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Personal Selling Sales Management: Consumer Behavior in Action

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Journal of

“Where the theory of consumer behavior

Personal Selling

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

meets marketing practice.” *

Behavior in Action New & Sales
Real-Life Applications for
Marketing Managers
Geoffrey P. Lantos
Down-to-earth, highly engaging, and thorough, this textbook Winter 2011, Volume 31, Number 1
will generate student interest and involvement through
extensive in-class and written application exercises.

Winter 2011, Volume 31, Number 1

The text’s four parts can be covered in any sequence after
Part I, which provides an overview of consumer behavior and
covers foundational material on market segmentation. The Ties That Buy: The Role of Interfirm Social Contagion Across
Customer Accounts
Each chapter includes several exercises in self-contained units, Wm. Matthew Bowler, Robert Dahlstrom, Matthew T. Seevers, and Steven J. Skinner
each with its own applications, as well as learning objectives
and an easy-to-understand background textual discussion. Each
The Effects of Leader–Member Exchange and Organizational
Identification on Performance and Turnover Among Salespeople
chapter also includes a key concepts list, review questions, and
a solid summary to help initiate further student research. James B. DeConinck

Management Practices in Solution Sales—A Multilevel and

An Online Instructor’s Manual is available to adopters. Cross-Functional Framework
“This book is where the theory of consumer behavior meets marketing practice. … It presents as much Kaj Storbacka, Pia Polsa, and Maria Sääksjärvi
terminology and insight from psychology, sociology and economics as is necessary and as much application A Global Perspective on the Current State of Sales Education
as is possible.” – Wolfgang Grassl, St. Norbert College* in the College Curriculum
Dawn R. Deeter-Schmelz and Karen Norman Kennedy
“Furnishes readers with a new way and a new language for discussing and recapturing vital contemporary
issues in the field of consumer behavior.” – Robert Guang Tian, Medaille College A Cross-Generational Comparison of Motivational Factors in a Sales
Career Among Gen-X and Gen-Y College Students
“A magnificent combination of the ideal teaching text and a practical primer on consumer behavior.” Denny Bristow, Douglas Amyx, Stephen B. Castleberry, and James J. Cochran
– James V. Dupree, Grove City College

Print: 640 pages • ISBN 978-0-7656-2090-3 Paper $129.95

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Kaj Storbacka, Pia Polsa, and Maria Sääksjärvi

Business-to-business sales has changed from being an isolated function with little cross-functional influence to becoming
an integrated part of long-term customer management and from an operational practice to a strategically focused part of
business strategy. This suggests a need to change the unit of analysis from the activities and attributes of the salesperson
toward strategic and managerial practices. This research, involving nine multinationally operating firms, identifies man-
agement practices pertinent to solution sales, develops a multilevel and cross-functional framework for the management
of solution sales, and shows that managerial and strategic practices have statistically significant hierarchical relationships
with overall sales performance.

Business-to-business firms are increasingly moving from a and Sharma 2008; Wotruba 1996). According to Tuli, Kohli,
goods-dominant logic toward a service-dominant logic (Cova and Bharadwaj, “selling solutions is a complex exercise that
and Salle 2008; Sheth and Sharma 2008; Vargo and Lusch involves the consideration of conflicting requirements of
2008), applying business models that build on the cocre- multiple stakeholders in a customer organization and sales
ation of value (Normann 2001; Prahalad 2004; Storbacka cycles lasting up to two years” (2007, p. 14).
and Nenonen 2009; Vargo, Maglio, and Akaka 2008). In
the literature, such business models are discussed in terms Sales management practices as the
of moving from selling products toward selling solutions, unit of analysis
or toward systems selling (Brady, Davies, and Gann 2005;
Davies, Brady, and Hobday 2006; Dunn and Thomas 1986; The transformation toward solution sales has meant changes
Millman 1996), moving downstream in the value chain (Wise on at least two, somewhat interdependent, continuums
and Baumgartner 1999), transitioning from products to ser- (Jones et al. 2005; Leigh and Marshall 2001; Storbacka et al.
vices (Oliva and Kallenberg 2003), or increasing customer 2009; Workman, Homburg, and Jensen 1998). First, sales
productivity (Leigh and Marshall 2001). Typical character- has changed from being an independent, isolated function
istics of these business models are longitudinal processes of with little cross-functional influence to becoming a pivotal
collaboration that involve several functions of both the buying and integrated cross-functional part of long-term customer
and the selling organization (Spekman and Carraway 2006; management (Arnett and Badrinarayanan 2005; Homburg,
Ulaga and Eggert 2006). As a result of the overall changes in Workman, and Jensen 2000; Narus and Anderson 1995;
business models, the role, function, and process of sales has O’Leary-Kelly and Flores 2002; Olhager, Rudberg, and
changed from an operational, product-based, and transactional Wikner 2001; Singh and Rhoads 1991; Weitz and Bradford
role toward a more strategic, customer-focused and relational 1999).
process of solution sales (Moncrief and Marshall 2005; Sheth Second, sales has changed from an operationally focused
practice toward a strategically focused part of business strategy
(Ingram, LaForge, and Leigh 2002; Jones et al. 2005; Leigh
Kaj Storbacka (Ph.D., Hanken School of Economics), Professor and Marshall 2001; Storbacka et al. 2009; Williams and
of Marketing Strategy, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Plouffe 2007). Sales is increasingly involved not only in ex-
Finland, ecuting strategy but also in driving strategic initiatives toward
Pia Polsa (Ph.D., Hanken School of Economics), Assistant Profes- both the customers and the organization (Flaherty and Pappas
sor, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, and Visiting
Scholar at Fudan University, School of Management, Shanghai,
China, The authors gratefully acknowledge the research access and finance
Maria Sääksjärvi (Ph.D., Hanken School of Economics), Assistant provided by the nine case firms, the finance provided by the National
Professor, Department of Product Innovation Management, Delft Natural Science Foundation of China (70832001) and Hanken
University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, m.c.saaksjarvi@ School of Economics (08-1-69-1-4), and the three anonymous re- viewers’ and the editor’s valuable support in improving this paper.

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, vol. XXXI, no. 1 (winter 2011), pp. 35–54.
© 2011 PSE National Educational Foundation. All rights reserved.
ISSN 0885-3134 / 2011 $9.50 + 0.00.
DOI 10.2753/PSS0885-3134310103
36  Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

2009; Johnson, Barksdale, and Boles 2001; Olson, Crawens, Clark 2007) approach, with different sources of data and meth-
and Slater 2001). ods of data collection, and simultaneous literature reviews. The
These changes suggest an adjustment of the primary unit of research process depicted in Figure 1 consisted of three phases:
analysis in sales research. Williams and Plouffe (2007) propose (1) framework development, (2) analysis, and (3) interpreta-
a shift from the salesperson to the sales function as the unit tion. Two full-day research workshops were held after each of
of analysis (Tanner 2002). Furthermore, Sheth and Sharma the two first phases. Throughout the phases, qualitative and
(2008) argue for a similar shift toward understanding sales quantitative methods were used in parallel in a continuous
and sales management practices, and Ingram (2004), Ingram, dialogue indicated by the arrows in the figure. As the research
LaForge, and Leigh (2002), and Olson, Crawens, and Slater process progressed, the role of qualitative research decreased
(2001) emphasize the role of sales strategy. and the focus was more on quantitative research.
More research is also needed with regard to the challenges The data consist of five expert interviews, interviews with
pertaining to interfaces between sales and other functions. nine executives from the participating case firms, documented
Storbacka et al. report that in solution selling, “the really im- interactions between the research team and 18–22 senior
portant cross-functionalities are with finance, manufacturing, managers from the case firms during two full-day workshops,
supply, engineering, and servicing” (2009, p. 903). Moreover, and quantitative data using measures that cover 68 identified
as Spekman and Carraway suggest, the transition toward col- management practices collected from an additional 135 re-
laborative solution selling requires a better understanding of spondents in the case firms.
the needed new capabilities “without which any collaboration
is apt to run into insurmountable obstacles” (2006, p. 12). QUALITATIVE RESEARCH PROCESS

