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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Tutorials ]

Course No. MGT531 Course Title: CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR L: 3 T: 1 P: 0 Cr: 4

Course Planner :- 12851 :: Jaspreet Kaur


1. Schiffman & Kanuk, Consumer Behavior, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 8th edition,2007

Other Specific Books

2. 1.Hawkins, D. L & Best Roger , Consumer Behavior- Building Marketing Strategy, Mcgraw-Hill, Indian edition, New Delhi,9th edition,2008
3. 1.Loudon, D.L & Della Bitta, A.J., Consumer Behavior, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, New Delhi
4. Kazmi & Batra, Consumer Behavior text and cases, Excel Books 2008

Other Readings

Sr. No. Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference)

5 Case study- UPS : Researching to Rebrand, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

6 Case study-Coke: Reaping the Benefits of Going Rural, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

7 Case study on Kohl's Tie-up with Estee Lauder: Influencing Customer Perceptions,Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

8 Case study-The Harley-Davidson Experience, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School

9 Article on Consumer Behaviour of Luxury Automobiles: A comparative study between Thai and UK Customer's Perceptions

10 Article on Product Involvement as a Predictor of Generation Y Consumer Decision Making Styles,The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol 14, No.2,Summer 2010

11 case study-Tupperware: Influencing Opinions through Word-of-Mouth, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

12 Case study-Online Matrimony Services in India, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business SchooL, 2008

13 Case study-Online Matrimony Services in India, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business SchooL,2008

14 case study-HSBC “Local Bank to the World",Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

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15 Case study-Technological Innovation: The Philips Way, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

16 case study- Haldiram's: The No: 1 Choice of Consumers , Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School, 2008

17 Article on Cognitive Dissonance and Purchase Involvement in the Consumer Behavior Context, Direct Marketing : an International Journal, Vol 3, No.3,2009

18 Article on Effects of Branding on Taste Perceptions, Competition Forum Vol.7(2),2009

19 Case study-Shopper's Stop Consumer Loyalty Program ,Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

20 Article on Consumer's perceptions: analytical study of influence of consumer emotions and responses,Direct Marketing : an International Journal, Vol 3,
21 Article on Impact of cultural values on young consumer's choice of international tertiary education,Asia Pacific Jounal of Business Administration Vol.1 No.1,
22 Green marketing or green wash? A comparative study of consumer's behavior on selected Eco and Fair trade labeling in Sweden, Journal of Ecology and Natural
Environment, Vol 2(6), pp104-111, June 2010
23 Article on Decision making process of community organic food consumers: an exploratory study, Jounal of Consumer Marketing ,25(2),2008

24 Case study on- Einstein: A Relatively Popular Personality, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

25 Case study on Balbir Pasha: The Baadshah of Aids Campaigns in India, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

26 case study on Deloitte: Cutting The ✠Bull With Bullfighter, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

27 Case study on GAP: Bridging the Gaps in its Offerings, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

28 case study on "Shared values": a campaign gone hollow, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

29 Case study on Diesel: Style Dictator of the Rebels, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

30 Article on Understanding what customer values ,HBR,Nov-Dec.1998

31 Case study on Dove: Campaigning for Real Beauty, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

32 case study on Pet Services in India: From Bow-Bow to Wow- Wow, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

33 Case study on Low cost airlines -Taking Indian aviation by storm, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

34 CASE STUDY ON MOBILE TELEPHONY IN INDIA: Hungama Unlimited, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

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35 Case study on Reva-The Eco-Friendly Car, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School,2008

36 Article on Understanding consumer motivation and behavior related to self-scanning in retailing, International Jounal of Service Industry Managment Vol.14
37 Case study on LEGO Toys: The story of Playful Learning, Workbook on Consumer Behavior,Icfai Business School

38 article on influence of advertising on consumer brand preference,Journal of Social Sciences, 10(1),9-16,2005



