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7 Evolution of the palm androecium as revealed by character mapping on a supertree Sophie Nadot, Julie Sannier , Anders Barfod and William J. Baker 7.1 Introduction Over the last two decades, our insight into the phylogenetic relationships among groups of living organisms has increased signiicantly (see, for example, the Tree of Life Project, Maddison et al., 2007). Since the i rst burst in phylogenetic analyses occurred in the early nineties triggered by the discovery of the PCR technique (Saiki et al., 1988), constant improvements in laboratory techniques have made it easier to reveal patterns of molecular variation across organisms (e.g. McCombie et al., 1992; Ronaghi, 2001). At the same time, computer power, access to online data and analytical tools have rapidly improved (see, for example, Guindon et al., 2003 and 2005). he most popular methods are based on most parsimonious reconstructions (MP) or Bayesian inference (BI), the latter allowing for molecular dating and therefore gaining in popularity (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist, 2001; Ronquist and Huelsenbeck, 2003). he methods have been implemented in userfriendly software such as MacClade (Maddison and Maddison, 2001), Bayestraits (available from, see also Pagel, 1999; Pagel et al., 2004) and the more recently developed Mesquite (Maddison and Flowers on the Tree of Life, ed. Livia Wanntorp and Louis P. Ronse De Craene. Published by Cambridge University Press. © The Systematics Association 2011. E VO LU T I O N O F T HE PA L M A N D RO ECIU M Maddison, 2009). As a consequence of these recent developments a large number of robust and highly resolved phylogenies are now available for various taxonomic levels, providing excellent frameworks for exploring character evolution through space and time. he palms (Arecaceae or Palmae) are an iconic family of lowering plants comprising around 2400 species distributed worldwide. Palms constitute a highly distinctive component of tropical rain forests and often have major ecological impacts in the plant communities where they occur. At the same time they are of immense economic signiicance, both at the international level (e.g. oil palm, date palm, coconut, rattan) and at the village level, where they provide shelter and food. Research interest in the palm family has greatly increased in the last three decades. he results have recently been synthesized into a monograph, which describes the morphology, ecology and geographical distribution of all palm genera (Dransield et al., 2008a). Several authors have contributed to unravelling the relationships among genera in the family (Asmussen and Chase, 2001; Hahn, 2002; Lewis and Doyle, 2002; Asmussen et al., 2006). he results have been summarized in a robust and comprehensive supertree phylogeny by Baker et al. (2009), including all genera of the family but the newly discovered Tahina (Dransield et al., 2008b). h is represents an excellent opportunity for studying evolutionary trends in morphological and ecological traits. Palm lowers are usually small and trimerous, with a perianth typically consisting of three sepals and three petals. hey are actinomorphic to slightly asymmetric and usually rather inconspicuous. However, in other features there is wide variation. h is applies particularly to loral arrangement, sexual expression in space (hermaphroditism versus monoecy, dioecy or polygamy) and time (dichogamy), as well as number, size and synorganization of loral organs. he androecium, which we will focus on here, typically includes six stamens, but this number can be reduced to three, like Nypa Wurmb (lowers with a single stamen have been observed in Dypsis lantzeana Baill.: Rudall et al., 2003), it can vary between 6 and 12 in a more or less stable manner, like Roystonea O.F.Cook, or it may attain very high numbers, such as tribe Phytelepheae (subfamily Ceroxyloideae), where hundreds of stamens are packed together tightly on the loral apex (Fig 7.1). In some species with unisexual lowers, noticeable diferences in number, size and shape exist between the functional androecium of the male lower and the sterile androecium of the pistillate lower (Fig 7.1). he ontogenetic development of selected polyandrous palm species has been studied by Barfod and Uhl (2001), Uhl (1976), Uhl and Moore (1977), Uhl and Moore (1980) and Uhl and Dransield (1984). Other studies concerned with the palm androecium have focused on anther attachment and dehiscence, pollen wall ornamentation and pollen aperture type (Harley, 1999; Harley and Baker, 2001), as well as microsporogenesis (Sannier et al., 2006). 157 158 FLOWERS ON THE TREE OF LIFE (A) (B) (C) (D) Fig 7.1 Various lower morphologies in palms. (A) Hermaphroditic lower of Licuala peltata (tribe Trachycarpeae, subfam. Coryphoideae) with six stamens. (B) Male lower of Howea balmoreana (tribe Areceae, subfam. Arecoideae) with approximately 30 to 50 stamens. (C) Female lower of Howea balmoreana (only the three stigmas of the pistil are visible, protruding from the lower; the three staminodes are not visible). (D) Male lower of Aphandra natalia (tribe Phytelepheae, subfam. Ceroxyloideae) with approximately 500 stamens. In this chapter we optimize characters relating to the palm androecium on the recently published supertree by Baker et al. (2009). h is provides insights into the role of stamen synorganization and morphology, in the diversiication of palms in particular, and in monocots and lowering plants in general. 