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The objective of this article is to propose a historiographical exercise through a Global History approach, more precisely, Connected History, trying to understand aspects of pre-modern chronology from a different perspective regarding... more
Die Tang-Dynastie (618-907) – auch das goldene Zeitalter Chinas genannt – war eine blühende Epoche voller faszinierender Kulturphänomene. Das Zentrum des kosmopolitisch ausgerichteten Kaiserreichs bildete die vom heutigen Xi’an... more
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Through the study on those three shipwrecks discovered in Java waters in Southeast Asia that Batu Hitam, Intan, Cirebon of which the era was from Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty, combining the materials of the archaeological... more
These maps are designed to be used along with Li Qingzhao's Epilogue to "Records on Metal and Stone" (Jinshilu), a good translation of which can be found in Stephen Owen's Anthology of Chinese Literature. The excellent base map is again... more
The thesis submitted for Candidate of Philology degree. Specialty 10.01.04 – Literature of Foreign Countries. – Oles’ Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, 2015. The... more
En este trabajo presentamos las dos inscripciones relacionadas con la construcción del gran Buda Vairocana del templo Fengxian en Longmen, y una pagoda del monasterio Shaolin en el monte Song. Se expondrá como ambas construcciones... more
This dissertation proposes a new framework for understanding changing Chinese ideas about barbarians (Yi-Di) and barbarism during the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1276) periods. Much previous scholarship has drawn a sharp contrast between... more
This article tells two twisted but distinct stories, one about the canonicity of a medical book, and the other about the historical context of the reading and using medical canons in the same period. This canon, which gained magnificent... more
This article explores the changing self-representations of physicians of aristocratic descent as, over time, they established, maintained, and abandoned distinguished traditions of medical expertise. These shifts involved conflicts... more
This paper briefly examines the construction and subsequent use of the Mingtang by Wu Zetian through the texts that herself wrote. These texts show the intention to reinforce the authority of the Empress by demonstrating the divine... more
Chinese translation, "Imagining Efficacy: The Common Ground between Buddhist and Daoist Pictorial Art in Song China,"Orientations, vol. 36, no. 3 (April 2005):63-69.
In this lecture, art historian Shih-shan Susan Huang will consider major texts and images in Mahayana Buddhism that were popular in pre-modern China. Highlighting two of the most important Buddhist scriptures, the Diamond Sutra 金剛經 and... more
Many modern narratives of the period of Tibetan rule in Dunhuang (ca. 786–848) emphasize ethnic tensions between the Tibetans and Chinese, with clothing styles as their most visible manifestation. The Xin Tangshu claims that the Dunhuang... more
Tang Hanedanlığı dönemi (618-906), Çin tarihinde uzun bir süreyi kapsamaktadır. Bu süre zarfında ekonomik, siyasi, askeri, sosyal ve kültürel alanda birçok gelişme yaşanmıştır. Kültürel alanda yaşanan gelişmelerin içerisinde edebiyat... more
The thesis submitted for Candidate of Philology degree. Specialty 10.01.04 – Literature of Foreign Countries. – Oles’ Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, 2015. The... more
本文從文本和圖像資料出發以研究自宋以降漢族與少數民族政權對王朝正統性的不同闡釋。自秦以降,中國王朝多以五行相生來解釋本朝取代前朝的正統性,並同時以五行理論的五行與五色的對應關係來選擇王朝的服色,如宋朝取火運以繼後周之木德,並服色尚赤。... more
Gankoreneotek – Singoor is home to one of the largest protohistoric cemeteries in District Chitral. Since its discovery in 2004, a total of 86 graves have been excavated in four excavation seasons in 2007 – 2008 and 2016. In 2008, the... more
SUMMARY The present article analyses Chinese histories and encyclopaedias for data on diplomatic contacts between Tang China and a country named Bosi (Persia) postdating the death of Yazdegerd III in 651 AD. Combined with evidence from... more
The Tang Dynasty (AD 618–907), China’s Golden Age, was a flourishing period teeming with fascinating cultural phenomena. At the centre of this cosmopolitan empire lay the capital city of Chang’an – one of the largest metropolises of its... more
This article examines how dynasties applied the Five Elements theory in their respective legitimation discourses throughout the history of imperial China. Drawing on both documentary and visual sources, I reveal that the Liao, Jin, and... more
This paper briefly examines the textual propaganda that Empress Wu Zetian generated to legitimize her accession to the throne. These texts show the intention to reinforce the authority of the empress, both through the concepts of filial... more
Eight essays by Fei Deng, Phillip Bloom, Jeremy Fan Zhang, Xiaolin Duan, Hui-wen Lu, Patricia Ebrey, Jie Liu, and Yiwen Li. Introduction by Patricia Ebrey and Shih-shan Susan Huang. For more info, visit:... more
This article examines Song-to-Ming printed illustrations celebrating the power of the Diamond Sutra, one of the most widely copied Buddhist scriptures in East Asia. An integral part of printed copies of the Diamond Sutra, these... more
This second part of the study of Daoist seals focuses on types, building on Wang Yucheng’s earlier studies. They come in four: 1) seal script; 2) heavenly scripts; 3) talisman-inspired; and 4) graphic. The underlining criterion is the... more
The Southeast Asia that the Tang Shipwreck encountered along its voyage to and from China was a patchwork of vibrant, diverse cultures. In Cambodia, the Angkorian Empire was in its formative stages while in Sumatra the maritime power,... more
This paper makes a preliminary effort at tracing the complicated history of the relationship between the category Fan 蕃 (also written 番) and the category Han 漢 during the period ca. 500–1200. The late Northern Wei began using Fan as a... more
宋元時期杭州刻印的《法華經》,有很多在經文前附有精美的版畫,稱之爲「扉畫」 。這些扉畫的設計,反映了美術史上格套的使用、改造、和創新。 《法華經》木刻扉畫,因附于佛經,遂隨佛教書籍大量的複製、廣大的傳播而移動,是爲「可移動的文物」 。比起「不可移動的文物」(如墓葬、石窟等),其散播力更强、影響力更高。本講座介紹十一到十四世紀杭州《法華經》版畫,與其在日、韓、西夏、吐魯番等地的傳播,進一步思考跨國界的「佛教書籍之路」對跨文化研究的意義。
Tao Zongyi's Shuofu 説郛 is one of the most important anthologies of Song-Yuan and earlier texts. In it, Tao Zongyi 陶宗儀, a Yuan loyalist during the Yuan-Ming transition, collected a very eclectic range of texts. Among these texts are a... more
The attached file is a preview of my new annotated translation of Part 1 of Zhao Rukuo's (or Rugua's) Zhufan zhi. This project, first completed in June 2020 (and periodically updated since), updates the widely-used Hirth-Rockhill... more
Since Kumārajīva translated the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra (Diamond Sūtra) into Chinese in 402, it has become one of the most important and widely circulated sūtras of Chinese Buddhism. Over 2,000 manuscripts (scribed and printed)... more
This essay argues that, in Tang foreign policy discourse, the stereotype of a moral dichotomy between barbarian perfidy and Chinese trustworthiness was primarily a tool for rhetorical posturing, deployed to justify making war on foreign... more
Inscribing Death investigates how and why medieval Chinese regarded death as an opportunity to fashion and convey desired social identities and memories through burial and life writing during the Tang dynasty (618–907) and the medieval... more