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The article presents three unpublished paintings by three members of the Ramenghi family: Bartolomeo, his less known brother Scipione, and his son Giovanni Battista.
24/03/2022 - Comunichiamo che è disponibile il seguente libro: A. Ugolini - Repertorio della Pittura a Bologna 1460/1580 - ed. EBS Print - Lesmo 2022 - 719 pagine - ISBN 9791259685049. Si tratta di un testo cartaceo proposto su numerose... more
Le catalogue Heures italiennes a démontré l’actualité et l’importance de la méthode du connoisseurship. La contribution se concentre sur quelques peintures émiliennes du xvie siècle conservées dans la région des Hauts-de-France. La... more
L’Adorazione dei Pastori conservata presso la Pinacoteca Comunale di Cento è sicuramente un’opera importante, risalente al secondo quarto del Cinquecento. Un giudizio in merito dovrebbe essere agevolato dall’esistenza del cartone... more
Rel. 3.0 - 27/04/2021 - The scope of the present essay is a new focus on Bagnacavallo Junior's youth. Two moments are considered: around 1536 the artist is devoted to his father's style, and paints works, such as a Madonna in Turin. Later... more
This list refers to Giovan Battista Ramenghi, called Bagnacavallo junior. An essay, included in next PICTRIX part, will consider the early works of this artist. The index ends with a few addenda, belonging to Bartolomeo Passerotti and... more
The recently discovered date of 1563 for the "Sacra conversazione" of the Pinacoteca Nazionale of Bologna leads to a new chronology of Ramenghi corpus.
The paper focuses his role in the Conterreformation, pre-carraccesque Bologna.
At the end of “Major Bolognese Painters”, the present text provides final additions and a cancellation. The updated database contains 2114 paintings, by Amico Aspertini, Cesare Baglione, Denis Calvart, Giovanni Battista Cavalletto,... more