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Catalogo completo dei dipinti del Museo di Palazzo Ducale di Mantova fino al 1899 / Complete catalogue of paintings in the Mantuan Ducal Palace Museum up to 1899
The paper is a study on the painting technique of Mantegna's The Madonna from the Accademia Carrara - one of the few surviving examples of distempers that Mantegna painted at a certain extent, in his career. Many of them were severely... more
Hidden in the vegetal ornament of one of the pilasters of the Camera Picta, Mantegna placed his self-portrait in the form of a leafy mask. In so doing, he introduced the sign of his authorship at the heart of a germinative process. This... more
An overview on the Gonzaga court in Mantua, with special attention to their patronage and the main artistic tendencies
Dieci grandi opere d'arte del passato interpretate da dieci scrittori: Ferdinando Albertazzi, Sara Boero, Teresa Buongiorno, Roberto Denti, Ermanno Detti, Aldo Gerbino, Angela Nanetti, Emanuela Nava, Roberto Piumini, Costanza Savini e da... more
A little-known series of three immense spalliere on the Abduction of Helen (Walters Art Museum) can now be identified as Venetian, ca. 1468 for the wedding of Caterina Corner with the King of Cyprus, by Dario di Giovanni (Vasari's Dario... more
A review of Elam's anthology of Roger Fry's lectures and essays on Italian art, which highlights the value of Elam's lengthy introduction and commentary, as well as the enduring relevance of Fry insights into Piero della Francesca,... more
This paper explores the intellectual and social circumstances that informed the production of Andrea Mantegna’s 'Mars and Venus' (1497), the first painting executed for the studiolo of Isabella d’Este Gonzaga. Documentary evidence... more
the book is dedicated to painting and painters in Mantua from the Late Gothic to the early 16th century, across Pisanello, Andrea Mantegna, Ludovico Gonzaga, Isabella d'Este... The first hand research is based also on archival research.
Il "bel Francesco”, come veniva chiamata la chiesa collocata nella Civitas Nova, appena oltre il limite della Mantova più antica, sorta laddove frate Benvenuto, discepolo di San Francesco, aveva fondato un oratorio, ha conosciuto stagioni... more
In art history, allegory is a controversial and problematic topic. Allegory, or personification, visually embodies abstract concepts and ideas. Namely, the sphere of the literal and the symbolic are juxtaposed in this single theme; this... more
Due capolavori di Mantegna, creati a 40 anni di distanza, due opere magnifiche su cui il tempo non è passato senza conseguenze. La cosiddetta Pala di San Zeno costituisce uno dei più precoci esempi di Sacra Conversazione nella pittura del... more
Palazzo Corner a San Polo fu progettato, alla metà del Cinquecento, dall’architetto Michele Sanmicheli per un ramo di una delle più potenti famiglie della nobiltà veneziana. Nella millenaria storia della Serenissima il casato dei Corner... more
In 1525, Isabella d’Este’s son, Federico, commissioned architect Giulio Romano to build him a pleasure palace at the family’s stables at the south end of Mantua. Giulio took the mantle of Mannerism from the late Andrea Mantegna and... more
During the Renaissance a new notion of the individual was created. This identity was formed through knowledge based on the relationship of the individual to the world in which they lived. At the time, new forms of knowledge were being... more
На примере отдельных памятников рассмотрены специфические формы цитирования античного образца, прежде всего, использование детали all’antica в живописи Андреа Мантеньи и Филиппино Липпи. Внешне документальный характер классических деталей... more
Indagine sulle fonti letterarie, classiche e umanistiche, del ciclo dei "Trionfi" dipinto da Andrea Mantegna e di come esso si inserisca nel contesto della corte mantovana dei Gonzaga.
Presentazione dell'intervento tenuto durante il corso di "Storia della critica d'arte" (prof.ssa Giuliana Tomasella). Università di Padova, dicembre 2016.
წმინდა სებასტიანე საკმაოდ პოპულარული იყო რენესანსის ეპოქის პერიოდის იმ მხატვრებთან, რომლებიც რელიგიური ჟანრის ფერწერაში იყვნენ ჩართულნი. მას წერდნენ ისეთი ფერმწერები, როგორებიც არიან: ტიციანი, კარავაჯო, ელ გრეკო, რუბენსი, ეჟენ დელაკრუა,... more
The polyptych made by Agostino De Marchi and Marco Zoppo for the Bolognese church of San Clemente in the Collegio di Spagna is a very early expression of the new Renaissance style in Bologna. The intention here – backed up by a... more
Giovanni Bellini (1435 ca.-1516) è unanimemente riconosciuto come il maggiore protagonista dell'arte veneziana fra Quattro e Cinquecento. La lezione si concentrerà monograficamente sulla produzione del maestro, da un lato, spiegando,... more
The allegorical paintings produced for Isabella d’Este’s studiolo in the ducal palace of Mantua present one of the most complex riddles in the history of Renaissance art. Andrea Mantegna’s Pallas Expelling the Vices from the Garden of... more
Hercules was an exemplar of moral and civic virtue when represented in Italian Renaissance art. How he embodied masculinity, however, has not been explored. A popular but complicated figure, he visualized the burdens and tensions of... more
Suite d’estampes de la Renaissance italienne, dite Tarots de Mantegna, ou Jeu du gouvernement du monde au Quattrocento, vers 1465[1], tel est le titre sous lequel sont enregistrées ces gravures énigmatiques à la Bibliothèque nationale de... more
The myth of Orpheus, the ancient hero who could enchant nature with his music and tried to bring back his beloved Eurydice from Hades, consists of many different elements. There is no single original Orpheus myth, but the story gradually... more
The article presents the lecture notes from the first of three university courses on Venetian painting taught by Roberto Longhi at the University of Bologna (1945-1946). Preserved in typescript form in the library of the Department of... more
Della produzione artistica di Andrea Mantegna, ad oggi conosciuta, i dipinti su tela costituiscono la parte più consistente. La scelta, basata su tradizioni tecniche, s'innesta, anche in questo caso, su motivazioni culturali proprie, le... more
The book publishes the acts of a colloque held in 2008 about the influence of serial models, as engravings or plaquettes, on art in Lombardy in Mantegna's age. Scholars and curators of museums show very different examples of influences in... more
In 1985 Colin Eisler brought together a series of panels painted in the Bellini workshop, known to have once been a sin- gle ensemble, which he suggested formed part of the celebrated altarpiece produced in 1459-1460 by Jacopo, Gentile... more