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30 tales and 30 poems from Chinese classic text and contemporary oral telling.
This book is now available in both e-book and hardcover versions.
В китайской культуре духи-ежи относятся к нескольким типам духов. Это могут быть звери-оборотни, которые превращаются в людей и взаимодействуют с человеком. В отличие от других живот-ных, например лис, ежи-оборотни не были очень... more
... the "motif-spotting" studies in popular mass-media (fiction film and tele ... In addition to studying the "folklore" that is already represented in the film, folklorists are also interested in looking at the intent... more
A delightful collection of modern Chinese tales The Dragon Daughter and Other Lin Lan Fairy Tales brings together forty-two magical Chinese tales, most appearing for the first time in English. These stories have been carefully selected... more
In Oral Traditions in Contemporary China: Healing a Nation, Juwen Zhang provides a systematic survey of such oral traditions as folk and fairy tales, proverbs, ballads, and folksongs that are vibrantly practiced today. Zhang establishes a... more
The story of Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty 梁武帝 (r. 502-549) rescuing his wife Lady Xi 郗氏 from an unfortunate rebirth as a snake was a common subject in popular literature related to Buddhist beliefs in late imperial China. Its history... more
This article traces the history of baojuan (scroll recitation) performances in Shang-hai in the period 1875-1915. Scroll recitation is a type of ritualized storytelling that originated in Buddhist preaching, but that also included secular... more
The title " Sie Djin Koei Tjeng Tang" in Hokkienese Chinese dialect , it means " Sie Djen Koei's Eastern Invasion". Very popular classic graphic novel in the Chinese diaspora (peranakan) Indonesia community, the origin story is... more
In this paper, the author offers a perspective on the evolution of the Hairy Maiden (Mao-nü) legends in Chinese written and oral tradition, from the twelfth century to the present day, on the material of poems, short stories and records... more
This article explores the living Wutong cult in the Suzhou area in the modern and contemporary period. In continuation with its long history, this spirit-possession cult still has fortune-bringing and exorcistic dimensions. The authors... more
This article first outlines the long history of folklore collection in China, and then describes the disciplinary development in the 20th century. In Section 3, it presents the current situation in terms of disciplinary infrastructure,... more
This chapter explores supernatural beliefs in the urban space of contempo- rary Beijing. It examines representations of traditional demonic characters and plots in modern urban culture, the ways in which they survive and adapt in new... more
SOURCES OF PU SONGLING’S MINIATURE TALE "MAKING ANIMALS" The reconstruction of the author’s original strategy in the collection Liao Zhai zhi yi (聊齋誌異) implies the ascertaining of the extent to which the text reflects the ethnographic and... more
This is an introduction to the special issue of the journal, Western Folklore, which includes ten short essays by the folklorists in China, showing some of the new directions of Chinese folkloristics. The “new directions,” in this limited... more
Старостина А. Б. Деревянный журавль Гао Пяня: о моделях чудесных птиц в Китае эпохи Тан (619-907 гг.) // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 13: Востоковедение. 2021. № 1. С. 58-71. Статья посвящена особенностям взаимодействия... more
Рассказ «Жена секретаря» из средневекового китайского сборника «Обширные записки о странном» («Гуан и цзи», VIII в.) содержит несколько мотивов, в указателе С. Томпсона включенных в группу «Обычаи ведьм». Они нетипичны для средневековой... more
The article aims to clarify the relations between the early versions of tale type ATU 575. Examining the range of Chinese accounts concerning various wooden birds, the author concludes that two groups can be distinguished. The first... more
This is an entry written for The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore and Folklife, edited by William M. Clements, published by Greenwood, 2005, in 4 vols.
This file contains the cover image, Table of Contents, Preface by Patricia Ebrey, and Introduction by the author/translator The book was published by the Edwin Mellen Press (August 1, 2004). Hardcover : 230 pages. ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎... more
This book presents a unique collection of fairy tales from contemporary China, translated into English for the first time. Demonstrating the unique continuity of oral tradition through Chinese history, the thirty tales are selected... more
Dream analysts at the Chinese court are mentioned in historical sources dating from the second millennium B.C., while belief in portents, omens and systems of prognostication have kept dream imagery and its interpretation very much in the... more
This is a podcast interview of the New Books Network -- about rediscovering the Grimms of China in the early 20th century.
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This short essay introduces the contest of baojuan (scroll recitation) performers held in Zhoupu, Shanghai in 2015 and discusses the problem of modernization of scroll recitation in Lower Yangzi region and an attempt of revival of scroll... more
This is a Chinese festschrift in honor of Professor Dan Ben-Amos. This volume contains 18 translated essays representing Dan Ben-Amos’s contribution in the areas of context, genre, basic concepts (motif, tradition), African folklore, and... more
梁武帝的皇后郗氏死後轉世為蟒蛇被武帝救度成為中國佛教相關的俗文學流行題材。它起源於十二世紀左右,並迅速在全國範圍內流傳。該故事做為佛教超度亡魂儀式《慈悲道場懺法》的基礎,同時成為中國幾個地區講唱文學與戲曲的題材。雖然該故事在傳播佛教教義與儀式起重要作用,其歷史與文化影響仍缺乏深入研究。本文章探討郗氏故事在寶卷體裁的發展演變過程,以比較三種代表性《梁皇寶卷》版本為基礎。其中一種版本代表明末清初的民間教派寶卷,其他兩種為清末吳方言地區民間敘述性的寶卷:1876年的木刻本與1872... more
A graphic novel, fictionalized account of Tang Seng 唐僧 , Xuan Zang 玄奘 (602-664 CC)he is a Buddhist monk and translator, journey to the west: India (629-645 CC), during the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907). The story was written by Wu Cheng'en... more