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Unit 4 Friends Forever Developing & Presenting Ideas-2022-2023学年高一英语上学期同步精品课堂(外研版2019必修第一册)

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Friends forever

Developing & Presenting ideas

Learning Objectives
1. to understand characters in a novel

2. to learn to write the ending of a story

3. to arouse students’ interest in reading

novels in English
Using Language

Step 1. Developing ideas

Step 2. Presenting ideas

Step 3. Learning words and expressions

词汇语法复习 根据汉义及句子结构填入适当的单词。

1. It was an unpopular decision _____________(

to postpone 延迟 ) building the new hospital.
2. Then they chose one __________
gram ( 克 ) for weighing water in a cubic centimetre.
3. The club will send a free information __________.
pack ( 小包 ).
4. I tried to offer a few words of ____________ ( 安慰 ) .
5. I must warn you that my ____________ ( 耐心 ) is almost at an end.
6. We have not only ___________ ( 激情 ) but also responsibility.
7. Receiving lots of clothes from people, especially in winter, he was touched by
people's _____________ ( 慷慨 ) .
8. Something cheap doesn't necessarily mean it's of low____________ ( 品质 ) .
9. Most ____________ ( 青少年 ) go through a period of rebelling.

1. Maybe you have a habit _________

which is driving your family crazy.
2. Some people thaink that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, _________
who lived
from roughly 551 to 479 BC, influenced the development of chopsticks.
3. Across the aisle was seated a young girl, __________ eyes came back again and
again from the man’s flowers.
4. We were told four ways to the top of the mountain, each of ________
which took 60
minutes to complete.
5. To my surprise, more than 3,500 people participated in the race, among _________
was a disabled man!
6. I stopped the first cab __________ drove by my house.
7. He wasted it on something __________ is unnecessary.
ordinary adj. 普通的,平常的 _______________
excerpt n. 摘录,节录
scar n. 伤疤 _______________
appointed adj. 约定的,指定的
dine v. 进餐 _______________
aim v. 力求达到
chum n. 好朋友 _______________
strike v. 划 ( 火柴 )
_______________ n. 大笔钱,巨款 _______________
cigar n. 雪茄烟
drag v. 拖,拉 _______________
ashamed adj. 感到不好意思的
destiny n. 命运 _______________
unfold v. ( 卷着的东西 ) 打开
correspond v. 通信 _______________
location n. 地点,位置
hustle v. 拼命干,努力干 _______________
surroundings n. 周围的事物,环境
staunch adj. 坚定的 _______________
personality n. 个性,性格
partner n. 伙伴,搭档 atmosphere
_______________ n. 气氛,氛围
make one’s fortune 发财
be set in 以 ... 为背景
ought to 应该,应当
turn up ( 意外或终于 ) 出现
work out 解决,算出来,制定出
hear from 收到某人的信,获得某人的消息
be worth it 值得
drag...out of... 把 ... 从 ... 拖出来
after one year or two 一两年后
on a cold dark night 在一个寒冷漆黑的夜晚
sound pretty interesting 听起来很有趣
the everyday life of ordinary people 普通人的日常生活
O Henry (September 11, 1862-June 5, 1910), known as William Sydney
Porter, is a famous American novelist. When he was a teenager, he
wanted to be a painter. After marriage, he started writing with the
encouragement of his wife. Later, he was imprisoned for accounting
problems while working in a bank. During his sentence, he wrote
carefully, and published a large number of short stories under the
pseudonym "O Henry", which attracted wide attention of readers. He is
a prolific writer, leaving a novel Cabbage and the King and nearly 300
short stories in his life. His short stories are well-conceived and unique
in style, and are famous for their expressions of the lives of the middle
and lower classes in America, humorous language and unexpected
1862-1910 ending. His masterpieces include The Gift of Maggie (also known as
The Gift of the Sage), The Last Leaf , Twenty Years Later, etc.
Characters of
After Twenty

Can you guess

what will

Jimmy Bob
a policeman wanted by the police
Bob’s best friend
Pre-reading Background of the story

Background: In 1862. With the development of the western region of the United States
and the rapid development of capitalism, there appeared the concentration of capital
and the poverty of the proletariat, and the class contradictions in American society
became more and more acute and superficial.

