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The Holy Quran Digitization Challenges and Concerns

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Life Science Journal 2013;10(2) http://www.lifesciencesite.


The Holy Quran Digitization: Challenges and Concerns

Muhammad Khurram Khan 1,3, Yasser M. Alginahi 2,3

Center of Excellence in Information Assurance, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Deptment of Computer Science, Taibah University, Madinah, Saudi Arabia
IT Research Center for the Holy Quran and its Sciences (NOOR), Taibah University, Madinah, Saudi Arabia,

Abstract: Quran is the sacred, the most authentic, and unchanged book of the God since its revelation over 14
centuries. People usually read Quran using the traditional printed version on paperback format called Mushaf. The
recent advent of smart technologies like smart phones, digital devices and tablets has collected the daily life routines
under a single touch and Muslims are adopting these new tools with an exponential growth. In this paper, we
highlight the challenges and concerns Muslim community has relevant to the digitization of the Holy Quran. A
survey was conducted to explore the trends and adoption of technology using digital and smart devices for reading
and learning Quran in the Muslim community. In addition, it was also endeavored to identify that how Muslims feel
important or mandatory to have an Islamic body to monitor and endorse the digital versions and copies of the Holy
Quran available in the digital format. The paper is supported by tactful survey results and analysis extracted from 17
questions and 668 responses from different parts of the world.
[Muhammad Khurram Khan, Yasser M. Alginahi. The Holy Quran Digitization: Challenges and Concerns, Life
Sci J 2013;10(2):156-164].(ISSN:1097-8135). 24

Keywords: Quran Research, Survey, Smart devices, Web applications

1. Introduction According to a survey conducted by the

The era of the technological age is upon us, international telecommunication Union, the number
people communicate in seconds with e-mails and of mobile phones to 100 people seems to increase
other online/digital means. Information of every type rapidly as it is noticed that in some countries the
is accessible over the Internet through different number of mobiles per population of 100 exceeds
digital means to anyone, anywhere and anytime. The 100 (, 2012). According to
digital age has revolutionized the world of BBC Measuring the Information Society 2010, the
communications and transformed societies, number of mobile phones in 2010 exceeds the 5-
economies, and private lives of billions of people. billion figure where the population for the world has
The Internet, mobile phones and related smart reached more than 7 billion in November 2011,
technologies have rapidly spread to all parts of the which means that over 70% of the population on this
world even people who do not have access to the earth are using mobile technology (,
Internet are indirectly affected by this rise of 2012). This shows how much we are relying on
technology. technology in our daily lives.
The presence of Islam on the Internet is Muslims have been using the Internet for
very impressive where Muslims have been using the online education, Quran memorization/learning,
Internet for everything imaginable and in all different Quran teaching, online businesses, banking,
aspects of life from spreading their religion to socializing, politics and communication
educating themselves about their religion and (Razaly,2010; Elhadj, 2010; Al-Yahya et al., 2011;
communicating with each other. According to Muhammad et al., 2012). Bundles of excellent
“Internet World Statistics” the Internet usage has Islamic websites have appeared over the Internet and
increased five folds since 2000 emphasizing the fact so did many websites spreading false Islamic
that technology is penetrating societies very rapidly ideologies about Quran and Islam. Therefore, the lack
as well as it has a great impact on societies. of a controlling authority to provide standards and
According to the Internet World Statistics (2012), the guidelines for Muslims using the Internet lead to
number of Internet users as of March 2012 exceeded many problems and so is the issue with the Quran
2 billion that means approximately 30% of the world and attempts to create unauthentic and fake copies,
population uses the Internet. With the largest growth such as the True Furqan.
of Internet usage noticed in the Middle East, which The study performed by Tayan and
shows an increase of approximately 2000%, in Alginahi in 2009, investigated the use of ICT
addition approximately 25% of Muslims use the technologies combined with software applications for
Internet. propagating and teaching the Quran, in addition it 156

