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Se realizó el estudio de anatomía de la madera de 69 especies latifoliadas procedentes de la Unidad Experimental de la Reserva Forestal Caparo (estado Barinas, Venezuela). Se presentan descripciones completas, tanto a nivel macroscópico... more
This comparative study focused on understanding the effect of coupling agent and particle size on weathering behaviour of wood polypropylene composite. Two coupling agents, namely maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene and m-TMI... more
A análise comparativa da anatomia do lenho das espécies Bowdichia nitida Spruce ex Benth, Diplotropis brasiliensis (Tul.) Benth., Diplotropis martiusii Benth., Diplotropis purpurea (Rich.) Amshoff e Diplotropis racemosa (Hoehne) Amshoff é... more
Los objetivos del trabajo fueron 1- Determinar los patrones de variación axial y radial de la densidad de la madera y longitud de fibras en el fuste de Robinia pseudoacacia, 2- Determinar la edad de transición entre madera juvenil y... more
Kayu merupakan komoditas alam yang hingga saat ini masih dipilih sebagai bahan bangunan dan meubel karena beberapa keunggulannya yaitu, warna, corak, kekuatan serta mudah dalam pengerjaan.. kekurangan dari produk kayu kapur (Dryobalanops... more
BACKGROUND: In spite of its indusrial usefulness and varied daily uses, lead (Pb) pollution is a widespread ecological problem that faces the humans in the 21th century. Pb was found to produces a wide range of toxic effects including... more
Effect of temperature and moisture content on compression strength parallel to the grain of selected species of wood with variable density and anatomical structures This paper presents an assessment of the effect of temperature and... more
Il legno delle specie del genere Salix, di colore chiaro e lucente, a durame appena differenziato, mostra notevole omogeneità a livello anatomico, e non presenta particolari differenze tra le diverse entità tali da rendere possibile una... more
The chemical contents in cultivated 3 year-old bamboo culms of Gigantochloa brang, G. levis, G. scortechinii and G. wrayi were studied. Different composition were exhibited in the extractives, holocellulose, α-cellulose, lignin, and ash... more
The objective of this study was to determine the isothermal drying kinetics of Acacia mangium wood blocks by employing a relative humidity-controlled drying chamber. A model was developed based on solution of Fick's second law and... more
The only natural material for building boats is wood. There are various designs in the art of wooden boat building. The techniques for building wooden boats depends on the type of boat, the technique and procedure for making day sailors... more
Introducción: La región de los mayas peninsulares en México es la que más ha conservado la tradición de la construcción de vivienda a partir de elementos naturales con un conocimiento ancestral de carácter etnoecológico, lo cual... more
Attempt was made to evaluate the wood variation in Dalbergia sissoo (shisham) from the local markets of Himachal Pradesh. The highest moisture content (20.17%) was observed in the wood samples of Nalagarh site. Highest specific gravity of... more
E-book version of the printed book "Archaeology and Ethnography of Forest and Wood." The Working Committee on Industrial Archeology and Archeometry of the Veszprém Academic Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – together with... more
Sistem kardiovaskuler adalah suatu sistem organ yang bertugas untuk menyampaikan nutrien (seperti asam amino dan elektrolit), hormon, sel darah dll dari dan menuju sel-sel tubuh manusia, yang bertujuan untuk menjaga keseimbangan... more
Preservation of Wooden Musical Instruments: Ethics, Practice and Assessment
Musical Instruments Museum (Brussels), 5-7 October 2017
Mots-clés. Villa, artisanat, cuve, bassin, ensemble funéraire, pratique funéraire, dépôt, céramique, fusaïole, macrorestes, végétaux, faune, dendrochronologie, Divodurum, Médiomatriques. Résumé. Une opération archéologique (2011) a... more
In this chapter we discuss the vegetation history and palaeoecology of Anatolian woodlands, focusing on insights gained through the analysis of anthracological remains from prehistoric habitation sites. In the semi-arid regions of... more
VITALITY OF XYLEM PARENCHYMA DURING HEARTWOOD FORMATION ABSTRACT Three dyes namely Neutral Red (NR), Brilliant Cresyl Blue (BCB) and Phenosafranine were used in studying the vitality of xylem ray parenchyma cells in three heartwood... more
Eeuwenlang was hout de belangrijkste grondstof voor allerlei gebruiksvoorwerpen. Deze studie geeft een overzicht van houten voorwerpen en plaatst ze in een breder historisch kader. Het boek bevat een uitgebreide thematisch ingedeelde... more
In recent years, the research carried out at Deir el-Medina under the aegis of the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (Ifao) has taken on new directions, accelerating the study of unpublished documentation and broadening... more
Recent large-scale studies of tree growth in the Iberian Peninsula reported contrasting positive and negative effects of temperature in Mediterranean angiosperms and conifers. Here we review the different hypotheses that may explain these... more
Acacia melanoxylon and Acacia dealbata are two Australian species well acclimated in Chile, both wood species with an interesting industrial potential. In this work, has been studied kiln drying runs and the wood drying quality of the... more
At the foot of the Bandiagara cliffs in Mali lives one of the most studied and yet most mysterious ethnic groups of West Africa, the Dogon. According to their religion, masks have a key role in traditional rites, since they are the link... more
In 2013 heeft de Universiteit van Amsterdam een archeologisch onderzoek uitgevoerd in het plangebied Leiderdorp-Plantage. Eerder uitgevoerd inventariserend veldwerk door Archeomedia in 2003 had al aangetoond dat op deze locatie een... more
Simpson, E. The Gordion Wooden Objects, Volume 1: The Furniture from Tumulus MM. Leiden: Brill, 2010.
Physical and mechanical properties and anatomy of metasequoia wood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng). Metasequoia glyptostroboides is the only species of the metasequoia genus preserved to our day. It produces coarse wood with a... more
The Age of Wood is a lively history of biology, mechanics and culture of wood that stretches back 60 million years, from the evolution of small, tree-dwelling, bush babies, to our more sobering modern times, as megafires, propelled by... more
Bamboo can be used for housing and is widely regarded as an excellent substitute for wood in the form of laminated bamboo boards. The extent of bamboo housing in Ghana is relatively low and is mainly traditional and rudimental. It is... more
The archaeological site of Chinikihá, with its main occupation during the Late Classic Period (AD 700-900), is located within the northwestern Lowlands of the Maya area. It is surrounded by a large variety of ecosystems, rich in animal... more