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...Utilizamos las siguientes páginas de esta introducción del volumen para ofrecer un contexto historiográfico de las contribuciones que presentamos. Consideramos tres temas —o, más bien, tres procesos historiográficos—, que han influido... more
2. Tropical Montane Cloud Forests: Conservation Status and Management Issues Charles Doumenge, Don Gilmour, Manuel Ruiz Pérez, and Jill Blockhus With the collaboration of the World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK, and Alain... more
Summary of excavations at Manachaqui Cave 1988-1990, and Chachapoya development sequence
En el bosque montano de los Andes del norte existe un vacío en el conocimiento sobre interacciones ecológicas de los colibríes. Los factores que pueden determinar la estructura de la red planta-colibrí y sus características son... more
A propósito del año mundial de la biodiversidad, hoy la humanidad tiene como reto reivindicar los ecosistemas en la economía de mercado para garantizar su existencia ante otros usos de mayor rentabilidad financiera; esto, cuando las... more
El presente estudio tiene por objetivo determinar la composición y diversidad de la flora arbórea de un área de bosque montano, de manera que proporcione información base para la gestión de la Concesión para la Conservación Puyu... more
Se realizó un levantamiento de información de campo y de gabinete, sobre la diversidad de aves del Parque Nacional Yanachaga Chemillen (Pasco, Perú) y su zona de amortiguamiento; como parte de dos evaluaciones ecológicas rápidas... more
This chapter presents evidence for interregional interaction excavated from the stratified layers of Manachaqui Cave, a rock shelter in the fragmented upper montane forests of the northern Peruvian ceja de selva. Manachaqui is situated... more
(Informal): El contenido de este volumen representa el estado del conocimiento de la flora, fauna, geología y arqueología de la cuenca alta del valle Montecristo (afluente del río Abiseo) , dentro del Parque Nacional del Río Abiseo hasta... more
A tree inventory and carbon stock assessment was conducted in three 50 x 100 meter randomly established sampling plots in the lower montane forest of Mt. Kalatungan, a protected area located in Mindanao, Philippines. A total of 31 species... more
3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and IOT (CCCIOT 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Cloud computing and IoT. The aim of the... more
For more than one hundred years, archaeologists have attributed impressive monumental settlement complexes in the tropical montane forests of Chachapoyas to late pre-Hispanic population intrusions from neighboring regions, or to... more
Mount Mbam is an unprotected Important Bird Area in West Cameroon, where 225 species have been observed to date, including three that are globally threatened—White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis (Critically Endangered),... more
Climatic and anthropogenic changes are contributing to the degradation of different ecosystems in Costa Rica, thereby altering climatic, ecological, and geomorphic conditions. The hypothesis of this PhD thesis is that high tropical... more
To characterize the diversity, structure and composition of the assemblage of diurnal butterfly species (Lepidoptera: Pa- pilionoidea), standardized captures were made for twelve months (June 2012-May 2013) in two sites of a cloud forest... more
Tropical mountain ranges are known to support high biodiversity. In addition to their role as refuge habitat, complex topography within these ecosystems promotes the development of diverse species traits and evolutionary divergence.... more
RESUMEN Analizamos la presencia y abundancia de palomas tropicales residentes en la Reserva de la Biosfera Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México durante las épocas reproductivas de 2010 y 2011. Se emplearon distintos métodos de con‐ teo para... more
We identify policies that would provide a solid foundation in key international negotiations to ensure that primary forests persist into the 21st Century. A novel compilation of primary forest cover and other data revealed that protec-... more
Species composition, diversity, structure and microclimate were compared in two edge type of montane cloud forest (FF, edges with pine forest and FS, secondary shrubland) within a forest-edge-exterior gradient at Sierra de Manantlán... more
I provide the first description of the nest and juveniles of the Coppery Metaltail (Metallura theresiae), a hummingbird endemic to Peru. The locality of Unchog, in the elfin forest of the Carpish mountains in Huánuco, is where I found... more
1. Introducción Si bien en la introducción revisamos el desarrollo de los estudios regionales y las rutas por las cuales llegamos al momento en que nos encontramos, en este capítulo contextualizamos los artículos anteriores entre las... more
Limitations imposed on species ranges by the climatic, ecological, and physiological effects of elevation are important determinants of extinction risk. We modeled the effects of elevational limits on the extinction risk of landbirds, 87%... more
Evaluación de las especies endémicas de aves que habitan en los bosques de Polylepis y determinar el mapa de distribución en los bosques monitoreados.
In the current scenarios, there was a huge demand for the wearable devices due to the development of clouds and cloudlet technology. So there has been wide essential to offer a better medical care to the people. For processing the patient... more
Varios estudios indican que las montañas tropicales y su biodiversidad van a ser muy afectadas por el cambio climatico. Sin embargo, se desconoce mucho de los procesos ecológicos que ocurren en los bosques montanos, e incluso de... more
An extensive analysis of the Mexican, Central American and South American populations of the “deiphile complex” of the genus Prepona is conducted with respect to their distribution and morphological differentiation, in which the specific... more