Research Setup The qualitative research focuses on identifying practices relat-

ed to the management of solutions sales, creating a framework
This research aims at contributing to the above-discussed by categorizing the identified practices into practice elements
research gaps by focusing on strategic and managerial issues and building blocks, and developing hypotheses of how the
in solution sales. Drawing on Blois and Ramirez (2006), building blocks and overall sales performance are related.
we define solution sales as “a relational capability, involving In order to deepen our preunderstanding, we (1) reviewed
task-dedicated actors/roles who orchestrate the interaction the literature; (2)  conducted five expert interviews, lasting
and exchange practices between the firm and its existing and between 80 and 120 minutes, including one “reflective prac-
new customers in order to achieve business goals.” This type titioner” from Finland who had been involved in a large-scale
of sales is performed at multiple (conceptual and managerial) process transforming a firm from product to solution sales,
levels and requires alignment of multiple functions in the firm, three senior management consultants from Finland, Germany,
which in turn will require specific sets of management practices, and the Netherlands working with solution sales engagements,
dedicated to the management of solution sales. and one experienced executive education professional from
The purpose of the research is to (1) identify management the Netherlands; and (3)  conducted interviews separately
practices pertinent to solution sales, (2) develop a multilevel and with each of the participating case firms: in all, nine personal
cross-functional framework for the management of solution interviews of individual senior-level executives or their direct
sales, and (3) investigate how different management practices, reports, lasting between 73 and 95 minutes.
or sets of practices, affect overall sales performance. We followed a purposive sampling approach (e.g.,
The research was carried out in the Netherlands between Eisenhardt 1989; Patton 2002; Wallendorf and Belk 1989),
September 2007 and April 2008, and involved a group of five where the content of each discussion was built on the basis
sales management experts, as well as a group of nine multi- of previous responses. This allowed us to gradually build the
national firms headquartered in Belgium, Finland, Germany, framework as the interviews progressed. After each set of
the Netherlands, and the United States, operating in different interviews, the data were categorized according to the data
industries: management consulting, textiles, consumer elec- analysis process of Spiggle (1994) and Strauss and Corbin
tronics, elevators and escalators, office furniture, insurance, (1990), building on emerging previous categories.
document handling, engineering, and training. The partici- At an early stage of the research, it became clear that,
pating case firms all sell solutions rather than pure goods or although our focus was on the management practices, the
services, and participated in the process as they have a keen operational sales process practices also had to be included
interest in exploring the transformation from product sales to in the framework. The framework also had to cover the
solution sales. “operational sales practices to be managed.” Hence, the
During the abductive research process (Dubois and Gadde collected data focused on identifying practices on all three
2002), we used a parallel mixed methods (Creswell and Plano levels (strategic, managerial, and operational). After having
Winter 2011  37

Figure 1
Research Process

positioned the identified practices on a specific level, we cat- and the informants were active participants in a social encoun-
egorized them into “practice elements” consisting of identical ter and in which knowledge was constructed collaboratively
or similar practices. These practice elements were grouped (Holstein and Gubrium 1997). One of the authors worked
into “building blocks,” that is, larger sets if interconnected closely with some of the case firms and conducting other forms
practice elements. The practices, practice elements, and the of action research together with the companies (Gummesson
building blocks were named and discussed as they emerged 2000). As a consequence, the informal and consulting-based
during the interviews interactions with the companies were based on common
As a part of the process, two full-day research workshops sense and experience that, together with the literature and
were held, involving 18–22 representatives of the case firms. the formal data collections, provided the rationale for the
The workshops were directed at getting participants’ com- emerging framework explained below.
ments to the framework (the set of practices, practice ele- The narrative used in presenting the qualitative research
ments, and building blocks). After a detailed briefing, the is a combination of findings from the interactions with the
participants from the case firms were divided into groups of representatives of the participating case firms (interviews and
4–6 people and they were asked to relate their solution sales interactions during workshops), the expert interviews, and
process and model to the framework, to comment on the the conducted literature review. Because of the extent of the
grouping of practices into practice elements and building data and the fact that we also test the developed framework in
blocks, to reflect on the constructs used, and to discuss the our quantitative research, we focused on presenting the final
relationships and causality between the building blocks. results of the research, instead of the intermediary results or
This process of member checks increased trustworthiness direct quotes or comments by the case firm representatives.
of our qualitative results (Lincoln and Guba 1985; Wallen- We indicate clearly when the comments by the participating
dorf and Belk 1989). During the workshop, the researchers firms have influenced the outcome.
documented the group work results and the consequent In assessing the trustworthiness of the qualitative research
discussions, and collected written feedback and firm-specific we draw on Flint, Woodruff, and Gardial (2002), who used
examples of management practices. Based on the feedback assessment criteria from interpretive research and grounded
from the participants during the workshops, we modified theory. Building on Lincoln and Guba (1985), Miles and
the framework and developed a set of hypotheses of how the Huberman (1994), Normann (1977), Spiggle (1994), Strauss
building blocks and overall sales performance are related. and Corbin (1990), and Wallendorf and Belk (1989), we focus
As all representatives of the case firms were senior profes- on preunderstanding, credibility, transferability, dependabil-
sionals with over ten years of industry experience about the ity, conformability, integrity, understanding, and utilization.
subject matter, and could be viewed as reflective practitioners Based on the assessment elaborated in Table 1, we believe that
(Schön 1983), we adapted a style in which both the researchers our research met these criteria.
38  Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

Table 1
Trustworthiness of the Qualitative Research Process
Criteria Method of Addressing

Preunderstanding • One of the research team members has 15-plus years of consulting experience in the field of
Extent to which the researchers sales management.
were familiar with the empirical • Four extensive case studies reported in Storbacka et al. (2009).
phenomenon • Five expert interviews were conducted.
Result: deep understanding of topics relevant for the empirical context, and preunderstanding that
management practices could be grouped into strategic, managerial, and operational levels.
Credibility (internal validity, authenticity) • Eight months of continuous interaction with industry representatives resulting in sufficient
Extent to which the results appear to member checks.
be acceptable representation of the • Continuous process of combining literature findings with interview findings and inputs from
data workshops.
• Two full-day workshops with 18–22 industry representatives from 9 firms in different
Result: emergent framework was altered together with firm representatives as well as a result of
dialogue among research team members, i.e., initial assumptions were refuted.
Transferability (external validity, fit) • Nine multinational firms representing nine different industries, and four different European
Extent to which the findings can be nationalities were interviewed and participated in the workshops.
applied to other contexts • Use of purposeful sampling.
Result: findings can be transferred/generalized across several industries and European and possibly
global business practices.
Dependability (reliability, auditability) • Workshops participants reflected on their current and previous experiences as individuals and
Extent to which there is consistency of as representatives of their firms.
explanations • Written feedback was collected during the workshops.
Result: consistency across participants’ stories and feedback.
Conformability (objectivity) • A total of 22 representatives of the case firms gave feedback to the emergent results during
Extent to which interpretations are two workshops.
the result of the participants and the • Both the researchers and the informants were active participants, and knowledge was
phenomenon as opposed to researcher constructed collaboratively.
biases • Findings were presented to the participating firms and found useful.
Result: interpretations were altered, expanded, and refined.
Integrity • One of the researchers has a long-lasting consulting relationship with some of the participating
Extent to which interpretations are firms and as a consequence knows them well and has a trusting relationship with them.
influenced by misinformation from • Interviews were professional, friendly, and anonymous.
participants • Case firms participating in workshops were selected on a noncompetitive basis in order to
ensure openness.
• Workshops were participative and dialogue centered, thus ensuring that all participants were
able to express their view.
Result: participants were not trying to evade the issues being discussed.
Understanding • Two workshops were held for participants to get feedback on findings.
Extent to which participants buy into • The preliminary findings were presented in two academic conferences and published in one the
results as possible representations of proceedings of one of the conferences.
their worlds Result: colleagues and practitioners bought into the findings.
Utilization (applicability, action • Two workshops were held where the research finds were discussed together with practical
orientation) recommendations.
Extent to which the findings are • Case firms have adapted new practices based on the research.
relevant for and can be used to benefit Result: participants benefited from the framework and conclusions of the research.
the participants

