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No Final Hallel: Material Sources for Psalms 146–150, in: Barbiero, Gianni / Pavan, Marco / Schnocks, Johannes (eds.), The Formation of the Hebrew Psalter. The Book of Psalms Between Ancient Versions, Material Transmission and Canonical... more
The Shape and Shaping of the Book of Psalms: The Current State of Scholarship. Atlanta: SBL, 2014.
Among the many psalms that refer to creation, Pss 8 and 104 stand out in being entirely devoted to this theme. Whereas Ps 8 highlights the prominent, even exalted, human role in the created order, Ps 104 contextualizes humanity as but one... more
In the order of the Ketuvim in Baba Bathra 14b, the book of Job is preceded by the Psalms and followed by the “Wisdom” books Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. The connections between Job and the latter books have been discussed extensively, but... more
A chiastic reading of Psalm 106 reveals its import for Israel and the present day. In addition, the psalms allusions to the period of the judges help the reader consider the psalm s current relevance. The interrelations between Psalms 106... more
The largest book ever written on the Songs of Ascents: fifteen psalms in 120,000 words. Chapters 1 to 7 deal with the Ascents Songs’ unique place in the Book of Psalms, of numerological codes, of their heading, of their life-setting, of... more
Recent canonical approaches to reading the Psalter either take the form of a macrostructural level in which a thematic center is proposed for the entire book of the Psalms, whether it be reading the psalms from the wisdom frame, a... more
Psalm 24, along with Psalm 15 and others, has long been recognized as a "temple entry liturgy," a song to be sung on the occasion of the pilgrimage and entrance to the temple in Jerusalem. If we establish that both Psalms 15 and 24 are... more
ABSTRACT: In this paper I explore Psalm 137 (one of the so called Imprecatory Psalms) and how it is to be understood and applied within the Christian canon and applied to the Christian church despite its violent imagery.
Psalm 48 consists of two layers, a basic pre-exilic layer (vv. 2-7, 9, 13-14a, 15) and a redactional exilic layer (vv. 8, 10-12, 14b). Analyzed with the heuristic categories of spatial theory by H. Lefebvre (perceived space, conceived... more
This is a brief introduction to the book of Psalms, with basic information about their composition and literary layers contained in the Psalter, as well as their classification and organization.
Recent scholarship has devoted much attention to the arrangement of the MT of the book of Psalms (here referred to as the MT Psalter). The differing arrangements found among the Dead Sea Scrolls have raised many questions. Scholars are... more
My thesis is that Psalm 2 was written in the context and manner of the Ancient Near Eastern culture, for use at the enthronement of a Davidic King, to reinforce the message of the supreme power of Yahweh, Israel’s god, and therefore of... more
Logia Series, 2009 -- This is Ki-Min Bang's Master of Divinity (MDiv) thesis, which was submitted to Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, Seoul, South Korea in 2009. This thesis was awarded the Best Thesis Prize in Old... more
The intention of this paper is to examine how the rich imagery and varied terminology the Hebrew Book of Psalms or the Siracides used for wicked and evil persons is translated into Greek. Equivalents ἁμαρτωλός, ἀσεβῆς and ἄδικος are the... more
This is collection of final papers submitted for a course held at the Jerusalem Center for Bible Translators, 2018-chapter 9 revised May 2020. The present version may be cited with reference to the JCBT and this website address.
King David is one of the most colorful heroes of Jewish myth. Warrior and poet, sinner and penitent, conqueror and musician, adulterer and Messiah. The many facets of his character are rooted in biblical scripture, and continue to develop... more
PETER C. W. HO The Design of the Psalter: A Macrostructural Analysis
Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2019, paperback, xxii + 389 pages, $47, ISBN: 978-1-5326-5442-8
Tankar kring lovsång och ledarskap utifrån Psaltaren, kaoskamp mm. Skriven i en (svensk) frikyrklig kontext.
Psalms of lament characteristically include affirmations of trust and sometimes a vow to praise God in the future. This paper questions the motivation behind such vows by looking carefully at whether future praise is conditional on God's... more
People are kind and loving to each other in the Book of Ruth. So God blesses everyone. The Book of Ruth is pivotal in our human evolution, as discussed in the forthcoming Red Line of Hope. This is an appendix for that book; it is a... more
In partial fulfillment of the course requirements for "Psalms in Depth," this essay is a post-critical and devotional exegesis of Psalm 51, with an emphasis on the themes of repentance and new creation. In particular, this essay is... more
Voor de beantwoording van de vraag hoe Jezus met de psalmen omgaat, kunnen we twee wegen bewandelen. Eerst zullen we iets zeggen hoe de Joodse gemeenschap in de eerste eeuw met de psalmen omging. Jezus maakte hier immers deel van uit. Bij... more
Exegesegeschichtlich ist die Erklärung von Ps 140 (141) 2 ein methodisches Musterbeispiel patristischer Schriftauslegung: Nach der Vergewisserung über den auszulegenden Text einschließlich textkritischer Varianten bietet Chrysostomus eine... more
This article draws upon a reader-response and canonical-hermeneutical perspective in order to analyze the manner in which 2 Sam 22 and Ps 18 are embedded in their respective literary contexts. Psalm 18’s superscription functions both to... more
Allen Ross’s third volume of his Psalms commentary brings to completion this major contribution to the study of the Psalms. Considering all three volumes, Ross has written nearly 3000 pages on the Psalms. But as Ross himself says in his... more
Dans cette conférence, j'ai proposé un parcours transversal dans l’exégèse des premiers siècles (chez Irénée de Lyon, Origène, Eusèbe de Césarée et Hilaire de Poitiers) à propos des "impies", les "pécheurs" et les "pestiférés" nommés dans... more
published in: K. Kiesow/Th. Meurer (Hg.), Textarbeit.Studien zu Texten und ihrer Rezeption aus dem Alten Testament und der Umwelt. FS Peter Weimar, AOAT 294, Ugarit-Verlag, Münster 2003, 335-350
Examines a few New Testament passages that have allusions to the Mystical Psalm Structures.
Placé au centre du livre central du Psautier, le Ps 81 en constitue la clé de lecture. Dieu y prend la parole pour répondre aux nombreuses questions qui lui sont posées, surtout dans le Troisième livre, question du « Pourquoi » et du «... more
“This is a remarkable addition to the bookshelves of lovers of the book of Psalms—for prayer, for study, for pure literary enjoyment. The layout of these select loveliest psalms is perfect for readers of all levels and backgrounds, from... more