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An “explanatory drive” motivates children to explain ambiguity. Individuals with autism spectrum disorders are interested in how systems work, but it is unknown whether they have an explanatory drive. We presented children with and... more
... DOI: 10.1177/0165025406063585 2006 30: 127 International Journal of Behavioral Development Research Team Jacqueline Barnes, Jay Belsky, Kate A. Broomfield, Edward Melhuish and & the National... more
Individuals do not respond uniformly to treatments, events, or interventions. Sociologists routinely partition samples into subgroups to explore how the effects of treatments vary by covariates like race, gender, and socioeconomic status.... more
Adaptive control in the face of uncertainty involves making online predictions about events in order to plan actions to reliably achieve desirable outcomes. However, we often face situations in which the effects of our actions are... more
An experiment was conducted to investigate the relative contributions of syntactic form and content to conditional reasoning. The content domain chosen was that of causation. Conditional statements that described causal relationships (if... more
In this paper we examine the ability to perform causal reasoning with recursive equilibrium models. We identify a critical postulate, which we term the Manipulation Postulate, that is required in order to perform causal inference, and we... more
本報告は,因果関係に関する「人間らしい」推論の1つのモデルを提案する。 従来より,p という事象とq という事象とのあいだにどのような関係があればそれが「因果関係」と認知されるのか,について議論されてきた。われわれは,その認知の中で働いていると見られる「対称性バイアス」および「相互対称性バイアス」という2 つの非論理的な認知的バイアスが,結果として合理的な因果関係の認知・推論・期待形成をもたらしているのではないかという仮説を立てた。 これを検証するため,この2... more
This volume explores abductive cognition, an important but, at least until the third quarter of the last century, neglected topic in cognition. The book aims at increasing knowledge about creative and expert inferences. The study of these... more
IN PRESS AT AERA OPEN: Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs have demonstrated positive effects on children’s social-emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes, as well as classroom climate. Some programs also theorize that program... more
This practical introduction is geared towards scientists who wish to employ Bayesian networks for applied research using the BayesiaLab software platform. Through numerous examples, this book illustrates how implementing Bayesian networks... more
Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit folgenden Fragen: (1) Wie verwenden Sozialwissenschaftler Begriffe wie „Ursache“ und „Kausalität“? (2) Wie gehen Sozialwissenschaftler vor, wenn Kausalität ermittelt werden soll? (3) Inwieweit sind die... more
Over the last several decades, the theories of emergence and downward causation have become arguably the most popular conceptual tools in scientific and philosophical attempts to explain the nature and character of global organization... more
This outline provides pincite references for research supporting appropriate disciplinary spanking, in contrast to the predominantly correlational evidence used to oppose all spanking by the APA and AAP. Two major publications in the past... more
Symmetry bias is sometimes regarded as a culprit that results in fallacies and spoils our logically correct reasoning. We believe, however, that this bias is also indispensable if we are to obtain unfamiliar notions, to think creatively,... more
Terrorism studies has an enduring puzzle: how do terrorist organisations grow, persist and survive? Using the Japanese new religion Aum Shinrikyo as a case study, this thesis posits that three causal mechanisms—cultural transmission,... more
We assemble a rich dataset that maps geocoded microdata on various measures of living standards, point-specific geographical attributes, and remotely-sensed pollution data onto gridded population data to determine whether urbanization... more
A central aim of medical research is causal inference. Does this drug have harmful side-effects? Is this medical intervention effective? Does this chemical cause cancer? To provide evidence that bears on these important questions, many... more
Statistical mediation and moderation have most prominently been distinguished by Baron and Kenny (1986). More complex models that combine both of these effects have recently received increased attention, namely mediated moderation and... more
In this paper hope to break some new ground and help make Spinoza's key doctrine of Scientia Intuitiva more readily understandable. I will proceed in the following order (keep in mind the word ‘proceed’). I will first provide a close... more
Hypotheses about psychological processes are often tested using traditional mediation analysis. This analysis relies onmeasurement of a transmitting variable. Conducting this analysis has become almost synonymous with examining... more
Presentation of Aristotle's invaluable syllogisms with the even more valuable consolidation of those syllogism.
... Free Will: a historical and philosophical introduction jej autor, Ilham Dilman, przenikają karty najstarszych dzieł literatury greckiej [Dilman, 1999]. ... świadomej woli: „plany działania nie wydają się wymuszać zachowa-nia w tym... more
PC is a prototypical constraint-based algorithm for learning Bayesian networks, a special case of directed acyclic graphs. An existing variant of it, in the R package pcalg, was developed to make the skeleton phase order independent. In... more
This article considers whether employment is a "turning point" in the lives of criminal offenders. We present a brief overview of research on the relationship between work and crime. Our review suggests that work programs appear... more
Zusammenfassung Exploratives Experimentieren schafft vielfältige Bedingungen und beobachtet deren Folgen zur systematischen Untersuchung von Ereignismengen hinsichtlich Bedingung-Folge-Verhältnissen. Dabei müssen bestimmende notwendige... more