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O Supremo Tribunal Federal teria aparentemente alterado seu anterior entendimento de que qualquer constatação de um crime em estado de flagrância dentro do domicílio era capaz de validar uma busca domiciliar realizada sem mandado... more
In 1966 the US Supreme Court ruled that custodial suspects should be advised of their rights, including the right to silence and the right to an attorney, before questioning begins. If they waive their rights and the defense can prove... more
This forensic evaluation sample will cover the competency to confess and waive Miranda rights. The Fifth Amendment guards against self-incrimination. In order to confess, one must waive Miranda rights. However, Miranda rights must be... more
Naturaleza de la Confesión. La Confesión y la Teoría de la Prueba. Reinado de la Confesión. Defecto de las pericias. Confesión y Objeto del Proceso. Arresto del potencial confesante. Control de identidad. Parte policial. Excesos... more
The purpose of the Miranda rights in the USA is to ensure that suspects know their fundamental rights under the law, yet even native speakers of English do not always understand their rights (Rogers et al., 2010, 2011). To evaluate their... more
This here paper is in fact the collection of my reviews of some of his films, those I have seen over the years and those whose critique I have been able to find in my own archives and on various Internet sites like Amazon where I publish... more
«Miranda rule» as a new element of international human rights law. Ukrainian experience. «Letters of rights», «Miranda rules» or «Miranda warning» are the titles of the same institution of human rights in the criminal procedure field,... more
Miranda v. Arizona said that a suspect can waive her right to remain silent but also that she must invoke it. How can both be true about the same right? This article argues that the Miranda “right to remain silent” actually contains two... more