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It will be shown that at least four foundational concepts of Cultural Historical Activity Theory were previously formulated by Hegel, viz., (1) the unit of analysis as a key concept for analytic-synthetic cognition, (2) the centrality of... more
Аннотация. Статья анализирует восприятие идей Л.С. Выготского в современной американской педагогике искусства. Автор рассматривает как официальные источники, так и мнения отдельных ученых о роли Выготского в гуманитарном знании США. Также... more
Este trabalho objetiva apresentar as bases epistemológicas e teórico-metodológicas e os projetos de formação engajada de educadores desenvolvidos no Grupo de Pesquisa "Linguagem em Atividade no Contexto Escolar". Nossos trabalhos são... more
This scholarly book offers a critical re-evaluation of Vygotsky’s theory of learning and human development. International researchers examine both critical (negative, retrospective) and constructive (positive, prospective) aspects of the... more
This course is based on the research conducted by SAS research team Education in the Tragic Key: Learning in an age of Crisis and Anxiety. This course critically explores different theoretical and philosophical perspectives related to... more
The paper organizes the topic of signs in Lev Vygotsky's various writings into a coherent whole in order to study signs' role in child development. Vygotsky related conventional signs that have their origin in interpersonal communication,... more
Trabalho acadêmico sobre desenvolvimento humano, educacional e linguagem, baseado em Vigotsky.
Önceki bölümde gelişimsel psikolojinin tarihini, temel kavramlarını, ilkelerini ve araştırma tekniklerini öğrendiniz. Şimdiki bölümde ise gelişimsel olguların köklerine inip onları birbirleriyle ilişkilendirerek bütünleştireceğiz.... more
Este trabalho tem por finalidade revelar os resultados de uma pesquisa bibliográfica que tem como temática as profundas relações entre o pensador russo Lev S. Vigotski (1896-1934) e a arte teatral. Para tanto apresenta os dados e a... more
Despite their academic findings taking place more than half of a century ago, the influence of educational researchers Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky can be found in school classrooms around the world today. Let's look at how seminal... more
With the ever-increasing usage of screen time, studies have shown that a delay in child cognitive development is becoming more prominent than ever before (Margalit, 2016). According to Dr. Aric Sigman, fellow of Britain’s Royal Society of... more
Bu yazıda, yapılandırmacı öğrenme kuramı (yapılandırmacılık / yapılandırmacı yaklaşım / constructivism) tarihsel ve felsefî kökeniyle beraber ele alınarak, örnekleriyle kısaca açıklanmıştır. Yazıda, Piaget ve Vygotsky'nin görüşlerine yer... more
Our understanding of the cross-cultural aspects of personal epistemology is limited. In particular, cross-cultural comparisons of elementary school teachers’ and students’ personal epistemology have received very little theoretical or... more
Durante los años 60 del siglo XX, surgieron teorías pedagógicas que partían de los aportes del Constructivismo de Jean Piaget y de Lev Vygosky. Paulo Freire, David Ausubel y otros seguían el camino emprendido décadas antes por éstos dos... more
This is meant to be a complete list of all English translations of Vygotsky's work. Any comments, additions and corrections are welcome.
I hope this could help those non-Russian students who are interested in Vygotsky's writings.
This paper intends to give an overview of Vygotsky’s those core concepts that could possibly be extended and plausibly applied to adult learning. Discovering how adult learners learn is not a new thing among academicians. Since centuries,... more
Οι θεωρίες της γνωστικής ανάπτυξης θέτουν ως στόχο τους την ερμηνεία του τρόπου με τον οποίο στοιχεία του περιβάλλοντος μετατρέπονται σε νοητικές δομές στην πορεία ανάπτυξης ενός παιδιού. Η παρούσα εργασία διερευνά τη διαφορετικότητα,... more
This chapter excerpt provides an overview of theories related to cognitive development.  The theories of Piaget and Vygostky are described.  Video mini-lectures are included.
Lugar: Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Fechas y horarios: Seminario reprogramado para el primer semestre de 2016. Duración: 30 hs. Informes sobre inscripción:... more
This fundamentally novel intellectual biography offers a 21st-century account of the life and times of Lev Vygotsky, who has long been considered a pioneer in the field of learning and human development. The diverse Vygotskian literature... more
Based on Hegel and Marx, Vygotsky considered the use of tools and signs as mediating activities. A typical mediating activity is the one in which human beings transform objects or phenomena into means of action. In order to do that human... more
«Este libro es imperdible; ofrece una nueva interpretación de las tesis y de los problemas que se planteó Vygotski entre 1932 y 1934, muestra un pensamiento nada lineal sino atravesado por revisiones y críticas, y brinda una muy cuidadosa... more
The ontological resonance between Peirce and Vygotsky is an area of increasing interest within cultural-historical activity theory, arguably deserving of considered scrutiny and elucidation. Premised on conceptual pluralism and variance... more
Eisenstein reloaded: new directions for research This interdisciplinary panel explores the recent trends in the reappropriation of the legacy of revolutionary Russian filmmaker and film theorist Sergei Eisenstein as more of his texts... more
Un análisis comparativo sobre los principales puntos de la teoría piagetiana y vygotskiana, dando énfasis en la vigencia de estas ideas en el paradigma educativo actual.
In its four parts – “Political Economy”, Sexuality”, “Aesthetics” and “Philosophy” – the book unravels the epistemes generated by socialist society and political economy and witnesses the extent to which certain zones where capitalism’s... more
This thesis presents work toward a novel theory of human thinking. I argue that through ontogenesis the origins of cognition in situated-action are scaffolded by language and, in the process, the functional architecture of cognition,... more
У статті доводиться, що Л.С. Виготський створив нову, справжню методологію, застосування якої дало змогу отримати і, головне, проінтерпретувати абсолютно нові й дуже важливі наукові факти. Аналізуються методологічні основи та вимоги до... more
Vygotsky’s project needs to be grasped as a yet unnamed type of an approach which, in continuing the revolutionary spirit of Marxism, moved beyond the old divide between theory and practice and instead, embodied their unity in a peculiar... more
The core argument in this paper is that all research schools and theoretical frameworks carry with them – and, importantly, also within them, as their inherent dimensions – particular ethical orientations (systems of values and ethical... more
Lew Siemionowicz Wygotski (1896–1934), wybitny rosyjski psycholog, uważał, że prawdziwa edukacja nie polega na samym przyswajaniu określonej wiedzy, ale na rozwijaniu u dzieci umiejętności uczenia się. Zdolność do jasnego i kreatywnego... more
This theoretical paper applies and extends on Lev Vygotsky's conceptualization of the zone of proximal development as a support mechanism for pre-service teacher training in Tanzania, and student-instructors relations specifically. By... more
The mental, the mind, psychology, brain science, and evolutionary, developmental, and comparative psychology, as well as the philosophical analysis of action and thought, are all topics that interact in complex ways with social theory.... more
This accessible collection of essays critically examines Vygotsky’s scientific legacy. The book is solidly grounded in the "revisionist revolution" context and encourages constructive questioning of Vygotsky’s theory of human development.... more
From  Riikka Alanen and Sari Pöyhönen (eds), Language in Action
Vygotsky and Leontievian Legacy Today, pp.79-100.
Capítulo no livro:
Linguística aplicada de resistência: transgressões, discursos política. Organização: Adolfo Tanzi Neto - 2021, Pontes.
Resumo: Com base em Vygotsky (1930, 1934) e em pesquisadores atuais que discutem a organização colaborativo-crítica dos contextos de formação contínua na escola, este artigo discute a relação entre colaboração, contradição e os contextos... more