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The lack of a unified definition of giftedness leads researchers to use very different operationalizations when selecting a sample of gifted individuals for use in research. We found 74 empirical articles from 21 journals that... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
BHS: Ovim radom ponuđen je prikaz relevantnih psiholoških studija, koje su za cilj imale ispitati neki od aspekata matematičkog obrazovanja. Prikazanim istraživanjima utvrđeno je da inteligencija značajno doprinosi matematičkim... more
An in-depth look at the social and emotional skills children need to become capable and caring people. Chapters include: Tempering Perfectionism; Building Connection; Finding Joy. “A literal Godsend. Parents will find great wisdom in its... more
com/posts/articles/between-parents-of-the-gifted-and-their-therapist-onconflictual-beliefs-and-world-views-np4p0jxt7ugt8hhc Introduction A while ago, I met a third-grade boy identified as gifted. He was not my first, but he was really... more
The purpose of this research study was to determine the primary school in-service teachers' views about giftedness. Totally 30 primary school in-service teachers had participated in this study. Data was collected via Semi-structured... more
In this article we present the story of a young,university-educatedwoman,who struggles with making,choices in her career and in her life. In th iscase reportwe,provide background,information on gifted people at work (what jobs and... more
"להיות מתבגר מחונן" זו כותרת שעל פניו נראה שהיא מובנת; היא נבחרה מתוך מספר אפשרויות משום שהיא קליטה וקצרה ונראית ברורה. אולם, מתוך שלוש המלים שהיא מכילה רק "להיות" היא חד-משמעית. כאשר מדובר ב"מתבגר" ההגדרות של המחצית השניה של המאה ה-21... more
I have always loved this song by White Lion. The lyrics, despite being quite simple, perhaps a bit naive and not of high literary quality, convey a profoundness not often found in rock ballads. Some children seem to be "programmed" to cry... more
A nem szunnyadó erő 1 A tehetség fogalmának átgondolása Kivonat A tehetséggondozás kátyúja lehet, ha mechanisztikus megközelítéssel homogén tehetség fogalmat használunk, és a tehetséggondozásban nem különülnek el az eltérő fejlődésű... more
This article summarizes the main educational provisions developed and implemented for gifted and highly able students in Victoria, Australia. It emphasizes the strong influence that different governments have had on policies and... more
For two years I have been researching how neurodiverse (ASD, ADHD, gifted, etc.) people are like ancient hunter-gatherers. It hasn't been an easy enterprise, as the only work that has ever pointed to an origin of neurodiverse minds in... more
There is no doubt that students can learn and develop their creative potential, if we use the appropriate programs that successfully teach them the creativity skills and its operations. However, in order to measure the effectiveness of... more
The caring, loving, nurturing aspects of motherhood take on new roles in the postmodern world where giftedness and talent is the epitome of the “supermom’s” children. The establishment of gate schools in higher income areas is an... more
‘Gifted and talented’ has become the official way of referring to high-achieving, able school pupils. The author questions the validity and appropriateness of this label and calls for a more sophisticated and inclusive framework.... more
The talk will open with a discussion of a set of poems from Lyn Hejinian's The Unfollowing, which puts a positive spin on the association of old age with childhood. a trope that is often deployed to infantilize and disenfranchize older... more
This study aims to investigate how effective are differentiation and enrichment of an instructional design in revealing and improving creative thinking skills of gifted and talented learners. Pre-test and post-test experiment-control... more
John Senior and Michael F. Shaughnessy have asked Hanna David 14 questions about her counseling work with gifted children, youths and families: What prompted you – drove you initially to work with able children in a counselling setting?... more
Los recursos tecnológicos digitales han mostrado la posibilidad de profundizar en la naturaleza del conocimiento matemático y establecer nexos entre diferentes conceptos. La investigación didáctica ha mostrado que es posible usarlos para... more
The Counseling & Guidance Network recognizes the critical need for attention to the affective needs of the gifted individual. This Network is dedicated to addressing the social and emotional growth of the gifted and talented. In addition,... more
The use of questionnaires to evaluate educational initiatives is widespread, but often problematic. This paper examines four aspects of an evaluation survey carried out with very able pupils attending out-of-school classes: ethics,... more
This chapter describes two inclusive, multi-level learning strategies: learning contracts and agendas
In this study, we examined the relationship between the parental attitudes and self perception of the children who are nominated as gifted children. We included 3rd grade primary school students (240 children) and their parents in the... more
Though nearly 5 million students can be characterized as gifted and talented in the United States, many exceptional learners “fly under the radar.” Because they are not appropriately challenged in the general classroom, they never meet... more
A learning contract is a written agreement between a student or group of students and the teacher. It specifies what students will learn, how they will learn, how they will demonstrate their learning, and the time frame for completion.... more
Jelen munkában vizsgálom a MAWI-GY megújított verziójának felhasználási lehetőségeit a tanulási zavarokkal küzdők azonosításában. Kiemelten foglalkozom a tanulási zavarokkal küzdő, átlagon felüli intelligenciával rendelkezők... more
The term giftedness has been interpreted in many different ways throughout history depending on the area(s) of expertise of a researcher, the focus of a study, and the current trends of time. Each new definition has introduced a different... more
"להיות מתבגר מחונן" זו כותרת שעל פניו נראה שהיא מובנת; היא נבחרה מתוך מספר אפשרויות משום שהיא קליטה וקצרה ונראית ברורה. אולם, מתוך שלוש המלים שהיא מכילה רק "להיות" היא חד-משמעית. כאשר מדובר ב"מתבגר" ההגדרות של המחצית השניה של המאה ה-21... more
"Elinizdeki bu kitap, sosyal psikolojinin konularını en geniş kapsamıyla ele almakta, klasikleşmiş deneysel ve saha araştırmalarını en güncel bilimsel çalışmalarla harmanlamaktadır. Bu bakımdan, akademisyen ve öğrencilerin... more
The current study explored the influence of birth order and family size on academic achievement, divergent thinking (DT), and problem finding (PF) with a sample of 156 gifted male and female Arab students (M= 12.21 years, SD= 1.75).... more
This article explores the history of British Mensa to examine the contested status of high intelligence in Great Britain between the late 1940s and the late 1980s. Based on journals and leaflets from the association and newspaper articles... more
[Punitive] perspectives on artistic education and aesthetic knowing in classrooms void of creative expression. And how to get it back. (A critique and response to the question: What impact would art education have on creative cognition... more
Almost 30 years ago, Hamachek (1978) suggested that 2 forms of perfectionism be distinguished, a positive form labeled “normal perfectionism” and a negative form labeled “neurotic perfectionism.” Focusing on the positive, we present an... more
Artykuł prezentujący badania empiryczne dotyczące postaw nauczycieli wobec uczniów zdolnych
Artykuł pochodzi z książki "Drogi rozwoju zainteresowań i zdolności" (red. M.Jabłonowska, J.Łukasiewicz-Wieleba, Warszawa 2011). Prezentuje przegląd dostępnych, gotowych narzędzi rozpoznawania zdolności, które mogą być stosowane przez... more
Much has been written about gifted and high IQ people and to a large extent, the focus has been on their cognition, for obvious reasons. I have a gifted son and as many parents of gifted children can attest, these kids can be quite... more
The influence of coaches working with students in grades 6-12 in the context of an extra-curricular academic competitive team such as Science Olympiad has not been well studied. The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of a... more