7.2 Materials and methods 7.2.1 Choice of characters and character coding Table 7.1 shows the list of characters examined and the coding into discrete character states. All characters are related to the androecium except for ‘Petal connation’, which was recorded to enable a comparison with ‘Stamen connation’, petals being the part of the perianth that is the closest to the androecium. All coding is based on the information presented in the genus descriptions of Dransield et al. (2008a). In most cases character variation was easily broken down into a limited number of states. To avoid polymorphism the variation found for ‘Stamen connation’ and ‘Petal connation’ was coded using an additional character state that corresponds to the presence of two diferent states within the same genus. Dei ning character states for stamen number proved to be problematic, both because of the range of variation throughout the family (from three to hundreds) and because of the range of variation within certain genera. We therefore chose to use a binary coding for the character ‘Stamen number’, in which state 0 is oligandry (dei ned here as six or less stamens) and state 1 is polyandry (more than six stamens). he number six corresponds to twice the merism of all palm lowers. Stamen numbers recorded for polyandrous genera are given in Table 7.2. E VO LU T I O N O F T HE PA L M A N D RO ECIU M Table 7.1 List of characters examined in this study. All characters were treated as discrete and coded as such. Characters Character states Characters examined for genera bearing bisexual or unisexual lowers Stamen number Oligandry (6 stamens or less) = 0; Polyandry = 1 Anther dehiscence Latrorse = 0; Extrorse = 1; Introrse = 2 Anther attachment Dorsiixed = 0; Basiixed = 1 Stamen connation Free = 0; Connate = 1; Free or connate* = 2 Petal connation Free = 0; Connate = 1; Free or connate* = 2; Connate in one ring = 3 Stamen adnation (to petals) Free = 0; Adnate = 1 Characters examined only for genera bearing unisexual lowers Staminode number (female lowers) versus functional stamen number (male lowers) Identical = 0; Different = 1; Lacking = 2 Pistillode in male lowers Present = 0; Lacking = 1; Minute = 2 *Infrageneric variation 7.2.2 Phylogenetic background and character optimization Optimization of androecium characters was performed on a recent supertree of palms (Baker et al., 2009). It includes all genera accepted by Govaerts and Dransield (2005) plus those recognized later by Baker et al. (2006) and Lewis and Zona (2008). We slightly modiied the supertree (see Fig 3 in Baker et al., 2009) by considering only accepted genera according to Dransield et al. (2008a). he recently discovered genus Tahina J.Dransf. and Rakotoarin. (Dransield et al., 2008b) was not included in this tree. he original supertree included an outgroup of 13 genera of commelinid monocots from which we selected the following six to include in our study: Anigozanthos Labill. (Haemodoraceae), Tradescantia Ruppius ex L. (Commelinaceae), Costus L. (Costaceae), Dasypogon R.Br. (Dasypogonaceae), Fargesia Franchet (Poaceae) and Vriesea Lindl. (Bromeliaceae). We used Maximum Parsimony (MP) for character optimization as implemented in the Mesquite software package (Maddison and Maddison, 2009). he default settings were used (character states were considered as unordered). 159 Table 7.2 Palm genera including at least one species producing polyandrous lowers (i.e. bearing more than six stamens). Genera in which all species are polyandrous are in bold and the number of species (from is indicated. Genera with unisexual and strongly dimorphic lowers are marked with an asterisk. Genera including polyandrous species in which developmental studies have been conducted are marked with a plus sign. First and second columns: subfamily and tribe according to Dransield et al. (2005). Data were obtained from Dransield et al. (2008a) and from SUBFAMILY Calamoideae TRIBE Eugeissoneae Lepidocaryeae Calameae Coryphoideae Caryoteae Borasseae Cryosophileae Phoeniceae Genera including polyandrous species + Eugeissona Griff. (6 sp) Raphia P.Beauv. Calamus L. Korthalsia Blume Plectocomia Mart. and Blume Stamen number Plant Flowers Inflorescence unisexual unisexual (0); unisexual (0); (0); bisexual bisexual (1) bisexual (1) (1) 20–70 6–30 6 (12 in C. ornatus) 6–9 Usually 6, rarely to 12 0/1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0/1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Rarely 6–9, usually more than 15 6–100 Caryota+ L. Wallichia Roxb. 3–15 Borassodendron Becc. 6–15 Latania Comm. ex Juss. (3 sp) 15–30 or more Lodoicea+ Comm. ex DC. (1 sp) 17–22 Chelyocarpus Dammer 5–9 Coccothrinax Sarg. 9(6–13) Hemithrinax Hook.f. 6–8 Itaya H.E.Moore (1 sp) 18–24 Thrinax L.f. ex Sw. 5–15 Zombia L.H.Bailey (1 sp) 9–12 Phoenix L. Usually 6, rarely 3 or 9 Arenga Labill. ex DC. SUBFAMILY TRIBE Ceroxyloideae Phytelepheae Ceroxyleae Arecoideae Areceae Stamen number Plant Flowers Inflorescence unisexual unisexual (0); unisexual (0); (0); bisexual bisexual (1) bisexual (1) (1) Ammandra O.F.Cook* (1 sp) Aphandra+ Barfod* (1 sp) Phytelephas+ Ruiz and Pav.