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Consumer Behavior (Cluster 2) : Teaching Learning Plan PGDM 10-12

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PGDM 10-12

COURSE: Consumer behavior (cluster 2)


CREDITS: Full Credit (100 marks)



 Leon G Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kanuk consumer behavior

prentice hall 2008 –

 David L Loudon & Albert Della Bitta consumer behavior Tata

McGraw Hill 2002


Introduction to Consumer: Role
of consumer Behavior in
1 1 marketing, Distinction among
consumer, customer, buyer, user
and payer, Frame work of Reading seminar
consumer behavior, Inter
disciplinary subject,
Consumerism & consumer
behavior in contemporary
Personality and self concept in
2 2 consumer behavior: impact of
personality on C.B, personality Reading seminar

Personality theories, brand

3 3 personalities, self concept: types
and application. Reading seminar

consumers needs & motivation:

4 4 motivational theories Field study

motivational theories ,
5 5 motivational conflict & research Field study

consumer perception: process,

6 6 perceived risk, perceptual Field study
positioning and mapping,

perceptual mapping, consumer

7 7 attitude: functions, components Field study

consumer attitude: models,

8 8 measurement, changing CASE STUDY
consumer attitude
Multi attribute attitude models.
Consumer learning: introduction CASE STUDY
9 9 to learning process

consumer learning: theories,

10 10 cognitive learning theories Reading seminar

Learning theories, consumer in
11 11 the social cultural context:
introduction to types of Field study
reference groups and its
influence in decision making
 reference groups & opinion
leaders: effect of reference
12 12 groups on product and brand Field study
purchase, opinion leaders: their
opinion leaders: types and their
13 13 role in influencing consumer
choice, introduction to family Field study
life cycle

Family, gender & age influence:

14 14 family decision making, conflict
and their resolution, role of Field study
gender and age in family
decision making.

social class & consumer

15 15 behavior: components, Reading seminar
measuring social class,
conspicuous consumption
 influence of culture on
consumer behavior:
16 16 characteristics, sub-culture, Field study
cross culture

consumer decision making

process: levels, types, process,
17 17 stages diffusion of innovation: CASE STUDY
diffusion process, adoption

models of consumer behavior:

18 18 Howard seth model, Engel- Field study
Kollat-Blackwell model

Family decision making model,

19 19 model of industrial buying Field study

Post purchase behavior:

20 20 loyalty/non-loyalty & complaint
behavior. Post purchase Field study
dissonance- approaches to
reduce post purchase
dissonance, disposal

Basic Text:

 Leon G Schiff man and Leslie Lazar Kanuk consumer behavior prentice hall 2008
Suggested Readings:

 David L Loudon & Albert Della Bitta consumer behavior Tata McGraw Hill 2002
 Del L Hawkins, Daivd L Mothersbaugh, Amit Mookerjee – Consumer Behaviour, building
marketing strategy, Tata Mc Grawhill, 2010
 Black well, Miniard and Engel consumer behavior Thomson south – western 2007
 Consumer Behavior 6e,Solomon,(2007), Pearson Education Limited
 Why We Buy, Paco Underhill, (2000), Simon & Schuster.
 Consumer Behavior 7e, (2007), Prentice-hall Of India
 Consumer Behavior & Marketing Action 6e, Assael,(2006),International Thomson Computer
 Consumer Behaviour, M S Raju,(2004),Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd
 Consumer Behavior ,9th Edition, Del I Hawkins, ( 2006 ) Tata McGraw-hill
 Consumer Behavior: A Strategic Approach, Assael H,( 2005 ) Wiley Publishers
 Consumer Behavior & Managerial Decision 2e,,Kardes F R,(2007), Dorling Kindersley
(India) P. Customer Behavior 2nd Edition, Sheth J N, (2003), International Thomson
Computer Press.
 Understanding The Consumer, Isabelle Szmigin, and (2003) Response Books.
 Why People Buy Things They Don't Need, Danziger Pamela N, Dearborn Trade
 Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Protection in India, Meenu Agrawal (2006), New
Century Publications
 Consuming Behaviour, John Desmond, (2002) Palgrave-Macmillan.
 Married To The Brand: Why Consumers Bond With Some Brands For Life, William J
McEwen, (2005) Gallup Press
 Why People Buy Things They Don't Need, Danziger Pamela N, Dearborn Trade.
 Being The Shopper Understanding the Buyers Choice, Phil Lempert, (2002) John Wiley &

 Advances in Consumer Research

 Journal of Consumer Marketing
 Journal of Consumer Research
 Journal of Consumer Behavior
 International Journal of Consumer Studies
 Journal of Marketing Research
 Journal of Consumer Affairs

Evaluation Plan:

Mid-Term - 20 marks (descriptive test)

Seminar - 05 marks

Field project - 20 marks

Case study - 10 marks

Project Viva - 05 marks

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