Life Science Journal 2013;10(2)

evaluated the effectiveness of digital technologies for  To know the reasons behind not
serving the Holy Quran. The study was distributed reading the holy book on a digital device
through email and received 38 responses only; the  To know the awareness of Muslims
survey analysis revealed that almost 80% of towards the fake Quran availability in the market
participants had used various technologies for  To know the observation of
assisting in Qur'an memorization. The participants different age group and nationalities about the
were evenly distributed concerning the appeal of importance of an international Islamic monitoring
online or portable technologies as compared with body to validate and scrutinize the digital versions of
traditional methods. It also showed that participants the Holy Quran
over 50 shared the opinion that technology is more
appealing to the younger generation. Finally, the 3. Research Methodology
analysis provided suggestions for new applications A semi-structured questionnaire survey in
and improvements to the existing technologies in both Arabic and English was distributed in an
order to further enhance the user access and electronic format. The survey was conducted to
experience with Islamic propagation and teaching discover the primary objectives outlined in the
resources (Tayan and Alginahi, 2009). previous section. Before the survey was conducted it
The rest of the structure of this paper is as was piloted to ten subjects and five interviews were
follows: Section II presents the motivation and conducted. The participants were asked to review and
objectives of this work, Section III describes the comment on the clarity of the survey. Following this,
research methodology, Section IV addresses the the semi-structured survey was designed as a tool for
survey results (analysis and evaluation), Section V data collection. The participants were encouraged to
elaborates on the Quran applications available give any comments they feel are relevant to the
through smart devices and Internet websites. Finally, study. This survey study was also supported by a
Section VI concludes the paper and provides future phenomenological approach with semi-structured
directions. interviews carried out with some participants in order
to consolidate some of the findings that were
2. Motivation and Objectives observed from the surveys. Emails were distributed
The motivation behind this work rose from to contacts of the authors who are mainly individuals
the fact that almost all of our daily activity is being working in higher-level academic institutions all over
transferred from the traditional approach to the smart the world. The response to the survey was
environment. From a normal daily physical exercise overwhelming where a total of 668 responses were
to complicated Business Intelligence handling, all is received between Sept 22 and Oct. 18, 2012. Table 1
being accomplished by using hand-held digital shows the questions asked in the survey. All the
devices like smart phones, tablet PC(s) and other questions were multiple choices except for the last
devices. Similarly, people are shifting to electronic or question that asks the user for any comments or
smart devices to read/recite their religious books suggestions the person may have. Also few questions
rather than using a regular paper printed book. required some written responses depending on the
Millions of Muslims are also using smart devices to answer chosen, these questions are marked asterisks
recite Quran and other religious material, which is (*, **, or ***) in Table 1. Table 1 lists all the
easily available through websites. questions used in the survey showing the statistics of
This inspired and motivated us to perform a the people corresponding to each question.
general survey, which was distributed electronically
around the globe in order to know the level of 4. Survey Results (Analysis & Evaluation)
awareness of digital and smart devices usage among In this section, the survey results are
Muslims for reciting and learning the Quran in digital presented and analyzed. The total number of people
format. participated in this survey was 668. The ratio of
The primary objectives behind this study males to females participating in this survey was
are; 58.6: 41.4, respectively. From Table 2 it was noticed
 To know how people of different that 93.6% of the participants are between the ages of
age group and nationality, use technology in 18 and 49. The results also prove that the users with
learning/reciting the Quran. age group of 21-29 are the widely users of smart
 To know how much people feel technologies worldwide. On the other hand, the
reliable while reciting an online source of the holy survey failed to reach people in the group ages below
book 20 and above 60, this could be attributed to the fact
 To know whether people prefer that the survey was mainly distributed to academics
reading an online version of the Quran or on paper at universities and most of their contacts are other 157

Life Science Journal 2013;10(2)

academics, students, friends and relatives. Therefore, different forms of digital technology such as personal
this confirms with the objective of the survey to computers, smart phones, tablets, and all sorts of
investigate educated people who are exposed to portable digital gadgets.