A FRAMEWORK FOR THE MANAGEMENT framework for managing solution sales, a detailed description of
OF SOLUTION SALES the elements of the framework, and the hypotheses of how the
building blocks and overall sales performance are related.
In this and the following two sections, we present the outcome During the research process described above, we divided
of the qualitative research: the multilevel and cross-functional solution sales into three interdependent levels in which three
Winter 2011  39

Figure 2
Framework for the Management of Solution Sales: Building Blocks and Practice Elements

intertwined blocks of practices are performed. The first level execution of each step is the customer” and “the process of sell-
is referred to as sales practices and deals with the sales process ing occurs through the work and efforts of multiple people who
on the operational level. The second level is labeled managerial hold a variety of positions within the firm” (2005, p. 21).
practices and refers to management practices on a more tactical Based on the qualitative research, we identified sales prac-
level. Finally, the third level is named strategic practices and tices as divisible into three building blocks: work planning,
describes the management practices at a strategic level. Sales driving sales opportunities, and interacting cross-functionally.
is, on each level, administered by cross-functional interface During work planning, the practices focus on selecting the
with several other functions, such as marketing, manufactur- best prospects; creating and managing customer contacts with
ing, supply and logistics, engineering, information technology, existing and new customers; generating and utilizing customer
human resources, and servicing. and value network knowledge in order to understand the po-
Based on our research, we propose a solution sales frame- tential value creating solutions; scoping potential solutions;
work (Figure 2) that consists of 44 practice elements, grouped and generating a deeper understanding of the offering. Driv-
into 9 building blocks, 3 on each level: sales practices, manage- ing sales opportunities entails practices relating to identifying
rial practices, and strategic practices. All the building blocks, sales opportunities; presenting solutions to customers, using
and the identified practice elements within the building blocks, internal and partner capabilities; making tenders (including
are interdependent and aim at improving sales performance. pricing and quantifying value to the customer); negotiating
The focus of the research is on management and strategy and closing deals; renewing contracts with existing customers;
practices. As discussed above, we also included the operational and reporting on sales performance. In a solution sales context,
sales practices in the framework, as they are the “practices to the functional interactions are accentuated. These include
be managed.” We, therefore, briefly explain the identified sales contract management with legal departments, input to lead
practices elements. generation processes carried out by marketing departments,
As discussed by Moncrief and Marshall (2005), the tradi- securing correct input to order-delivery processes; mobilizing
tional, sequential seven steps of selling are less appropriate as and coordinating internal resources in order to secure correct
sales gets a more strategic role and organizational team-based delivery of given promises; and generating input to market
relational selling becomes the norm. Moncrief and Marshall and customer intelligence reports.
argue that “sales organizations . . . have moved . . . to a process In the following two sections, we describe and explain in
that is largely nonsequential” (2005, p. 16) where the “focus of greater detail the practice elements identified on a strategic and
40  Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

managerial level. We discuss these in the mentioned order, as functions other than sales. As solutions are cross-functional
some of the practices on a strategic level define the practices by nature, sales is involved in mobilizing support for the sold
on a managerial level (e.g., sales process definitions) (Ingram, solutions: from operations, business control, product develop-
LaForge, and Leigh 2002). The narrative is a combination ment, and various other functions. These allocations are based
of findings from the interactions with the representatives of on commonly accepted customer (or segment) prioritizations
the participating case firms (interviews and interactions dur- (Olhager, Rudberg, and Wikner 2001).
ing workshops), the expert interviews, and the conducted An important part of sales strategy planning is to influ-
literature review. ence the organizational structure of the selling organization.
Homburg, Workman, and Jensen (2000) have examined
STRATEGIC PRACTICES IN changes in marketing organizations. They argue that the
SOLUTION SALES overall changes to marketing organization, identified in the
literature, relate to three main themes. First, functional bound-
We view sales strategy as a set of design principles, defined by aries are becoming more permeable, and firms increasingly
Baldwin and Clark as “instructions based on knowledge that use cross-functional teams. Second, alliances with external
turn resources into things that people use and value” (2006, partners are more important, and third, new capabilities are
p. 3). Sales strategy “sets the scene” and influences the practices needed, such as market/customer orientation, organizational
carried out on a managerial and operational level (Ingram, learning, and market sensing. Homburg, Workman, and
LaForge, and Leigh 2002). The strategic level of the frame- Jensen (2000) have done a robust analysis of companies mov-
work consists of 15 practice elements (that establish design ing from product-focused and geography-focused structures
principles) grouped into three building blocks: sales strategy toward customer-focused structures. However, most organiza-
planning, sales model design, and supporting capabilities tions still tend to have an organizational structure focusing on
and skills. product and geography. Adding the “third dimension,” that
is, the customer viewpoint, raises questions relating to effi-
Sales Strategy Planning Practices ciency, complexity, and flexibility. Within a product-focused
organizational structure, salespeople are essentially product
The strategy planning block consists of practices that aim to specialists (Homburg, Workman, and Jensen 2000). The idea
agree on principles for resource allocation and the focusing of of solution sales is to enable the sales process to build value by
sales efforts. Hence, typical practices are the activities related understanding and responding to concerns and opportunities
to attaining goal congruence and defining appropriate metrics that customers encounter.
to measure the achievement of these goals. Ingram (2004) Finally, a key practice of sales strategy planning is to create
and Storbacka et al. (2009) argue that sales increasingly is ac- means for sales to influence corporate strategy (Ingram 2004;
countable for more than revenue; the accountability expands Ingram, LaForge, and Leigh 2002). Our interpretation of the
to issues such as customer value, return on customer relation- data collected in the interviews is that the sales process may
ships, and even to economic value added. Olson, Crawens, and increasingly function as a mechanism for enhancing orga-
Slater (2001) conclude that at a market level, firm valuations nizational learning (Senge 1990) by involving information
are dependent on how sales revenue meets projections. acquisition, information dissemination, and shared interpreta-
The interviews and interactions with the case firms pointed tion activities, often executed using a database that could be
to an increased usage of metrics related to profit per customer, viewed as an organizational memory (Slater and Narver 1995).
or even cash flow per customer, and activities related to iden- A solution-oriented firm acquires information that helps it to
tifying lead customers that can be involved in product or understand customers and their main concerns, problems, and
process innovation. Furthermore, a crucial part of resource strategic issues. This information and the conclusions drawn
allocation was the definition of appropriate segments to ap- from it can be recorded in a database and utilized as an input
proach with a solution sales process. It has been shown that for the corporate strategy planning process.
not all customers are willing to accept a value-in-use-based
approach (Kowalkowski 2008) and focusing solution sell- Sales Model Design Practices
ing efforts on such customers may not be efficient. The case
firms reported that their segmentation was based both on the The sales model design building block consists of practices
analysis of the past performance of customers (i.e., customer related to principles that lay a foundation for how the sales
profitability, sales growth, product mix) and future potential process is executed and managed. The starting point is to
(i.e., customer share, customer growth). define and describe the sales process on an operational and
Sales strategy planning also entails practices related to managerial level. Based on the interaction with the case firms
principles for securing access to the capacity and resources of and the expert interviews, we identified three specific consid-
Winter 2011  41

