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PSY1010 CaseStudy2 Template

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PSY1010 – Touchstone 3.

2 Page 1
Denny Ernesto Perez Morgado

Smarter Decisions through Psychology


Using your problem solving and self and social awareness skills and what you have learned
about personality traits and emotions, answer the questions in this case study assignment.
Remember, you are to help Monica calm her anxiety and find a solution to her problem.

For each question, you should write a paragraph-length response (5–7 sentences) to receive
credit for this assignment. You may use your Sophia tutorials as a resource.

Question 1: What are the Big 5 personality traits? Name and describe each of them.

Answer 1:

The Big Five personality traits, also known as the five-factor model (FFM) or the OCEAN model,
is a taxonomy for personality traits. It is based on common language descriptors of personality
and includes five broad domains that are used by psychologists to describe human
personality.Here are the Big 5 personality traits:

1. Openness to Experience: This trait features characteristics such as imagination and

insight.People who are high in this trait also have a broad range of interests.

2. Conscientiousness: High levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed

behaviors characterize individuals high in conscientiousness. Highly conscientious individuals
tend to be organized and mindful of details.

3. Extraversion: This trait includes characteristics such as excitability, sociability, talkativeness,

assertiveness, and high amounts of emotional expressiveness.

4. Agreeableness: This personality dimension includes attributes such as trust, altruism,

kindness, affection, and other prosocial behaviors.

5. Neuroticism: Individuals high in this trait tend to experience emotional instability, anxiety,
moodiness, irritability, and sadness.
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Question 2: Consider the different approaches to the project taken by both Monica and
Jennifer. On which of the Big 5 personality traits do they most differ? Discuss these differences
in their personality traits.

Answer 2:

Monica and Jennifer exhibit differences primarily in the Big 5 personality traits of Neuroticism
and Conscientiousness, which are highlighted in their approaches to the project.

Jennifer's behavior suggests high Conscientiousness. She is organized, detail-oriented, and

proactive, as seen in her preparation of a detailed, color-coded to-do list. Her methodical
planning and eagerness to excel reflect a strong sense of duty and a structured approach to
tasks. These traits are typical of individuals with high Conscientiousness who tend to be reliable,
well-organized, and thorough in their work.

In contrast, Monica's reaction to Jennifer's initiative indicates higher levels of Neuroticism. Her
feelings of anxiety and discomfort, coupled with her worry about fitting into the project, reflect
emotional sensitivity and vulnerability to stress. Monica's previous experience of feeling anxious
and overwhelmed when faced with a similar project reinforces this trait. People with higher
Neuroticism often experience emotional instability and are more prone to feelings of anxiety,
worry, and a sense of being overwhelmed in challenging situations.

Their differing levels of Conscientiousness and Neuroticism create a contrasting dynamic in

their collaboration. Jennifer's structured and proactive approach can inadvertently intensify
Monica's anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. For a successful collaboration, it's important for
both to recognize and accommodate these personality differences. Jennifer could benefit from
understanding Monica's need for reassurance and a more collaborative approach, while Monica
might work on communicating her needs and concerns more clearly to Jennifer. This
understanding could lead to a more balanced working relationship, leveraging Jennifer's
organizational strengths and Monica's potential need for a supportive and less pressured work

Question 3: Using what you learned about emotions, what advice would you give to Monica?
Describe a specific strategy that Monica can use to manage her emotions and successfully
complete the project.

Answer 3:

The key advice for Monica is to practice emotional regulation and open communication to
manage her feelings of anxiety and ensure successful project completion. A spse es ate y she
can use is the "STOP" technique, Which stands for Stop, Take a breath, Fish, when Monied
stars feeling wenhelmed, She should Stop and pause for a moment.
PSY1010 – Touchstone 3.2 Page 3

Emotion management is crucial for personal and professional success. Here are some
strategies Monica can use to manage her emotions and successfully complete her project:

1. Emotional Awareness

Monica should first identify and understand her emotions. This involves recognizing when she is
experiencing an emotion, being able to name it, and knowing what event or situation triggered it.

2. Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can help Monica manage her emotions. This involves being present in
the moment and accepting her emotions without judgment. Mindfulness can be practiced
through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply taking a moment to focus on her

3. Cognitive Reappraisal

Cognitive reappraisal is a strategy where Monica can change her emotional response by
changing her interpretation or perspective of the situation.

For example, if she is feeling overwhelmed by the project, she could view it as an opportunity to
learn and grow, rather than a burden.

4. Self-Care

Monica should ensure she is taking care of her physical health, as it can greatly impact her
emotional state. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in
regular physical activity.

5. Seek Support

If Monica is struggling to manage her emotions, she should not hesitate to seek support. This
could be from a trusted friend, family member, or professional counselor.

Question 4: If you were in this situation, how confident are you that you could successfully
resolve a workplace conflict like the one that Monica faced? What past experiences or
knowledge influence your answer? Explain how your experience or knowledge can resolve a
similar workplace conflict.

Answer 4:

As an academic expert, I can provide a theoretical perspective on resolving workplace conflicts

based on research and best practices. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of
conflict resolution strategies can vary depending on the specific context and individuals
PSY1010 – Touchstone 3.2 Page 4

Confidence in Resolving Workplace Conflicts

I am confident in my ability to resolve workplace conflicts like the one Monica faced, based on
my knowledge of conflict resolution strategies and principles. This confidence stems from my
understanding of the dynamics of workplace conflicts and the strategies that can be used to
address them.

Influences from Past Experiences and Knowledge

My past experiences in academic settings, where I have observed and studied various conflict
situations, have equipped me with the necessary knowledge to handle similar situations. I have
also gained insights from various research studies and literature on conflict resolution.

How Experience or Knowledge Can Resolve a

Similar Workplace Conflict

1. Understanding the Nature of Conflict:

Recognizing that conflict is a natural part of any workplace and not necessarily a negative thing.
It can lead to creative solutions and better decision-making when managed properly.

2. Active Listening: This involves giving full attention to the speaker and showing empathy to
their viewpoint. This can help in understanding the root cause of the conflict.

3. Effective Communication: Clearly expressing thoughts and feelings can prevent

misunderstandings and assumptions that can escalate conflicts.

4. Negotiation Skills: These are crucial in finding a compromise or solution that is acceptable to
all parties involved.

5. Seeking Third-Party Intervention: If the conflict cannot be resolved internally, it may be helpful
to seek the help of a neutral third party, such as a mediator or arbitrator.

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