Table 1: The List of Questions Used in the Survey

Question Answered Skipped Percentage
Question Statement
No. Question Question Answered
1 Age Category 668 0 100%
2 Gender 659 9 99%
3 Nationality/place of residence * 648 20 97%
4 How often you recite Quran? 638 30 96%
5 How do you prefer reciting the Quran? 634 34 95%
Do you prefer reciting Quran on a Mobile device or a digital
6 632 36 95%
7 Which OS (Operating System) is supported by your mobile? 626 42 94%
While reciting Quran on-line or on mobile application, do you have
8 the feelings of uncertainty if the digital version of Quran is fake, 614 54 94%
tampered or has typing mistakes?
If you do not read the Quran from digital devices, What is the
9 606 62 92%
reason for not reciting the Quran on a digital device? *
Do you think that the digital copy of the Quran available on a digital
10 600 68 90%
device is authentic?
Do you prefer reading a digitally signed and 100% authentic copy
11 594 74 89%
of the Quran on-line and/or through mobile applications? *
Do you prefer reading a digitally signed and 100% authentic copy
12 583 85 87%
of the Quran on a digital device? *
Have you ever come across a fake\containing errors version of
13 582 86 87%
Quran available on-line?
Do you agree that it is unavoidable and necessary to have an
14 authentic Islamic body monitoring and endorsing the digital copies 577 91 86%
of the Quran around the globe?
Due to the advancement of technology and mobile/smart phones, do
15 you think that more people will read Quran in digital format on 550 118 82%
mobile/smart phones than paperback book format? **
Are you aware of any organization that provides authentic digital
16 568 100 85%
copy of the Quran ? *
17 Do you have any other comments or suggestions? *** 116 552 17%
* These questions may have a written response.
** This question was not in the survey during the first few days of the survey was conducted and was added on Sept
where already 26 responses were received to the other questions.
*** Open question, general comments/suggestions.

The participants of the survey were Muslims from nationality did not specify the country they are from.
different countries around the globe; the responses Table 2: Statistics on the Age of Participants
were according to either nationality and/or place of (Question 1) - Which category below includes your
resident. Thus, due the fact that the authors reside in age?
Saudi Arabia and most of the people helped in the Response Response
Answer Options
dissemination of the survey reside in Saudi Arabia, Percent Count
the responses to this question could have been 17 or younger 0.7% 5
according to the nationality/current citizenship/ or 18-20 7.5% 50
place of resident, Table 3 presents the different 21-29 47.9% 320
countries with the corresponding number of 30-39 24.6% 164
individuals participating. The number of people 40-49 13.6% 91
responded with Saudi Arabia are 55.7%, (Table 3, 50-59 4.3% 29
shown with *), which shows that many of the 60 or older 1.3% 9
participants are either Saudis or non-Saudis residing Answered question 668
in Saudi Arabia. In addition, 8.8% (Table 3, shown
with **), of the participants who chose other 158

Life Science Journal 2013;10(2)