erations related to a solution sales process. First, solution sales with company strategy, bonus schemes—in the current
necessitates a “longer” or “wider” process that starts before the cross-functional context—are increasingly team based and
purchasing process and ends after the delivery of the solution. also reward functions that are indirectly involved with sales
Tuli, Kohli, and Bharadwaj (2007) identified the following strategies (i.e., participating in sales case development, product
sequence: requirements definition, customization and integra- development process). As sales is not only about closing deals,
tion of bundles of products and services, deployment of solu- the remuneration systems support the overall development
tion, and postdeployment support. Second, solution selling of a firm’s sales capabilities, for instance by rewarding sales
entails a certain amount of adaption to individual customer persons for best practice documentation.
needs—an element of customization or integration (Sawhney
2006). Third, the sales process encompasses functions other Practices Related to Supporting
than sales; hence, many firms are involved in developing cross- Capabilities and Skills
functional information technology support for their solutions
sales processes. The essence of the capabilities and skills building block is
After the sales process is explicitly defined, roles and re- to support sales strategy. As the case firms are transforming
sponsibilities can be determined. In a solution sales context, toward solutions sales, they report amplified needs for new or
there seems to be sales-related roles defined for other func- improved capabilities. The participating firms reported that
tions than sales (such as research and development [R&D], various forms of knowledge repositories for gathering (both
product management, production/logistics, marketing, from external and internal sources) intelligence regarding
customer service, finance, and business control). Given the markets, customer segments, and customers is a key capability
need for cross-functional teams (Homburg, Workman, and that firms need to invest in. This intelligence is shared between
Jensen 2000), implementation and management of roles and sales and other functions such as R&D, product management,
responsibilities in sales processes is a complicated task that production/logistics, marketing, customer service, finance,
requires a holistic view of the firm. Functional structures may and business control. As this is a highly specialized capability,
easily diminish possibilities and opportunities for managers many firms have market/business intelligence people avail-
to oversee all the relevant responsibilities needed for excellent able to support sales with analyses (e.g., market shares, trend
sales performance. analysis, competitor info).
The changing role of sales will also lead to changes in in- A common theme identified in the research is the need for
terfirm relationships (Anderson, Håkansson, and Johanson a stronger information and communications infrastructure
1994; Ford et al. 2003; Storbacka et al. 2009; Wilson and (Arnett and Badrinarayanan 2005; Leigh and Marshall 2001).
Daniel 2007). According to the participating firms, the fact In order for the multilevel and cross-functional solution sales
that solutions are often composed of customized goods com- process to be properly executed, the different roles (in the
bined with complex services makes the strategic execution of different functions) use the same sales support system (e.g.,
product configurations crucial. An important aspect of this customer relationship management [CRM] or sales force au-
relates to pricing principles (or pricing logic), that is, how the tomation). In addition, top management utilizes reports from
firm charges for the components used to augment the prod- the sales support system in strategy creation and day-to-day
uct or for the effects of customization on their operations. A management decision making.
specific issue to consider is the trend where customers “rent” Many of the case firms reported that they have invested in
access to resources of various kinds (Lovelock and Gummes- a centralized tendering unit that provides support for mak-
son 2004). ing tenders, sometimes in conjunction with legal support for
Sales management process tools were discussed extensively; contract negotiations both in the form of contract templates
they seem to be needed in order to integrate the implemen- and in the form of centralized legal advice. All firms, how-
tation of sales processes, roles and responsibilities, product ever, emphasized the role of financial data to support sales in
configuration, and pricing cross functionally. The participating building business cases for customers, that is, quantifying the
case firms reported that people from other functions (with value that is delivered to customers. This highlights the sales
defined sales responsibilities) participate in sales meetings support role of business control.
and influence the selection of sales opportunities to focus The transformation toward solutions sales seems to ask for
on. Another important part of solution sales management a balanced development of a firm’s capabilities and the skills
is a systematic way to identify, document, share, and utilize of the individuals performing sales roles in various functions.
activities as a tool for accelerated learning. Hence, many case firms reported that they define skill profiles
Finally, the remuneration systems support the execution for all the sales roles and provide salespeople with systematic
of sales strategies (Ingram 2004; Olson, Crawens, and Slater training to improve their consultative and value-selling skills
2001). The case firms report that in addition to being aligned (e.g., general business management, financial analyses).
42  Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

MANAGERIAL PRACTICES Sales Performance Management Practices

A key tool for improving sales performance seems to be
In line with previous literature (Ingram 2004), our findings the selection and prioritization of sales opportunities, typi-
indicate that sales management is a set of repeatable patterns cally supported by a solutions sales funnel. Sales cases are
of management practice used to influence and monitor sales prioritized based on a balanced assessment of profit, future
performance. The managerial level of the framework consists of potential, strategic fit, and risk. To mirror the prioritization
13 managerial practice elements grouped into three building of sales opportunities, sales management monitors resource
blocks: sales planning, performance management, and sales utilization (in terms of skills, experience, and number of
involvement. people) for different kinds of sales (e.g., customer acquisi-
tion versus customer retention; product sales versus solution
Sales Planning Practices sales).
The participating firms stressed the need to regularly
Sales planning involves practices related to target setting, assess both the behavior and financial performance of sales
customer acquisition, customer prioritization, opportunity teams. The performance of sales teams can be assessed based
generation, and forecasting. According to the participating on the execution of a defined sales process (“the company
case firms, sales targets are derived from the firm’s strategic way”), whereas individual salespeople can be assessed based
objectives (“top-down”), as well as from the sales opportuni- on activity levels in relation to defined coverage plans.
ties identified (“bottom-up”), by analyzing the market and An assumption that was confirmed during the interactions
analyzing both existing and new customers. The case firms with the participating firms during the qualitative research
reported that they are increasingly using other targets than process was that sales managers are increasingly involved in
sales volumes, such as customer potential, customer profit- demonstrating to top management that sales creates share-
ability, and customer loyalty. A key objective of sales planning holder value. Assessing sales effectiveness will, hence, need
is the allocation of resources between customer acquisition to be developed toward a suitable proxy of shareholder value.
and increased sales for retained customers. As customer Storbacka and Nenonen (2009) argue that the discounted
acquisitions in a solution context is especially costly, sales net present value of all future economic profit generated by
management needs to ensure that acquisition efforts are a specific customer relationship can be used as a proxy for
directed toward customers that have future potential and shareholder value creation.
that fit the firm’s strategy. Also, existing customers need to
be prioritized, using essentially the same logic: strategic fit, Sales Involvement Practices
future potential, business, and operational risks.
An important cross-functional sales planning task is op- Sales activities and sales management become intertwined
portunity generation. As not all customers or sales oppor- as solutions sales requires multilevel involvement, both for
tunities qualify for solutions sales, firms argue that special the firm and the customer. This emphasizes new types of
care is needed to secure cross-functional definitions of the relationships between sales managers and salespeople. Ingram
characteristics of optimal sales leads. These characteristics argues that “rather than relying on authority and the power
are developed as a team effort between segment/product of their positions to direct salespeople, sales managers must
managers (making campaign plans in order to generate sales build productive relationships with salespeople by fostering
opportunities) and sales management (driving the identified a ‘we’ approach to achieving important goals” (2004, p. 21).
opportunities). A central tool that the participated firms saw as a tool for
Forecasting was reported by the case firms to become supporting sales is a plan that aims at winning sales cases
progressively more of a focus activity for sales management. (also called a “win plan”). This kind of plan functions as a
This relates partly to the importance of forecasts for the firm’s platform for managers as they coach sales persons to be suc-
relations to shareholders, often represented by investors and cessful in their important sales cases.
analysts. Partly it relates to the customer-specific allocations As sales management participates actively in the most
of resources that solution selling requires. The firms seem important sales cases and customer relationships, they will
to emphasize the need to use a unified way to carry out and become involved in securing production and delivery capac-
report sales forecasting within the firm. A key tool for fore- ity to important customers by influencing the relevant parties
casting is still the sales funnel, but it is now developed to in the organization. This raises the question of sales case
support the “longer” sales process and the longer sales cycles. escalation—typically a predefined process for sales manage-
In addition, sales management assesses both the quantity and ment to support salespeople in mobilizing support from the
the quality of the opportunities in the funnel. organization to create and win the important sales cases.
Winter 2011  43

