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Meet 5

Being an Effective Leader

Compiled by:
Lecturer Team for Introduction to Management and Business Courses
Year 2020/2021
Learning objectives
M3-Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis tipe-tipe kepemimpinan dan
praktek dalam memotivasi. Serta memahami keseluruhan fungsi
manajemen: perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan (leading)
dan pengendalian pada level operasional
WHO are leaders and what is
• Our definition of a leader is someone who
can influence others and has managerial
authority. Leadership is the process of
leading a group and influencing the group
to achieve its goals. That's what leaders
do leader Someone who can
influence others and who
has managerial authority

leadership A process of
influencing a group to
achieve goals
Difference between management and
• Management is concerned with achieving
results by obtaining, distributing, using and
controlling all required resources, namely
people, money, facilities, factories and
equipment, information and knowledge.
• Leadership focuses on the most important
resource, People. It is the process of developing
and communicating a vision for the future,
motivating people, and getting them involved.
Leadership Theory’s
• Behavioral theories→ Leadership theory that
identifies the behaviors that differentiate effective
leaders from ineffective leaders
• Autocratic style→ A leader who dictates work
methods, makes unilateral decisions, and limits
employee participation
• Democratic style→ A leader who engages
employees in decision making, delegates authority,
and uses feedback as an opportunity to train
• laissez-faire style→ A leader who allows the group to
make decisions and get work done in any way it sees
• Leadership is dynamic, and
leadership must be earned Level 5 – The pinnacle of
individually with everyone you leadership (Respect)
meet. Where we are on the Level 4 – Develop others
"leadership ladder" depends on (Reproduction/reproduksi)
the experiences we have had.
Level 3 – Produktivity

Level 2 – (Relationships )

Ninety-nine percent of all leadership Level 1 – Basic Leadership

occurs not from the top but from the (Rights) :
middle of an organization

John C. Maxwell
9 Leadership types,
which boss is you?
• This type of leadership can be defined as a person's way of
leading others. The most appropriate way to lead depends on
the function of the leader, the people they lead, and the
situation in the work environment.
• There are many factors that can influence the functioning of the
leader and the group. Therefore, the types of leadership also
vary. The following are some of the types of leadership most
often encountered at work.
1. Authoritarian
Authoritarian leadership centers on the boss as the highest
authority. In this type of leadership, leaders make
decisions, rules, and procedures based on their own
thinking. They are also responsible.

An authoritarian work environment does not provide

flexibility to the people who work in it. However, this type of
leadership is especially useful in critical situations when
decisions have to be made quickly.
2. Democratic
Unlike the authoritarian, democratic leadership
types prioritize the contribution of people in
the work environment. The leader then
determines the final decision, but he will
delegate authority to others.
This type of leadership is very suitable to be
applied in the medical or technology field. This
is because these fields require collaboration
between each of their members in order to
function optimally.
3. Delegative
Leaders who apply the type of delegative
leadership give authority to their members
to make decisions. This type of leadership
is especially useful when it is run by
experienced people.
The weaknesses are low motivation, the
tendency of members to blame each other,
and a lack of productivity.
4. Transformational
This type of transformational leadership focuses on changes in
organizations, groups, and other elements involved in them.
The leader is able to motivate the group and direct it to good

Transformational leaders are usually bright,

energetic, and full of passion. They
encourage the people they lead to do various
things beyond the initial target so that the
resulting achievement is also high.
5. Transactional
Transactional leadership type focuses on the
status of the leader and the people he leads.
There is a clear line of command that must be
followed so that everyone understands their
respective roles.
Leaders provide rewards for group members who have
performed well. The drawback is that there is no room
to be creative and think outside the existing order
6. Situational
A unique type of leadership, because leaders act
based on the work environment and the people they
There are four ways that are done in the type of
situational leadership :
• Direct (directing): the leader gives all instructions
• Coaching: the leader provides most of the instructions
with little encouragement.
• Supporting: the leader gives some instructions, but offers
a lot of help.
• Delegation (delegating): the leader no longer provides
instructions or assistance because his group members
are able to carry out the task.
7. Charismatic
In the charismatic personality type, the leader is someone who
has a strong personality. It is a source of strength that makes
many people appreciate their values. Charismatic leaders are
not only known for their position or ownership of something.
They are able to change the perspective of their entrenched
followers into something even better.
8. Servant leadership
The type of leadership where leaders are not reluctant to serve.
This type of leadership believes that, when team members feel
fulfilled personally and professionally they will be able to
produce great work for the company
9. Bureaucracy
The bureaucratic leader expects team members to follow the
right rules and procedures, as written. This type of leadership
focuses on tasks in a hierarchy where each employee already
has a list of responsibilities.
This type of leadership is best suited to work in highly regulated
industries or departments such as finance, health and
Indonesian Millennial Leader