Table 3: The Nationality/Country of Resident for Table 4: Statistics on How often do People Recite
Survey Participants Quran?
Country Responses Percentage (Question 4) - How often do you recite Quran?
Algeria 8 1.2% Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Australia 2 0.3% Daily 22.9% 146
Bangladesh 14 2.1% Alternate Days 12.2% 78
Unplanned 49.8% 318
Canada 5 0.7%
Prefer not to say 15.0% 96
China 2 0.3%
Answered question 638
Egypt 11 1.6% Skipped question 30
France 3 0.4% Table 5: Statistics on how People Prefer to Recite
India 7 1.0% the Quran
Jordon 4 0.6% (Question 5) - How do you prefer reciting the Quran?
Kuwait 1 0.1% Response Response
Libya 13 Answer Options
1.9% Percent Count
Malaysia 14 2.1% On paper (book) 69.7% 442
Morocco 1 0.1% On-line 5.4% 34
Nigeria 1 0.1% On-paper & On-line Both 17.8% 113
Pakistan 103 15.4% By software download
30.0% 190
through mobile app store
Palestine 2 0.3%
Answered question 634
Saudi Arabia* 372 55.7%
Skipped question 34
Sudan 3 0.4% Table 6, shows that 36.2% of people using
Syria 4 0.6% technology to recite the Quran and they prefer mobile
Tunisia 1 0.1% devices, 12.2% prefer other digital devices, and
UAE 1 0.1% 21.2% use both mobile and digital devices. On the
United Kingdom 3 0.4% other hand, 30.4% do not use any technology and
USA 6 0.9% prefer to read from the Mushaf, in which almost half
Yemen 8 1.2% of the population prefers reading the Quran using a
Other ** 59 8.8% mobile device and a major population prefers reading
Didn’t Answer it on a mobile device or a digital device. Whereas,
20 3.0%
Question quite a large number of respondents do not use any
Total 668 100.0% sort of digital devices to recite Quran.
The survey aims to investigate how often Table 6: Statistics on Reciting Quran from
people read/recite the Quran using smart Mobile/Digital Devices
technologies, and what type of technology they prefer (Question 6) - Do you prefer reciting Quran on a
to use. The results from Tables 4 to 6 provide the Mobile device or a digital device?
responses for Questions 4 to 6. The response to how Response Response
Answer Options
often you recite the Quran? shows that 85% of the Percent Count
people recite Quran on regular basis or on unplanned Mobile device 36.2% 229
basis. 70% prefer to read from the Mushaf Digital device 12.2% 77
(Paperback format) with 30% prefer digital Quran Both 21.2% 134
from online sources or software downloaded through Don't use any
30.4% 192
mobile application stores e.g. Apple, Android … etc. device
The results prove that most people recite Quran in an Answered question 632
Skipped question 36
unplanned manner due to their busy schedule.
Whereas, there are a substaintial amount of users who Question 7 is a bit technical i.e. “Which OS
(Operating System) is supported by your mobile
recite Quran on daily bases. These results also prove
phone?”. A head to head ratio goes to Apple and
that mobile devices are more prefered due to
Android due to their large-scale popularity. The least
unplanned schedule, because it is hard to carry a
goes to Windows based operating systems. From
printed book format of Muhaf all the time, whereas, a
Table 7, the response to question 8 shows that around
mobile device or smart phone usually resides in the
54% do have the feeling or sometimes have the
pocket of people. The response to Question 5 shows
feeling of uncertainty that the digital Quran may be
that still the most authentic and valuable way to
tampered with or has mistakes. Therefore, this is an
read/recite the holy book is through a printable
format. alarming finding that should be taken seriously in
order to speed up the development of authentic
digital copies of the Quran. 159

Life Science Journal 2013;10(2)

The responses to Question 9, Table 8, an electronic device and not a Mushaf and it will
present the reasons for not reciting the Quran from never be a Mushaf. What makes me worry more
digital devices. Medical reasons provide less than is that, with time, people may start dealing with
5%, feeling of uncomfortable due to screen size of the paper Mushaf as they deal with a device
device, font etc. provides 43%. Feeling of uncertainty (paying less respect). I believe that reciting Quran
that the digital Quran is authentic presents about should be limited to a Mushaf since the Mushaf
25.6%, and other reasons, 27.2%. demands special consideration and care. Our
Table 7: Statistics on Feeling of Uncertainty when children will grow up not knowing those qualities
Reciting from Digital or Online Applications and considerations of dealing with a Mushaf if we
(Question 8) - While reciting Quran on-line or on keep looking at screens when reciting Quran,
mobile application, do you have the feelings of which is going to be a major shortage in their
uncertainty if the digital version of Quran is fake, education and respect to Islam and Allah (God).
tampered or has typing mistakes?  I read from digital devices; however, I feel
Response Response
Answer Options sometimes there could be some mistakes so I
Percent Count
21.0% 129
double check using the paper copy of the Quran.
No 23.8% 146  I do not read from digital devices I only listen to
Sometimes 33.1% 203 Quran from YouTube and sometimes I read from
I never had any peculiar the Mushaf.
22.1% 136  I prefer reading Quran from a hard copy;
Answered question 614 however, use online digital copies to search, listen
Skipped question 54 to famous reciters, read some Tafseer (meanings
Table 8: Statistics on Reasons for not Reciting the of the Quran) and listen to lectures.
Quran from Digital Devices  Prefer to use printed version that needs ablution
(Question 9) - If you do not read the Quran from before touching and gives the sense of honor and
digital devices, What is the reason for not reciting the purity. Sometimes digital versions are used for
Quran on a digital device? checking verses quickly or may be for searching
Response Respons verses/surahs or confirming information.
Answer Options
Percent e Count The response to Question 10, Do you think
Medical reasons 4.3% 26 that the digital copy of the Quran available on a
Feel Uncomfortable 42.9% 260
digital device is authentic?, unexpectedly shows that
Uncertainty, forgery might be
possible due to unauthentic 25.6% 155
78% of people surveyed have doubt/suspicion or
sources have no idea that such copies may not be authentic
Other 27.2% 165 and only 22% believe and certain that the digital copy
Other (please specify) 108 of the Quran on digital devices is authentic. Again,
Answered question 606 these results are very alarming since the percentage
Skipped question 62 of those who are having doubt/suspicion in
Some of the reasons quoted from the survey authenticity of the digital copies of the Quran is very
include the following quotes as presented by the significant and therefore it should be a reason for
respondents: Muslims to protect their holy book by developing
 My children should see me reciting the Quran authentic digital copies of the Quran.
from Book. Mobile phone doesn't create that
feeling to others. Table 9: Responses to Question “Do you think
 I some time use digital device if printed version is that Authentic Copies of Quran are Available on
not available. Digital Devices”
(Question 10) - Do you think that the digital copy of the
 I feel the spirituality of the Quran when I touch it.
Quran available on a digital device is authentic?
 I do read from a digital device so that I do not
Response Response
neglect the Quran and I keep reading it always. Answer Options
Percent Count
 I read from digital devices whenever, I do not
Yes 22.0% 132
have Wudu (ablution) or a Mushaf is unavailable. No 10.3% 62
(Note: Ablution is required for touching the Maybe 37.3% 224
Mushaf). I don't have any idea 14.8% 89
 Besides feeling uncertain about its correctness, Never thought about it 15.5% 93
when I recite Quran from a digital device, I Answered question 600
cannot give that device the amount of respect that Skipped question 68
we should give to the Mushaf, because it is still 160