* (6 sp) Ceroxylon+ Bonpl. ex DC. 300–1200 400–650 36–900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6–15(–17) 0 0 0 Acanthophoenix H.Wendl. Actinokentia Dammer (2 sp) Actinorhytis H.Wendl. and Drude (1 sp) Adonidia Becc. (1 sp) Archontophoenix H.Wendl. and Drude (6 sp) Areca L. 6–12 19–50 24–33 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 45–50 12–14 0 0 1 1 1 1 3,6,9 or up to 30 or more 24–50 100–230 6–140 ca 33 19–55 6–12 9–15 6–9 Numerous, up to 19 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24–320 or more 9–10(12) 0 0 1 1 1 1 6–36 0 1 1 Genera including polyandrous species + Balaka Becc. (11 sp) Brassiophoenix Burret (2 sp) Calyptrocalyx Blume (26 sp) Carpentaria Becc. (1 sp) Chambeyronia Vieill. (2 sp) Cyphokentia Brongn. Cyrtostachys Blume (11 sp) Deckenia H.Wendl. ex Seem. Dransfieldia W.J.Baker and Zona (1 sp) Drymophloeus Zipp. (8 sp) Hedyscepe H.Wendl. and Drude (1 sp) Heterospathe Scheff. Table 7.2 (cont.) SUBFAMILY TRIBE Genera including polyandrous species Howea Becc. (2 sp) Hydriastele H.Wendl. and Drude Kentiopsis Brongn. (4 sp) Laccospadix H.Wendl. and Drude (1 sp) Lemurophoenix J.Dransf. (1 sp) Linospadix H.Wendl. Loxococcus H.Wendl. and Drude (1 sp) Nephrosperma Balf.f. (1 sp) Normanbya F.Muell. ex Becc. (1 sp) Oncosperma Blume Phoenicophorium H.Wendl. (1 sp) Pinanga Blume Ponapea Becc. (3 sp) Ptychococcus Becc. (2 sp) Ptychosperma+ Labill. (29 sp) Rhopaloblaste Scheff. Solfia Rech. (1 sp) Tectiphiala H.E.Moore Veitchia H.Wendl. (8 sp) Cocoseae Wodyetia A.K.Irvine (1 sp) Allagoptera Nees Astrocaryum G.Mey. Attalea Kunth Stamen number Plant Flowers Inflorescence unisexual unisexual (0); unisexual (0); (0); bisexual bisexual (1) bisexual (1) (1) 30–70 or more 6–24 11–38 9–12 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 52–59 6–12 12 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 40–50 24–40 0 0 1 1 1 1 6–9 15–18 0 0 1 1 1 1 Rarely 6, usually 12–68 Ca. 100 Up to 100 9–100 or more 6–9 35–37 6–7 Numerous to 100 or more 60–71 6–100 (3–)6(–12) 3–75 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0/1 1 1 0 1 SUBFAMILY TRIBE Genera including polyandrous species Bactris Jacq. ex Scop. Beccariophoenix Jum. and H.Perrier (2 sp) Desmoncus Mart. Jubaea Kunth (1 sp) Jubaeopsis Becc. (1 sp) Parajubaea Burret (3 sp) Voanioala J.Dransf. (1 sp) Euterpeae Oenocarpus Mart. Geonomateae Asterogyne H.Wendl. ex Hook.f. Geonoma Willd. Welfia+ H.Wendl. (1 sp) Iriartea Ruiz and Pav. (1 sp) Iriarteeae Socratea+ H.Karst. (5 sp) Wettinia+ Poepp. ex Endl. Manicaria Gaertn. (1 sp) Manicarieae Orania Zipp. Oranieae Reinhardtia Liebm. (6 sp) Reinhardtieae Roystonea O.F.Cook Roystoneeae Sclerospermeae Sclerosperma G.Mann and H.Wendl. (3 sp) Stamen number Plant Flowers Inflorescence unisexual unisexual (0); unisexual (0); (0); bisexual bisexual (1) bisexual (1) (1) (3–)6(–12) 15–21 0 0 1 1 1 1 6–9 18 (7-)8–16 13–15 12(–13) 6(7–8)9–20 6– c. 24 (3) 6(rarely more) 36(27–42) 9–20 17–145 6–20 30–35 3,4,6 or 9–32 8–140 6–12 60–100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 164 FLOWERS ON THE TREE OF LIFE 7.3 Results Figure 7.2 shows the MP optimization of the character ‘Stamen number’ on the palm supertree. It strongly supports the widely accepted idea that six stamens represent the ancestral state in palms. Ten genera include species in which the androecium is reduced to three stamens (names followed by stars in Fig 7.2): Areca L., Astrocaryum G.Mey., Attalea Kunth, Bactris Jacq. ex Scop., Dypsis Noronha ex Mart., Geonoma Willd., Nypa Wurmb., Orania Zipp., Synechanthus H.Wendl. and Wallichia Roxb. In the genera Areca and Orania, the number of stamens varies among species between three and several dozen. Polyandrous lowers (with an androecium composed of more than six stamens) have been recorded within 82 genera out of 183 (Table 7.2). Forty-ive of these genera produce exclusively polyandrous lowers (Table 7.2; black rectangles in Fig 7.2), the remaining genera being polymorphic (grey boxes in Fig 7.2). According to the optimization, polyandry has evolved numerous times independently during the diversiication of palms, within all subfamilies except Nypoideae. Due to the high number of polymorphic genera, it is diicult to identify precisely the number of transitions towards polyandry. However, it can be noted that the highest number of transitions, together with the widest range of variation in terms of stamen number, occurs in Arecoideae, the largest subfamily, containing about half of the species and genera recognized in the family. Basii xed anthers represent the ancestral condition for the family as a whole (optimization not shown) and for the subfamilies Calamoideae, Nypoideae and Ceroxyloideae. Dorsii xed stamens evolved ive times within Calamoideae and once in Ceroxyloideae; it represents the ancestral condition for the subfamilies Coryphoideae and Arecoideae except the early diverging tribe Iriarteeae. In both subfamilies there are reversals towards the basii xed condition in higher-order branches. he vast majority of palm genera possess latrorse anthers that open by longitudinal slits lateral to the i lament, which most probably represents the ancestral condition for the family. According to our optimization (not shown), introrse anthers have evolved more than 20 times independently. It should be noticed that this mode of dehiscence is synapomorphic for the Geonomateae + Manicarieae clade. Sixty-six or approx. one third of the genera include species with connate stamens. h is condition has evolved at least 29 times independently from ancestral free stamens, throughout all subfamilies (Fig 7.3). More than one third of the genera with connate stamens belong to the Coryphoideae. he optimization of petal connation shows that sympetaly is also derived (Fig 7.3). his character state is a synapomorphy for the subfamilies Calamoideae and