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Quale fenomeno trasversale all’intera esperienza umana, la prova può presentarsi nelle forme più disparate. Nel prosieguo mi propongo di fissare gli aspetti di identità e di differenza delle varie figure probatorie, al fine di selezionare... more
The idea of free evaluation of evidence has a long history. In the contemporary constitutional State it constitutes a fundamental principle of the law of evidence. The paper reviews the main stages of the historical evolution of this idea... more
The single most important statement that can be made with regard to the logical status of human and physical geographical reasoning is that it belongs to the class of non-monotonic reasoning. In other words, geographical reasoning is... more
In 1933 G ¨ odel introduced a calculus of provability (also known as modal logic S4) and left open the question of its exact intended semantics. In this paper we give a solution to this problem. We find the logic LP of propositions and... more
On pense généralement que l'impossibilité, l'incomplétdulité, la paracohérence, l'indécidabilité, le hasard, la calcul, le paradoxe, l'incertitude et les limites de la raison sont des questions scientifiques physiques ou mathématiques... more
The paper uses the structure and math of Prime Generators to show there are an infinity of twin primes, proving the Twin Prime Conjecture, as well as establishing the infinity of other k-tuples of primes.
By explaining the argument from ignorance in terms of the presumption of innocence, many textbooks in argumentation theory suggest that some arguments from ignorance might share essential features with some types of presumptive reasoning.... more
This paper shows why the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function ζ will always be on the critical line Re(s) = 1/2 and not anywhere else on the critical strip bounded by Re(s) = 0 and Re(s) = 1, thus affirming the validity of the... more
Özet Matematik diğer bilimlerin aksine deney ve gözlemlere dayanmadığı için daha soyut bir yapıya sahiptir. Matematiğin bilimsel bir disiplin olmasını sağlayan en önemli hususlardan biri ise şüphesiz ispatlardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı... more
In an empirical study, the impact of exposing Linear Algebra students to a ‘Transparent Pseudo-Proof’ (TPP) of theorems was compared to that of exposing a comparable group of students to the formal proof of the same theorems. Following an... more
El libro Verdad. Controversias abiertas analiza la discusión habida desde un punto de vista histórico y sistemático del concepto “verdad” desde sus origines hasta la actualidad. En nuestro uso cotidiano, el término “verdad” hace... more This book offers new insights into the nature of human rational capacities by engaging inferentialism with... more
This paper describes algorithmic proofs of the four color theorem
based on spiral chains.
Tutorial on how to prove problems by mathematical induction, and some applications.
We combined the phases of the van Hiele theory with the methods of Cognitive Apprenticeship and enriched these combinations adding the three following ideas: (a) a special worksheet, named Structured Form Worksheet, which we used when... more

Think: Joseph of Arimathea was Arithmetic and Math in one word; then go and multiply.
Draft of paper published in Lemanski (ed.) 2020. 'Language, Logic, and Mathematics in Schopenhauer'. Originally written for the conference 'Logik, Mathematik und Sprache bei Schopenhauer' at the Hagen FernUniversität in 2017.
Haack opens her paper on “future directions” in scientific testimony with a quotation from Aristotle and an observation from a hundred-year old U.S. Supreme Court ruling! Her reason? Her argument will be that the hankering for exactness... more
The current volume explores a variety of topical themes within the general field of religion -- defined as the search for the truth concerning the nature of one's relationship with Being/Reality. Among the topics explored are: Evolution,... more
Los problemas de demostración, vistos como una instancia de la resolución de problemas, demandan en el individuo que los afronta que ponga en juego distintos conocimientos y habilidades instrumentales cuando cuenta con el apoyo de la... more
This work presents the rhetorical tools needed to meet three of the challenges surrounding the writing of history : how to produce an acceptable discourse on a polemical subject ; how to put the intuitions of the phase of discovery into... more
Accertare BARD il dolo vuol dire che il giudice deve “captare” oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio la «sostanza psicologica» della previsione e della volontà senza – per quanto è possibile – ricorrere a presunzioni anche nei contesti precettivi... more
This is Section 2.2 on "Existence Statements and Negation" in the text "Proof: Introduction to Higher Mathematics," by Esty and Esty. You can find out more about the text at
CFP with instruction for authors and complete stylesheet (including how to cite Kant). Additional information: Invited contributors: Martin Bunte - Mario Caimi - Gabriele Gava - Michelle Grier - Jindrich Karásek - James Kreines - Jacinto... more
One area where epistemology has real, practical importance is the law. In these slides Haack shows how her epistemological approach offers a better understanding of legal proof than recently-popular subjective-Bayesian approaches.
Symbols represent by codes like conventions, whereas icons represent by similarity (Couturat 1901; Dascal 1978; Gensini 1991; Serfati 2001). Until recently, much of the literature in philosophy of notation tended to follow Leibniz in... more
Investors largely invest their funds after considering a lot of factors on the investment outlets. There are large number of investment outlets are available for the investing community. Investors are sometimes assumes risk and sometimes... more
"Hogyan tudja elkerülni a szkepticizmus az öncáfolat csapdáját?" - teszi fel a kérdést Pöntör Jenő Tőzsér János szkeptikus könyve kapcsán. Meglátása szerint bár Tőzsér beleesett ebbe a csapdába, mégis van rá mód, hogy a szkepticizmus ne... more
Newton's claim to provide experimental proofs is often criticized. It is argued that his proofs are based on hypotheses and not inferred from the experiment alone. This criticism, however, applies a hypothetico-deductive analysis to... more
This paper considers how proof comprehension, proof construction, proof validation, and proof evaluation have been described in the literature. It goes on to discuss relations between and amongst these four concepts—some from the... more
Why are Geometric Proofs (Usually) “Non-Visual”? We asked this question as a way to explore the similarities and differences between diagrams and text (visual thinking versus language thinking). Traditional text-based proofs are... more
The use of formal languages in the specification of upper ontologies helps establishing precise and unambiguous definitions for its concepts and relations. In this context, the use of formal languages with support of proof-assistant... more
We outline here a certain history of ideas concerning the relation between intuitions and their external verification and consider its potential for detrivializing the concept of virtuality. From Descartes and Leibniz onward to... more
Los estándares de prueba se insertan en un proceso de valoración racional y son los criterios que indican cuándo se ha conseguido la prueba de un hecho, o sea cuándo está justificado aceptar como verdadera la hipótesis que lo describe.... more
This paper brings up some important points about logic, e.g., mathematical logic, and also an inconsistence in logic as per Gödel's incompleteness theorems which state that there are mathematical truths that are not decidable or provable.... more