Theme: a profound critique of American society during the rise of capitalism

1862 年。随着美国西部大开发和资本主义的迅速发展,出现了资本的集中和无产


Jimmy was a loyal and unselfish image of the upright police officer.

Bob :
He had made a fortune in the West. The obvious knife marks left on his face revealed
that he had once had a bloody killing experience.

The author wrote that Bob came thousands of miles, fulfilled the agreement made 20
years ago, stood in the cold rain night, sincerely and firmly waiting for the arrival of old
friends. In Bob, there is no deceit, no dark, dirty mind.
Bob, who was wanted by the police
Jimmy, a police officer, Bob’s old friend

where In New York

elements on a cold rainy night after 20 years since Bob went to
the West
Bob came a thousand miles to stand where they
a novel happened
promised to meet, waiting for Jimmy.

the end Jimmy appeared but Bob didn’t recognised him. But
Jimmy found that Bob was the person wanted by the

1 . The text mainly tells us ________.

A . the appointment of the two friends
B . why the two friends had the appointment
C . how the two friends had the appointment
D . the disappointed appointment

The main idea of each paragraph

Para 1. Twenty years ago two friends made an appointment.

Para 2. Bob’s old friend, Jimmy’s reaction

Para 3. Bob’s trust in friendship


Why did Bob start for the West? Did his dream come true?

He started for the West to make a fortune. He did realize his dream but
must have gone through bloody experiences.

What appointment did they make at that time?

They would meet at Big Joe’s Brady’s exactly twenty years from that date
and time.

Did they correspond after Bob left?

They corresponded for a time, but after one year or two they lost track of
each other.

Why did Bob believe that his friend would come?

Because he thought his friend Jimmy was always the truest, staunchest old
chap in the world.

Read the note and find out what actually happened.

Jimmy was the policeman. He turned up as they agreed twenty years

ago, but he decided to fulfil his duty and have Bob arrested.
Read Bob’s story after he was released from jail and answer the questions.
1. How did Bob feel when he finally got out of jail?
Bob felt lost and helpless.
2. What kind of ending is this? More than one description may be suitable
 A happy ending  A sad ending
 A surprise ending  An open ending
Two surprise endings
of the novel

Surprise 1 (O. Henry 的结尾 )

After twenty years Bob came a thousand miles to fulfil the appointment made with
Jimmy while Jimmy had Bob arrested.

Surprise 2 ( 续写结尾 )
After twenty years Bob got out of jail, lost and helpless while Jimmy arranged his
son to give Bob a warm welcom.
O. Henry’s stories are
famous for their
surprise endings.

How to creare a surprise ending to a stroy?

A surprise ending is a sudden and thorough change in the unexpected direction or outcome
of the plot of a story. It usually happens near the end of a story, especially when it changes
readers’opinions of the previous plots.

How to produce a surprise ending

Strategy 1: A Sudden Change of the charactr’s Fortune
Bob and Jimmy were close friends like brothers and they made an appointment 20 years
ago. After 20 years Bob came a thousand miles to fulfil the appointment. While he was
waiting at he place, he told his long story to a policeman.
At the end of the story, Bob received a note which told him the policeman he just told
his story was exactly Jimmy. Jimmy had Bob arrested.
In After Twenty Years both the characters changed their destiny: Bob became a criminal
wanted by the police. Jimmy became a police officer trying to arrest Bob. An unexpected
ending turned up.
How to produce a surprise ending
Strategy 2: The Inconsistency( 不一致 ) between What People Say and What People Do

At first the character’s words and behavior make people think that the character is rude or
indifferent, doesn’t care about others. But on the contrary, the surprise ending reveals the
chacter’s thoughtfulness and willness to help others.

After twenty years Bob got out of jail, lost and helpless. Jimmy still didn’t show up. Another
man appeared and gave Bob a note just like 20 years ago. The note was still from Jimmy.
But this time Jimmy arranged a warm welcome for Bob.