Life Science Journal 2013;10(2)

Table 10: Responses to the Question “Do you  Digital and mobile devices provide privacy in
think that the digital copy of the Quran available public areas where a person can read the Quran
on a digital device is authentic?” and people won’t know that they are reading
(Question 11) - Do you prefer reading a digitally signed Quran. It can also be taken to the washroom with
and 100% authentic copy of the Quran on-line and/or no problem. Mobile devices have longer battery
through mobile applications? life and are preferable over digital devices.
Response Response  Digital copies are for quick checking/searching
Answer Options
Percent Count
for Ayahs, Tafseer, etc.
Yes 77.1% 458
No 17.5% 104
 Using digital Quran, its verses can be cross-
Why? 5.4% 32 checked from different sources.
Why? (please specify) 52
Answered question 594 Table 11: Responses to the Question “Do you
Skipped question 74 prefer reading a digitally signed and 100%
authentic copy of the Quran on a digital device?”
The results from Question 11, in which (Question 12) - Do you prefer reading a digitally signed
77% of the respondents urged the need to have an and 100% authentic copy of the Quran on a digital
international Islamic body to monitor the authenticity
of the digital copies of the holy book. This number is Answer
Response Percent Response Count
close to the 78% of people who are not sure or Options
suspect that fake/tampered copies of the Quran exist. Yes 74.8% 436
As expected Muslims prefer to read authentic copies No 21.8% 127
of the Quran; however if the copy is digital then Why? 3.4% 20
some people may not prefer to read from online, Why? (please specify) 59
mobile or digital devices due to reasons, such as the Answered question 583
following quoted from the survey responses: Skipped question 85
 Weak eyesight.
Table 12: Responses to the Question “Have you
 Feel uncomfortable.
ever come across a fake/containing errors version
 The reverence feeling of reading the Quran is lost, of Quran available on-line?”
since technology reduces the reverence of reading (Question 13) - Have you ever come across a
the Quran. fake\containing errors version of Quran available on-
 The printed Mushaf is a respected object. Even if line?
the digital copy is authenticated, our next Response Response
Answer Options
generations and we are going to lose the skill and Percent Count
respect of dealing with the Mushaf. Also, the ease Yes 17.4% 101
of carrying a digital copy in our pockets may No 82.5% 480
encourage many people to stop memorizing the Answered question 582
Quran since carrying a paper Mushaf with us Skipped question 86
everywhere is not as easy as carrying a digital
copy in a palm size device that we are carrying Table 13: Responses to Question “Do you agree
with us anywhere. that it is unavoidable and necessary to have an
Quoted reasons from the survey responses authentic Islamic body monitoring and endorsing
for reading the Quran from authentic digital copies the digital copies of the Quran around the globe?”
(online and/or digital devices) of the Quran are: (Question 14) - Do you agree that it is unavoidable
and necessary to have an authentic Islamic body
 Portability and convenience monitoring and endorsing the digital copies of the
 Ablution is not required for recitation as it is not a Quran around the globe?
Mushaf (paper copy) Respo
 Women during their menstrual period find it Answer Options nse
convenient to use digital devices since they are Count
not allowed to touch the Mushaf during their Yes 92.7% 535
periods. No 2.1% 12
 Those who memorize the Quran by heart can Maybe 5.2% 30
detect any mistakes; however, they only prefer to Answered question 577
read digital copies in certain occasions, such as Skipped question 91
during travel or when no paper copies are
available. 161

