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Research on Europeanization and domestic change has moved south-eastwards and was provided with another real-world experiment when it has meet with Turkey. This paper explores to what extent Europeanization approaches travel to Turkey,... more
Research on Europeanization and domestic change has moved south-eastwards and was provided with another real-world experiment when it has meet with Turkey. This paper explores to what extent Europeanization approaches travel to Turkey,... more
The development and implementation of regional development policies comprising information and communication technologies (ICT) is a complex process. ICTs play a crucial role in regional development as a horizontally enabling tool, such... more
Regional benchmarking can be of great help in making strategic decisions within the process of the design and implementation of regional Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3). It can help positioning a region... more
Science and technology parks (STPs) are very common instruments used by regional and national authorities for regional development. Their main objective is to foster science-based growth poles to stimulate economic diversification away... more
Mapping public innovation priorities is important for policy makers and stakeholders, allowing them to explore the potential for collaboration and to better understand innovation dynamics. This working paper presents original data on... more
Observers of the current debate in Serbia easily get the impression that decentralization or regionalization is equal to secession. The deputy leader of the largest opposition party in the Serbian Parliament, the conservative-nationalist... more
This Toolbox aims to help regional and national authorities to develop a better understanding of the digital growth potential of the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE). It highlights the crucial importance of incorporating Information and... more
In the context of innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3), monitoring mechanisms perform three fundamental functions: (1) inform about what the strategy achieved and whether implementation is on track and making this... more
This thesis examines the institutional transformation of the Turkish welfare state. More specifically, it analyzes how healthcare policies and the healthcare system, defined as the actor constellation that finances, provides, and... more
„Zivilklauseln für Forschung, Lehre und Studium“ war bereits Gegenstand heftiger Debatten. Das Sammelwerk beschloss eine Ringvorlesung, welche im Wintersemester 2011/12 an der Universität Tübingen stattfand. Diese hatte im Vorjahr der... more