From his first note, we think that Jimmy was a upright policeman, not caring about Bob. But
his second note revealed that Jimmy cared very much about Bob and their friendship.
How to produce a surprise ending
Strategy 3: To reveal an Incredible Truth
To reveal an incredible truth also leads to a surprise ending.

In the whole story, the function of Jimmy’s notes is very important. The two notes give us
information which is not mentioned in previous plots. We just get to konw the truth at the
last moment of the story, which is a very interesting and exciting experience for us. Using
this strategy can arouse reader’s attraction.
Now let’s write your own ending.

It was a cold winter night when Bob came out of jail. After twenty years behind bars, he felt like a stranger to
the city and everyone in it. Lost and helpless, he didn't know where to go or whom to go to. A year after he had
been arrested, his wife had left him and taken their daughter with her. Former good friends had cut all contact
with him.

"Is there anyone here who still thinks of me?"he wondered bitterly. Recalling the night twenty years earlier that
had completely changed his life, he wandered blindly through the streets. In the dim light of a streetlamp, he
noticed an old man sitting on a bench."Another lonely man, just like me," he thought to himself.

"Bob," the old man looked up. Although twenty years had passed, he could still recognize that face-Jimmy's
face."I'm here for our meeting, though I don't know if you still want it. Anyway, welcome home, buddy!""Long
time no see," murmured Bob, his voice trembling. The uncertainty was gone. He now had a home.
The more friends you
A few true friends are
the happier you will be.

Point of view: The more friends you have, the happier you will be.

Arguments: You can have more wisdom.

You have more people to turn to when in trouble
You can share your happines with more friends.
Supporting exanples: A story happened in your life.
Hello, everyone. I will take this opportunity to say something about
friends. Some people say a few true friends are enough. That’s a good
point but in my opinion we should have more friends. The more friends
you have, the happier you will be.

Human beings are social creatures. We communicate with other poeple.

If we have more friends, we can get more help from our friends when
we are in trouble. If we share happiness with friends, then our happiness
will multiply.
Another fact is more people can gether more strength, which is also the
case of friends. When you have more friends, you will have more chances
to exchang ideas and knowledge with each other. Therefore, your wisdom
will increase. Just as a saying goes, the wiser you are, the happier you will

When I began my senior high, I just had two fiends. When I wanted to
talk about my feelings with them, they were too busy. As time goes on, I
have more friends. Whenever I need help or someone to listen to me, I
can always find a friend or two.
In short, we live in the world and we need our friends this way or that
way. The more friends you have, the happier you will be.
New Words and expressions

1. ordinary adj. 普通的,平常的;平淡无奇的,平庸的;(尤指法官、主教)常任的

ordinary people 普通人,凡夫俗子 an ordinary day 平常的一天
ordinary temperature 常温 out of the ordinary 不平常的
extraordinary adj. extra- 表示“超出,在 ... 之外”
extra+ordinary=extraordinary adj. 异乎寻常的 , 非凡的 , 卓越的 , 特别的
extraordinarily adv. adv. 极其 , 极端地 , 不寻常地

1. 知道如何在书上做标记是一个非常重要的学习技巧。
Knowing how to mark a book is an extraordinarily important study skill.
2. 我认为自己就是一名普通的劳动者。
I regard myself as an ordinary working people.
New Words and expressions
2. dine v. 进餐,吃饭;宴请
dine out 外食 dine in 在家吃 dine and wine sb 以酒饭招待某人
我们周末总是在外吃饭。 We always dine out at weekends.
dinner n. 正餐,晚餐 dining room/hall 餐厅 canteen 食堂
dining table 餐桌
1. 我常酒饭款待他们。
I always dine and wine them.

