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A significant proportion of the population in sub-Saharan Africa live in the rural areas, with the majority living on less than US$1 per day. Access to electricity is considered an essential element in the sustainable development of rural... more
Pollen immigration can offset the effects of genetic drift and inbreeding in small populations. To understand the genetic consequences of forest fragmentation, estimates of pollen flow into remnant fragments are essential. Such estimates... more
We use six decades of catch-at-age data for perch (Perca fluviatilis) and pike (Esox lucius) in Windermere (UK) to estimate age-and sex-specific population sizes, natural mortalities and catchabilities in both species. Population sizes... more
Selection of GI-Sb coupling heterozygotes was carried out for more than one hundred generations commencing with six independent lines drawn from a common base population. Population sizes were eight, sixteen and forty-eight parents per... more
Greater bamboo lemurs (Prolemur simus) are endemic to Madagascar and are the only recognized species within their genus. The IUCN lists the species as critically endangered, with very few confirmed distribution records and <200... more
... Tres carcasas fueron infestadas con un parásito patogénico, Angiocaulus gubernaculatus, que no se encuentra en las poblaciones de zorros en las islas de San Nicolás, San Clemente, Santa Catalina, Santa Cruz o Santa Rosa, y 2 carcasas... more
Although stony corals are most frequently studied on high-relief reef structures, many coral species occur in a wide variety of nearshore tropical habitats, including mangrove creeks, seagrass beds and rocky platforms. This study... more
One of the key stimulators of intestinal development in the chick is physical exposure to feed, while feed withholding delays the onset of gut development. A delay of 24–72 h in onset of feeding is quite common in the poultry industry due... more
A good selection of the internal parameters of a ge netic algorithm may reduce the optimization speed considerably. We studied the effects of two key par ameters, namely population size and relative elit- ism, on the optimization speed... more
The current geographical distribution of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus colony inhabiting the Cabo Blanco peninsula (Western Sahara-Mauritania) is described. Its distribution range has apparently not changed since surveys... more
A simultaneous survey of 14 protein loci, together with frequencies and within- and between-population allelism rates of lethal chromosomes, was carried out in five (four Japanese and one Korean) natural populations and one cage... more
Horseshoe crabs have recently gained popularity as new exotic delicacies in Malaysia, especially in Johor. It has been reported and claimed by some fishermen that horseshoe crabs, particularly females, are being transported in bulk to... more
Episodes of population growth and decline leave characteristic signatures in the distribution of nucleotide (or restriction) site differences between pairs of individuals. These signatures appear in histograms showing the relative... more
This paper examines the relevance of the concept of economic vulnerability for low income countries, a topic of recent concern in several international bodies. It first proposes some conceptual clarifications and a method to build an... more
We analyzed whether, in democratic open societies, economic and demographic conditions allow sporting success at the aggregate level to be predicted. Theoretical considerations led to the hypothesis that the population size and gross... more