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In this paper, we have described a whole new approach of rationalization of existing traffic control systems by means of Fuzzy logic based control system and Vision sensors based vehicle counting method. As Conventional traffic control... more
The development of systems capable of recognizing and categorising emotions is of interest to researchers in various scientific areas including artificial intelligence. The traditional notion that emotions and rationality are two separate... more
The structure and operating principles of a solar compass conceived and realised at the ENEA Laboratories in Frascati are presented. The optical design, the underlying software and the calibration procedure make this instrument a... more
CONTEOS Y MEDIDAS La historia de los “conteos y medidas” utilizados en México a través de los siglos está todavía mal conocida; sin embargo llama la atención que el CIESAS como institución ha impulsado su conocimiento durante décadas y... more
Study on climate modeling. It uses the energy balance principle for creating the single layer model. The primary objective of this study to gain skills and understanding in climate modeling which comes from 'Energy Systems... more
The design and application of the UCT current pulse Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) system has been reported at previous world congresses and in several journal papers. Performance has been shown to be similar to that of other... more
A low-cost data logging platform is presented that provides long-term operation in remote or submerged environments. Three premade " breakout boards " from the open-source Arduino ecosystem are assembled into the core of the data logger.... more
The resonant-mirror technique makes it possible to measure very small chemically induced changes in the refractive index of a surface layer. These small changes in refractive index can be masked by small changes in the temperature of the... more
An Emergency Response (ER) Cyber-Physical System (CPS) to avoid landslides and survey areas located on or near slopes is introduced that handles two problems: electronic waste disposal, and environmental disasters. Uncomplicated detection... more
Computer based instrumentation systems has promoted greatly the development of test and measurement technology. In last years two key technologies are proposed in this realm-Virtual Instruments and LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation... more
The combination of open-source software and hardware provide technically feasible methods to create low-cost, highly-customized scientific research equipment. Open-source 3-D printers have proven useful for fabricating scientific tools.... more
Rezultat merenja koji je dobra procena vrednosti merene veličine, sa mernom nesigurnošću koja je standardna devijacija te dobre procene i stepenom slobode te devijacije, omogućava izračunavanje nivoa poverenja i intervala poverenja. Nivo... more
A complete set of printable scales, rulers, and id markers for Forensic Photography (Crime Scene), Archaeological Excavation Photography, and Medical Photography. All items in this book are available to download from... more
This research presents a pulse-by-pulse analysis of Oscillometric blood pressure waveform at systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure points. Using a mathematical optimization technique, pulses are characterized into component... more
DAC (Digital To Analog Converter) adalah perangkat elektronika yang berfungsi untuk mengubah sinyal digital (diskrit) menjadi sinyal analog (kontinyu). Aplikasi DAC (Digital To Analog Converter) adalah sebagai antarmuka (interface) antara... more
El astrolabio es un instrumento de precisión para uso astronómico que nació en Grecia en torno al s. I a.C. y, en manos del Islam, a partir del s. VIII se revistió de una dimensión suntuaria como instrumento al servicio de la religión y... more
Iz predgovora: Od pogona do fundamentalnih nauka, traži se statistička obrada rezultata merenja. Svrha te obrade je da se na osnovu rezultata ponovljenih merenja odredi vrednost merene veličine kao i tačnost te određene vrednosti.... more
Keskin M, M Akkamis, YE Sekerli. 2018. An Overview of GNSS and GPS based Velocity Measurement in Comparison to Other Techniques. International Conference on Energy Research (ENRES2018), 1-2 November 2018, Alanya, Turkey, Proceedings... more
Resumen La industria láctea es un sector de la industria que tiene como materia prima la leche procedente de animales (por regla general vacas. Esta es uno de los alimentos más básicos de la humanidad. Uno de los sub-productos principales... more
Whether one is measuring level, flow or pressure there is need to deploy pressure sensing transmitters. These in turn requires the implementation of impulse lines. So a proper understanding of this topic cannot be over emphasized. An... more
Kumparan elektromagnet atau sering disebut koil dibuat dengan cara menggulung kawat pada sebuah inti. Apabila arus listrik dialirkan pada kumparan tersebut maka akan dibangkitkan suatu medan magnet. Untuk memperoleh medan magnet yang kuat... more
Modern mobile phones, featuring high performance microprocessors, rich set of sensors and internet connectivity are largely diffused all over the world and are ideal devices for the development of low-cost sensing systems, in particular... more
The following work aims to develop a balance using deformation sensors named Strain Gauges. Aims, too, understanding how that sensors work and the best way of make the data acquisition because these type of sensors have a small variation... more
Kindly Visit: for VILT DCS Training. Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) is rapidly becoming one of the most cost-effective training methods amongst the field of Industrial Automation and... more
In the last couple of decades, communication technology has developed by leaps and bounds. It has already established its importance in sharing the information right from household matters to worldwide phenomena. Apart from sharing... more
In social economic researches we often need to measure non-observable, latent variables. For this we use special research instruments, with uni and multi dimensional scales designed for measuring the constructs of interest. Validity and... more
The full lenght article for the review of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and its applications Grossi M., Riccò B. (2017), “Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) for biological analysis and food characterization: a review”,... more
Measurement is all around us—from the circumference of a pizza to the square footage of an apartment, from the length of a newborn baby to the number of miles between neighboring towns. Whether inches or miles, centimeters or kilometers,... more
Electrical resistivity is a key physical property of all materials. It is often necessary to accurately measure the resistivity of a given material. The electrical resistivity of different materials at room temperature can vary by over 20... more
1. Meter Bahan Bakar Minyak yang selanjutnya disebut Meter Arus adalah alat ukur cairan dinamis untuk bahan bakar minyak yang terdiri dari badan ukur dan badan hitung untuk mengukur volume cairan yang mengalir melalui badan ukur. 2. Meter... more
Development of a low-cost multi-channel (eight to twenty two channels) data logger can easily be made and easily be used to convert the analog signal of physical parameters of various tests or other purposes of engineering. By a suitable... more
Pada artikel ini dilaporkan mengenai hasil percobaan dari pemanfaatan jembatan wheatstone sebagai salah satu metode dalam menentukan hambatan listrik yang tidak diketahui nilainya.