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Power Quality is the Major Concern in modern Electrical Distribution System. Supplying Un Interrupted Power to the customers is the first priority of distribution companies. In recent days, raise of un balanced loads the voltage levels... more
In this paper it is shown the performing of an optical transform to state the scalar diffraction in the formulation of the wavelet transform and the 'wave equations'. From there, a bridge is build between equations of spherical waves... more
Head injury is a major reason for morbidity and mortality worldwide and traumatic head injuries represent the major cause of neurological disability to a clot or hematoma caused by Haemorrhage (ICH) and is the The most common cause of ICH... more
The journal explains the distortion effect of more than 2 superposition wave by using Multisim 12
A parody appendix demonstrating that one can parallel Jevons's static mechanics theory of price with a more sophisticated wave function theory of price incorporating the full panoply of measurement operations, unitary transformations and... more
Uma sinopse sobre séries ortogonais generalizadas (e.g. Legendre-Fourier), com ênfase na representação trigonométrica de Fourier, é introduzida. A apresentação envolve o fenômeno de Gibbs, e critérios para a convergência de séries... more
The aim of this study was investigate noises and interferences which disturb the surface electromyography signal (sEMG). It was shown that the noises and interferences are caused by various sources. Sources of interference and noise can... more
The Colorado River flows more than 2400 kilometers, from its source in the Rocky Mountains in the United States through deserts and canyons, to the wetlands of a delta into the Gulf of California in Mexico. Detection of variations over... more
In discussing the nature of the electromagnetic society and natural Law, Whitehead concludes by saying, “It is the ideal of mathematical physicists to formulate this systematic law in its complete generality for our epoch.” The... more
The article shows that the surface electromyographic signal (sEMG) is a complex signal which registration is accompanied by various noises and interferences significantly complicating the analysis. The methods and parame- ters of the... more
In wavelet method have a wavelet transform is a signal processing technique was developed as a method to obtain simultaneous, have high resolution frequency and time. Mother wavelet have one method with namely haar wavelet, haar wavelet... more
Abstrak Penggunaan dekomposisi wavelet untuk pemodelan statistika khususnya pada data time telah mengala mi perkembangan yang pesat. Transformasi wavelet yang dipandang lebih sesuai untuk data time series adalah Maximal Overlap Discrete... more
The efficient market hypothesis is one of most important theories in finance and one of the most important research areas for both developed and developing stock markets. In this study, the random-walk hypothesis is tested for the main... more
Availability of rainfall time-series is limited in many parts of the World, and the continuity of such records is variable. This research endeavors to extend actual daily rainfall observations to ungauged areas, taking into account events... more
una forma diferente de ver las series y transformadas de Fourier y como sabemos la transformada de Fourier es un caso particular de la transformada de Laplace por lo que igual funciona, en este método se la solución a la integral... more
Many continuous wavelets are defined in the frequency domain and do not have analytical expressions in the time domain. Meyer wavelet is ordinarily defined in this way. In this note, we derive new straightforward analytical expressions... more
In recent years video and image compression have became very required. The availability of powerful software design tools is a fundamental requirement to take advantage of the many advanced and specialized resources included in the latest... more
In this paper, a generalized version of the Fourier diffraction theorem is presented and discussed. This version is applicable to Diffuse Photon Density waves, thermal waves as well as the conventional acoustic or electromagnetic waves.
—This paper presents a wavelet representation using baseband signals, by exploiting Kotel'nikov results. Details of how to obtain the processes of envelope and phase at low frequency are shown. The archetypal interpretation of wavelets as... more
Pointwise-supported generalized wavelets are introduced, based on Dirac, doublet and further derivatives of delta. A generalized biorthogonal analysis leads to standard Taylor series and new Dual-Taylor series that may be interpreted as... more
For functions that are best described in terms of polar coordinates, the two-dimensional Fourier transform can be written in terms of polar coordinates as a combination of Hankel transforms and Fourier series—even if the function does not... more
Analysis of time series used in many areas, one of which is in the field economy. In this research using time series on inflation using Shift Invariant Discrete Wavelet Transform (SIDWT).Time series decomposition using transformation... more
Background: Since the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal has a low frequency and a weak amplitude, it is sensitive to miscellaneous mixed noises, which may reduce the diagnostic accuracy and hinder the physician’s correct decision on... more
All human activity that is directly related to the sea, and the phenomenon coastal tides need information about. Sea tides Sounding in the Central Java city of Semarang a crucial factor in the sector transformation sea or management of... more
La conocida fórmula de difracción de Fresnel relaciona la distribución de amplitud compleja de una onda en el plano objeto (campo ondulatorio de entrada) con la distribución de amplitud compleja de la onda en el plano imagen (campo... more
A new family of wavelets is introduced, which is associated with Legendre polynomials. These wavelets, termed spherical harmonic or Legendre wavelets, possess compact support. The method for the wavelet construction is derived from the... more
Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO) is such a complex stochastic process so that analysis on the stochastic behavior of the PSO is not easy. The choosing of parameters plays an important role since it is critical in the performance of PSO. As... more
This paper proposed a methodology that integrates the Box & Jenkins modeling, the Wavelet Decomposition and the Mathematical Programming in time series forecasting. Initially, the time series is decomposed into wavelet components. Then,... more
The critical time interval (CTI) is a parameter that has been used to distinguish open-loop from closed-loop control during upright stance. The aim of this study was to develop a new method to determine CTIs. The new approach, termed the... more
"A new family of wavelets is introduced, which is associated with Legendre polynomials. These wavelets, termed spherical harmonic or Legendre wavelets, possess compact support. The method for the wavelet construction is derived from the... more
The richness of natural images makes the quest for optimal representations in image processing and computer vision challenging. The latter observation has not prevented the design of image representations, which trade off between... more
This article presents an approach based on state observers to identify the parameters of an unknown periodic force exerted on a mechanical system. This approach comprises two stages and can be executed in real time by using only... more
In the last decades, a huge effort has been dedicated to the development of vibration-based techniques for damage detection. In this article, an algorithm based on the wavelet packet transform and the Karhunen–Loéve transform is analysed... more
In the coming of era the digitized image is an important challenge to deal with the storage and transmission requirements of enormous data, including medical images. Compression is one of the indispensable techniques to solve this... more