Coryphoideae, as well as for a few genera within the Arecoideae. Several reversals towards free petals have occurred within Calamoideae and Coryphoideae. he single member of Nypoideae, Nypa fruticans Wurmb, has the ancestral choripetalous corolla. E VO LU T I O N O F T HE PA L M A N D RO ECIU M Stamen and petal connation only partially co-occur throughout the palms, thus several genera are either sympetalous or synandrous. In many genera with unisexual lowers, the degree of petal fusion difers between staminate and pistillate lowers. h is is the case in Ceroxyloideae, tribe Borasseae (in subfamily Coryphoideae) and tribe Calameae (in subfamily Calamoideae). he optimization furthermore indicates that stamens adnate to petals are ancestral in subfamily Calamoideae and perhaps represent the original condition in palms overall. It is considered a derived feature in most families of lowering plants. Adnation of stamens to petals is a synapomorphy for the tribes Trachycarpeae and Borasseae in subfamily Coryphoideae, and for a clade within the Arecoideae which includes Calyptronoma Griseb. + Calytrogyne H.Wendl. + Asterogyne H.Wendl. ex Hook.f. + Geonoma Willd. In genera with unisexual lowers we paid special attention to the diference between the number of staminodes in female lowers and the number of stamens in male lowers respectively. Our results (Fig 7.4) show identical numbers in the Calamoideae, and part of the Coryphoideae and Ceroxyloideae. Within the Coryphoideae, the diference in the number of androecium parts is pronounced in the tribes Borasseae + Caryoteae + Corypheae that form a clade. Within the Ceroxyloideae the dioecious tribe Phytelepheae is characterized by a strong dimorphism between male and female lowers and a more than tenfold diference between functional stamens and staminodes in terms of number. In the Arecoideae our optimization reveals an overall trend towards fewer staminodes relative to the number of stamens. he presence of three staminodes in the female lowers is characteristic of the clade composed of the Paciic subtribes Ptychospermatinae + Archontophoenicinae + Basseliniinae + Carpoxylinae + Clinospermatinae + Linospadicinae + Loxococcus. he male lowers in these groups may have various numbers of functional stamens, depending on the species. A staminodial ring is found in subtribe Attaleinae, in which the number of stamens varies between 12 and 24. We also optimized presence versus absence of sterile organs in genera with unisexual lowers (Fig 7.4) to check whether any trend in reduction of organs could be detected. Most of the dioecious or monoecious genera have staminate lowers with a pistillode and pistillate lowers with staminodes. Complete abortion of the gynoecium occurs in 17 genera throughout the family and most likely evolved from unisexual lowers with a pistillode. In several cases the character transformation passed through a transitional state, which involves a minute pistillode, a state commonly found throughout the family. h is is the case for the [Salacca Reinw. + Eleiodoxa (Becc.) Burret] clade in Calamoideae, for subtribe Rhapidinae in Coryphoideae, for the [Phytelephas Ruiz and Pav. + Aphandra Barfod] clade in Ceroxyloideae and for Howea in Arecoideae. Optimization of ‘Lack of staminodes’ showed that this character state evolved ten times independently. 165 (A) Ceroxylon Juania Oraniopsis Ravenea Phytelephas Aphandra Ammandra Pseudophoenix Guihaia Rhapis Maxburretia Rhapidophyllum Trachycarpus Chamaerops Brahea Johannesteijsmannia Pholidocarpus Pritchardiopsis Licuala Livistona Acoelorraphe Serenoa Pritchardia Copernicia Washingtonia Colpothrinax Phoenix Hemithrinax Leucothrinax Coccothrinax Thrinax Zombia Schippia Trithrinax Chelyocarpus Cryosophila Itaya Sabal Borassodendron Borassus Lodoicea Latania Bismarckia Satranala Hyphaene Medemia Corypha Arenga Wallichia* Caryota Kerriodoxa Nannorrhops Chuniophoenix Nypa* Retispatha Pogonotium Daemonorops Calamus Ceratolobus Pigafetta Myrialepis Plectocomiopsis Plectocomia Metroxylon Salacca Eleiodoxa Korthalsia Mauritia Mauritiella Lepidocaryum Raphia Laccosperma Eremospatha Oncocalamus Eugeissona Vriesea Fargesia Dasypogon Costus Tradescantia Anigozanthos Ceroxyleae Phytelepheae Cyclopatheae Trachycarpeae Phoeniceae Cryosophileae Sabaleae Borasseae Corypheae Caryoteae Chuniophoeniceae NYPOIDEAE Calameae Lepidocaryeae Eugeissoneae OUTGROUPS Fig 7.2 MP optimization of ‘Stamen number’ on the palm supertree. (a) all subfamilies except Arecoideae. (b) Arecoideae (continuation of (a)). Upper left in (b): categories (character states) dei ned here for the character. Branches are coloured according to the inferred ancestral states. Boxes at the tip of branches correspond to the actual observations. White = oligandry, Black = polyandry, Grey = infrageneric polymorphism (oligandry + polyandry). Genera including species with three stamens only are indicated by a star. Right hand side: tribe names according to Dransield et al. (2005). E VO LU T I O N O F T HE PA L M A N D RO ECIU M (B) Stamen number Oligandry (six or less stamens) Polyandry (more than six stamens) Both Fig 7.2 (cont.) Brassiophoenix Drymophloeus Ptychococcus Carpentaria Wodyetia Normambya Balaka Solfia Veitchia Adonidia Ponapea Ptychosperma Kentiopsis Actinokentia Archontophoenix Chambeyronia Actinorhytis Calyptrocalyx Burretiokentia Cyphophoenix Physokentia Cyphosperma Basselinia Hedyscepe Rhopalostylis Lepidorrhachis Howea Laccospadix Linospadix Dransfieldia Heterospathe Clinosperma