Life Science Journal 2013;10(2)

Table 14: Responses to Question: “do you think The response to Question 17 provided some
that more people will read Quran in digital format interesting comments quoted below are some of these
on mobile/smart phones than paperback book comments:
format?”  I really feel the need of an organization at
(Question 15) Due to the advancement of technology international level that shall provide authentic
and mobile/smart phones, do you think that more digital copy of the Quran
people will read Quran in digital format on  Yes Muslims should have very strict check over
mobile/smart phones than paperback book format?
the web on any kind of site being filled with
Response Response
Answer Options
Percent Count
Islamic information and have kind of forum or
Yes 57.3% 315 kind of list provided somewhere about the sites
No 10.4% 57 containing fake Islamic material info or anything
Maybe 32.4% 178 like that.
Answered question 550  Quran must be preserved on such devices. It's
Skipped question 118 relatively easy to attack the Holy Quran through
After going through the responses from these devices.
Tables 11 to 15, it has been observed that 74% of the  Quran in a digital format with 100 % authenticity
individuals surveyed prefer reading a digitally signed is a need for today’s generation, because people
online copy of the holy book. Most of the people i.e. cannot carry the book of Holy Quran everywhere
82.5% are not aware of the any fake Quran available with them, but can carry the digital format even
online. Among all the respondents, 92.7% agree that while traveling.
an Islamic monitoring body is mandatory to judge the  In some cultures the Quran is considered to be too
online and digital copies globally. Around 57.3% sacred to have on a mobile device that you put in
have agreed that more people are going to switch to your pocket or drop on the floor. Translations are
mobile devices from traditional paperback book not a problem though.
formats.  We should put more effort in awareness of using
As it is expected from the responses to digital copies of Quran. We should make it clear
Question 16, not too many people are familiar or for people that such copies are useful for indexing
know any organization that provides authentic digital and search purposes only, but not recitation.
copies of the Quran, only 11.3% know or are familiar Digital copies of Quran are not new, we have
with the name of an organization, which provides been using it since the early 1980s, but they were
authentic digital copies of the Quran. From those who just used as a reference or index while the full text
answered ‘yes’ to this question only 2/3 mentioned a is taken from the paper Mushaf. Finally, recitation
name of such an organization. The list of is one way of worshipping Allah and we should
organizations mentioned include: King Saud not expose that practice to modernization and
University, King Fahd Quran Complex for Printing innovation.
the Holy Quran, Kuwait Development Bank, Islamic  It is noticed that many of the Quran applications
Forum Organization,,, Al-Mousa available on CDs are incomplete, with some
Complex for Quran memorization, and the Ministry Surahs missing or contain some typos. Similarly,
of Endowment and Islamic Affairs. However, not all some of the MP3 versions of the Quran available
of these organizations provide authentication of on the Internet do contain mistakes.
digital Quran however, most of them only provide  There is a different feeling when reciting Al-
access to authentic digital copies of the Quran. Quran through book and a different feeling while
reciting online (digital devices).
Table 15: Responses to Question: “Are you aware  The Quran (Mushaf) comes as a witness for you
of any organization that provides authentic digital on the hereafter and the best thing is to make
copy of the Quran?” ablution and read the Quran form the Mushaf
(Question 16) Are you aware of any organization that more and more for a greater reward.
provides authentic digital copy of the Quran?
 We need to develop some cookies for smart
Response Respons
Answer Options phones, which can authenticate the Quranic
Percent e Count
Yes 11.3% 64 characters word by word according to the writing
No 88.7% 504 styles before reading. This can be done using
If yes (please specify) 44 imaging processing matching techniques.
Answered question 568  I hope there will be an authentication body for
Skipped question 100 Quran applications, which does not allow any
unapproved (certified) application/software to be 162