Leader →Charismatic, goal-oriented, and has

strong leadership skills. Leaders embrace the
values of honesty, dedication, and dignity which
they happily lead on difficult paths.
20 Leadership Styles in Indonesia
1. Autocratic → Autocratic leadership style is one
where the leader dominates all decision making
2. Moralist → Leaders who have this style prioritizes
emotions at work.
3. Analytical → Unlike moralists in that they are more
likely to make subjective decisions, analytical
leaders are known to think objectively
4. Delegative → This leadership style has a greater
role for staff in decision making as well as ideas
and innovation
5. Charismatic → Charismatic leadership style is when a
leader uses his or her charisma to attract and motivate
6. Transactional → This leadership style assigns rewards or
punishments to staff based on their performance
7. Democratic → Democratic leadership style is where leaders
and staff work together in decision making
8. Birocrative → This leadership style is where the leader sticks
to the rules
9. Authoritarian → Authoritarian leadership style is where all
decisions come from the leader
10.Transformational → This leadership style requires a high
level of communication between the leader and staff
11. Inisiative → High involvement to support the team
12. Administrative → Leadership is book-based and
limited to change
13. Visionary → Provides guidance, encouragement and
motivation to staff
14. Laissez-Faire → Very low leader's involvement
15. Entrepreneur → Focus on results, not processes
16. Situational→ Flexible to change according to the
current situation
17. Military → Demanding staff or team member
18. Dominator → Dominate all decisions and act like a one-
man team
19. Participative → Value ideas from staff and team
20. Maternalistic → Don't trust staff because they are
deemed incompetent
There are many types or styles of leadership and no one is
better than the other in any situation. Leadership types can be
classified as follows :
1. Charismatic/non-charismatic
2. Autocratic/democratic
3. Enabler/controller
4. Transactional/transformational
• Charismatic leaders rely on their personality,
their inspirational qualities and their 'aura'. Is a
visionary leader who is achievement oriented, a
calculated risk taker and a good communicator.
• Non-charismatic leaders rely primarily on their
knowledge of leadership (authority is given to
those who know), their calm self-confidence
and their cool analytical approach to dealing
with problems.
• Autocratic leaders enforce their decisions, using their
positions to force people to do as they're told.
• Democratic leaders encourage people to participate and be
involved in decision making.
• Enabler inspire people with their vision of the future and
empower them to achieve team goals.
• Controllers order people to have their obedience

• Transactional leaders trade money, jobs and security for

• Transformational leaders motivate people to strive for higher
level goals.
Another way of describing leadership style relates to
the path-goal model. There are four styles :
1. Achievement-orientated leadership- leaders set
challenging goals for subordinates, expect them to
perform at the highest level, and demonstrate
confidence in their ability to live up to expectations.
2. Directive leadership - the leader tells subordinates
what is expected of them and tells them how to do
their job
3. Participative leadership - the leader consults
subordinates and seeks their advice before making
4. Supportive leadership - the leader is friendly and
approachable and shows concern for the welfare of
A 10-point plan for developing leadership
1. Understand what is meant by leadership.
2. Appreciate the various leadership styles available
3. Value what we believe to be a fundamental leadership style.
4. Ask other people, colleagues, and even members of our own team
to tell us what they think of our leadership style and how well it
5. Based on this information, consider what we need to do and can
do to change leadership styles, keeping in mind that we must
continue to be the same person. In other words, our leadership
style must remain natural.
6. Think about the typical situations and problems we
face as leaders. Will the leadership style, modified
as necessary, be suitable for all? If not, can you
think of one situation where a different style would
be better? If so, think about what we need to do to
be able to flex our leadership style without our
team looking inconsistent.
7. Consider various descriptions of the qualities that
make a good leader and value our own
performance. Decide what we need to do - what
we can do - about the weaknesses we have
8. Think about or observe every manager you know
with whom you work or are with
9. Assess each Aspect for quality using the checklist
10.Consider what can be learned from leaders about effective
and less effective leadership behaviors. Based on this, the
value at which we can change our own leadership behavior so
as to provide a value that is more appropriate and appropriate
to the job site.
Leadership Style of the Seven Presidents
of the Republic of Indonesia
1. Soekarno → a leadership style that is oriented towards the moral
and ethical ideology that underlies the state or party
2. Soeharto → Leadership Style is a combination of Proactive-
Extractive and Adaptive-Anticipatory leadership styles, namely
leadership styles that are able to seize opportunities and see
challenges as something that has a positive impact
3. B.J. Habibie → Habibie's leadership style is Dedicative-Facilitative
leadership style, is a joint and Democratic Leadership
4. Abdurahman Wahid → Abdurrahman Wahid's leadership style is
Responsive-accommodative, which seeks to aggregate all of the
various interests.
5. Megawati Soekarno Putri → Megawati's non-violent leadership
style. Megawati emphasized leadership in eastern culture
6. Susilo Bambang Yudhono → Having more than one type of
leadership, such as a charismatic, military leadership style, as well
as a sopportive, participative, instrumental and other type.
Everything he adjusts to the situation, and the existing
7. Joko Widodo → The leadership character applied by Jokowi tends
to lead to a serving leadership style
Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin Donald Trump Angela Merkel