Relevant Websites

Sr. No. Web adress (only if relevant to the courses) Salient Features

41 For role plays

42 Research paper/articles

43 Key concept/article

44 Study material on Consumer Behavior

45 Latest business news

46 Important for every manager. The site contains relevant and latest news on
47 Institutional free portal sharing information related to management and
technology courses.
48 http:/ articles on new marketing ussues

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Pedagogical tool
Chapters/Sections of
Homework to be Demonstration/case
Week No. Lecture No. Topic Textbook/other
Assigned to students study/images/anmation
ctc. planned

Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction to Consumer Behavior Book :1,Ch 1 case study, ref-12

Lecture 2 Consumer Behavior and its Book :1,Ch 1 Case study, ref-13
strategic application

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Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 3 Marketing Strategies Book :1,Ch 1 Case study, Ref-6

Week 2 Lecture 4 Consumer research (qualitative and quantitative research): meaning, Book :1,Ch 2 HomeWork 1 Allocation Case study, Ref-5
Lecture 5 Consumer research (qualitative and quantitative research): Book :1,Ch 2
research methods, tools and techniques
Lecture 6 Consumer research (qualitative and quantitative research): Book :1,Ch 2
research methods, tools and techniques

Week 3 Lecture 7 Consumer motivation: Theory Book :1,Ch 4 Term Paper 1 Allocation Case study, ref-39

Lecture 8 Consumer motivation: measurement of motives Book :1,Ch 4 HomeWork 2 Allocation Case study, ref-19

Lecture 9 Consumer perception : elements, Book :1,Ch 6 HomeWork 1 Case study, ref- 7
dynamics Submission

Week 4 Lecture 10 Consumer perception : consumer Book :1,Ch 6 Ref 9, case analysis,
imagery, perceived risk, ethics ref-15
Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 11 Consumer learning: elements,theories Book :1,Ch 7 case study, ref-26

Lecture 12 Consumer learning: behavorial learning, cognitive learning theories Book :1,Ch 7

Week 5 Lecture 13 Consumer learning: measures of learning Book :1,Ch 7 HomeWork 2 case study, ref-27

Lecture 14 Consumer attitude formation and Book :1,Ch 8 case study, ref-28
change: characteristics of attitudes, models
Lecture 15 Consumer attitude formation and Book :1,Ch 8
change: models

Week 6 Lecture 16 Cognitive dissonance theory Book :1,Ch 8 Article, ref-17

Lecture 17 Attribution theory Book :1,Ch 8 Quiz 1

Lecture 18 Personality :meaning, nature Book :1,Ch 5 case study , ref-24

Week 7 Lecture 19 Personality : Freudian theory Book :1,Ch 5

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Part 2
Week 7 Lecture 20 Personality : Non-freudian and trait theories ->Reference :24,
->Reference :1,Ch 5
Lecture 21 brand personality ,self concept and Book :1,Ch 5 case study, ref-25
self image,

Part 3
Week 8 Lecture 22 Group influences on consumer Book :1,Ch 10 Case study, ref-8
behavior : types
Lecture 23 Group influences on consumer Book :1,Ch 10 HomeWork 3 Allocation Case study, ref-11
behavior :nature of reference group influence
Lecture 24 Marketing strategies based on Book :1,Ch 10 case study, ref-31
reference group influences

Week 9 Lecture 25 Communication within groups and Book :1,Ch 15

opinion leadership
Lecture 26 Consumer decision making process Book :1,Ch 16 HomeWork 4 Allocation case study, ref-16

Lecture 27 Routinised response, limited and extensive problem solving behavior Book :1,Ch 16

Week 10 Lecture 28 marketing strategy and family decision making Book :1,Ch 10 HomeWork 3 ref-23

Lecture 29 Diffusion of innovations Book :1,Ch 15 case study, ref-35

Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 30 Social class and consumer ->Reference :1,Ch11
behaviour: nature

Week 11 Lecture 31 process of social stratification,measurement, ->Reference :1,Ch11

