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Exercises For The Major Test - Green Line New 4 - Bayern - 8 - Klasse G8

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Exercises for the major test


1. Find synonyms and antonyms for the following words

unless = servant ≠
exterior ≠ disease =
uncountable ≠ spectacular =
indefinite ≠ beg for =
ugly ≠ to assume =
coward = excellent =

2. Fill in the gaps by translating the missing vocabulary

a) Ron, Harry and Hermione didn’t want to enter the ______________

(Spuk-) cabin.
b) Randy looked at me with his long ____________________
(Wimpern) and I couldn’t say no.
c) She _____________________ (verfluchte) the day when she
________________________ (ihn beschimpfte).
d) As soon as he ____________________________ (geerbt hatte)
Number 12, Grimmauld Place, Harry realised that he had got
Kreacher as his new ______________________ (Diener).
e) It wasn’t easy to ______________________ (sich identifizieren)
with this _____________ (eigenartiger Mensch).
f) The Scotsman put on his ________________________
(Schottenrock) with the typical ____________________________
(Karomuster auf Schottenröcken) for his clan and shouldered his
_____________________ (Dudelsack).
g) I was aware that Cindy had to __________________________
(Dampf ablassen) when I saw her red face.
h) Fog gathered around the _______________________ (Friedhof),
and the _________________________ (schief) gravestones looked
like small, black people.

3. C-Test

The la___________________ seemed quite ge____________________:

since I had moved into the house, he hadn’t asked for any documents,
payments or account numbers. Therefore, I didn’t da____________ to do
anything that might annoy him. Mr. Jones, my landlord, was mostly
absent, as he worked on an o_________ r__________ in the North Sea.
But that week, he had decided to stay at home, “f__________ a
ch______________”, as he had told me. When I was o___________
a___________ ab______________ in the streets of Liverpool, I saw him
standing at a qu_____________ in front of a cinema. At that very
moment, I watched a group of youngsters who appeared behind Mr. Jones
and hit him hard in the face. I was si___________ when I saw all the
blood running down his face. T_________ th_________ is, I can’t stand
seeing blood. But what did Mr. Jones do? He just sh______________,
n____________ and wiped the blood off his nose and mouth. I couldn’t
believe that he didn’t st______________ up for hi_____________! Was
he a co_____________? I never found out.

4. Explain the following words and expressions in your own words

cargo: _____________________________________________
bubble: _____________________________________________
corner shop: _____________________________________________
porridge: _____________________________________________
flatly: _____________________________________________
admire: _____________________________________________
border: _____________________________________________
hometown: _____________________________________________


1. Rewrite the following sentences into the passive form.

a) Last week, the American police arrested a gang of drug dealers who
had been selling marijuana to high-school students.


b) Millions of people take planes to nearly every spot in the world every


c) Teachers are developing a new teaching technique that will simplify

learning considerably.


d) Archeologists have found ancient buildings near the presumably

2,000 year-old Bavarian village Altdorf.


2. Rewrite the following passive sentences into the active form.

a) Last Sunday churches all over the world were filled with Christians
celebrating the resurrection of Christ.


b) The doctor was called to an English cottage late on Sunday night

because the landlord had fallen down the stairs and was bleeding.


c) Yesterday an American helicopter has been shot down by Iraqi

rebels near Baghdad.


3. Translate into English.

1. Zwei der Polizei bekannte Autoknacker1 wurden gestern beim

Versuch einen Kleinlaster zu stehlen festgenommen.


2. Das Haus wurde seit Jahren vernachlässigt2 und ist nun baufällig.



Autoknacker: car burglars
etwas vernachlässigen: to neglect something
3. Computer werden auch in Zukunft von Millionen von Menschen
weltweit intensiv genutzt werden.


4. The gerund

Write 10 sentences. Combine one across verb or phrase with one down
verb or phrase.
Do not use each verb or phrase more than once. Use the across verbs as
gerund forms.
Be careful: In some sentences the gerund is the subject, in some other
sentences it is the object!

be tired of

be fun
be good at

be bad at

be great

be boring

atbe an expert
play soccer
go to pop concerts
wash up
repair bikes
read books
talk English
fill in worksheets
go by train

Examples: My cousin is an expert at going by train.

Going by train is great.

5. Write sentences, use a gerund.

1. Tom – (aufgeben) – smoke – last year.

2. Tina – (vorschlagen) – go – cinema – last night.

3. I – (Probleme/Mühe haben) – learn – new words.

4. My parents – (Grund haben) - tell – not to come home late.

5. The kids – (interessiert an) – visit – new zoo.

6. He – like – lottery. He (die Chance sehen) – win – a lot of money.

7. Sally can – (sich vorstellen) – live – France – some years.

8. We – (satt haben) – do – homework – every day.

9. Mr Hill – (Angst haben vor) – see – big spiders – house.

10. I – (stolz auf etw. sein) – be – best tennis player – club.

11. Many people – (lieber tun) – live – village.

12. John – (nichts ausmachen) – go – school – bus – every day.

13. Everybody – (träumen von) – win – money.

14. Tom – (bedanken bei) – Tim – help – homework – last week.

15. He – (weitermachen) – talk – neighbour – though – teacher – tell –

him – he – (riskieren) – have – to leave – classroom.

