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The French Danse Macabre (Paris, 1424-25), a key work in the spread of the Dance of Death genre, has been the focus of a long tradition of academic research. However, no recent scientific edition of this text is available, and its... more
“From ‘Diseases of Women’ to ‘Secrets of Women’: The Transformation of Gynecological Literature in the Later Middle Ages,” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 30 (2000), 5-39 – Abstract This study documents a subtle but highly... more
Au Moyen Âge, la langue française n’existait que sous une forme dialectalisée, que l’on écrivait différemment à travers ce qu’il convient d’appeler la « francophonie médiévale » (royaume de France, Îles Britanniques, Saint Empire,... more
MS Glasgow Hunter 252 is the sole surviving manuscript copy of the Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles. The present PhD thesis, funded by a Glasgow University Scholarship and supervised by James Simpson and Peter Davies, explores the language of... more
This dissertation addresses the social significance of parlour games as forms of cultural expression in medieval and early modern England and France by exploring how the convergence of textual materialities, players, and narratives... more
In the mid-thirteenth century, the Dominican friar Vincent of Beauvais compiled the largest encyclopedia ever during the Middle Ages: the fourfold Speculum maius, whose Latin Speculum historiale became by far its most copied and... more
Notion performative par définition, l'esclandre est à la fois la cause et la conséquence de situations d'opposition. Symptôme de visions conflictuelles - relatives aux sphères sociale, anthropologique, politique, psychologique et intime -... more
Discusses the illustration cycles found in the manuscripts of Jean Froissart's Chronicles
The Arthurian romance is usually characterized by figures who, from an elevated position (castle’s balconies and windows, towers, tribunes), observe duels, landscapes or the entrance of mysterious characters. The paper suggests an... more
This edition of Lydgate’s 'Dance of Death' offers a detailed comparison of the different text versions of the poem, as well as a new scholarly edition and translation of Marchant’s 1485 French 'Danse Macabre' publication, along with an... more
Invitation au voyage avant l’heure, ces figures du départ sont autant de propositions collectives d’ailleurs. Ailleurs géographique, politique, sentimental, qui rappellent que le Moyen Âge est un moment capital de l’histoire pour l’étude... more
Rethinking the medieval prosimetrum not as strictly the mixing of prose and verse, but as the mixing of narrative and song. That songs are framed by narration to generate notions of subjectivity also has implications for contemporary... more
The medieval prosimetrum challenges many prevalent theories of the lyric because of the way it seems to personalize highly conventional and anonymous songs when placed within the context of a narrative frame. The article analyzes a... more
[Now available through open access from Speculum:] Among those witnesses of John Gower's works that are known to have been produced during his lifetime, the Trentham... more
Raimondo Berengario (o Berenghieri) V, conte di Provenza, visse nel rinascente XIII secolo della Francia di Luigi IX. Ebbe quattro figlie femmine: Margherita che andò in sposa al Re di Francia Luigi IX (1234), Eleonora a Enrico III... more
Nel prologo della Storia di Merlino, composta da Paolino Pieri intorno al 1324, ci si imbatte nella narrazione delle diverse “traduzioni” delle profezie di Merlino commissionate dall’imperatore Federico II, che donò al re di Francia una... more
Robert de Reims, also known as “La Chievre de Rains,” was among the earliest trouvères—poet-composers who were contemporaries of the troubadours but who wrote in the dialects of northern France. This critical edition provides new... more
The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between religion and shame as portrayed by characterizations of Perceval in the original French text of Le Conte du Graal (Perceval) by Chrétien de Troyes and in the Norwegian... more
This essay discusses the commercial production of illustrated manuscripts of Jean Froissart's Chronicles in the second decade of the 15th century in Paris, in particular by the libraire Pierre de Liffol.
My translation of an excerpt from the Testament of François Villon.
This edition of Lydgate’s 'Dance of Death' offers a detailed comparison of the different text versions of the poem, as well as a new scholarly edition and translation of Marchant’s 1485 French 'Danse... more
This essay claims that Chaucer's Knight fights in the siege of Algeciras, not in 1342-44 for King Alfonso XI, a Christian against Muslims, but in the last days of July 1369 for Sultan Muḥammad V of Granada, a Muslim king, against fellow... more
Download the full text: The present article focuses on ff. CXLr-CLIVr of manuscript Miscelˑlània 26, Arxiu de la Corona d’Aragó, Barcelona, which contain the only extant version of the... more
Il codice quattrocentesco fr. 1801 della Bibliothèque Nationale de France tramanda una raccolta di preghiere e di opere devozionali che faceva parte della ricca biblioteca privata della regina Carlotta di Savoia, moglie di Luigi XI di... more
This paper describes the purpose and process for creating Je Christine, a touring solo performance of selected works by Christine de Pizan which premiered in 2017. Conditions in the TV and film industry prior to the escalation in 2016 of... more