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OB Unit 2 - Application Oriented Questions

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Unit 2: Application for Application oriented questions

1. An employee does an unsatisfactory job on an assigned project. Explain the

attribution process that this person's manager will use to form judgments
about this employee's job performance.
2. With relevant examples, discuss how the 'Big 5" traits can be applied to
predict work place behavior in today's organizations.
3. Explain your personality with reference to the online MBTI test that you
have taken. Discuss the relevance of your analysis.
4. Explain the personality type of any famous business leader of your choice
that you have studied, by applying the Big 5 Personality Model. Justify the
success factors of that personality using the Big-5 model.
5. With relevant examples discuss how the 'Big 5" traits can be applied to
predict work place behavior in today's organizations.
6. India Incorporated uses MBIT for selection for managers. Do you think that
this is a wise decision? Also give a brief description of the MBTI
7. 'The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality framework is one of
the most widely used personality assessment instrument in the world'.
Describe the MBTI and discuss briefly its strengths and weakness.
8. How do Big Five Traits predict work behavior?
9. Jane Simpson rates low on conscientiousness. While explaining the Big Five
Model, explain what the statement means. Also explain the relationship
between personality and behavior.
10.What are the three main components of attitudes? Explain each component
in 2-3 sentences.
11.Why do you think Machiavellianism is a personality trait relevant to OB?
12.By quoting relevant examples, discuss the ongoing debate on “Nature V/S
Nurture” in shaping our personality.
13.If I were a recruiter, what could be the two possible shortcuts that I may use
in judging candidates who come for interview? Explain with suitable
14.We judge people differently, depending on the meaning we attribute to a
given behavior. Explain the most popular theory behind this statement with
relevant examples.
15.You are a manager who wants to improve performance in your team.
Explain how an understanding of personality might help you practically.
16.Explain with the help of examples the concept of organizational justice.
How can you maintain the environment that fosters both distributive and
procedural justice?
17.Recall an instance, in which you experienced cognitive dissonance. How did
you resolve it?
18.What are some of the situations in which you would expect employee's
personalities to influence their behavior?
19.What makes a group highly cohesive? When is this type of group desirable
and undesirable? Justify your answers with suitable examples.
20.As a manager of in charge of diversity management in an MNC company,
how would you promote diversity in your organization?
21.How would you formulate an attribution, according to attribution theory, for
the subordinate who starts arguing in a meeting with his senior manager?
22.Explain the relevance of learning in today's organization. Also explain any
theory of learning and its application in today's organization.
23.Take a moment to consider the last time you used stereotype to judge
someone you had not met before.
a. Why did you use stereotype?
b. Was the stereotype positive or negative.
c. Did you have a chance to reevaluate the stereotype (perhaps because
you get to know the person)
24.Analyze the role of social learning theory in your own life.
25.Your boss never gives you benefit of. doubt. When you are late back from
lunch, he assumed that you had simply taken too much time. He never
considered that the elevators were out and you had to walk up 10 flights of
stairs. Explain what perceptual bias is the boss subject to? Explain the other
perceptual bias you know about?
26. Assume you are the HR Manager of a company. Design a reinforcement
strategy for the workers based on variable ratio and fixed interval schedule

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