Functional interface management, however, expands Hypothesis 3b: Capabilities and skills is indirectly positively
beyond individual sales cases as sales needs to influence the related to overall sales performance.
strategy and operations of other functions such as R&D, prod-
Hypothesis 4: Sales planning is positively related to overall
uct management, production/logistics, marketing, customer
sales performance.
service, and finance. Matthyssens and Johnston (2006) discuss
the resources and information flows between marketing and Hypothesis 5: Performance management is positively related
sales management processes, and conclude that cooperation to overall sales performance.
between marketing and sales should be improved, something
that applies to other functions, too. Other functions may affect Hypothesis 6: Sales involvement is positively related to
the sales practices since production/operations management overall sales performance.
often “owns” the physical asset—that is, production capaci-
ty—and may influence the availability of necessary resources QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH PROCESS
(O’Leary-Kelly and Flores 2002; Olhager, Rudberg, and
Wikner 2001), whereas finance is concerned with financing The quantitative research aimed at developing a set of mea-
the differentiation efforts and is interested in understanding sures that reflect the identified practices, testing the developed
the financial returns of various resource allocation efforts. hypotheses, and refining the framework. The measures were
A key practice of sales support relates to the human re- created in connection with the qualitative research—in a
sources management in sales organizations (Cron et al. 2005). process combining literature reviews (especially Abratt and
The case firms report that both the career path and the motiva- Kelly 2002; Guenzi 2003; Ingram 2004; Leigh and Marshall
tion and commitment mechanisms change as firms transform 2001; Moncrief and Marshall 2005), the five expert inter-
toward solutions sales. Mentoring practices (Brashear et al. views, nine case firm interviews, and the interaction with the
2006) are mentioned as opportunities to support performance. participating case firms during the workshops. The developed
Solution sales has the typical characteristics of a knowledge measures that reflect the identified 28 practice elements are
organization, where successful solution salespeople feel moti- displayed in Appendix A. They consist of descriptions of 68
vated as their job content is challenging and their expertise is management practices (2–3 practices per practice element),
recognized. According to the participating case firms, bonus and ask the respondents to answer using a scale from 1 to 6,
schemes will continue to be important, but they have to be anchored by “I totally disagree” and “I totally agree.” Overall
supported by systematically recognizing and celebrating sales sales performance was measured with a single assessment
teams who achieve their targets. In addition, the career paths question (“an overall score for how well sales works in your
do not automatically drive toward a sales management role, company/organizational unit/business unit”), measured on a
but rather toward an account management role. 10‑point scale from “poor” to “excellent.”
Data was collected in February 2008 using a Web-based
MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND tool. A total of 208 participants had access to the tool, yield-
OVERALL SALES PERFORMANCE ing a sample of 135 respondents, for a response rate of 65
percent. Although a sample of 135 respondents is somewhat
Drawing on Ingram, LaForge, and Leigh (2002) and our low, recent studies within the field have used similar sample
qualitative findings, we propose that the identified building sizes (Rutherford et al. 2006; 2009). The sample was distrib-
blocks on the strategic and management levels have a hierar- uted to the case firms as follows: management consulting (7
chical relationship with overall sales performance. Hence, we percent of the respondents), textiles (15 percent), consumer
postulate the following hypotheses (see also Figure 2): electronics (7 percent), elevators and escalators (15 percent),
office furniture (18 percent), insurance (9 percent), document
Hypothesis 1a: Strategy planning is positively related to
handling (13 percent), engineering (10 percent), and training
sales planning.
(6 percent). The respondents represented different functions in
Hypothesis 1b: Strategy planning is indirectly positively the organization (51 percent from sales and 49 percent from
related to overall sales performance. other functions: marketing, finance and control, production
Hypothesis 2a: Sales model design is positively related to and logistics, product development, R&D, others), and cover
performance management. several managerial layers: operative sales personnel (26 percent
of the respondents), middle management (47 percent), and top
Hypothesis 2b: Sales model design is indirectly positively management (27 percent). Out of the respondents, 18 percent
related to overall sales performance. had been working in their current positions less than two years,
Hypothesis 3a: Capabilities and skills is positively related 43 percent between two and five years, 20 percent between six
to sales involvement. and nine years, and 19 percent over nine years. The sampling
44  Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