Pope Francis Bill Gates Mohammed bin

Jeff Bezos
Salman Al Saud
Cross-Cultural Leadership
• Korean leaders are paternalistic towards employees
• Arab leaders showing kindness or generosity without being
asked to do so are sometimes viewed by other Arabs as weak
• China's leaders remain positive in the face of attacks
• European leaders are more action-oriented.
• Japanese leaders are humble and talkative
• Latin American leaders do not feel rejected when others
behave formally
• Scandinavian and Dutch leaders elect individuals with public
praise tending to humiliate, not encourage, the individual
• Effective leaders in Malaysia show compassion by using a more
autocratic than a participatory style.
• German leaders have high performance orientation, low affection,
low self-protection, low team orientation, high autonomy and high
• Effective leaders in Sub-Saharan Africa build deep relationships and
close teamwork
A leader is someone who can influence others and has managerial
authority. Leadership is the process of leading a group and influencing the
group to achieve its goals. Managers must be leaders because leading is
one of the four functions of management
Leadership is dynamic, and leadership must be earned individually with
everyone you meet.
• A Leader Has Good Communication
• Have a Courageous and Inspiring Attitude
• A Leader Is Always Himself
• The Attitude of a Leader Can Always Respect Others
• Be Calm When Under Pressure
• Have a Humble Attitude
• Have an Honest Attitude
• Have a Creative Attitude
• Have Good Time Management
• Have a Perseverance and Always Be Enthusiastic
• The five sources of a leader's strength are (authority or position),
coercive (punishing or controlling), reward (giving positive rewards),
experts (special skills, skills, or knowledge), and references (desired
resources or traits). Leaders today face problems managing power,
developing trust, empowering employees, leading across cultures,
and being effective leaders.
• Armstrong, M. (2011). How to manage people. In NASPA Journal (Vol. 42).
• Browaeys, M. J., & Price, R. (2005). Understanding management styles. In Pearson (Vol. 101).
• Carter, L., Ulrich, D., & Goldsmith, M. (2005). Best practices in leadershipdevelopment and organization change (L. Carter, D. Ulrich, & M.
Goldsmith, eds.). Pfeiffer.
• Collings, D. G., Wood, G., & Szamosi, L. T. (2019). Human Resource management : A Critical Approach (Second Edi). New York:
• Maxwell, J. C. (2014). The 360 leadership "Developing your influence from anywhere in the organization. In NASPA Journal (Vol. 42).
• Maxwell, J. C. (2019). How to influence people (Vol. 53).
• Merkin, R. S. (2018). Saving face in business. New York.
• Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2010). Management (14 E). Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/JOVEN EJEMPLAR/Music/002
• R. Ayman, M. M. Chemers, and F. Fiedler, “The Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness: Its Levels of Analysis,” Leadership
Quarterly, Summer 1995, pp. 147–167; C. A. Schriesheim, B. J. Tepper, and L. A. Tetrault, “Least Preferred Coworker Score, Situational
Control, and Leadership Effectiveness: A Meta-Analysis of Contingency Model Performance Predictions,” Journal of Applied Psychology,
August 1994, pp. 561–573; and L. H. Peters, D. D. Hartke, and J. T. Pholmann, “Fiedler’s Contingency Theory of Leadership: An
Application of the Meta-Analysis Procedures of Schmidt and Hunter,” Psychological Bulletin, March 1985, pp. 274–285
• Most leadership research has focused on the actions and responsibilities of managers and extrapolated the results to leaders and
leadership in general
• M. L. Dixon and L. K. Hart, “The Impact of Path-Goal Leadership Styles on Work Group Effectiveness and Turnover Intention,” Journal of
Managerial Issues, Spring 2010, pp. 52–69; J. C. Wofford and L. Z. Liska, “Path-Goal Theories of Leadership: A Meta-Analysis,” Journal
of Management, Winter 1993, pp. 857–876; and A. Sagie and M. Koslowsky, “Organizational Attitudes and Behaviors as a Function of
Participation in Strategic and Tactical Change Decisions: An Application of Path-Goal Theory,” Journal of Organizational Behavior, January
1994, pp. 37–47
• N. Nayab, “A Review of Companies with Autocratic Leadership,” Bright Hub Project Management, online, www., July 29,
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