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Schede di catalogo: Pittore modenese, Stemma di Cesare d’Este; Lodovico Vedriani, Historia dell’antichissima città di Modona; Ambito di Bartolomeo Passerotti, I Cesari; Progetti per il giardino ducale e il “Barco”, Progetto per il... more
The author discusses four unpublished or little known paintings in the Galleria Estense in Modena, attributable to Bartolomeo Passerotti and to his son Tiburzio. The first, a Portrait of a man, is still referred to an anonymous Lombard... more
24/03/2022 - Comunichiamo che è disponibile il seguente libro: A. Ugolini - Repertorio della Pittura a Bologna 1460/1580 - ed. EBS Print - Lesmo 2022 - 719 pagine - ISBN 9791259685049. Si tratta di un testo cartaceo proposto su numerose... more
The present list of anonymous paintings, created between 1540 and 1580 by Bolognese painters, completes PICTRIX research. Some specific chapters are still missing, such as addenda and corrigenda, and lists of immigrant artists and... more
no. 6.6.1: Federico Barocci, Die Verkündigung; no. 6.6.4: Ugo da Carpi, Diogenes; no. 6.6.7: Battista Franco, Der Tag (Giorno); no. 6.6.17: Lelio Orsi, Die Erschaffung der Welt; no. 6.6.20: Parmigianino, Mariä Himmelfahrt; no. 6.6.21:... more
11/12/2020 please consider that erroneous keyword Micheli is present instead of correct one "Danieli" - The present communication is the sixth part of PICTRIX project rel. 2.0; it groups the catalogues of “major” Bolognese painters, from... more
The present issue includes updates for all types of artists, hitherto treated in PICTRIX (“major”, “minor”, “maestro”, “anonymous”). Modifications refer, among others, to: Cesare Baglione, Lorenzo Costa, Prospero Fontana, Giacomo Francia,... more
La peinture comique, spontanément rapprochée des gueuseries paysannes d’un Bruegel l’Ancien ou d’un Jan Steen, trouve une expression originale dans l’Italie de la Renaissance. La présence d’une Scène bachique attribuée au peintre vénitien... more
This list refers to Giovan Battista Ramenghi, called Bagnacavallo junior. An essay, included in next PICTRIX part, will consider the early works of this artist. The index ends with a few addenda, belonging to Bartolomeo Passerotti and... more
The present communication is the seventh part of PICTRIX project rel. 2.0, an unpublished research about painting in Bologna between 1460 and 1580, including other contemporary works. This part groups some reproductions of paintings... more
The present issue concludes PICTRIX 2.0 research. The main part is a list of Bolognese artists, named or anonymous, with numbers of works included in previous issues. The total number of entries is 3475 (3389 paintings, 86 non-standard... more
no. 64: Pontormo, Vier Sänger; no. 65. Giulio Romano, Erotische Szene; no. 66. Parmigianino, Venus entwaffnet Cupido; no. 67. Perino del Vaga, St. Georg mit dem Drachen; no. 68. Francesco Salviati, Apollo und Pan; no. 69. Bartolommeo... more
At the end of “Major Bolognese Painters”, the present text provides final additions and a cancellation. The updated database contains 2114 paintings, by Amico Aspertini, Cesare Baglione, Denis Calvart, Giovanni Battista Cavalletto,... more