Cyphokentia Carpoxylon Neoveitchia Satakentia Loxococcus Pinanga Nenga Areca* Bentinckia Clinostigma Cyrtostachys Tectiphiala Acanthophoenix Deckenia Oncosperma Hydriastele Dictyosperma Rhopaloblaste Lemurophoenix Dypsis* Marojejya Masoala Roscheria Verschaffeltia Nephrosperma Phoenicophorium Iguanura Sommieria Pelagodoxa Neonicholsonia Oenocarpus Prestoea Euterpe Hyospathe Calyptronoma Calyptrogyne Asterogyne Geonoma* Pholidostachys Welfia Manicaria Leopoldinia Sclerosperma Orania Podococcus Allagoptera Lytocaryum Syagrus Attalea* Cocos Parajubaea Jubaea Butia Voanioala Jubaeopsis Beccariophoenix Bactris* Desmoncus Astrocaryum* Aiphanes Acrocomia Elaeis Barcella Reinhardtia Roystonea Chamaedorea Gaussia Wendlandiella Synechanthus* Hyophorbe Wettinia Iriartella Dictyocaryum Socratea Iriartea Areceae Pelagodoxeae Euterpeae Geonomateae Manicarieae Leopoldinieae Sclerospermeae Oranieae Podococceae Cocoseae Rheinardtieae Roystoneae Chamaedoreae Iriarteeae 167 168 FLOWERS ON THE TREE OF LIFE (A) Arecoideae (fig. 7.3B) Ceroxylon Juania Oraniopsis Ravenea Phytelephas Aphandra Ammandra Pseudophoenix Guihaia Rhapis Maxburretia Rhapidophyllum Trachycarpus Chamaerops Brahea Johannesteijsmannia Pholidocarpus Pritchardiopsis Licuala Livistona Acoelorraphe Serenoa Pritchardia Copernicia Washingtonia Colpothrinax Phoenix Hemithrinax Leucothrinax Coccothrinax Thrinax Zombia Schippia Trithrinax Chelyocarpus Cryosophila Itaya Sabal Borassodendron Borassus Lodoicea Latania Bismarckia Satranala Hyphaene Medemia Corypha Arenga Wallichia Caryota Kerriodoxa Nannorrhops Chuniophoenix Nypa Retispatha Pogonotium Daemonorops Calamus Ceratolobus Pigafetta Myrialepis Plectocomiopsis Plectocomia Metroxylon Salacca Eleiodoxa Korthalsia Mauritia Mauritiella Lepidocaryum Raphia Laccosperma Eremospatha Oncocalamus Eugeissona Vriesea Fargesia Dasypogon Costus Tradescantia Anigozanthos Stamen connation Stamens distinct Stamens connate Stamens distinct or connate Petal connation Petals distinct Petals connate Petals distinct or connate Petals fused in one ring Fig 7.3 Mirror trees showing the MP optimization of ‘Stamen connation’ (left tree) versus ‘Petal connation’ (right tree) on the palm supertree. (A) all subfamilies except Arecoideae. (B) Arecoideae (continuation of (a)). Upper left and upper right: character states dei ned here for each character. Left: White = distinct stamens, Black = connate stamens, Grey = distinct or connate stamens. Right: White = distinct petals, Black = connate petals, Grey = distinct or connate petals, Dark grey = petals fused in a ring. Branches are coloured according to the inferred ancestral states. Boxes at the tip of branches correspond to the actual observations. E VO LU T I O N O F T HE PA L M A N D RO ECIU M (B) Stamen connation Stamens distinct Stamens connate Stamens distinct or connate Fig 7.3 (cont.) Brassiophoenix Drymophloeus Ptychococcus Carpentaria Wodyetia Normambya Balaka Solfia Veitchia Adonidia Ponapea Ptychosperma Kentiopsis Actinokentia Archontophoenix Chambeyronia Actinorhytis Calyptrocalyx Burretiokentia Cyphophoenix Physokentia Cyphosperma Basselinia Hedyscepe Rhopalostylis Lepidorrhachis Howea Laccospadix Linospadix Dransfieldia Heterospathe Clinosperma Cyphokentia Carpoxylon Neoveitchia Satakentia Loxococcus Pinanga Nenga Areca Bentinckia Clinostigma Cyrtostachys Tectiphiala Acanthophoenix Deckenia Oncosperma Hydriastele Dictyosperma Rhopaloblaste Lemurophoenix Dypsis Marojejya Masoala Roscheria Verschaffeltia Nephrosperma Phoenicophorium Iguanura Sommieria Pelagodoxa Neonicholsonia Oenocarpus Prestoea Euterpe Hyospathe Calyptronoma Calyptrogyne Asterogyne Geonoma Pholidostachys Welfia Manicaria Leopoldinia Sclerosperma Orania Podococcus Allagoptera Lytocaryum Syagrus Attalea Cocos Parajubaea Jubaea Butia Voanioala Jubaeopsis Beccariophoenix Bactris Desmoncus Astrocaryum Aiphanes Acrocomia Elaeis Barcella Reinhardtia Roystonea Chamaedorea Gaussia Wendlandiella Synechanthus Hyophorbe Wettinia Iriartella Dictyocaryum Socratea Iriartea Petal connation Petals distinct Petals connate Petals distinct or connate Petals fused in one ring 169 170 FLOWERS ON THE TREE OF LIFE (A) Arecoideae (fig. 7.4B) Ceroxylon Juania Oraniopsis Ravenea Phytelephas Aphandra Ammandra Pseudophoenix Guihaia Rhapis Maxburretia Rhapidophyllum Trachycarpus Chamaerops Brahea Johannesteijsmannia Pholidocarpus Pritchardiopsis Licuala Livistona Acoelorraphe Serenoa Pritchardia Copernicia Washingtonia Colpothrinax Phoenix Hemithrinax Leucothrinax Coccothrinax Thrinax Zombia Schippia Trithrinax Chelyocarpus Cryosophila Itaya Sabal Borassodendron Borassus Lodoicea Latania Bismarckia Satranala Hyphaene Medemia Corypha Arenga Wallichia Caryota Kerriodoxa Nannorrhops Chuniophoenix Nypa Retispatha Pogonotium Daemonorops Calamus Ceratolobus Pigafetta Myrialepis Plectocomiopsis Plectocomia Metroxylon Salacca Eleiodoxa Korthalsia Mauritia Mauritiella Lepidocaryum Raphia Laccosperma Eremospatha Oncocalamus Eugeissona Vriesea Fargesia Dasypogon Costus Tradescantia Anigozanthos Staminodes in female flowers Staminodes 6 or 6+ Staminodes 3 (often tooth like) Staminodes lacking Non applicable Pistillode in male flowers Pistillode present Pistillode lacking Pistillode minute Non applicable Fig 7.4 Mirror trees showing the MP optimization of ‘Number of staminodes versus functional stamens’ (left tree) versus ‘Pistillode in male lowers’ (right tree) on the palm supertree. (A) All subfamilies except Arecoideae. (B) Arecoideae (continuation of (a)). Upper left and upper