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Dwarf fan palm (Chamaerops humilis L.) is an important Mediterranean species well known for many uses such as gardening, environmental restoration, and technological uses. Dwarf fan palm is usually propagated from seed, which takes up to... more
The African palm fossil record is limited but the data provide an outline of palm evolution from the Late Cretaceous through the Neogene. Pollen attributed to palms is reported from the Aptian (125–112 Mya), but the earliest unequivocal... more
Palms (Arecaceae) are iconic plant fossils, providing evidence of warm climates in the geological past in geographical areas that today support temperate, boreal or even polar climates. Fossil palm leaves are well known from Paleocene... more
Many research works are being carried out to enhance the performances of internal combustion engines to meet out the current energy demand and to reduce the emission with the alternate fuels. Energy production is heavily dependent on... more
El cultivo de la palma de chontaduro (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) presenta dos especies de gorgojos que barrenan y ocasionan la caída prematura de los frutos en formación, causando pérdidas de hasta el 100% de la producción. Palmelampius... more
Oil palm is the best oil-containing crop in terms of yield capacity, even though planting oil palms won't give immediate returns. The crop's productivity depends on tree species, soil type, climatic conditions, oil palm plantation... more
Inasmuch as motives for physical activity and leisure participation have been a well-explored research area in occidental and oriental countries, a very limited data was available in the Philippines specifically on pre-service physical... more
Butia is a genus of palms (Arecaceae), autochthonous to South America with great potential for income generation. In order to better utilize and maintain the currently available genetic resources, it is necessary to pursue studies... more
Fourteen new species of palms (Arecaceae) from Madagascar are described and named, based on material collected over the last 15 years. Twelve species belong to the genus Dypsis, namely D. andilamenensis Rakotoarin. & J. Dransf., D. anjae... more
Now day’s natural fibres as reinforcement have received more attention from the research community all over the world in preparing polymer composites. These natural fibres have lot of advantages over synthetic fibres. In this paper two... more
Sap is a watery fluid that transports plant photosynthetic products towards various tissues to support growth. Tapping palms for their sap is reported to have originated from India approximately 4,000 years ago. Palm sap is rich in sugars... more
In 2010, during excavations in the old town center and near the old harbor entrance of Vlissingen (province of Zeeland, the Netherlands), a city that flourished during the 17th century (Silkens 2008), archaeobotanical remains revealed... more
En la Formación Chiquimil (Mioceno superior) del Grupo Santa María se han estudiado diversas palmeras y otras angiospermas representadas por registros polínicos, leños fósiles e impresiones de hojas, de tallos y de frutos. La presente... more
Updated information on the palm genus Trachycarpus
Tahina J.Dransf. & Rakotoarinivo, gen. nov. (Arecaceae) is described as a new genus from north-western Madagascar, with a single species T. spectabilis J.Dransf. & Rakotoarinivo, sp. nov.Tahina is included within tribe Chuniophoeniceae of... more
Role of mammals on seed dispersal and predation processes of Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) in the Colombian Amazon. Mammals and palms are important elements of fauna and flora in the Neotropics, and their interactions, such as fruit... more
The coastal and hilly sectors in the province of Messina Province and the Aeolian Archipelago have been explored, in order to obtain up-to-date information on the distribution of the populations of Chamaerops humilis in NE Sicily and on... more
This paper is a survey of Arecaceae family in Rio Grande do Sul state. We recognize 15 native species in this state (Bactris setosa, Butia catarinensis, B. eriospatha, B. exilata, B. lallemantii, B. odorata, B. paraguayensis, B. witeckii,... more
Daemonorops is one of the largest genus of palms, widely distributed in tropical evergreen forests of South and Southeast Asia and especially abundant in peninsular Malaysia. It shares the phylogenetic clade with genus Calamus, but... more
Trachycarpus fortunei (windmill palm) is one of the most widely distributed and widely used palms in East Asia. In order to find further uses for the palm’s fibers, however, more information on their mechanical and anatomical properties... more
Palms form a vital component of forest and agricultural ecosystem, providing a wide range of economic products necessary for daily life. Recently, there is a growing popularity for palm cultivation, both for indoor and outdoor decoration,... more
Fossil palms provide qualitative evidence of (subtropical al conditions and frost-free winters in the geological past, including modern cold climate regions (e.g., boreal, or polar climates). The freeze intolerance of palms varies across... more
... In addition, RPB acknowledges the financial support of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). RPB and AO would like to thank Prof. ... SAMBOU, B., A.GOUDIABY, F. ERVIK, D. DIALLO AND MC CAMARA. 2002. ...