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"This paper introduces the theory and hardware implementation of two new algorithms for computing a single component of the discrete Fourier transform. In terms of multiplicative complexity, both algorithms are more efficient, in... more
In this paper, we propose a simulation-before-test (SBT) fault diagnosis methodology based on the use of a fault dictionary approach. This technique allows the detection and localization of the most likely defects of open-circuit type... more
The master thesis studies the applicability of Black-Scholes-Model extensions to pricing options on stock indices. Polish options on the WIG20 stock index traded on the GPW the provide for the object of the study. The thesis analyses the... more
In this paper, a similarity measure for images based on values from their respective Fourier Transforms is proposed for image registration. The approach uses image content to generate signatures and is not based on image annotation and... more
One of the greatest environmental issues we face today is the accumulation of non-degradable plastics. Plastic debris are discarded every year, everywhere polluting the nature. Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is produced by joining of poly... more
La evolución humana u hominización es el proceso de evolución biológica de la especie humana desde sus ancestros hasta el estado actual. El estudio de dicho proceso requiere un análisis interdisciplinar en el que se aúnen conocimientos... more
– This paper describes the development of an electronic system that automatically recognises the sound of a referee whistle in a nosy environment. It can be directly adapted to any robot on a robotic competition namely robotic football.... more
Presenting novel designs for a Ripple Carry Adder, a Subtractor, and a Pipelined Array Multiplier using the Five-input Majority Gate (MAJ5) in Quantum-dor Cellular Automata (QCA). These designs are then used to implement the Fast Fourier... more
Neste trabalho é introduzido um novo algoritmo, desenvolvido no ambiente Matlab, para realizar uma estimação dos coeficientes de uma série trigonométrica de Fourier, baseado no método dos mínimos quadrados seqüencial. São apresentadas... more
Rotating machines are an integral part of large electrical power machinery in most of the industries. Any degradation or outages in the rotating electric machinery can result in significant losses in productivity. It is critical to... more
Induction motors are widely used in transportation, mining, petrochemical, manufacturing and in almost every other field dealing with electrical power. These motors are simple, efficient, highly robust and rugged thus offering a very high... more
Ce TP a pour objectif de prendre en main le logiciel MATLAB. Les notions traitées sont la manipulation de variables aléatoires et de vecteurs, l’utilisation de fonctions, la représentation graphique, la génération de nombres aléatoires,... more
Banyak referensi mengenai metode Fast Fourier Transform, akan tetapi masih jarang yang berbahasa Indonesia dan runtut. Paper ini dibuat dengan tujuan agar mempermudah dalam mempelajari Fast Fourier Transform DIT (Decimation In Time).... more
Définition : sauter en hauteur, c'est se projeter dans l'espace en vue de franchir un obstacle vertical. Logique interne : traits caractéristiques-appel un pied-performance chiffrée = mesure hauteur obstacle-nombre d'essai limité, chaque... more
O objetivo da pesquisa foi realizar um estudo sobre a Transformada de Fourier, visando o entendimento em sua forma contínua e discreta, para a compreensão do algoritmo que efetua a Transformada Rápida de Fourier (FFT), direcionado para... more
ABSTRAK Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) adalah suatu algoritma untuk menghitung transformasi Fourier diskrit (Discrete Fourier Transform, DFT) dengan cepat dan efisien. Transformasi Fourier cepat diterapkan dalam beragam bidang, mulai dari... more
Voice recognition is becoming more and more important in everyday life of people. In real world there are many ways of implementing those algorithms but as we learn Fourier Transform why not to try. So our team’s main goal is to implement... more
Serealia memiliki komponen gizi berupa karbohidrat yang tinggi. Hal tersebut kemudian dilakukan berbagai pengolahan dengan pendekatan adanya karbohidrat tinggi pada bahan pangan tersebut. Tidak hanya itu, kandungan gizi lainnya juga turut... more
Ce TP a pour objectif de corriger le son afin d’obtenir une bonne qualité d’un enregis- trement (du son), ainsi qu’appliquer les relations et les lois vu en traitement de signal. Il a pour but de : 1. Etude théorique du son et... more
Derivation from the Rydberg Equation Using Standard Quantized Angular Momentum as a Postulate - 1836.15267  The Real Deal!  No numerology BS!!!