right: character states dei ned here for each character. Left: White = six or more staminodes, Dark grey = three staminodes, Black = staminodes lacking, Light grey = not applicable (bisexual lowers only). Right: White = pistillode present, Black = pistillode lacking, Dark grey = pistillode minute, Light grey = not applicable (bisexual lowers only). Branches are coloured according to the inferred ancestral states. Boxes at the tip of branches correspond to the actual observations. Black bars indicate a transition towards a staminodial ring. E VO LU T I O N O F T HE PA L M A N D RO ECIU M Brassiophoenix Drymophloeus Ptychococcus Carpentaria Wodyetia Normambya Balaka Solfia Veitchia Adonidia Ponapea Ptychosperma Kentiopsis Actinokentia Archontophoenix Chambeyronia Actinorhytis Calyptrocalyx Burretiokentia Cyphophoenix Physokentia Cyphosperma Basselinia Hedyscepe Rhopalostylis Lepidorrhachis Howea Laccospadix Linospadix Dransfieldia Heterospathe Clinosperma Cyphokentia Carpoxylon Neoveitchia Satakentia Loxococcus Pinanga Nenga Areca Bentinckia Clinostigma Cyrtostachys Tectiphiala Acanthophoenix Deckenia Oncosperma Hydriastele Dictyosperma Rhopaloblaste Lemurophoenix Dypsis Marojejya Masoala Roscheria Verschaffeltia Nephrosperma Phoenicophorium Iguanura Sommieria Pelagodoxa Neonicholsonia Oenocarpus Prestoea Euterpe Hyospathe Calyptronoma Calyptrogyne Asterogyne Geonoma Pholidostachys Welfia Manicaria Leopoldinia Sclerosperma Orania Podococcus Allagoptera Lytocaryum Syagrus Attalea Cocos Parajubaea Jubaea Butia Voanioala Jubaeopsis Beccariophoenix Bactris Desmoncus Astrocaryum Aiphanes Acrocomia Elaeis Barcella Reinhardtia Roystonea Chamaedorea Gaussia Wendlandiella Synechanthus Hyophorbe Wettinia Iriartella Dictyocaryum Socratea Iriartea (B) Staminodes in female flowers Staminodes 6 or 6+ Staminodes 3 (often tooth like) Staminodes lacking Non applicable Fig 7.4 (cont.) Pistillode in male flowers Pistillode present Pistillode lacking Pistillode minute Non applicable 171 172 FLOWERS ON THE TREE OF LIFE 7.4 Discussion 7.4.1 Stamen number An androecium composed of numerous stamens has long been considered an ancestral feature in angiosperms. Both in monocots and eudicots evolution has proceeded towards a reduction of the stamen number. However, secondary increases have evolved several times in both clades. According to traditional perception, ancestral polyandry is associated with a spiral organization of stamens, whereas derived polyandry is associated with cyclic organization (Endress and Doyle, 2007), although this view was recently challenged by Endress and Doyle (2009). Although palm lowers follow the basic monocot arrangement of organs, they stand out in several aspects. h is applies to the androecium, which is a focus of this chapter, but also to other morphological characters which display a variation unequalled or almost so within the monocots. Polyandry (deined here as more than twice merism, i.e. more than six stamens) occurs in 19 monocot families representing six diferent orders (Fig 7.5). In most families except palms, only one or a few genera display polyandry (data extracted from Dahlgren et al., 1985), and in most polyandrous genera the number of stamens does not exceed 12. Palms clearly stand out compared to all other monocot families, since polyandrous lowers are present in almost half of the 183 genera. Furthermore the range of variation in stamen number is exceptionally wide in palms, ranging from only one Zingiberales Commelinales Poales (in Cyperaceae and Poaceae) Arecales (in Arecaceae) Dasypogonaceae Asparagales (in Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae and Hypoxidaceae) Liliales (in Smilacaceae and Melanthiaceae) Dioscoreales Pandanales (in Cyclanthaceae, Pandanaceae and Velloziaceae) Petrosaviales Alismatales (in Alismataceae, Aponogetonaceae, Butomaceae, Acorales Hydrocharitaceae, Juncaginaceae, Limnocharitaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Ruppiaceae and Tofieldiaceae) Fig 7.5 Tree of the monocot orders (topology as from Stevens, 2001 onwards) showing the orders (bold) and families (grey) in which lowers with androecia including more than six stamens are found. E VO LU T I O N O F T HE PA L M A N D RO ECIU M (Dransield et al., 1995) to more than one thousand (Dransield et al., 2008a). he ancestral stamen number inferred for the palm family is six, which is also the ancestral number found for monocots as a whole (Nadot, unpubl. data). In four out of ive subfamilies polyandry evolved several times from this trimerous androecium (with six stamens). he highest number of transitions towards polyandry, but also towards reduction in stamen number (from six to three) is found within subfamily Arecoideae, which include approx. half of all species of palms. It should be noted that lowers of all arecoid palms are unisexual and that almost all species are monoecious. he spatial separation of sexual expression is highly variable in palms. Hermaphroditism, monoecy and dioecy are widespread in the family. Cases of polygamy (which corresponds to various combinations of sexual expression, such as andromonoecy or androdioecy) are also found. All three types of sexual expression are represented in the subfamilies Calamoideae and Coryphoideae. he subfamily Arecoideae is almost entirely monoecious, except for two dioecious genera (Chamaedorea Willd. + Wendlandiella Dammer), whereas Ceroxyloideae are mostly dioecious, with only one hermaphroditic to polygamous genus (Pseudophoenix H.Wendl. ex Sarg.). Nypa is monoecious, but highly unusual morphologically with the proximal position of the male lowers and the distal position of the female lowers (acrogyny). Inlorescence acrogyny is found in Arenga (Coryphoideae) in which sometimes distal inlorescences bear female lowers and proximal inlorescences bear male lowers. Polyandry coincides in most genera with unisexual lowers (Table 7.2), but whether this pattern results from adaptation in relation to pollination mechanisms or results from some constraints imposed by shared ancestry remains to be explored. 