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Leadership 3rd Day

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3 RD

Leadership and School Public Relation

• Prepared by
Leadership in Decision-
Making Group
• 1. Determinants of Effective Group Decision
• 2. Leadership Functions in Decision Groups
• 3. Roles of Leaders in Decision Making

Ethics in Organizational
• 1. Ethics in Organization
• 2. Organization Politics and Power
Determinants of Effective Group

Team composition refers to the overall mix

of characteristics among people in a team,
which is a unit of two or more individuals
who interact interdependently to achieve a
common objective. It is based on the
attributes among individuals that comprise
the team, in addition to their main objective.
Team cohesion is the strength and
extent of interpersonal
connection. ... It is this interpersonal
bond that causes members to
participate readily and remain
motivated to accomplish the set
goals. Cohesive teams have an
attitude of “we-ness”.
The most basic difference between traits and
values is that traits are descriptive variables
whereas values are motivational variables.
That is, traits describe how individuals tend to
feel, think, and behave.
The most important qualities of a
good leader
include integrity, accountability, 
empathy, humility,
resilience, vision, influence, and
Leadership Functions in Decision Groups
• Making decisions, and supervising those who
make decisions beneath you, are two basic tasks of leadership. A
well-crafted decision helps your organization move in the right
direction and systematizing how these decisions are made can
ensure that the choices made are the best ones for your group.
• The leadership is the ability to influence the behavior of others
towards the attainment of common goals. Leadership is also viewed
as a process wherein a leader directs the followers to achieve
shared aims. Effective leadership is indispensable for productive
and efficient outcomes of teamwork.
Roles of Leaders in Decision Making

• Leaders and managers work hand - in- hand in organization to accomplish a strategic goal
and objectives. Both leaders and managers make decisions in their organizations daily for
the success, growth, development, and goals of the organization.
• The Role of leaders and mangers in Decision making .
• leaders must know how to lead as well as manage. Otherwise, without leading as well as managing
effectively, today’s organizations face the threat of extinction. The more skilled leaders are, the
more likely they will feel confident in their abilities and competent to make good decisions. For it is
only the leader that understands the nature and principles of decision making will be able cope with
complex an challenging situations more effectively than the leader who does not possess any of the
All Leaders need followers and in like manner, all followers need leaders in order
to accomplish desired goals and outcomes in the firm. It requires humility and
sharing oneself with others. A Leader is the one who embeds leadership rather
than just supervising in making over the business values (Deming, 1986), assume
and drive in leadership in gaining quality and quality control (Ishikawa, 1985),
personal grip, commitment and involvement in managing the quality (Juran,
1993; kano,1993), who implants principles and ideas rather than controlling by
swine forces (James, 1978), leadership can be learnt through experience and is
learnable with a bulging outcome on quality (Crosby, 1997).
• They make decisions that involve everyone in the organization. These decisions
may be major or minor, but in any case they generate varied outcomes in different
ways that can affect the organization either, positively or negatively. Leaders and
managers work hand - in- hand in organization to accomplish a strategic goal and
objectives. Both leaders and managers make decisions in their organizations daily
for the success, growth, development, and goals of the organization. In order to be
the best judge, a leader should have critical thinking skills. They must respond
quickly to situations. They must also reflect and be able to point out areas that need
Ethics In organization
• A code of ethics within an organization is a set
of principles that is used to guide the organization in its
decisions, programs, and policies. An ethical
organizational culture consists of leaders and employees
adhering to a code of ethics.
• Every organization has an ethical code that guides its
decision making and activities to have effective productivity
and maintain its reputation. Ethical behavior ensures that
staff completes work with honesty and integrity and meets the
aim of an organization by adhering to rules and policies.
Organization Politics and Power

• Workplace politics, (office politics or organizational politics)

is the use of power and social networking within
an organization to achieve changes that benefit
the organization or individuals within it. Influence by
individuals may serve personal interests without regard to their
effect on the organization itself.
POWER & POLITICS • Power and politics are two
face of a single coin. • They move parallelily together.

1.WHAT IS POWER Power refers to the possession of authority and influence over
2.POSITIVE EFFECTS OF POWER • Leadership responsibilities • Organizational and
personal goals • Inspire commitment • Creativity • Reduction of bureaucratic obstacles
4.WHY IS POLITICS REQUIRED? • To come in the limelight and gain undue attention
and appreciation from the seniors. • To obtain advantages which are beyond their
control. • Getting thing done at right time.
1.WHY IS POLITICS REQUIRED? • To come in the
limelight and gain undue attention and appreciation
from the seniors. • To obtain advantages which are
beyond their control. • Getting thing done at right time.
• Organizational politics is necessary for a leader to acquire and retain power and to
accomplish major goals. Although political behavior can be unethical and
destructive, it also can and should be ethical and contribute to a balanced set of
interests. Your democratic institutions... must foster, defend, and enlarge institutions
by which knowledge can be made greater and choices wider and more
certain. ...The real function of power and the order it creates... is the liberation of
men and women to think and be and make the most of themselves.

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