The Colorado River flows more than 2400 kilometers, from its source in the Rocky Mountains in the United States through deserts and canyons, to the wetlands of a delta into the Gulf of California in Mexico. Detection of variations over... more
Este trabalho avalia o desempenho comparativo das transformadas rápidas de Fourier e de Hartley, servindo-se do algoritmo Cooley-Tukey radix-2 implementado no microcontrolador ESP8266. No desempenho comparativo considerou-se o tempo de... more
Growth in technology has led to unprecedented demand for high speed architectures for complex signal processing applications. In 4G wireless communication systems, bandwidth is a precious commodity, and service providers are continuously... more
— Electrical machines are devices that change either mechanical or electrical energy to the other and also can alternate the voltage levels of an alternating current. The need for electrical machines cannot be overemphasized since they... more
This paper briefly discusses various types of inverters and the output waveforms of square wave inverter and SPWM inverter. FFT analysis is performed on the outputs obtained for SPWM inverter. The variation in THD by varying the... more
Teoría y aplicación de la Trasformada Rápida de Fourier (FFT).
This paper aims at development and performance analysis of a speaker dependent speech recognition system using MATLAB®. The issues that were considered are 1) Can Matlab, be effectively used to complete the aforementioned task, 2)... more
El habla es un tipo de señal complicada producto del resultado de una serie de transformaciones ocurridos en diferentes niveles: semántica, lingüı́stica y acústica. Entonces estas transformaciones conducen a diferencias en las... more
Digital Signal Processing functions are widely used in real time high speed applications. Those functions are generally implemented either on ASICs with inflexibility, or on FPGAs with bottlenecks of relatively smaller utilization factor... more
É objectivo deste artigo mostrar quais são as capacidades e limitações do uso da plataforma de desenvolvimento Arduino, num caso concreto, o cálculo da FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) para diferentes frequências do sinal de entrada. Para... more
Pembuatan filter dengan dan tanpa menggunakan windowing
This document presents the implementation of the FFT algorithm in a general purpose microprocessor on the Arduino Mega 2560 board. A program was made that allowed capturing two different analog signals through ADC and calculating the FFT... more
This unique study investigates the frequency spectrum of certain Rosicrucian vowel chants using PRAAT (Boersma 2001, 341-345) software and analysis. Certain Rosicrucian vowel sound intonations, which are shared by other traditions, were... more
Explorations of a new mapping strategy for spectral spatial- isation demonstrate a concise and flexible control of both spatiomorphology and spectromorphology. With the crea- tion of customized software by the author for audio-rate... more
In this paper, we propose a simulation-before-test (SBT) fault diagnosis methodology based on the use of a fault dictionary approach. This technique allows the detection and localization of the most likely defects of open-circuit type... more
An implementation of a spectrum snalyzer with Arduino using Goertzel Algorithm. [PT] Implementação de um analisador de espectro de frequência em uma matriz de led com o Arduino Pro Mini usando um amplificador operacional e um microfone.... more
The article introduces the theoretical foundations of the modern method of storing, transmitting and processing signals: digital processing. It’s a way to use relatively small number of values instead of continuous real signal.  For... more
Fault diagnosis of the rotary machines is investigated through different kinds of signals. However, the literature shows that the vibration signal analysis is the most commonly used and effective approach. This research investigates the... more
— The Radix-2 decimation-in-time Fast Fourier Transform is the simplest and most common form of the Cooley–Tukey algorithm. The FFT is one of the most widely used digital signal processing algorithms. It is used to compute the Discrete... more