7.4.2 Anther features Orientation of anther dehiscence is a relatively stable character in palms. here are only ive transitions from latrorse to extrorse dehiscence, all in unrelated genera (Nypa, Wallichia, Hemithrinax Hook.f., Allagoptera Nees and Orania), and some 20 transitions from latrorse to introrse, also almost all in unrelated genera, with the exception of the [Manicarieae + Geonomateae] clade, for which introrse anthers are a synapomorphy. An unusual case of apical opening by pores is found within the genus Areca. Studies of pollination mechanisms in palms have revealed the existence of interactions with a number of pollinating insects, especially curculionid, nitidulid and staphylinid beetles, halictid bees and various groups of l ies. he ecological and evolutionary signiicance of dehiscence remains unclear, since only a few studies have focused on the mechanisms of pollen transfer. We are well aware that variation in the character ‘anther attachment’ is almost continuous. For convenience however, we use here the classical main categories 173 174 FLOWERS ON THE TREE OF LIFE recognized in the botanical literature, namely dorsii xed and basii xed anthers. Our character optimization suggests that basally attached anthers represent the ancestral condition for the family and that the dorsal type of attachment has evolved several times during the diversiication of palms. It represents the ancestral condition for subfamilies Coryphoideae and Arecoideae, in which reversals to the basii xed type have occurred several times. For the same reasons as cited above, the ecological and evolutionary signiicance of this variation is unknown, but would be well worth exploring, considering the diversity of palm pollinators. he importance of anther dehiscence, opening and attachment in pollination processes was underlined by D’Arcy (1996). 7.4.3 Organ synorganization he connation of petals and stamens is another variable feature within the palm family. Our results suggest that both free petals and free stamens are ancestral states in the family. Partial fusions in the corolla and androecium have evolved several times. Fusions in the androecium evolved predominantly in taxa with connate petals (Calamoideae, Coryphoideae and the clade composed of Manicarieae + Geonomateae within Arecoideae). Although the two phenomena are correlated, it should be noted that not all genera with connate anthers have connate petals and vice versa. In lineages with unisexual lowers, petal connation in staminate and pistillate lowers is similar, whereas fusions are less closely linked in pistillate and staminate androecia. he number of staminodes can be quite diferent from the number of functional stamens, especially in polyandrous genera, which suggests further sex divergence of the genetic control mechanisms underlying the formation of the androecium. Adnation of stamens to petals has evolved several times and predominantly in lineages with connate petals and typically connate stamens, such as Coryphoideae, Calamoideae and Geonomateae. Only in the two sister genera, Oraniopsis (Becc.) J.Dransf., A.K.Irvine and N.W.Uhl, and Ravenea H.Wendl. ex C.D.Bouché (Ceroxyloideae) does adnation occur between free petals and free stamens. Increase in stamen number is apparently unconstrained by stamen synorganization, since polyandry is almost equally represented in groups with free or fused stamens respectively. 7.4.4 Sterile organs Character optimization shows that in Calamoideae, Ceroxyloideae and Coryphoideae (except Medemia Wurttenb. ex H.Wendl.), the number of staminodes in female lowers is equal to the number of functional stamens in the male lowers, if this is six. h is pattern is contrasted in several arecoid genera that have six functional stamens and a diferent number of staminodes. In one particular clade that includes genera with six stamens and genera with more than E VO LU T I O N O F T HE PA L M A N D RO ECIU M six stamens, the number of staminodes is reduced to three. Overall, the number of staminodes is often lower than the number of functional stamens in taxa with more than six stamens, and staminodes are completely lacking in a few hexandrous genera, such as in Nenga H.Wendl. and Drude (Arecinae) (some species of Nenga do produce minute staminodes, however) and the closely related genera in tribe Euterpeae, Neonicholsonia Dammer, Oenocarpus Mart. and Euterpe Mart. Interestingly, in our optimization no straightforward connection appears between the absence of a pistillode in staminate lowers and the absence of staminodes in female lowers. h is may be a result of diverging selective pressures acting upon male and female lowers. he fact that species deviating from the ancestral hexandrous condition tend to produce less staminodes suggests a loss in the adaptive value of staminodes, since they do not produce pollen, and therefore are under a diferent selective pressure compared to the functional stamens. 