2. 我走进了那家餐厅,想在离开前吃点东西。
I entered the restaurant to dine before I left/before my departure..
New Words and expressions
3. fortune n .大笔的钱,巨款;机会;运气
seek one's fortune   找出路;碰运气 make a fortune 发了一笔财
try one's fortune 碰运气 make one’s fortune 发财
fortunate adj. 幸运的;侥幸的 ( = lucky) unfortunate adj. 不幸的
be fortunate to do sth. 幸运做某事
fortunately adv. 幸运地 ( = luckily)
unfortunately adv. 不幸地
New Words and expressions
1. 在中国民间故事中,蝙蝠是好运的象征。
In Chinese folk tales the bat is a symbol of good fortune.
2. 我们必须勤劳致富。
We must make a fortune by means of industry.
3. 我迟到了,不过幸好会议还没有开始。
I was late, but fortunately the meeting hadn't started.
4. 他们不幸在途中遭遇了暴风雪。
Unfortunately they ran into a snowstorm along/on the way.
New Words and expressions
4. drag vt. 拖;拉;扯 dragging, dragged, dragged
drag sb. down   使某人沮丧,把某人拖垮
drag ... out of ... 把……从……中拖出来
drag sb. into (doing) sth. 把某人拖入到 ( 做 ) 某事中
1. 他站起来,把椅子拖向桌子。
He stood up and dragged his chair toward the table.

2. 它应该给予我们能量,而不是拖垮我们。
It should give us enenrgy not drag us down.

3. 治安联防员将这些人从车里拽了出来。
The vigilantes dragged the men out of the vehicles.
New Words and expressions
5. couldn’t have done 表示对过去发生的事情的推测,语气比较肯定;该结构常常用

should + have + done ,表示过去“本应该…… ( 实际没做 )” ,实际上是说话人在


shouldn’t + have + done ,表示过去“本不应该…… ( 实际做了 )”

must + have + done ,表示对过去情况的推测,语气比较肯定,“当时一定做


needn't + have + done ,表示过去“没有必要做”,但实际做了,有责备的意思。

New Words and expressions
1. 你不可能把它落在公共汽车上了,对吧?
You couldn't have left it on the bus, could you?
2. 我们睡着时一定让贼入室偷了。
We must have been burgled while we were asleep.
3. 我们本应在投票之前好好讨论一下才是。
We should have had a proper discussion before voting.
4. 我对考试感到很紧张,但实际上我本不必担心,这次考试的确很容易。
I got very nervous about the exam, but actually I needn't have worried. It was really
New Words and expressions
6. correspond v 类似于,相当于;通信;相一致,符合
correspond to 与 ... 相似,相当于 correspond with 与 ... 一致,与 ... 相符合
correspond with sb 与某人通信
corresponding adj. 相应的,相关的
correspondent n. 记者,通信员,写信人

1. 你对事故的陈述与她说的不相符。
Your statement of the accident doesn’t correspond with hers.
2. 美国的国会相当于英国的议会。 (Congress 国会, Parliament 议会 )
The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.
3. 我定期与她通信。I correspond with her regularly.
New Words and expressions
7. distance v. 疏远,撇清和……的关系
n. 距离,间距;远方
in the distance    在远处 distance educstion 远程教育
from a distance 从远处 within walking diatance 步行就能到
at a distance (of) 在…远的地方;距离稍远
keep one's distance (from)   ( 与…… ) 保持距离
keep sb. at a distance 对某人冷淡;与某人疏远;与某人保持一定距离
distant adj. 遥远的,久远的;冷淡的;心不在焉的;远亲的
distantly adv. 远离地,遥远地;疏远地,冷淡地;模糊地
Distantly, he could hear the sound of the sea.
New Words and expressions
1. 在远处,天空正在开始变亮。
In the distance, the sky was beginning to brighten.
2. 中央公园步行走得到吗?
Is the Central Park within walkin diatance?
3. 在互联网上距离已不再是一个问题。
Distance is not a problem any longer on the Internet.
4. 天文学家们最近发现了一个遥远的星系。
Astronomers have discovered a distant galaxy recently.
New Words and expressions
8. turn up ( 意外地或终于 ) 出现;到场;调高 ( 声音 )
turn over      翻转 turn on 打开
turn out 结果是 turn off 关闭
turn in 上交;呈递 turn to ... 转向;求助于
turn down 调低;拒绝 turn into... 变成 ...
in turn 轮流,依次,反过来 turning point 转折点
down/off or it'll burn.
1. Turn the heat __________
2. For some unknown reason , he failed to turn __________.
3. No one could have predicted that things would turn____________
out this way.
4. The beetle lay there working its helpless legs, unable to turn ____________.
5. Why did she turn ____________ your invitation?
6. In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn __________.
New Words and expressions
9. unfold v. 打开,展开;呈现,逐渐明朗;发生,发展
un- 加于动词前,表“做出相反的动作”
fold 折叠— unfold 打开 lock 锁上— unlock 开锁
botton 系扣子— unbotton 解开扣子 cover 覆盖— uncover 揭开
pack 打包— unpack 打开包裹 do 做— undo 解开,松开,恢复原状