Life Science Journal 2013;10(2)

available in the market without any approved seal Table: 16: Statistics on Quran Mobile Apps
or watermark. No. of Apps Apps for money
OS / Format Quran available No. of Price
 I wish that an authentic digital copy of Quran free
Apps Apps
would have the following features: $1.94 –
-The ability to enlarge fonts Android 107 99 8
-A voice reading for a whole or part of a surah Apple 44 13 29
$0.99 –
-An explanation of a chosen word or Verse in a $14.99
Blackberry 11 10 1 $3.99
pop-up approach.
J2ME phone 12 12 0 -
 Reading from the Mushaf is very important in Symbian 7 7 0
order not to neglect the Quran, also a digital copy iPad 8 8 0
of the Quran is essential since it helps to read Web-based 7 7 1* -
more due to its portability and easy to carry to PDF 4 4 0 -
Windows 6 6 0 -
different places especially when traveling to non-
Muslim countries; therefore, both option are very 3 3 0 -
 I used to use a digital version on my Symbian and The data collected shows that these apps are
BlackBerry devices and then discovered that there regularly updated and that many have several
was an error in a word in one of the verses. So, I versions. Table 17 shows the update year for the
stopped using it. I only started again now that I apps surveyed. It also shows that the first Quran
have an iOS device and was assured that the mobile application available was developed in 2005.
Kuwaiti Development Bank software is 100%
accurate. Table: 17: Mobile Apps Update Timetable
 There is no need for a digital Quran and there are Number of Apps Update year
many important things concerning Islam and 150 2012
Muslims to think about than producing a digital 35 2011
copy of the Quran. 16 2010
 There should be an Organization, with only one 3 2009
responsibility, i.e. to monitor the online Quran 1 2008
and Its Translations on Websites. 2 2007
1 2006
1 2005
5. Digital Quran on Mobile & Web Applications
In addition to the questionnaire (survey)
discussed above, information on current available The size of the applications vary from one
Quran mobile apps was gathered from many Internet application to another with the highest size found to
resources. To the best knowledge of the authors the be 638MB and the smallest size of 79KB, also this
information collected reflects all what could be found information was not available for all apps.
from the Internet as of November 2012. In conclusion, the source of information for
The number of mobile Quran applications the apps was mainly websites. Most of these websites
found was 209. There could be other apps, which may not be authentic and could be sponsored by
were not included in the statistics (i.e. missed) shown groups or organizations, which may not follow
in the Table 16, or were developed thereafter the Islamic rules and guidelines. The developers are
publication of this work. However, since there is no mainly companies or individuals who may not have
central body to provide this information it will be the Quranic scholars to approve these applications for
difficult to have a complete comprehensive data on distribution and no information were provided on the
all software developed for the Quran. certification and authentication of these digital apps.
The survey showed that there are many Finally, without a certifying body to regulate the
Quran apps in different OS and formats with about development and distribution of these apps there is
15% of them designed in different languages other always that doubt in the mind of those using mobile
than Arabic or English. However, not all information apps if the apps on their mobiles are authentic or not.
was available about all the apps. Therefore, from the
information gathered, Android OS share over 50% of 6. Conclusions and Future Work
the apps available followed by Apple then J2ME with The survey analysis and detail results have
less apps designed for Symbian and Windows OS as elaborated the following conclusions:
it is shown in Table 16.  Young generation uses smart technologies more
as compared to other age groups and they are 163

Life Science Journal 2013;10(2)

adopting to learn or recite religious literature e.g. Checking the Authenticity of Online & Electronic
Holy Quran in digital format. format of Holy Quran”.
 Almost, the majority of people among the
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academic year 2012/2013 to carry out the research
project entitled, “Framework and Mechanisms for

2/27/2013 164

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