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Monica Sweeney offers the perfect gift of mindfulness with this beautiful, uplifting guided journal for when you just don't give a f*ck. The road to serenity is ahead, and it’s paved with a f*ck-ton of profanity. When quiet meditation... more
From Winston Black in The Medieval Review 15.06.24... 'In the concluding essay, "The Bright Side of the Knife: Dismemberment in Medieval Europe and the Modern Imagination," Lila Yawn clearly takes the most chances and has the most fun in... more
"La muerte del conde de Niebla en El Laberinto de Fortuna de Juan de Mena" y el poema atribuído a Juan de Hempudia en Carajicomedia, abordan el tema de la guerra, uno de los más frecuentes de la literatura de ficción. Aún así, las... more
This essay takes into consideration some of the literary intertexts of the medieval fairy tale-like poem 'Asinarius' in order to arrive at a comic-parodic reading. Among these are Simon Aurea Capra's 'Ylias', Vergil's 'Aeneid', Nigel of... more
Made famous in a 1995 article in GLQ by Boyd and Karras, the case of John Rykener, recorded in the Plea and Memoranda Rolls of the City of London has been, with some justification, understood as a rare and remarkable window onto gender... more
This essay argues Chaucer's Parliament of Fowls - in addition to being a dream-vision - belongs to both the beast epic tradition and beast fable genre, because of the satirical animal allegory in the bird parliament episode, which... more
Although it has been an almost ubiquitous discourse from ancient times to the present, satirists and critics do not agree on a single definition of satire. A synthetic definition of satire could be reached through a critical survey of its... more
Lilith understood as the first wife of Adam, the mother of evil spirits and the nocturnal demon particularly fond of men and newborns belongs to the mythical tradition derived from the medieval Alphabet of Ben Sira. The latter is a... more
This article examines the reception history of parodies of the Talmud written for Purim. Since the twelfth century, as far as we know from the surviving witness, parodic literature has been one of the main literary expressions for the... more
This article focuses on Kalonymos ben Kalonymos’ humoristic Midrash on the Book of Esther, which appears in the Purim parody Massekhet Purim (PurimTractate), written in Rome between 1324 and 1328. In Kalonymos’ parodic Midrash, Haman is... more
Abstract: This paper examines two sexual myths, the droit du seigneur and the chastity belt. Through medieval Hispanic documentation, values and customs of those societies, it is denied their existence but shows that already existed in... more
Abstract: The Even Bohan of Qalonymos ben Qalonymos has long been acknowledged as a masterpiece of Hebrew satire and an important source for Jewish life in medieval Aragon, provence, and Italy. The date of its composition, however, has... more
The text of this current translation comes from Samuel Krauss’ 1902 collection of manuscript transcriptions—originally found in Cod. Heb. 54 of the Vienna Israelite Theological Library, but denominated by Krauss as “Ms. Vindobona,” after... more
This is a revised and corrected version that supersedes the one published in Iran after the Mongols. Ed. by S. Babaie. The Idea of Iran 8. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2019, pp. 235-269. In the published version, mistakes in... more
Around the year 1410, Heinrich Wittenwiler, an advocate to the bishop of Constance, wrote a novel in verses, called "Der Ring". Wittenwilers parodistic tale of the wealthy farmer Bertschi Triefnas and his unpleasant bride Mätzli... more
A partire dai riscontri tra il diciannovesimo dell’Inferno e la Bibbia, Rachel Jacoff, Mirko Tavoni e Zygmunt Barański hanno mostrato come il canto dei simoniaci segni l’investitura di Dante a profeta. Il presente studio sostiene... more
This paper. written in 1989 before the completion of my PhD thesis, discusses the image of two religious orders at a crucial point in their history, as revealed by a contemporary satire. 'Renart le Nouvel' both endorses the evidence of... more
My recording of John Skelton's 'Speke Parrot' for The Skelton Project ( Although this is an early sixteenth-century poem, I have tried to read it with a mid-fifteenth-century pronunciation, knowing that John... more
This article discusses the Byzantine understanding of " satire " and " invective ". It argues that it is unwise to impose modern expectations and definitions on what we call Byzantine satire. It also shows that to find a clear-cut... more
Предметом исследования в данной статье является пародийная поэтика двух текстов: входящего в книгу «Carmina Burana» «Officium Lusorum» («Богослужение игроков») XIII века и анонимной пародии XIV в. «Confitemini dolio» («Исповедуюсь... more
In 1965 Mikhail Bachtin published his thesis on François Rabelais and his world. Bachtin theorised that the church was devoid of humour and that the common people participated in a special type of humour, which stood in opposition to the... more
Which animals – real or imaginary – helped construct the power of the Popes over the centuries? And during the Middle Ages, the Protestant Reformation or in more recent years, which animals inspired polemics and satire about the... more
On the specific expertises provided by the two authors, this essay intends to propose an account of conceptual and figurative issues bearing witness to the interest of Leonardo da Vinci in the areas of the tragic and the comic. In fact,... more
[‘Profeta e satiro. A proposito di Inferno XIX’, Dante Studies 133 (2015): 27-45, translation from the Italian] Starting from textual comparisons between the nineteenth canto of Inferno and the Bible, Rachel Jacoff, Mirko Tavoni and... more
Italian translation of a medieval dispute (jugement d'amour). A council of nuns must solve the question: are better lovers clerics or lay people?
BBC's "Detectorists" concerns itself with the (seemingly) most ludicrously mundane of all possible human activities – metal detecting. And we are, at first, eased into its comic mundaneness with little hint of any metaphysical... more