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Session-Wise Course Roll-Out Plan: Indira School of Business Studies

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Name of the Programme: MBA

Session-wise Course Roll-Out Plan

Batch: 2017-19 Semester:

Subject Code MKT Subject Consumer Behaviour

Sessions Planned 45 Actual Sessions Conduct

Core Text & Reference Books

Category Code 401
Core Text C Consumer behavior 10th Edition by Blackwell, Miniard and Engel
R01 Consumer Behaviour by Soloman
Reference Texts R02 Consumer Behaviour by Schiffman

Session Plan

Sr. Syllabus Topic Sub-Topics Methodology


Basics:Meaning of Customers & Consumers, Consumer

Roles, Consumerism & De-marketing Class Discussion

Environmental Culture & Sub- Culture: Meaning, Characteristics &

1 Influences on Relevance to Marketing Decisions Lecture
Consumer Behaviour
Social Class: Meaning, Measurement, Effect on Lifestyles
Social Groups: Meaning & Group Properties & Reference
Groups Case Study
Family: Family Life Cycle & Purchasing Decisions
Marketing Mix :Influence of marketing mix variables

Personality & Self Concept: Meaning of Personality,

Influence on Purchase Decisions
Motivation & Involvement: Types of Buying Motives, Lecture
Motive Hierarchy, Dimensions of Involvement

Learning & Memory: Meaning & Principal Elements of

Learning, Characteristics of Memory Systems, Recall Lecture

2 Determinants of
Consumer Behavior
2 Determinants of
Consumer Behavior

Attitudes: Meaning & Characteristics, Strategies for PPT andResearch

Changing Attitudes, Intensions& Behaviors Paper discussion

1st Evaluation Test

Problem Recognition: Types of consumer decisions, types
of Problem Recognition, Utilizing problem recognition Class Discussion

Search & Evaluation: Types of information, Sources of

Information Search, Search, Experience and Credence
Aspects -Marketing Implications Lecture
Situational Influences on Purchase Decisions
3 Consumer Decision
Making Process
Purchasing Process: Why do people shop? Store & Non-
store Purchasing Processes, Purchasing Patterns. Case Analysis
Post-purchase Evaluation & Behavior: Consumer
Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, Customer Delight, Consumer with evaluation
Complaint Behavior, Post- Purchase Dissonance.

4 Consumer Behavior Howard Sheth Model

Models Engel – Blackwell – Miniard Model

Demographic & Socio-economic Profile

Measurement of social classes in India using Socio- Case Analysis
5 Indian Consumer Economic Classes (SEC) in Urban & Rural Markets
Living Standards Measures (LSM). with evaluation
Characteristics of BoP Consumers.

Total Cotact Hrs. for 36

Cotact (L)=
Hrs. for 4 (8)
Tutorial (T)=
Total Cotact Hrs. for 5 (10)
Total Contact Hrs. 45

Particulars Methodology
Continuous Case Study on Ethical Dilemma
Assessment 1
Continuous Case Study on Corporate Fraud
Assessment 2
Continuous Project on CG Practices
Assessment 3
mme: MBA

Division: D

Roll-Out Plan

Consumer Behaviour Faculty Mahajan

Actual Sessions Conducted

e Books

iard and Engel

(L)/T Student
Particulars of utoria
Exposure Dates
Methodology l
e (P)

Interactive Session L 4

Class lecture L 4

Name of case study L 4

PPT with Video L/p 3

Lecture Using PPT & L 4

Text Book
Consumer Learning
and Its Impact on
Store Format
Selection- Detail Only
by van Waterschoot,
Walter; Kumar Sinha,
Piyush; Van Kenhove, L 6
Patrick; De Wulf,
Kristof. Journal of
Retailing & Consumer
Services. May2008,
Vol. 15 Issue 3, p194-

Written Test T 1
Lecture Using PPT & T 4
Text Book

PPT with Video 3

Case Name L=T 4


Case Name 4

CO Mapping Marks

CO 1 & CO 2 10

CO 3 10
CO 4 10
Name of the Programme: MBA


Session-wise Course Roll-Out Plan

Batch 2016-18 Semester

Subject Code 401 Subject Managing for Sustainability

Sessions Planned 45 Actual Sessions Conduct

Core Text & Reference Books

Category Code
Core Text C Corporate Governance by A C Fernando/ Business Ethics & Corporate Governance
R01 Corporate Governance by K Prasad
Reference Texts R02

Session Plan

Sr. Syllabus Topic Sub-Topics Methodology


Concept, The nature of corporate

responsibility and corporate citizenship, Relevance in the
present day business Class Discussion

Corporate social responsibility and stakeholders: Internal

and external
stakeholders, Responsibility to various stakeholder
groups, Interest and
1 CSR - Stakeholders - influence of various stakeholder groups, Formulating and Lecture
Bottom of Pyramid implementing a policy
for corporate social responsibility

Bottom of the pyramid opportunities: Issues and

opportunities for business
in socially and environmentally sensitive world, Social and
environmental Case Study
problems and how they shape markets

Sustainable Development: concept, definition of

sustainable development, need, importance, education,
Philosophical development, Gandhian Thought on
Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development and
social framework, equitable distribution, difference
between sustainable development and green
development, criticism Case Study
Case Study