Lecture 32 Culture: meaning, nature ->Reference :1,Ch 12 case study, ref-14

Lecture 33 Culture: measurement ->Reference :1,Ch 12 HomeWork 4


Week 12 Lecture 34 Subcultures and consumer Book :1,Ch 13

Lecture 35 Subcultures and consumer ->Reference :1,Ch 13 Quiz 2
behaviour:behavior, types

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Part 4
Week 12 Lecture 36 Subcultures and consumer ->Reference :1,Ch 13 Term Paper 1 article ref-21
behaviour:subcultural interaction Submission

Week 13 Lecture 37 Culture and cross-cultural- consumer Book :1,Ch 14

behaviour:characteristics,measurement,cultural change
Lecture 38 Consumer behaviour and ->Reference :37, case study
marketing regulation
Lecture 39 Consumer behaviour and ->Reference :37, case study
marketing regulation

Spill Over
Week 14 Lecture 40 Product Involvement as a Predictor of Generation Y Consumer ->Reference :10, Discussion on article, ref
Decision Making Styles 10

Lecture 41 Effect of branding on consumer perceptions ->Reference :18, Article ref-18

Lecture 42 Green marketing or green wash? ->Reference :22, Article ref-22

Week 15 Lecture 43 Influence of advertising on consumer brand preference ->Reference :38, ref-38

Details of homework and case studies plan

Nature of homework
Homework No. Topic of the Homework (group/individuals/field work

Homework 2 Case Based Presentations- Students to be given evaluative case studies in group of 5-6 students Group
and students to submit write-up on the case and then present case in tutorials

Homework 3 Develop two ad on any product one should be on cognitive component and other for affective Individual

Homework 4 DDB Needham life style data analysis- students to be given data and analyse the data Individual

Homework 1 Prepare a questionnaire to find out the motives behind the purchase of a particular Individual
*Normally all the homeworks shall be submitted online but in special courses where homeworks cannot be submited online , the insructor can edit the mode of submission while
entering the IP Details

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Scheme for CA:out of 100*
Component Frequency Out of (If any) Marks for each Total Marks

Homework 3 4 15 45

Quiz 2 15 30

Term Paper 1 25 25

Total :- 100

* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the UMS

List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper)
Sr. No. Topic
1 1. Consumer perception towards small segment cars
2 Consumer perception and preference towards DTH players in India
3 Consumer perception towards GSM and CDMA telecom companies
4 Consumer perception and preferences towards Mobile Value Added Services
5 Consumer loyalty towards various retail stores
6 Consumer behavior towards organised retail stores vs Mom & Pop stores
7 Study the influence of Celebrity endorsements on buying behavior towards consumer durables
8 Women perception towards purchase of branded jewellery
9 Students perception and preference towards public and private educational institutions
10 Brand loyalty of consumer towards two wheelers
11 Study post buying behavior of customers towards cars
12 Study the influence of advertising in case of buying behavior towards cars
13 Customer perception towards public and private insurance companies
14 Study the consumer loyalty towards banks
15 Consumer perception towards branded apparels

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Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)

Tutorial No. Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned

(case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial 1 Consumer behavior towards product purchasing Role play

Tutorial 2 Case analysis -Behavioral Targeting: A Case Study of Consumer Case analysis
Tracking on

Tutorial 3 Discussion on term paper topics Discussion on term paper topics

Tutorial 4 Case based presentations based on Assignment 2 Case analysis

Tutorial 5 Case based presentations based on Assignment 2

Tutorial 6 Case based presentations based on Assignment 2

Tutorial 7 Doubt clearing and revision of syllabus before MTE Problem solving

After Mid-Term
Tutorial 8 Review of term paper

Tutorial 9 Case based presentations based on Assignment 2

Tutorial 10 Case based presentations based on Assignment 2

Tutorial 11 Case based presentations based on Assignment 2

Tutorial 12 Case analysis, ref-36 Case analysis

Tutorial 13 Doubt clearing and revision of syllabus ater MTE

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