strategy was purposeful in the sense that as we were looking at 1998), which was met; the ratio between sample size and
the cross-functionality of sales, we also included departments number of parameters was 7:1.
other than sales into our sample population.
The output of the preliminary statistical analysis (descrip- RESULTS OF THE QUANTITATIVE
tive and regression analysis) was discussed with the participat- RESEARCH
ing firms during the second research workshop. The workshop
focused on evaluating and interpreting the results of the quan- In this section, we report the results of the quantitative research
titative analysis with the participants from the case firms. The stage: the EFA and PLS analysis. The EFA created 9 practice
workshop analysis of the data was based on descriptive statistics elements for the managerial level, and 11 for the strategic level.
and regression analysis. In order to evaluate the importance Of these, 13 came out as proposed by Churchill (1979) and
of the building blocks and subsequent practice elements, we Nunnally and Bernstein (1994) with factor loadings > 0.70,
regressed the composite mean values of each practice element and cross-loadings <  0.40 (Appendix  B). The sales involve-
and building block with the overall sales performance score. ment building block did not yield sufficiently high reliability
These preliminary analyses served as a basis for the further estimates and loadings, and was thereby excluded from the
refinement of our framework. PLS analysis.
After the second workshop, we continued to create ideas On the strategic level, the measures for the practice elements
on how the framework could be refined. Because the practice goals and metrics and remuneration systems loaded as expected
elements and building blocks were configured based on the based on Appendix A. From each of the practice elements, sales
qualitative categorization and the related measures in Ap- process definitions, product configuration, and pricing and ICT
pendix A were being used for the first time, we conducted (information and communication technology) infrastructure, one
an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with SPSS to examine measure did not pass the cut-off value and these measures were
the unidimensionality, convergent validity, and discriminant deleted. A new practice element, segment focus, was created by
validity of each construct (Churchill 1979). The model was measures that, together with one original measure, illustrate
further validated using partial least squares (PLS) modeling. segmenting from an organizational and competitive strategy
The EFA was considered necessary before starting the PLS point of view. The last two practice elements, financial sup-
analysis because PLS does not directly test for these issues port and skills profiles and development, were combined into
(Anderson and Gerbing 1988). This procedure is in line one. The EFA created one new interesting practice element:
with Anderson and Gerbing (1988), who recommend that cross-functional support. This element consists of three original
a researcher should first estimate a measurement model, and measures from different practice elements, all demonstrating
respecify it, before estimating a structural model. cross-functionality in sales.
The EFA was run separately for the strategic practices On the managerial level, the measures for target setting
and the managerial practices. Based on the analysis, half the loaded as expected based on Appendix A. One measure was
measures (34 out of the original 68) were retained for further removed from the customer acquisition practice element. A
analysis. According to Bearden, Netemeyer, and Teel (1989) combination of the target setting and customer prioritization
and DeVellis (2003), it is common that half the a priori practice elements created a practice element labeled target set-
specified measures drop out when testing the scale. The ef- ting and customer prioritization. The performance management
fects of measures that have dropped out are often reflected in building block emerged as a combination of two new practice
the measures that are left in the model, and thereby do not elements that we labeled assessing sales performance and assessing
represent loss of information (DeVellis 2003). The remain- sales activities. These practice elements were combinations of
ing measures and their respective factor loadings are shown measures that originally were grouped into the practice ele-
in Appendix B. ments assessing sales roles and persons, assessing sales effectiveness,
In order to test our hypotheses (and identify the relation- and coaching for winning.
ships between the different building blocks), we estimated a Using the building blocks and practice elements remaining
PLS model. PLS was chosen as a method as it—in line with after the EFA, PLS modeling resulted in a refined model of
our abductive research strategy—allows us to test the relations five interconnected, second-order blocks: strategy planning,
between the different parts of the model and lets the data help sales planning, sales model design, capabilities and skills, and
us to refine the framework. PLS modeling was considered performance management. We created second-order practice
suitable for this research, given its ability to accommodate elements for each of the five blocks. The reliability of the
small sample sizes (Fornell and Bookstein 1982) and the building blocks and the second-order loadings are shown in
exploratory nature of our empirical research. The sample size Table 2. The reliability values (Cronbach’s a) are at a sufficient
requirement for PLS is 5 to 10 times the number of model level for exploratory social sciences (Nunnally and Bernstein
parameters (Barclay, Higgins, and Thompson 1995; Chin 1994).
Winter 2011  45

Table 2
Reliability Estimates
Second-Order Second-Order Composite Cronbach’s Second-Order
Building Blocks Practice Elements AVE Reliability Alpha Loadings

Strategy Planning Goals and metrics 0.91 0.95 0.90 0.79

Segment focus 0.60 0.82 0.67 0.61
Cross-functional support 0.61 0.82 0.68 0.66
Sales Planning Target setting and customer 0.58 0.81 0.64 0.73
Customer acquisition 0.81 0.90 0.77 0.84
Forecasting 0.60 0.82 0.67 0.75
Sales Model Design Sales process definition 0.71 0.83 0.60 0.70
Product configuration and pricing 0.87 0.93 0.85 0.74
Remuneration systems 0.63 0.84 0.71 0.82
Capabilities and Skills ICT infrastructure 0.76 0.86 0.68 0.75
Financial support and skill profiles 0.63 0.84 0.71 0.89
Performance Assessing sales performance 0.60 0.86 0.78 0.90
  Management Assessing sales activities 0.71 0.83 0.60 0.82

Table 3
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Strategy Planning 0.69

2 Sales Model Design 0.42 0.90
3 Capabilities and Skills 0.38 0.47 0.72
4 Sales Planning 0.53 0.55 0.57 0.68
5 Performance Management 0.43 0.53 0.56 0.61 0.64
6 Overall Sales Performance 0.38 0.28 0.23 0.15 0.36 1.00

Note: AVEs are on the diagonal.

The correlations of the second-order constructs are shown aimed at improving the framework through modifications
in Table 3. There are no signs of multicollinearity in the data of the structural model (Hair et al. 2006, p. 733). The final
(all correlations < 0.70; Hair et al. 2006). Discriminant valid- path coefficients are shown in Figure  3. The results show
ity was assessed, as indicated by Fornell and Larcker (1981), that strategy planning is positively related to sales planning
by ensuring that the average variance extracted (AVE) of each (β = 0.525, t = 3.81, p < 0.01) and that capabilities and skills,
construct (the average variance shared between a construct sales model design, and sales planning are all positively related
and its measures) exceeded the square of the correlations (the to performance management (β = 0.288, t = 2.55, p < 0.01,
shared variance between the construct and other constructs β = 0.190, t = 2.47, p < 0.01, and β = 0.342, t = 2.58, p < 0.01,
in the model). The AVEs of each construct are shown in the respectively). Performance management was positively related
diagonal of Table 3. The AVEs were larger than the correla- to the overall sales performance measure (β = 0.331, t = 3.40,
tions, indicating that it would not be necessary to square them p  <  0.01). The R 2s of the model showed that a sufficient
(Chin 1998). As all the AVEs of the constructs were higher amount of the variance in the data could be explained by the
than their shared variances, we conclude that all the constructs model (sales planning R 2 = 0.277, performance management
in the model exhibited discriminant validity. R 2 = 0.408, and overall sales performance R 2 = 0.136). The
The hypotheses were tested with PLS. The model testing R 2s of the constructs in the model all exceeded 0.100 and can
remained exploratory in nature, that is, the measurement thereby be considered satisfactory (Falk and Miller 1992).
models were modified until a satisfactory model was achieved. By measuring the indirect effect of the remaining 34 mea-
In other words, we used a “model development strategy” that sures on overall sales performance, we aimed to capture a larger
46  Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

Figure 3
Refined Framework for the Management of Solution Sales

Note: All the relationships are significant at the p < 0.01 level.

amount of variance in the data compared to if only direct ef- As a result of this work, we are able to verify the value of the
fects would be considered. According to Iacobucci, Saldanha, proposed framework, propose some opportunities for further
and Deng (2007), an indirect effect exists in structural equa- elaboration of the framework, and identify some theoretical
tion models between variables X and Y if variable X leads to and managerial conclusions.
Z, and Z leads to Y. We follow this approach in interpreting
the indirect effects in our model. All of the proposed paths are CONCLUSIONS
significant, and thus we also have significant indirect effects
between strategy planning and overall sales performance, sales The research shows that solution sales is performed at multiple
model design and overall sales performance, and capabilities and (conceptual and managerial) levels and requires the alignment
skills and overall sales performance. of multiple functions in the firm, which in turn will require
Thus, Hypotheses 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3b, and 5 were fully specific sets of management practices. We defined sales strategy
supported. Hypotheses 3a and 6 were not supported because as a set of design principles that influence the practices carried
of the deficiency of the sales involvement building block, and out on a managerial and operational level and sales manage-
Hypothesis 4 was not supported. ment as a set of repeatable patterns of management practice used
Based on the model, we conclude that the framework to influence and monitor sales performance.
proposed is a useful tool for depicting the management of The framework, developed in the qualitative research,
solution sales. The EFA and PLS analyses confirm the view contributes to a better understanding of solution sales as it
presented on the basis of the qualitative research (see also (1) focuses on the less researched managerial and strategic lev-
Ingram 2004; Ingram, LaForge, and Leigh 2002; Williams els, (2) distinguishes between the practices aimed at designing
and Plouffe 2007), namely, that sales strategy “sets the scene” principles for sales and the practices aimed at influencing and
and drives the managerial implementation of a solution sales monitoring sales performance, and (3) identifies 28 manage-
model. The fact that only performance management had ment practices pertinent to solution sales. Thus, it responds
a direct relation to overall sales performance is interesting to the call for further research expressed by Ingram (2004),
and emphasizes the role of systematic management of sales Ingram, LaForge, and Leigh (2002), Leigh and Marshall
roles and sales activities in the execution of a solution sales (2001), Sheth and Sharma (2008), Tuli, Kohli, and Bharadwaj
model. (2007), and Williams and Plouffe (2007).
Winter 2011  47

