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Unit 4 Friends Forever Using Language-2022-2023学年高一英语上学期同步精品课堂(外研版2019必修第一册)

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Friends forever

Using Language
Learning Objectives
1. to understand attributive clasuse

2. to be able to discuss your friends properly

3. to realize the importance of friendship

Using Language

Step 1. Attributive clauses

Step 2. Magical ingredients of friendship

Step 3. Learning to make a suggestion

词汇语法复习 根据汉义及句子结构填入适当的单词。
1. What can we learn from Hawking's _____________( 非同寻常的 ) experiences?.
2. You can buy our _________( 商品 ) over the Internet.
3. How can everybody in the world share the recent technological__________( 进步 )?
4. But some things are really working well! Why throw the baby out with the___________
( 洗澡水 )?
5. It ___________( 通常 ) takes a day or two, depending on size. tte.
6. Are you ___________( 熟悉的 ) with the computer software they use?
7. I quickly lost __________( 踪迹 ) of her.
8. The video cameras are linked to a ___________( 强大的 ) computer.
updates 最新消息 ).
9. She could see their photos and read their status _________(
10. We must take _________( 积极的 ) steps to deal with the problem.
单句语法填空 ( 时态练
had been
1. When Jack arrived he learned that Mary __________(be) away for almost an hour.
2. Remember to send me a photo of us next time you _______(write) to me.
was working
3. I first met Tom 10 years ago. He _____________(work) in a radio factory at that time.
are wearing
4. I can guess you were in a hurry. You ______________(wear) your sweater inside out.
5. —I will come to attend your lecture at 10:00 tomorrow.
will be meeting
—I’m sorry. By then my lecture will have ended and I _______________(meet) my guests
in my offices.
will turn
6. Don’t bother to look for my dictionary. It __________(turn) up some day.
7. The plane ___________(leave) at 7:00 pm, so I have to be at the airport by 6:40.
8. I used to drink a lot of tea but these days I ________(prefer) coffee.
Using language 单词识记
inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的 _______________
humor n. 幽默感
teenager n. 青少年 _______________
quality n. 素质,品德
pour 灌,注,倒 _______________
anxious adj. 焦虑的,不安的
pot n. 锅 _______________
distance v. 使与 ... 保持距离
_______________ n. 克 _______________
pospone v. 使 ... 延期,推迟
pack n. 小盒 _______________
genetically adv. 在基因方面
comfort n. 安慰,慰籍 _______________
gene n. 基因
patience n. 耐心 _______________
suggestion n. 建议
passion n. 强烈的情感 _______________
according to 根据 ... 所说
generosity n. 慷慨,大方 _______________
Yale University 耶鲁大学
slice n. 薄片 offer sth to sb 为 ... 提供 ...
Using language

关系代词引导的 定语从句的构成要素
Using language

1. We can...stay in touch with the people that we want to remain friends with.
that we want to remain friends
我们可以和想保持朋友关系的人保持联系。 with 用来限定说明 people
“that”refers to
“ 想保持朋友关系”用来限定
2. The digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests.
who share our interests
数码时代可以使我们找到 与我们志趣相投的 人。 用来限定说明 people
“ 与我们志趣相投”用来限定
说明“人” “who”refers to
Using language Compare the following sentences and answer the questions.

Group Sentences in
A Group A contain a
defining a noun.
B Sentences in Group
B are a pair of
simple sentences,
with one defining a
What is the difference between the two noun that appears
groups of sentences? in the other
sentence in each
Using language
Why does the author choose to use sentences in Group A ?

Because there is a closer link and connection between"people" and

the clause defining it in sentences (a) and (b). It also makes the
passage clearer, and creates an emphatic effect on the people or
things being defined.

因为句子 (a) 和 (b) 中的“ people” 和修饰限定从句之间有更紧

Using language
An attributive clause is a subordinate clause which
specifies or gives information about a person or thing.

What is an Attibutive clauses come after a noun or pronoun and,

attributive clause
in English, often begin with a relative pronoun such as
"who," "which," "whose," "whom," "that."

Using language


...the Internet can connect us with others who enjoy doing them...
要素一 要素二
先行词 要素三 要素四
关系词 主语 其他句子



which 在定语从句
中作主语(在谓语 that 在定语从
动词前)或宾语 句中作主语 whose 引导的定
whom 在定语 语从句先行词既
(在谓语动词或介 (在谓语动词 who 在定语从 从句中作宾语
词后),先行词为 前)或宾语 可以是人,也可
句中作主语 (在谓语动词
物,不是人 (在谓语动词 以是物,限定两
(在谓语动词 或介词后)
或介词后), 个名词之间的所
前) 先行词 先行词为人,
指代人或物 属关系
为人,不是物 不是物
Using language


判断关系代词的步骤 steps :

Step 1 :确定现行词表述的是”人“ 还是”物“

Step 2 :找到谓语动词(这一步很重要)

Step 3 :谓语动词前为主语,谓语动词后或介词后为宾语
练一练 填入正确的关系代词

1. We'll reach the sales targets in a month ___________we set at the beginning of the year.
whose children often make a lot of noise.
2. I live next door to a couple ________
3. China Today attracts a worldwide readership ,which
________ shows that more and more people all over the
world want to learn about China.
4. A company ________
whose profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.
which were published in the 1990s.
5. He wrote many children's books, nearly half of ________
6. But Sarah, ________ has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to prove that she has brains as
well as beauty.
that/which we visited last week.
7. This is the factory ____________
8. The person to _________
whom you spoke is a student of Grade Two.
9. The boy, _________
whose mother died last year, studies very hard.
10. Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, ________
who lived from roughly 551 to 479 BC,
influenced the development of chopsticks.
Complete the online forum post with that, which, who, whom, whose.