Stakeholder Impact: Stakeholders and the power they

wield, Reducing socio-environmental costs and risks:
managing the downside, Driving revenues and creating
intangible value: managing the upside

3.1 Business case for sustainable development: Three

2 Sustainable dimensions of
sustainable development
Development 1) Environmental: Atmosphere, fresh water and oceans,
land use, management
of human consumption, energy, food, waste management,
ecological "footprint": Eco-tracking, carbon marketing,
carbon credits,
economics of sustainability, Designing for the environment Case Study
and "greening' the
supply chain, regulation, case studies.
2) Economic: environment degradation and economic
growth, nature as an
economic externality, economic opportunity.
3) Social: Peace, security, social justice, sustainability and
poverty, human
relationship to nature, human settlements

3.2 Study of business models for sustainable development:

Indian &
Global perspectives.
3.3Sustainability reporting: Triple bottom line reports -
The content of Class Discussion
sustainability reports (also CSR reports, ESG reports,
social and environmental
3 Stakeholder Impact

3.4 Social accountability standard - ISO 26000: Social

guidance standard, Global Compact Principles, Website -
Environmental Impact Discussion
Assessment, Life Cycle Analysis, Social Impact Assessment

4.1 Corporate Governance : Meaning - OECD principles,

Difference between
governance and management, Purpose of good
governance, Potential
consequences of poor corporate governance, Business
failure and the
contribution of poor governance
4.2 Relevant Theories: Agency theory, transaction cost
theory, stakeholder
theory. Friedman ‘s theory of CSR.
4.3 Stakeholder value approach: Stakeholder value
approach, Enlightened
Corporate Governance stakeholder approach, stakeholder approach to
Governance, risk and financial Case Study
stability. The balancing of conflicting objectives
4.4 Key issues in corporate governance: Role and
composition of the board,
remuneration of directors and senior executives,
accounting and audit, internals
controls, checks and governance, relations with
shareholders and other
stakeholders. Clause 49 of Listing agreement & Corporate
Governance Code,
CEO, CFO Certification. Role of regulators - SEBI, IRDA,
4 RBI, ED, etc.

4.5 Applying best practice in governance: Voluntary and

approaches, rules or principles, concept of ‘comply or
explain’. Governance
problems for global companies and groups. Governance
issues in the public
sector. Governance issues in the voluntary sector (NGOs
and charitable
CG Practices organizations) Class Discussion
4.6 Governance aspects: Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002: Section
302: CEO/CFO
certifications, Section 404(a): internal control report,
Governance and role of
auditors and audit committee.
4.7 Case Studies on Corporate Governance: Satyam ,
Infosys, Tata, Wipro.

Corporate Ethics:
5.1 The Ethical Value System: Universalism, Utilitarianism,
Justice, Social Contracts, Individual Freedom of Choice,
Professional Code,
5.2 Values: Importance, Sources of Value Systems, Values
across Cultures
5.3 Indian Values and Ethics: Respect for Elders, Hierarchy
and Status, Need
for Security, Non - Violence, Cooperation, Simple Living
high Thinking, Rights
and Duties, Ethics in Work life, Holistic relationship
between Man and Nature,
Attitudes and Beliefs. Case Study &
5 Business Ethics 5.4 Business Ethics: Nature, Characteristics and Needs, research Paper
Ethical Practices in
Management, Ethical Values in different Cultures, Culture
and Individual Ethics,
Relationship between Law and Ethics, Impact of Laws on
Business Ethics.
5.5 Ethics and Corporate Excellence: Code of Ethics in
Business Houses,
Strategies of Organizational Culture Building, Total Quality,
Customer Care,
Care of the Employees as per Statutes, Objective and
Optimistic Approach.
5.6 Indian and Global case studies

Total Cotact Hrs. for 36

Lecture (L)=

Total Cotact Hrs. for 4 (8)

Tutorial (T)=

Total Cotact Hrs. for 5 (10)


Total Contact Hrs. 45


Particulars Methodology

Continuous Case Study on Ethical Dilemma

Assessment 1
Continuous Case Study on Corporate Fraud
Assessment 2
Continuous Project on CG Practices
Assessment 3
Programme: MBA

Course Roll-Out Plan


Managing for Sustainability Faculty Prof. Manmohan Vyas

Actual Sessions Conducted

Reference Books

ess Ethics & Corporate Governance – S.K Mandol

ion Plan Lectu

(L)/T Student
Particulars of utoria Contact Date
Exposure Date Actual
Methodology l
Hrs. Hrs. Plan
e (P)

Interective Session L 4 4

Class lecture L 4 4

1. Bottom of Pyramid -
CK Prhalad 2. Ethical
concern of BOP L 4 4

Essential Element
Using Relevent L/p 3 5
Lecture Using PPT &
Text Book With Each L 4 4

IFC Case on L 6 6
Sustainable practices

Discussion on various
practices by T 4 6

L 4 4

ITC & Infosys Case on

Corporate L 4 4
Discussion on various L / 5 7
committee reports T/P

1. River blindness
Case study 2. L / P 4 4
Ethical Decision
Making Framework -
CO Mapping Marks

CO 1 & CO 2 10

CO 3 10

CO 4 10

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