The quantitative research shows support for the need for a may vary based on contexts, the model needs to be tested in
more systematic design of sales models, including careful selec- other contexts such as in systems sales or project marketing.
tion of appropriate segments to address with solution sales, Third, the preliminary results need to be verified with a larger
definitions of sales processes and sales roles, and practices re- sample. The larger sample would allow data to be clustered
lated to systematic and motivating performance management. according to the respondents from different managerial levels,
It is particularly interesting to see that strategic planning, sales which is important as personnel from operational, middle
model design, and capabilities and skills are all important for management, and top management will perceive sales in a
sales performance. It is equally important to note that opera- different way.
tions such as finance and marketing do contribute to sales This paper proposes a multilevel and cross-functional
performance at a managerial level (Ingram 2004), which was framework for solution sales (see Figure 2) consisting of three
demonstrated by the EFA that yielded one separate factor for analytical and managerial levels: operational, managerial, and
cross-functional practices. strategic practices. As the research was focused on managerial
Our explorative aim was to investigate whether the mana- and strategic issues in solution sales, we chose to investigate
gerial and strategic building blocks influence overall sales only the two latter levels in our quantitative research. Leaving
performance. We hypothesized first that the strategy planning out the operational sales level is, however, a clear limitation
is positively related to sales planning (H1a) and indirectly of the study. In future efforts to further develop the proposed
positively related to overall sales performance (H1b); second, framework, practices on an operational sales level should also
that sales model design is positively related to performance man- be integrated and their effect on overall sales performance
agement (H2a) and indirectly positively related to overall sales examined. By including all the elements of the solution sales
performance (H2b); third, that capabilities and skills is positively process model, it could be further validated, and each part’s
related to sales involvement (H3a) and indirectly positively relative influence on the overall sales performance could be
related to overall sales performance (H3b); and finally, that sales better understood.
planning, performance management, and sales involvement are
positively related to overall sales performance (H4, H5, H6). Further Research Avenues
Based on the analysis, we concluded that Hypotheses 1a, 1b,
2a, 2b, 3b, and 5 were fully supported. Hypotheses 3a and In the interactions with the participating companies, we
6 were not supported because the sales involvement building identified some additional avenues for further research. First,
blocks were absent, and Hypothesis 4 was not supported. None the participating case firms indicated that the cross-functional
of the building blocks except performance management had a issues between sales and product management/operations
direct influence on overall sales performance, and therefore management require more attention. The work by Brady,
our findings demonstrate the importance of systematic man- Davies, and Gann (2005) and Tuli, Kohli, and Bharadwaj
agement of the performance of the sales model. (2007) indicate that solutions have to be seen as longitudinal
processes. The key issue for further research relates to the
Limitations balance between the need to adapt to individuals customers
and the need for “industrialization” and standardization of
The qualitative study focused on a wide set of firms, repre- the delivery of the sold solution.
senting different industries, with the aim to create a general Second, the participating case firms report that they engage
framework for the management of solution sales. During the both in “product” sales and “solution” sales simultaneously, and
research workshops, the participants discussed similarities and it has been argued earlier that relational sales does not apply
differences between their sales models and reflected on the for all the industries or settings (Beverland 2001). Managing
universality of the framework. Based on these discussions, we multiple parallel sales models highlights the importance of
believe that the results of the research have limitations with structural and contextual ambidexterity as a dynamic capa-
regard to its applicability in any industry, for any firm, using bility (Gibson and Birkinshaw 2004; O’Reilly and Tushman
any business model. In the future, more research is needed into 2008). Further research is needed in order to identify the
how solution sales differs between different industries. differences and similarities between the sales models, and the
The quantitative research was explorative in its nature, consequences this has for the efficient management of sales
thus calling for more rigorous empirical research on the topic. performance.
First, even if the first refinement of the measures has been Finally, a sales model is only one aspect of a firm’s business
provided, the set of measures needs to be further developed model. The business model construct has traditionally been
and validated. The questionnaire emerged from the qualitative discussed in an Internet context (Afuah and Tucci 2000;
study but it needs better refinement in terms of scale reli- Osterwalder 2004). Increasingly, the business model concept
ability. Second, because the importance of the different levels is used as a broader conceptualization of value cocreation that
48  Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

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Winter 2011  51

Building Block Element Measure

Building Blocks, Practice Elements, and Measures on a Strategic Level

  Strategy planning Goals and metrics Our sales goals also include measures on customer profitability (such as profit per customer,
  cash flow per customer).
Our sales goals include targets for customer-driven product or process innovation.
Segment focus We have clearly defined segment strategies (including segment-specific value propositions).
Our customer segmentation is based both on analysis of a past performance of customers
  (i.e., customer profitability, sales growth, product mix) and future potential (i.e., customer
  share, customer growth).
Securing capacity We allocate production capacity based on a clearly defined prioritization of customers.
  and resources
We allocate sales resources (in terms of skills, experience, and number of people) according to
  customer’s/segment’s importance to our strategy.
Organization Our organizational structure enables sales to work efficiently with other functions such as R&D,
  production, finance, marketing, and customer service.
We have structured our organization based on customer segments (i.e., end use, industry
Driving competitive Sales (individual salespeople and sales management) has the opportunity to influence company
  strategy   strategy based on their knowledge of customer needs.
Segment and customer analysis are important ingredients in creating competitive strategy in our
  Sales model design Sales process We follow a commonly agreed documented sales process.
  definitions We have an information technology system that supports execution of sales according to our
  agreed sales process.
We have a wide definition of our sales process that includes influencing the customer’s “specs”
  (before sales).
Roles and We have defined sales-related roles for other functions than sales (e.g., R&D, production
responsibilities   management, production/logistics, marketing, customer service, and finance and control).
We have defined sales roles with responsibilities for different kinds of sales (product sales
  versus solution sales).
Product We use dedicated (product) configuration tools to create customer-specific offerings/solutions.
  configuration We have clear guidelines for differentiating prices between customer segments (e.g., pricing
  and pricing   logics and price levels).
We have clear guidelines for differentiating prices between customers (e.g., pricing logistics and
  price levels).
Sales management We have a tool that helps us to select sales opportunities based on an assessment of
  process and   profitability, future potential, and risk.
  tools We have defined how people from other functions participate in sales meetings (functions such
  as R&D, product management, production/logistics, marketing, customer service, and finance
  and control).
We have a systematic way to identify, document, share, and utilize best practices.
Remuneration Our bonus schemes rewards for cross-functional teamwork (i.e., participating in sales case
  systems   development, product development process).
Our bonus scheme is aligned with company strategy.
Our bonus scheme rewards salespeople for the best-practice documentation.
  Capabilities and Business and We use knowledge repositories for gathering (both from external and internal sources)
   skills   customer   business intelligence (regarding markets, customer segments, and customers).
  intelligence We share business intelligence (regarding markets, customer segments, and customers)
  between sales and other functions (e.g., R&D, product management, production/logistics,
  marketing, customer service, and finance and control).
We have specialized market/business intelligence people available to support sales with analyses
  (e.g., market shares, trend analysis, competitor information).
52  Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

