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Bibliography of Dutch literature in Polish translation In: "Widzę rzeki szerokie...: z dziejów literatury niderlandzkiej XIX i XX wieku. Tom 2" / red.: Jerzy Koch, Piotr Oczko. - Poznań : Zakład Studiów Niderlandzkich i... more
Niniejsza publikacja zawiera: • tłumaczenia 170 dokumentów polskich i niemieckich, w tym reprezentatywnych dokumentów metrykalnych, szkolnych, notarialnych, policyjnych, sądowych, pracowniczych, handlowych, księgowo-podatkowych i... more
Celem pracy jest zilustrowanie dwunastu tendencji deformacyjnych Antoine'a Bermana na przykładzie powieści Ahmadou Kouroumy "Fama Dumbuya najprawdziwszy Dumbuya na białym koniu". W pierwszej części pracy wskazujemy miejsce Ahmadou... more
Analiza kilku wydanych tłumaczeń wiersza Lewisa Carrolla „Jabberwocky” w odniesieniu do oryginału. Czy zarys znaczenia w nonsensie znalazł odwzorowanie w przekładzie polskim?
Is it possible to outdo a great master? Polish versions of Edward Lear’s absurd limericks prepared by the members of the Translation Section versus Stanisław Barańczak’s translations Stanisław Barańczak, an eminent Polish poet,... more
The first Polish translation of Charlotte Brontefs widely popular Victorian classic Jane Eyre was published between 1880-1881, exactly 33 years after the original novel came out. It was being issued under the title "Janina. Powieść z... more
Polish hexametric translation of a passage from Ovid's "Metamorphoses". Orpheus descends into the underworld to beg its imperators for bringing alive his lover Eurydice.
Osamdeste godine, unatoč nemirnoj političkoj i financijskoj situaciji u kojoj su se nalazile i Poljska i Jugoslavija, jedno je od najživljih razdoblja u povijesti poljsko-hrvatskih kulturnih veza. Za prevodilačku književnost znači čak... more
Arystoteles, Etyka eudemejska, I.4, 1215 a20 – 1215 b14 W 4 rozdziale I księgi Etyki eudemejskiej Arystoteles wyróżnia trzy rodzaje dobra, które uważa za największe dla ludzi: cnotę, rozum i przyjemność. Łączy je z trzema sposobami... more
Prezentacja została wygłoszona podczas konferencji w Rybnej pod Krakowem "Języki specjalistyczne" 22 listopad 2018 r. Tematem było omówienie zakresu pojęciowego terminów "adekwatność" oraz "ekwiwalencja" w polskiej oraz rosyjskiej nauce o... more
The paper shows the specifical style of A. Pilipuk's books about Jakub Wędrowycz and his companions. The author concentrates on the difficulties this style can create for the potential Bulgarian translator of the books. The main... more
Anaxagoras A new Polish rendition of one of the chapters of Vitae philosophorum (II,6,1 – II,15,12) by the most famous doxographer of antiquity has been enriched with translator’s footnotes. They include: (1) explanations of historical... more
W artykule zostanie podjęta próba analizy porównawczej dwóch tłumaczeń na język polski Prologu do tragedii Włodzimierz Majakowski, pierwszego utworu dramatycznego, napisanego przez W. Majakowskiego w 1913 roku. Autorem pierwszego... more
From the history of the Polish translations of Croatian literature. The fitfh chapter of the book "Croatica. Croatian literature and culture in Poland between 1944 and 1989" about the third part of the whole period. After the death of... more
In her book Time-Space of Artistic Translation (Polish: Spotkania. Czasoprzestrzeń przekładu artystycznego), the author presents artistic translation as a communicative and hermeneutical issue with a specific place taken among other... more
Sobre la traducción vista desde el punto de vista de tradiciones literarias y traductológicas.
Hippocrates, Law This little tract from Corpus Hippocraticum, the authorship of which is usually denied to Hippocrates by hipercritical modern editors and commentators, alas, without giving any convincing and compelling arguments,... more
Translators are a part of institutionalized translation literature together with organi‑ zations of translators, literary critics, publishing houses, and magazines. They played a very important role in The Polish People's Republic. The... more
«Storia di una recensione» Questa recensione mi era stata proposta dal comitato scientifico della rivista "Albertiana". Mentre stavo per consegnare il lavoro alla redazione, sono stata invitata a prepararne una versione ridotta per la... more
Bei einem Übersetzungsvorhaben steht jeder Übersetzer und jede Übersetzerin vor einer sprachlichen Herausforderung und meist auch vor der Aufgabe, das Original in einen anderen kulturellen Kontext zu übertragen. Zusätzlich problematisch... more
Kroatywni. Dramat chorwacki po 1990 roku. Wybór tekstów powstał na podstawie antologii współczesnego dramatu chorwackiego zatytułowanej Odbrojavanje (Odliczanie). Zestawił ją Leo Rafolt, a wydała w 2007 roku Zagrzebska Szkoła... more
The whole analyzed period of literary and cultural ties between Croatia and Poland is not uniform. It should be divided into five sub-periods: 1) 1944-1948 – from the inception of the Polish People’s Republic to the adoption of the... more
From the history of the Polish translations of Croatian literature. The sixth chapter of the book "Croatica. Croatian literature and culture in Poland between 1944 and 1989" about the fourth part of the whole period. After an initial and... more
The 30th anniversary of the death of Miloš Crnjanski (1893—1977) and the publishing of the translation of his novel A Novel about London markt the beginning of studying how the nowel was received by the readers of the original version... more
In celebration of the European Day of Languages, join us for an exploration of how comic fantasy author, Terry Pratchett's famous Discworld novels are translated. This event is organised by EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for... more
The period between 1944 and 1989 is already a closed chapter of the history of Polish culture during which it was subject to numerous restrictions, among other, ideological ones. The leading theme of the very book is a small fragment of... more
After 1989 the number of translations of Bulgarian literature into Polish decreased dramatically in comparison with the output of the previous 50 years. On the one hand, this seems to be caused by a complete change of the Polish state’s... more
There are two Polish translations of Andrić’s short story U musafirhani. First one by Maria Znatowicz-Szczepańska was published in 1937. Second one by Alija Dukanović, Bosnian who settled and lived in Poland, was published in 1966. The... more
Si analizza influsso della lingua italiana sul polacco nella prospettiva del nuovo linguaggio televisivo, affermatosi negli anni Ottanta in seguito alla penetrazione in Polonia del modello della tv commerciale. L'ingresso di non pochi... more
Grzegorz Przebinda „STO DWADZIEŚCIA JEDNA MAŁGORZATA”. ON THE TEXT OF THE FIRST POLISH TRANSLATION OF THE MASTER AND MARGARITA Summary The first Polish translation of Bulgakov’s masterpiece — done by Irena Lewandowska and Witold Dąbrowski... more