Questions on the texts

1. The Kiss (Rosie Rushton)

a) Describe the narrator a little bit: What he looks like, how he behaves
b) What does Spike’s gang want him to do at first?
c) How can the gang threaten him?
d) Who is Shelby?
e) What happens in the end?

2. The ghost of St Dominic

a) Where does Jack Todd come from and where does he move to?
b) Tell the story Rebecca tells Jack in your own words
c) Who do you think were the two figures fighting in the dark, foggy
d) What happened to the reverend and the French sailor?
e) Who gave all the money to the orphanage and why?
Exercises for the major test

1. Find synonyms and antonyms for the following words

unless = if not servant ≠ master

exterior ≠ interior disease = illness
uncountable ≠ countable spectacular = impressive
indefinite ≠ definite beg for = ask for
ugly ≠ pretty, beautiful to assume = to suppose
coward = wimp excellent = perfect

2. Fill in the gaps by translating the missing vocabulary

a) Ron, Harry and Hermione didn’t want to enter the haunted

(Spuk-) cabin.
b) Randy looked at me with his long eyelashes
(Wimpern) and I couldn’t say no.
c) She cursed (verfluchte) the day when she
called him names (ihn beschimpfte).
d) As soon as he had inherited (geerbt hatte)
Number 12, Grimmauld Place, Harry realised that he had got
Kreacher as his new servant (Diener).
e) It wasn’t easy to identify (sich identifizieren)
with this freak (eigenartiger Mensch).
f) The Scotsman put on his kilt
(Schottenrock) with the typical tartan
(Karomuster auf Schottenröcken) for his clan and shouldered his
bagpipe (Dudelsack).
g) I was aware that Cindy had to let off steam
(Dampf ablassen) when I saw her red face.
h) Fog gathered around the churchyard (Friedhof),
and the lopsided (schief) gravestones looked
like small, black people.

3. C-Test

The landlord seemed quite generous: since I had moved into the house,
he hadn’t asked for any documents, payments or account numbers.
Therefore, I didn’t dare to do anything that might annoy him. Mr. Jones,
my landlord, was mostly absent, as he worked on an oil rig in the North
Sea. But that week, he had decided to stay at home, “for a change”, as he
had told me. When I was out and about in the streets of Liverpool, I saw
him standing at a queue in front of a cinema. At that very moment, I
watched a group of youngsters who appeared behind Mr. Jones and hit
him hard in the face. I was sick when I saw all the blood running down his
face. The thing is, I can’t stand seeing blood. But what did Mr. Jones do?
He just shrugged, nodded and wiped the blood off his nose and mouth. I
couldn’t believe that he didn’t stand up for himself! Was he a coward? I
never found out.

4. Explain the following words and expressions in your own words

cargo: Goods that you transport on a ship

bubble: If you mix soap and water, you get bubbles.
corner shop: Small store at the corner of two streets, normally owned
by people from India who sell fruits, vegetables etc
porridge: Mash made out of oat which is eaten for breakfast
flatly: Totally and completely
admire: To look up at someone for something he or she does
border: The area between two countries
hometown: The place you come from or you live in


1. Rewrite the following sentences into the passive form.

a) Last week, the American police arrested a gang of drug dealers who
had been selling marijuana to high-school students.
Last week, a gang of drug dealers who had been selling marijuana
to high-school students was arrested by the American police.
b) Millions of people take planes to nearly every spot in the world every
Planes to nearly every spot in the world are taken by millions of
people every year.
c) Teachers are developing a new teaching technique that will simplify
learning considerably.
A new teaching technique that will simplify learning considerably is
being developed by teachers.
d) Archaeologists have found ancient buildings near the presumably
2,000 year-old Bavarian village Altdorf.
Ancient buildings have been found by archaeologists near the
presumably 2,000 year-old Bavarian village Altdorf.
2. Rewrite the following passive sentences into the active form.

a) Last Sunday churches all over the world were filled with Christians
celebrating the resurrection of Christ.
Last Sunday, Christians celebrating the resurrection of Christ filled
churches all over the world.
b) The doctor was called to an English cottage late on Sunday night
because the landlord had fallen down the stairs and was bleeding.
Someone/People called the doctor to an English cottage late on
Sunday night because the landlord had fallen down the stairs and
was bleeding.
c) Yesterday an American helicopter was shot down by Iraqi
rebels near Baghdad.
Yesterday, Iraqi rebels shot down an American helicopter near

3. Translate into English.

1. Zwei der Polizei bekannte Autoknacker3 wurden gestern beim

Versuch einen Kleinlaster zu stehlen festgenommen.
Two car burglars who were known to the police were arrested
yesterday when they were trying to steal a van.
2. Das Haus wurde seit Jahren vernachlässigt4 und ist nun baufällig.

