem sempre o elemento de prova é recepcionado com perfeição. É preciso diferenciar duas situações: a prova perfeitamente produzida que não convence e a prova cuja produção é... more
In a world dominated by half-truths, illogic, and intellectual laziness, Think Better helps readers understand what reason is and how to use it well. Reason is a powerful tool not only for finding our way in an increasingly complex world... more
Se describen cinco prácticas productivas para promover la enseñanza de las matemáticas a través de los procesos, es decir, una enseñanza basada en pensar y hacer. Asumiendo que una ‘práctica productiva’ en educación matemática es una... more
Why is This Book Now? The Manusmriti, the social doctrine of yore, and the Bhagvad-Gita, the spiritual tome in vogue that lay down the discriminatory dharma (duties) of the four social classes (castes) have been the bugbears of the Hindu... more
This paper answers some questions central argumentation. Are reasoning and argument essentially the same thing? Or is one a proper subpart of the other? Or can you have reasoning that is not in argument? Or could you have argument without... more
A study of the Ordeals, both bilateral and unilateral, in later Anglo-Saxon England and on into the period of intellectual critique in the 1wth century, and attempted abolition at the 4th Lateran Council of 1215. The aim is to understand... more
Praca stanowi pomoc dydaktyczną, w szczególności dla studentów WPiA UJ. Zaprezentowane są w niej podstawowe zagadnienia teoretyczne dotyczące dowodów założeniowych i praktyczne sposoby rozwiązywania zadań ich dotyczących. Nie jest to... more
Susan Haack, “Legal Probabilism: An Epistemological Dissent,” in Haack, Evidence Matters: Science, Proof, and Truth in the Law (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 47-77. (First published in Spanish in 2013.) Abstract: In §1, I... more
The paper uses the structure and math of Prime Generators to show there are an infinity of twin primes, proving the Twin Prime Conjecture, as well as establishing the infinity of other k-tuples of primes.
The Laws of Thought is an exploration of the deductive and inductive foundations of rational thought. The author here clarifies and defends Aristotle’s Three Laws of Thought, called the Laws of Identity, Non-contradiction and Exclusion of... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
T anrı Ha kkınd a Düşünmek: ilahi Olanın Peşinde Dini Tanımlamak Din Felsefesi Nedir? Teizmin Tanrısı Tefekküre Dayanan Araştınna ve Dini İman Hayatın Dini Bakımdan Müphemliği Bizim Görevimiz Dinin Mahiyeti : Dini lnançların... more
In this theoretical paper, we present a framework for conceptualizing proof in terms of mathematical values, as well as the norms that uphold those values. In particular, proofs adhere to the values of establishing a priori truth,... more
This volume continues the discussion initiated in Part 1 of "Logical Forms" and deals with issues of language, logic, proof, and knowledge. I list the chapter titles: 13. Language, meaning, and reference. 14. Syntax and semantics. 15... more
Since Peirce defined the first operators for three-valued logic, it is usually assumed that he rejected the principle of bivalence. However, I argue that, because bivalence is a principle, the strategy used by Peirce to defend logical... more
Paper regarding the idea of "religious tolerance" as propaganda designed to just let religion continue to do harm to society and destroy lives. See my paper 'Religion Is Not Benign' in order to better understand this paper:... more
I am Kishlaya Jaiswal, a high school student (at the time of writing this document), and I have a great curiosity in Research and Mathematics. In this paper, I’ll be presenting and proving the Vandermonde’s Identity. I’ll also be... more
It is the proof of De Morgan's laws made in Fitch notation for students of logic lecture.
This is a text for a course that introduces math majors and math-education majors to the basic concepts, reasoning patterns, and language skills that are fundamental to higher mathematics. The skills include the ability to read... more
Since the Ancient Greeks, there have been concepts and debate over their well-formedness.  In this article, for the first time in human history, I gift you a method to check any concept for well-formedness.
This article is focused on answering the question to what extent one can be a sceptic. Sextus Empiricus’s Outlines of Scepticism serves as a guide. In section 1, it is investigated whether three logical laws have a certain foundation or... more
Desde hace décadas, los científicos reclaman insistentemente la necesidad de que los laboratorios forenses abandonen, en la formulación de las conclusiones de los informes periciales, el paradigma de la individualización –que confía en la... more
La sentenza Cozzini, pronunciata dalla Corte Suprema di Cassazione nel 2010, ha stabilito i principali requisiti di affidabilità delle informazioni rese dagli esperti (periti e consulenti) nel processo penale. Il presente articolo esamina... more
It can be said that proving activities are an important activity for both mathematicians and mathematics educators. Thus, developing the proving ability is among the aims of many courses in advanced mathematics. However, although the... more
The subject of this thesis is the problem of the many - a problem which presents the challenge of there being many objects in situations in which we putatively take there to be one. The problem demands attention since it is paradoxical,... more
This work is the result of research carried out in the Master in Legal Reasoning at the University of Girona, Spain, concluded in January 2019, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Diego M. Papayannis and approved in defense before a panel... more
for a volume on Unstructured Content edited by Andy Egan and Dirk Kindermann