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Camarades, Clientes and Compadres é uma adição bem-vinda à literatura obre África lusófona. Também é um livro que os africanistas acharão útil por causa da sua cuidadosa construção analítica comparativa. Seibert escreveu um livro sólido,... more
Guide de conversation de créole capverdien pour les francophones
Translation of Saint-Exupéry's "Le Petit Prince" into Cape Verdean
O texto analisa o livro do fotógrafo moçambicano Ricardo Rangel, "Pão Nosso de Cada Noite". Procura estabelecer ligações entre a proposta de olhar(es) ali explicitada e uma postura metodológica para a antropologia.
This paper deals with the background, role players, sequence of events, geopolitical considerations and history of the Angolan War which took place from 1975 to 1990 between the Soviet Union and its allies & proxies on the one hand, and... more
Resumo: A entrevista que se segue apresenta aos pesquisadores e estudantes interessados na história de Angola, do século XVIII ao século XX, os materiais que poderão encontrar ao visitar o Arquivo Nacional de Angola, em Luanda. Como... more
Among historical factors leading to state dysfunctionality phenomenon on the African continent, colonial legacy is most often indicated. It is a common perception that colonialism understood not only as colonial rule but also as colonial... more
The greed-and-grievance debate has been one of the major focuses of interest in the study of civil wars, but many pitfalls have arisen from the limitations of a highly ‘economics-driven’ model. Departing from a critique of this... more
This book showcases new research by emerging and established scholars on white workers and the white poor in Southern Africa. Rethinking White Societies in Southern Africa challenges the geographical and chronological limitations of... more
Em Fevereiro de 1953, a ordem do governador Carlos Gorgulho (1945-1953), o Corpo da Policia Indígena (CPI) e voluntários civís desencadearam uma onda de violência contra a população nativa em São Tomé. Neste artigo exploro as causas do... more
The West African nation of Guinea-Bissau won independence in 1973-1974, the first Portuguese non-island state in continental Africa to achieve this goal. Its success owed much to the able orchestration of the rebels’ internal and external... more
Capeverdean (CV) is the mother tongue of more than a million people living in, or originating from, the archipelago of Cape Verde, situated about 500 km west of Dakar (Senegal). As a Portuguese-based Creole, this language obviously has... more
Les découvreurs portugais ont emporté dans leurs vaisseaux leur langue romane et l'ont fait voyager des côtes ibériques aux plus lointains océans. Mais l'idiome lusitanien, au contact des peuples et des habitudes rencontrés, s'est... more
After independence in 1975 São Tomé and Príncipe became a socialist one-party state. The regime nationalized the cocoa plantations and the entire economy. As the country lacked adequately trained people, within a few years the local... more
In this paper, I demonstrate how studios producing the Angolan electronic dance music (EDM) kuduro (‘hard arse’) in the capital Luanda are usefully investigated as social spaces of collective creativity. I triangulate interviews,... more
This paper addresses the news exchange between Brazil and Portuguese-speaking countries of Africa, as operated by each country's national news agencies. The main goal in this study is to understand how the information flow is carried by... more
Religious Revival in Mozambique: between Continuity, Rupture and Historicity Research on religion in Africa has focused ever more in the last twenty years on the question of the “religious revival”, and it has usually focused on the... more
En 1434, le navigateur portugais Gil Eanes double le Cap Bojador (également appelé Boujdour), situé dans l’actuel Sahara occidental et qui, à l’époque, marquait pour les Européens de l’Ouest les limites méridionales du monde connu. Dans... more
"A Verbalis desenvolveu para este dicionário uma base de dados relacional para armazenamento e gestão dos dados lexicais Caboverdiano-Francês fornecidos pelo autor em suporte Microsoft Word. Esta base de dados foi em seguida ampliada para... more
FULLTEXT The essay analyses Estas são as armas (1978), the first full-length documentary produced by the Instituto Nacional de Cinema (INC) in Mozambique. In a first step, the text... more
A Verbalis desenvolveu para este dicionário uma base de dados relacional para armazenamento e gestão dos dados lexicais Caboverdiano-Francês fornecidos pelo autor em suporte Microsoft Word. Esta base de dados foi em seguida ampliada para... more