un- 用于形容词之前,表示“不”;
happy (adj. 高兴的 ) → unhappy(adj. 不高兴的 )
usual ( adj. 通常的、寻常的)→ unusual ( adj. 与众不同的,不寻常的)
aware ( adj. 意识到)→ unaware ( adj. 没意识到、没觉察到)
known ( adj. 知名的、出名的) → unknown (adj. 未知的、不出名的 )
comfortable ( adj. 舒服的) → uncomfortable (adj. 不舒服的 )
1. We have an opportunity now to really ___________( 解锁 ) the secrets of the universe.
2. The government said it was determined to ___________( 揭露 ) the truth.
3. He was trapped in an ___________( 不幸的 ) marriage.
4. ___________(
Unfold 展开 ) the flag first, and then hoist( 升起 ) it quickly to the top of the
flagpole. unbelievable
5. The pressure they put us under was ________________(
unknown 难以置信的 ).
6. His whereabouts have been utterly ___________( 未知的 ) so far.
7. I couldn't sleep because the bed was so ________________( 不舒服的 ).
8. His clumsy fingers couldn't ___________( 解开 ) the knot.
New Words and expressions
10. shame n. 羞耻 , 羞愧;羞耻心 , 羞耻感;令人惋惜的事 , 让人遗憾的事;耻辱 , 丢脸;
v. 使感到羞耻(或羞愧);使蒙羞,使丢脸;使黯然失色,使相形见绌
in shame 羞愧地 what a shame 真丢人
sense of shame 羞耻感
shameful adj. 丢脸的,可耻的 shameless adj. 无耻的,不要脸的
ashamed adj. 感到羞愧;羞于(做某事)be ashamed of 对 ... 感到惭愧
1. 对他来说,撒谎是可耻的。 It's shameful for him to tell a lie.

2. 他是个不要脸的骗子。He is a shmeless liar.

3. 你应为自己所做的事感到羞愧。You should be ashamed of what you have done.

New Words and expressions
11. scene n .场景; ( 戏剧 ) 一场;现场;场面;景色;景象
on the scene   在现场;当场 be/come on the scene 出现;到来;参与
behind the scenes 在幕后;秘密地 set the scene 提供条件;描述背景
区分 scene, scenery, view, sight
scene 戏剧中的“场”,当前的场景
scenery 指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色
view 从高处或某一特定的角度看到的景色
sight 视力,名胜、风景,表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数

at the sight of 看到 ... on the scene 当场,在场
in/out of sight 看得 / 不见 in view of 鉴于,考虑到
New Words and expressions 单句语法填空

1. It was _____________(fortune)
fortunate that no passenger got injured.
2. The task requires _____________(ordinary) patience and endurance.
3. _____________(fortune), there is nothing we can do to improve matters.
was dragged
4. The child _____________(drag) away, kicking and screaming.
5. One ABC _____________(correspond) had totally missed the point of the question.
6. The American Congress corresponds _____________ the British Parliament.
7. The mountains rolled away to a _____________(distance) horizon.
8. It was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone _____________ a distance.
9. When heated, ice can turn _____________
into water.
10. It's _____________(believe) that technology has progressed in such a rapid way!
11. I feel quite _____________(shame) that I have not fulfilled the task.
12. She was ashamed _____________ her children's bad behaviour.

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