Building Block Element Measure

Tendering and We have a centralized tendering unit that provides support for making tenders
  legal support   (tender = offer = quotation = bid).
We provide legal support for contract negotiation both in the form of model contracts and in
  the form of centralized legal advice.
ICT infrastructure People in other functions (such as R&D, product management, production/logistics, marketing,
  customer service, and finance and control) also use our sales support system (e.g., CRM,
  sales force automation system) in their work.
Other departments connected to sales also influence the sales support system.
Our top management utilizes reports from the sales support system (e.g., CRM, sales force
  automation system) in strategy creation and day-to-day management decision making.
Financial support We use financial data to support sales in building business cases for customers, i.e., quantifying
  the value that we deliver to customers.
Our business control supports sales by assessing costs and revenue of sales cases.
Skill profiles and We have defined skill profiles for all the sales roles in our company.
  development We provide our salespeople with systematic training to improve their consultative and
  value-selling skills (general business management, financial analyses).

Building Blocks, Practice Elements, and Measures on a Managerial Level

  Sales planning Target setting Our sales targets are derived from our strategic objectives (“top-down”).
Our sales targets are based on the sales opportunities identified (”bottom-up”) by analyzing the
  market and analyzing both existing and new customers.
We set targets not only for sales volumes but also for issues such as customer potential,
  customer profitability, and customer loyalty.
Customer Our customer acquisition efforts are directed toward customers that have future potential.
  acquisition Our customer acquisition efforts are directed toward customers that fit our strategy.
We assess business risks (not only financial risks) when acquiring new customers.
Customer We prioritize existing customers based on an evaluation of both their future potential and
  prioritization   strategic fit.
We use tools to measure profit (sales margin, net profit, EBIT [earning before interest and
  taxes], EBITDA [earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization], “bottom
  line”) generated by individual customers.
Opportunity Our segment/product managers’ campaign plans are developed together with sales
  generation   management.
Our sales managers have defined the characteristics of optimal sales leads, which is also used
  by marketing.
Forecasting We forecast sales in a unified way in different parts of our organization.
Our sales management follows up both volume and quality of leads in the sales funnel.
  Performance Sales opportunity We use tools (e.g., sales funnel) for selecting and prioritizing sales opportunities.
   management   selection We prioritize sales cases based on a balanced assessment of profit, future potential, strategic
  fit, and risk.
Resource allocation We monitor resource utilization (in terms of skills, experience, and number of people) for
  different kinds of sales (e.g., customer acquisition versus retention, product sales versus
  solution sales).
Our sales resources are allocated to customer relationships with a long-term commitment
  (1–3 years).
Assessing sales We assess the performance of sales teams based on the execution of the defined sales process
  roles and (“the company way”).
  salespeople We measure activity levels of individual salespeople.
Sales activities are targeted according to defined coverage plan.
Assessing sales Our sales effectiveness assessments help us to reach our targets.
  effectiveness We demonstrate to top management how sales creates shareholder value.
Winter 2011  53

Building Block Element Measure

  Sales involvement Motivation and We systematically recognize and celebrate sales teams who achieve their targets.
  commitment Our salespeople feel motivated as their job content is challenging and their expertise is
Coaching for We have defined career paths for salespeople.
  winning Our sales managers coach our salespeople to make “win-plans” for the most important sales
Each (successful) sales case is identified and documented.
Functional interface Our sales management participates actively in our most important sales cases/customer
  management   relationships.
We have a predefined way to secure production/delivery capacity to important customers by
  influencing the relevant parties in our organization.
We have a predefined way to influence the strategy and operations of other functions (e.g.,
  R&D, product management, production/logistics, marketing, customer service, finance).
Sales case We have a predefined way for sales management to support salespeople mobilizing support
  escalation   from the organization to create and win the important sales cases.
We are able to escalate important sales cases in our organization in order to achieve
  appropriate attention and needed resources.

Building Block Element Measure Loading

Exploratory Factor Loadings on a Strategic Level

  Strategy planning Goals and metrics Our sales goals also include measures on customer profitability (such as profit per 0.95
  customer, cash flow per customer).
Our sales goals include targets for customer-driven product or process 0.95
Segment focus We have clearly defined segment strategies (including segment-specific value 0.74
Segment and customer analysis are important ingredients in creating competitive 0.83
  strategy in our company.
We have structured our organization based on customer segments (i.e., end-use, 0.75
  industry segment).
Cross-functional Our organizational structure enables sales to work efficiently with other functions 0.78
  support   such as R&D, production, finance, marketing, and customer service.
Sales (individual sales persons and sales management) has the opportunity to 0.82
  influence company strategy based on their knowledge of customer needs.
We share business intelligence (regarding markets, customer segments, and 0.74
  customers) between sales and other functions (such as R&D, product
  management, production/logistics, marketing, customer service, and finance
  and control).
  Sales model design Sales process We follow a commonly agreed documented sales process. 0.79
  definitions We have an information technology system that supports execution of sales 0.89
  according to our agreed sales process.
Product We have clear guidelines for differentiating prices between customer segments 0.93
  configuration   (e.g., pricing logics and price levels).
  and pricing We have clear guidelines for differentiating prices between customers (e.g., pricing 0.93
  logics and price levels).
Remuneration Our bonus schemes rewards for cross-functional teamwork (i.e., participating in 0.83
  systems   sales case development, product development process).
Our bonus scheme is aligned with company strategy. 0.77
Our bonus scheme rewards salespeople for the best practice documentation. 0.73
54  Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

Building Block Element Measure Loading

  Capabilities and ICT infrastructure People in other functions (such as R&D, product management, production/ 0.87
   skills   logistics, marketing, customer service, and finance and control) also use our
  sales support system (e.g., CRM, sales force automation system) in their work.
Other departments connected to the sales department also influence the sales 0.88
  support system.
Financial support We use financial data to support sales in building business cases for customers, 0.80
  and skills profile   i.e., quantifying the value that we deliver to customers.
  and development Our business control supports sales by assessing costs and revenue of sales cases. 0.84
We have defined skill profiles for all the sales roles in our company. 0.75

Exploratory Factor Loadings on a Managerial Level

  Sales planning Target setting We use tools to measure profit (sales margin, net profit, EBIT, EBITDA, “bottom 0.79
  and customer   line”) generated by individual customers.
  prioritization Our sales targets are based on the sales opportunities identified (”bottom-up”) by 0.72
  analyzing the market and analyzing both existing and new customers.
We set targets not only for sales volumes but also for issues such as customer 0.78
  potential, customer profitability, and customer loyalty.
Customer Our customer acquisition efforts are directed toward customers that have future 0.76
  acquisition   potential.
Our customer acquisition efforts are directed toward customers that fit our 0.76
Forecasting We forecast sales in a unified way in different parts of our organization. 0.83

Our sales management follows up both volume and quality of leads in the sales 0.87
  Performance Assessing sales Our sales effectiveness assessments help us to reach our targets. 0.75
   management   performance We measure activity levels of individual salespeople. 0.82
Sales activities are targeted according to defined coverage plan. 0.83
Assessing sales We regularly assess both the behavior and financial performance of sales teams. 0.89
  activities We demonstrate to top management how sales creates shareholder value. 0.80

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