7.4.5 How and why has polyandry evolved in palms? Increase in stamen number appears to have occurred in diferent ways and perhaps in response to diferent factors in diferent groups of palms. (Uhl and Moore, 1980). he increase in stamen number in palms may relect adaptation to diferent pollen transferring agents. In palms the framework of interaction with the pollinating agents as set by the plant is typically rather loose. his means that closely related species and even populations of the same species are visited by diferent taxonomic groups of potential pollinators, as revealed in genera such as Euterpe (Bovi and Cardoso, 1986; Reis et al., 1993; Kuchmeister et al., 1997;), Aiphanes Willd. (Listabarth, 1992; Borchsenius, 1993) and Licuala Wurmb (Barfod et al., 2003). Since most studies of palms are only dealing with the pollination mechanism at one speciic site at one speciic time, it is diicult to generalize about the co-evolutionary relationships. Both beetles and bees, which are the predominant pollinators of palms (Sannier et al., 2009 for a review), are attracted to lowers or inlorescences that produce copious amounts of pollen, and polyandry is one way that this can be potentially achieved. Another way is by close insertion of the lowers along the rachillae, whereby parts of or the entire inlorescence may constitute the functional unit in the interaction with the potential pollinators. Both strategies co-exist in palms, which can display both highly polyandrous lowers and densely packed lowers. herefore, although polyandry may be of key importance for our understanding of the diversiication of the palm lower, it is not straightforward to understand the underlying evolutionary processes that led to its multiple appearances in the evolution of palms. Several polyandrous palm lowers belonging to all four subfamilies in which polyandry occurs have been the subject of developmental studies (see Table 7.2) 175 176 FLOWERS ON THE TREE OF LIFE (Uhl, 1976; Uhl and Moore, 1977, 1980; Uhl and Dransield, 1984; Barfod and Uhl, 2001). In all groups but tribe Phytelepheae, which is exceptional in having a centrifugal stamen development, the androecium of polyandrous taxa exhibits underlying trimery and the stamen initiation follows the order of inception of the perianth parts, with antesepalous stamens being formed before antepetalous ones, in distinct sectors (Uhl and Dransield, 1984). Besides these basic common features, there is nevertheless considerable variation in the arrangement of stamens and in the way the loral apex expands to accommodate numerous stamens. In Ptychosperma mooreanum Essig (Uhl, 1976), Lodoicea maldivica (J.F.Gmel.) Pers. ex H.Wendl. and Caryota mitis Lour. (Uhl and Moore, 1980), the high and rather variable number of stamens is a consequence of the loral apex varying in width and height, as well as of diferences in the number of primordia that can form in the outer, and quite wide, antepetalous whorl. In these species, never more than one stamen occurs in the antesepalous position (Uhl and Moore, 1980), whereas several stamens can form in antesepalous positions in Socratea exorrhiza, Wettinia castanea and Welia georgii. In Eugessiona utilis, which has the highest number of stamens in the genus, an additional row of antepetalous stamens develop centrifugally outside of and alternating with the i rstformed row (Uhl and Dransield, 1984), perhaps due to the presence of residual meristem. Increase in stamen number through duplication of the primordia is probably made possible by expansion of the loral apex, which may be released from spatial constraints and hormonal control by the apical meristem. Trimery is lost in Phytelepheae, which display the highest stamen numbers in monocots. In this tribe, centrifugal expansion is believed to represent an alternative way to increase the size of the loral apex thereby accommodating numerous stamens (Uhl and Moore, 1977). Apical expansion and polyandry are thought to have arisen following changes in the morphology of inlorescence bracts and perianth segments (Uhl and Moore, 1980), a point that could be further explored within a phylogenetic framework. 7.5 Conclusion he present chapter highlights the outstanding diversity of the palm androecium compared to other monocots, opening the way to various future studies. As mentioned above, the observed pattern of variation across the phylogeny raises questions about the ecological and evolutionary signiicance of the variation in stamen number. It also raises the question of the molecular processes that underlie such variation. he molecular basis of loral development has been rather thoroughly investigated across angiosperms including palms over the last 20 years (Adam et al., 2007a, b). Although relatively few studies have focused on the molecular basis of loral organ variation, the SUPERMAN gene has been shown to cause an E VO LU T I O N O F T HE PA L M A N D RO ECIU M increase in stamen number in A. thaliana and Petunia hybrida when mutated (Bowman et al., 1992; Nakagawa et al. 2004), and mutated forms of the FON gene (Floral Organ Number) have led to an increase in stamen number in conjunction with an increase in loral meristem size in rice (Suzaki, 1991; Nagasawa et al. 1996; Suzaki, 2006). hese studies provide excellent candidate genes for further exploration of the molecular mechanisms underlying the extraordinary variation in loral apex expansion and stamen number in palms. 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