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This paper is concerned with the diachrony of passive morphology in Papiamentu. In the literature on passivization in Papiamentu, the view is held that Papiamentu originally did not have any (morphologically marked) passive and that... more
Capeverdean (CV) is the mother tongue of more than a million people living in, or originating from, the archipelago of Cape Verde, situated about 500 km west of Dakar (Senegal). As a Portuguese-based Creole, this language obviously has... more
This paper is concerned with the linguistic ties between Papiamentu and the Upper Guinea branch of Portuguese-based Creole as spoken on the Santiago island of Cape Verde (SCV) and in Guinea-Bissau and Casamance (GBC)3. The aim is to... more
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar comparativamente demonstrativos no crioulo cabo-verdiano e no papiamento na função de anáfora na modalidade escrita. Do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, este estudo se baseou no modelo teórico... more
Entre as comunidades indo-portuguesas, a cantiga assume ainda hoje lugar de destaque em variadíssimas ocasiões públicas. Canta-se em cerimónias litúrgicas, procissões e festividades religiosas, mas também em festas, casamentos, na... more
En 1434, le navigateur portugais Gil Eanes double le Cap Bojador (également appelé Boujdour), situé dans l’actuel Sahara occidental et qui, à l’époque, marquait pour les Européens de l’Ouest les limites méridionales du monde connu. Dans... more
"Today, in the Republic of Cape Verde, two languages are in daily use: • Capeverdean, a Portuguese-based Creole language, is the mother tongue, spoken by nearly all of the 500,000 inhabitants of the country. Capeverdean Creole is also in... more