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Pendidikan seni sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu, meniscayakan posisinya dalam peta ilmu pengetahuan sebagai bidang yang dapat dikaji dari aspek ontologis, epistemolgis, dan aksiologis. Sebagai ilmu pengetahuan yang berada pada rumpun... more
We are junior, tenure-line faculty at a research-intensive institution in the Southwestern United States. Most of our responsibilities lie with mentoring and advising graduate students who are practicing teachers in local schools. As... more
[Punitive] perspectives on artistic education and aesthetic knowing in classrooms void of creative expression. And how to get it back. (A critique and response to the question: What impact would art education have on creative cognition... more
This article examines the unique educational approach of the Waldorf (Steiner) school, which is based upon integrating the arts in educational processes. The article first presents the theoretical and practical aspects of the fundamental... more
Art and design are at a crossroads in higher education. The choices we make now will affect the future of our disciplines. How will we move forward, making productive changes that enhance our position as vital and valued contributors to... more
Arts, Pedagogy and Cultural Resistance brings cultural studies’ perspectives to bear on Arts practices. Each contribution synthesizes creative approaches to philosophy and new materialist understanding of practice to show how... more
Latest work within the Learning Through the Arts field included a variety of visual and performing arts activities such as drama, music, dance, film, etc. Rarely do studies focus on mime as a teaching and learning tool. In this paper, the... more
The term Arteduca is a neologism that results from the combination of the terms art and education. This thesis proposes a methodological approach to the Arteduca: Art, Education and Contemporary Technologies specialization course, that... more
The future of the arts in higher education--writ large--requires the examination, analysis, and synthesization of many central and peripheral issues if arts education is to be successfully sustained. Present-day and future leadership must... more
Οι τέχνες δίνουν τη δυνατότητα στο μαθητή και τη μαθήτρια να εκφραστεί ελεύθερα και παράλληλα να βιώσει νέες εμπειρίες. Επομένως η προσέγγιση ενός γνωστικού αντικειμένου μέσω των τεχνών επιτρέπει στους μαθητές μία βιωματική μαθησιακή... more
This chapter makes a case for the integration of the puppet theater in the foreign language curriculum grounded in an acknowledgment of the art’s cathartic effect, its ability to engage and develop multiple intelligences and various... more
How music and language might be used in tandem to remediate at-risk student performance, focus, attitude, attendance through integrated instruction. Exploring how applied linguistic practice and child development standards that link... more
(EN summary in the file) Knyga skirta dalyvavimo šiuolaikiniame mene idėjai – kad patys žmonės, jų santykiai ir veiksmai, o ne reprezentacijos gali būti tiesioginė menininko darbo medžiaga ir kūrinys. Dalyvaujamieji projektai labai... more
Στο πλαίσιο της ξενόγλωσσης διδασκαλίας οι νέες τεχνολογίες έχουν μετατρέψει την παραδοσιακή διδασκαλία σε μια εμπειρία όπου οι μαθητές χρησιμοποιούν τα ποικίλα ψηφιακά εργαλεία για τη δημιουργία αυθεντικών πολυτροπικών κειμένων. Σκοπός,... more
¿Qué significa haber egresado de La Esmeralada como "artista visual" en el contexto mexicano del siglo XXI?
Art is a form of beauty and it needs encouragement to be developed. This Encouragement must come from a wider circle and Jamini Roy took his art works to all classes of people. The name of Jamini Roy shines among the most notable painters... more
Higher education, and in particular, initial teacher education, has been significantly transformed through the introduction of e-learning. However, online teacher education presents particular challenges in the creative arts, which has... more
ABSTRACT The literature has consistently documented the impact of the work on the health and wellbeing of individual practitioners and the tensions they experience when mediating organisational demands with the needs of service users.... more
An exoploration and investigation into possible Graduate Art and Design Degree plans.

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NAGC ARTS NETWORK MISSION (Proposed revisions pending.) The Arts Network believes artistic expression is a basic and necessary function of healthy and productive individuals, and that the health and productivity of a society is... more
Dans cet article, je situe le paradigme enactif (Varela) au sein du courant émergentiste et je montre ce qui le différencie des approches cognitiviste et connexionniste. L’enaction met en lumière le rôle du corps en action et de la... more
Today, prominent globalization processes set requirements for lifelong learning in different arenas of human activity, which presuppose connectedness, cooperation and partnership on all levels. Dance art and the universal language of... more
This paper examines the power of the Arts in mainstream education to empower the individual to construct a more equitable and sustainable society, and then in ELT to empower English language learners to become confident in themselves as... more
This article in a special Leadership Edition of Visual Inquiry appeals to arts education leaders to consider how their advocacy messages may be missing an emphasis on learners who are excluded from access to any artistic learning in... more
We, the four co-editors, write the introduction for this special issue from our respective locales and positionalities while being flooded with images and accounts of injustice. The present moment is marked by a desire for radical change,... more
El texto responde a la invitación a participar en una publicación sobre arte y revolución a través de pensamientos sueltos, pero encadenados, en torno a experiencias que intentan convertir en virtud las necesidades que impone la vida... more
Ένας από τους βασικότερους σκοπούς της εκπαίδευσης σήμερα είναι η ομαλή ψυχοσωματική και κοινωνική ανάπτυξη των παιδιών. Κομβικής σημασίας ερώτημα είναι πώς η διδακτική πράξη μπορεί να γίνει μια ενεργητική, βιωματική και δυναμική... more
This essay argues that the concept of cultural wellbeing, which has given new direction to cultural policy in some countries, is not free from internal contradictions and does not help to shape an educational policy in India capable of... more
Q: What do you WISH was talked about openly regarding career paths after college? A: How to file taxes as a small business, how to write practical contracts for everyday gigs, and how to make cold calls for a broad variety of gigs. Turns... more
Yet the notion of the artist as a solitary genius—so potent a cultural force, so determinative, still, of the way we think of creativity in general—is decades out of date. So out of date, in fact, that the model that replaced it is itself... more
The uncertainty of postmodern world is a common belief. This uncertainty influences citizens in all aspects of their lives (personal, professional, social, etc.). The question arises intensively: How can people be prepared for this... more
Las artes multimediales son un campo emergente en la educación universitaria al día de hoy. La educación artística no son manualidades, tampoco es diseño, pero necesita de una estructura comunicación para alcanzar a su público lo que... more
Collaborations and partnerships between universities and the K-12 public school system have the potential to significantly impact the availability of arts education. Due to funding challenges and almost non-existent district-level support... more
The will to have freedom and a will to experience equality in learning form a vital relation to our capacity to make choices in life. This article offers a comparison between Sartre and Rancière that is new to the field of research in... more
This chapter explores cognitive, sensory, and emotional dimensions of contemporary craft education. I have often overheard ceramics and craft teachers lament not only adolescent students’ inability to model clay, knit, and/or crochet –... more
The praxis of teaching, learning, and co-creating spaces for students to build from their pasts, in the present, to shape their futures, is an essential function of building the emotional infrastructure of schools. Building the emotional... more
This article examines the unique educational approach of the Waldorf (Steiner) school, which is based upon integrating the arts in educational processes. The article first presents the theoretical and practical aspects of the fundamental... more