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Magnetohydrodynamic peristaltic flow of Jeffery fluid in an asymmetric channel is addressed. The channel walls satisfy the convective conditions. Asymmetry here is considered due to wave trains of different amplitudes and phases.... more
"""Lyapunov functions for some mathematical models of ecological commensalism between two species are introduced. Global stability of the unique positive equilibrium is thereby established. Keyword: Models of ecological commensalism;... more
Nowadays, in addition to traditional qualitative methods, quantitative techniques are also a standard tool to describe biological systems behavior. An example is the broad class of mathematical models, based on differential equations,... more
This paper presents a seven-dimensional ordinary differential equation modelling the transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria between humans and mosquitoes with non-linear forces of infection in form of saturated incidence rates.... more
Attempts to ‘naturalize’ phenomenology challenge both traditional phenomenology and traditional approaches to cognitive science. They challenge Edmund Husserl’s rejection of naturalism and his attempt to establish phenomenology as a... more
Includes a description of history of theoretical biology and the author's contributions to the Estonian Spring Schools in Theoretical Biology (1975–2019) – altogether over 50 essays. University of Tartu Press, 495 pp.
كان الهدف من البحث: التعرف على فاعلية وحدة مقترحة في الرياضيات البيولوجية في تنمية مهارات الفهم العميق لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية، و قد تحددت مشكلة البحث في السؤال الرئيس الآتي: "ما فاعلية وحدة مقترحة في الرياضيات البيولوجية في تنمية... more
A mathematical model of malaria dynamics with naturally acquired transient immunity in the presence of protected travellers is presented. The qualitative analysis carried out on the autonomous model reveals the existence of backward... more
Model matematika penyebaran penyakit menular yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah model epidemi tipe SEIT (Susceptible Exposed Infective Treatment) dengan tingkat kejadian tersaturasi. Kontrol optimal pengobatan diberikan pada... more
A deterministic compartmental model for the transmission dynamics of malaria incorporating vigilant human compartment is studied. The model is qualitatively analyzed to investigate its asymptotic behavior with respect to the equilibria.... more
Despite the availability of measles vaccine since 1963, the infectious disease is still endemic in many parts of the world including developed nations. Elimination of measles requires maintaining the effective reproduction number less... more
Nicolas Rashevsky was a theoretical physicist who pioneered mathematical biology, and is also considered the father of mathematical biophysics and theoretical biology.
We formulate and analyze Zika virus transmission model with three nonlinear forces of infection from infected mosquito, asymptomatic and symptomatic humans. The sensitivity indexes of the associated parameters of the model with respect to... more
—A deterministic epidemiological model describing the spread of infectious disease characterized by pseudo-recovery due to incomplete treatment is studied. The resulting SEIRI model in a closed system is robustly analysed. Trans-critical... more
A compartmental model for the transmission dynamics of malaria with non-linear incidence function is presented and rigorously analysed...
ABSTRAK. Pada artikel ini dikonstruksi model matematika penyebaran penyakit menular tipe SEIT (Susceptible Exposed Infective Treatment). Adanya variasi virus dan kondisi jasmani yang berbeda tiap individu serta adanya perubahan perilaku... more
"This thesis is a compendium of research which brings together ideas from the fields of Complex Networks and Computational Neuroscience to address two questions regarding neural systems: 1) How the activity of neurons, via synaptic... more
To better understand the dynamics of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, we introduce an improved HBV model with standard incidence function, cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) immune response, and take into account the effect of the export... more
Farmers frequently decide where to locate the colonies of their domesticated eusocial bees, especially given the following mutually exclusive scenarios: (1) there are limited nectar and pollen sources within the vicinity of the apiary... more
Modelagem matemática de câncer/tumor: seria o mais novo aliado na luta contra o câncer/tumor? Nas últimas décadas, tem havido um aumento significativo no diagnóstico (precoce) de câncer em todo o mundo. Segundo o INCA (Instituto Nacional... more
Controle de peso é um vultoso desafio para qualquer pessoa. Ordinariamente, apreensão com relação a controle de peso abrolha tanto devido a fatores estéticos como de bem-estar. Umas das maiores problemáticas jaz na ocorrência de que o... more
Immersi nella spiaggia cosmica, trasportati da un piccolo granello di polvere, non abbiamo mai smesso di interrogarci sulla nostra origine. La natura della vita sulla terra e la ricerca della vita altrove nell’universo convergono ad... more
Neste artigo discuti-se a na importância da biomatemática e campos relacionados como braços da engenharia e matemática, e vise versa.
In the last decades Exp-function method has been used for solving fractional differential equations. In this paper, we obtain exact solutions of fractional generalized reaction Duffing model and nonlinear fractional diffusion–reaction... more
LeBard , R., Pye, M., & Quinnell, R. (2019). Assessing First Year Biology Students’ Maths Attitudes: Does HSC Maths Foster Confidence? Proceedings Australian Conference Science and Mathematics Education, The University of Sydney and... more
For university biology students transferring ‘mathematics’ to a life science discipline is as uncomfortable for them as being in a mathematics class. I say ‘uncomfortable’ as about 50% of our life science students tend to adopt a rigid... more
In this paper, we explain why the chaotic mutation (CM) model of J. M. Bahi and C. Michel (2008) simulates the genes mutations over time with good accuracy. It is firstly shown that the CM model is a truly chaotic one, as it is defined by... more
This paper offers some backgrounding on the sometimes vexed area of 'academic identities' through descriptions and reflections of select moments in my career where my scholarly work was informed by my home discipline of Biology and... more
In this article, the pattern learned from the classic or conventional rotating circular genetic code is transferred to a 64-grid model. In this non-static representation, the codons for the same amino acid within each quadrant could be... more