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Giovanni Bellini (1435 ca.-1516) è unanimemente riconosciuto come il maggiore protagonista dell'arte veneziana fra Quattro e Cinquecento. La lezione si concentrerà monograficamente sulla produzione del maestro, da un lato, spiegando,... more
The article presents the lecture notes from the first of three university courses on Venetian painting taught by Roberto Longhi at the University of Bologna (1945-1946). Preserved in typescript form in the library of the Department of... more
17/04/2020 Please consider that chapter "Opere Anonime Attorno a Guido Aspertini" (pp. 55-66) is superseded by PICTRIX 49 - ORIGINAL ABSTRACT: This part describes anonymous paintings, created before 1510. According to the practice... more
The article expands the oeuvre of Lazzaro Bastiani (documented 1456–1512) with a Virgin and Child in the Art Gallery in Northampton, formerly erroneously ascribed to Quirizio da Murano. The attribution aims to go beyond a mere revision of... more
Gil de Albornoz (1302-1367), arzobispo de Toledo –primado de España– y cardenal –sucesivamente presbítero de San Clemente y obispo de Sabina– es una de las figuras más internacionales del mundo hispánico del Medioevo y protagonista... more
доклад на XLVI научной конференции Лазаревские чтения, Кафедра всеобщей истории искусства Исторического факультета Московского государственного университета им. М. В. Ломоносова - 3 февраля 2022

Ludovico Mazzolino and Classical Antiquity
11/12/2020 please consider that erroneous keyword Micheli is present instead of correct one "Danieli" - The present communication is the sixth part of PICTRIX project rel. 2.0; it groups the catalogues of “major” Bolognese painters, from... more
The present communication is the seventh part of PICTRIX project rel. 2.0, an unpublished research about painting in Bologna between 1460 and 1580, including other contemporary works. This part groups some reproductions of paintings... more
Il 28 aprile 1473, dalla sede del Balio di Costantinopoli, il mercante ed orafo veneziano Antonio Corradi scrive al cognato Niccolò Gruato per ottenere, oltre ad una copia della Bibbia, una “figura di Jesu Cristo” da far dipingere a... more
At the end of “Major Bolognese Painters”, the present text provides final additions and a cancellation. The updated database contains 2114 paintings, by Amico Aspertini, Cesare Baglione, Denis Calvart, Giovanni Battista Cavalletto,... more