Walking group welcomes new members

Walk and Talk is a group ________meets every Sunday. It is
free to join. Walk and Talk is perfect for anyone _________
weekends need some excitement. We are all teenagers
___________love walking and making new friends.

We want you to join us! The next walk ___________
is open to new members is on 22 July. You can also bring your
friends. However, anyone___________you bring must be over
12 years old.

Come along and join the fun!

Rewrite the underlined sentences with that, which, who, whom or whose.

Lucy is my friend. She has a hearing problem. When she first came to my school, she
Lucy is my friend who has a hearing proble.
seemed lonely, but we soon became friends. At first it was difficult to communicate
with her. So I learnt a new language. It allows me to "speak" with my hands.
So I learnt a new language which allows me to “speak” with my hands.
Lucy is a smart girl. Her ideas are always inspiring.
Lucy is a smart girl whose ideas are always inspiring.
I sometimes have problems. I can't solve them. When this happens, I always ask Lucy
for help. I sometimes have problems that I can’t solve.
Lucy is a good listener. I enjoy sharing moments of my life with her.
Lucy is a good listner who I enjoy sharing moments of my life with.
先行词为物,在从句中作主语或宾语时,只能用 that , 不能用 which 的情

( 1 )不定代词 anything, nothing, everything, all, much, few, any, little 为先行词时;
提高 Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police.

( 2 )先行词为 the only, the very, the just 或被这些词修饰时;

He is the very man that helped the girl out of the water.

( 3 )先行词被序数词、数词、形容词或最高级修饰时;

The first English book that I read was "The Prince and the Pauper" by Mark Twain.
我读的第一本书是马克 · 吐温写的《王子与贫儿》。
( 4 )先行词既有人又有物时;

拓展 He talked about the teachers and school that he visited.

( 5 )当主句是以 who 或 which 开始的特殊疑问句时,为避免重复用 that ;

Who is the person that is standing at the gate? 那个站在门口的人是谁?

( 6 )关系代词在从句中作表语时;

He is not the man that he used to be. 他以前不是这样的人。

Which 和 that 同为关系代词,都可指物,并且有时会觉得用 that 也可以,用 which
也没错。但在哪些情况下是只能用 which 的呢?
1. 在非限定性定语从句中,无论如何也不能用 that
These books, which you can get at any corner of the town will give you all the information.
2. 关系代词前面出现介词时
Those days in which you could travel without a passport has gone.
那些你不用带护照可以旅行的日子一去不复返了。(此处 which 不可替换为 that )
That`s the motel at which we stayed several years ago.
那是我们许多年以前停留的汽车旅馆。(此处 which 不可替换为 that )
3. 当先行词本身为指示代词 that 时
what about that which had appeared in recent activities.
那个怎么样,在最近的活动中出现过 . ( 结合具体语境看 that 所指代的是什么 )
1. 威尔伯是一只出生在春天的春猪。 Wilbur was a spring pig ____________________.
who was born in
2. 她餐桌上的每周至少供应三次的意大利面条,是一种神秘的红色、白色和棕色混合物。

Spaghetti at her table _________________________________________,

which was offered at least three times a week was a mysterious red,
white, and brown mixture.

3. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。

They rushed over to help the man ________________________.

whose car had broken
4. 我去拜访我的朋友 Susan ,我曾经照看过她的孩子们。

I went to see my friend Susan ______________________________________.

whose children I used to look after
1. A true friend is a person. A friend touches your heart and always understands you.

A true friend is a person who touches your heart and always understands you.
2. The book provides a lot of articles. The articles can improve students' reading
The book provides a lot of articles which/that can improve students' reading ability.
3. Confucius is a famous philosopher. He has influenced the world greatly.
Confucius is a famous philosopher who has influenced the world greatly.
4. Mike went to the university. He visited it last summer vacation.
Mike went to the university which/that he visited last summer vacation.
Construct your vocabulary

What does
soup contain?
Read the recipe and answer the questions.

What are friendship soup ingredients?

What do you add to frienship soup to make it good?

Do different friends have different friendship soup ?

What do you think is important to your friendship ?

Match the words in bold in Activity 4 to the dictionary entries.

generosity comfort

trust humour

More ingredients to add to frienship soup
bravery politeness
kindness selflessness

modesty optimism
support independence
Friendship needs many different things. For example, ______and similar interests
are very important. If you really trust your friends, you can talk to them about any problems
you have and share your feelings with them. If you and your friends have similar interests,
you will _____________ more time doing the things you enjoy together. Friendship also
needs ______________. leave
You can't ______________ it alone, just as you can't leave soup on
the stove without ______________ time
it. Friendship, like soup, needs your ______________
and ______________.
attention Though having a friend _____________
keeps you busy, it also makes you
happy. A good friend, like a bowl of good soup, can be just __________ you need when you
feel down.

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