The house has been neglected for years and is run down now.

3. Computer werden auch in Zukunft von Millionen von Menschen

weltweit intensiv genutzt werden.
Also in the future, computers are going to be used intensively all
over the world by millions of people.

Autoknacker: car burglars
etwas vernachlässigen: to neglect something
4. The gerund

Write 10 sentences. Combine one across verb or phrase with one down
verb or phrase.
Do not use each verb or phrase more than once. Use the across verbs as
gerund forms.
Be careful: In some sentences the gerund is the subject, in some other
sentences it is the object!

be tired of

be fun
be good at

be bad at

be great

be boring

atbe an expert
play soccer
go to pop concerts
wash up
repair bikes
read books
talk English
fill in worksheets
go by train

Examples: My cousin is an expert at going by train.

Going by train is great.

5. Write sentences, use a gerund.

1. Tom – (aufgeben) – smoke – last year.

Tom gave up smoking last year.

2. Tina – (vorschlagen) – go – cinema – last night.

Tina suggested going to the cinema last night.

3. I – (Probleme/Mühe haben) – learn – new words.

I have difficulty in learning new words.

4. My parents – (Grund haben) - tell – not to come home late.

My parents have a reason for telling me not to come home late.

5. The kids – (interessiert an) – visit – new zoo.

The kids are interested in visiting the new zoo.

6. He – like – lottery. He (die Chance sehen) – win – a lot of money.

He likes the lottery. He sees a chance of winning a lot of money.

7. Sally can – (sich vorstellen) – live – France – some years.

Sally can imagine living in France for some years.

8. We – (satt haben) – do – homework – every day.

We are tired of doing homework every day.

9. Mr Hill – (Angst haben vor) – see – big spiders – house.

Mr. Hill is afraid of seeing big spiders in his house.

10. I – (stolz auf etw. sein) – be – best tennis player – club.

I am proud of being the best tennis player in the club.

11. Many people – (lieber tun) – live – village.

Many people prefer living in a village.

12. John – (nichts ausmachen) – go – school – bus – every day.

John doesn’t mind going to school by bus every day.

13. Everybody – (träumen von) – win – money.

Everybody dreams of winning money.

14. Tom – (bedanken bei) – Tim – help – homework – last week.

Tom thanked Tim for helping him with his homework last week.

15. He – (weitermachen) – talk – neighbour – though – teacher – tell –

him – he – (riskieren) – have – to leave – classroom.
He continued/kept on talking to his neighbour though the teacher
had told him that he was at risk of having to leave the classroom.

Questions on the texts

1. The Kiss (Rosie Rushton)

a) Describe the narrator a little bit: What he looks like, how he behaves
- Teenage boy
- Strange face: lopsided, no upper lip, strange skin colour
because of an accident with fire when he was a baby boy
- Rather shy because of his appearance
b) What does Spike’s gang want him to do at first?
- They want him to get them cigarettes and alcohol
c) How can the gang threaten him?
- They know that he is afraid of fire, so they threaten him with
burning his eyelashes
d) Who is Shelby?
- A girl from Montana in the USA, with whom the narrator falls
in love
e) What happens in the end?
- The narrator doesn’t want to go on stealing
- Spike makes him kiss Shelby in front of the whole school
- Spike lights firework which Shelby catches in her hand
- Open ending: Is Shelby hurt or not?

2. The ghost of St Dominic

a) Where does Jack Todd come from and where does he move to?
- Jack comes from an orphanage and moves to Cornwall
b) Tell the story Rebecca tells Jack in your own words
- A ship with Captain Parfitt on it got into a storm in 1720
- Ship wreckers lit a fire on the beach to make the crew think
there was a lighthouse
- The ship hit the rocks and the crew drowned
- Parfitt cursed the village
- Parfitt’s ghost still walks around the village
c) Who do you think were the two figures fighting in the dark, foggy
- The two figures were Reverend Bellows and Pierre, because
Rebecca and Jack heard somebody speaking French
d) What happened to the reverend and the French sailor?
- I think Pierre killed the reverend and threw him into the sea
- Pierre then escaped, afraid of Jack and Rebecca, and left back
the gold
e) Who gave all the money to the orphanage and why?
- I believe Jack gave the money to the orphanage because he
was happy to have left the orphanage and moved to his uncle
in Cornwall, so he wanted to do something good out of the
cursed money

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