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8 Ch06 Trenching

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6.1 GENERAL 6-1
6.1.1SCOPE 6-1
6.3.2 TRENCHING 6-8
6.3.10 SEEDING (IF USED) 6-13

City of Loveland Water and Wastewater Development Standards Page 6-i

Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition

6.1.1 Scope
A. This chapter addresses trenching and backfilling including subsurface
drainage, dewatering, preparation of subgrades, pipe bedding, backfilling,
compacting, Construction Staking and finish grading for Public Water and
Wastewater Systems.

6.1.2 Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards

A. Replacement and repair of plantings, landscaping, sprinkler systems, surface
obstructions, pavement, driveways, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and similar
surfaces shall be in accordance with the LCUASS.

6.1.3 Quality Assurance

A. Soil compaction tests shall be performed in accordance with:
ASTM D698 --- Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction
Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-
ASTM D6938 --- Standard Test Methods for In-Place Density and Water
Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).
ASTM D1556 --- Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil
In Place by the Sand-Cone Method.
ASTM D1557 --- Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction
Characteristics of Soil using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700 kN-
ASTM D4253 --- Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and
Unit Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory Table.
ASTM D4254 --- Standard Test Methods for Minimum Index Density and
Unit Weight of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density.
B. Construction Staking
1. All Public Water and Wastewater Systems shall be Construction Staked
by, or under the direct supervision of, a Professional Land Surveyor
licensed in the State of Colorado.
2. Survey notes and other Construction Staking notes shall be entered into a
bound, water resistant data book. All survey data/books shall be
available for review upon request by the Inspector.
3. Adequate Construction Staking shall be provided to establish acceptable
horizontal and vertical control. In cases where conflicts may exist or
additional Construction Staking may assist the Inspector in determining
compliance with signed PICPs, the Developer/Contractor/Land Surveyor
shall supply such staking at no cost to the Department.
4. Cut/offset Construction Stakes shall be placed at a location whereby the
stakes are not destroyed during trenching and backfill operations and can
City of Loveland Water and Wastewater Development Standards Page 6-1
Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
be easily read/identified by the Inspector. If Construction Stakes are
destroyed in any manner, the stakes shall be replaced at the direction and
request of the Inspector.
5. The only acceptable method for verifying and confirming horizontal and
vertical layout during actual installation of Public Water and Wastewater
Systems shall be by certified laser device or cut/offset Construction
C. Job Conditions, during installation
1. Drainage and Groundwater
a. Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits prior to starting
dewatering operations.
1) If groundwater will be discharged into an irrigation ditch, pond,
stream or waterway, or will drain to an irrigation ditch, pond
stream or waterway, a Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment dewatering permit will be required.
2) Permit applications may take 30 days or more to be reviewed by
the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
b. Water that is encountered in the trench shall be removed to the extent
necessary to provide firm subgrade, permit connections to be made in
dry conditions, and prevent the entrance of water into the pipeline.
c. Surface runoff shall be diverted as necessary to keep excavations and
trenches free from water during construction.
d. The excavation or trench shall be kept free from water until the
structure, or pipe, to be installed therein, is completed to the extent
that no damage from hydrostatic pressure, flotation, or other cause
will result.
e. The pipe under construction shall not be used for dewatering.
2. Sequencing
a. Not more than 300 linear feet of open trench excavation and pipe
installation will be allowed at any time. This distance may be
amended, with the Department's approval, based upon job conditions.
b. Initial trench backfill shall be performed within 300 linear feet of
pipeline installation. This distance may be amended, with the
Department's approval, based upon job conditions.
c. Backfill shall be completed, at the end of each day, to the extent that
no damage from hydrostatic pressure, flotation, or other cause will
d. Where excavation is a hazard to automotive or pedestrian traffic, the
amount of open trench and the time duration of that opening is to be
1) Contractor shall be solely responsible for construction site safety.
2) All excavations shall be properly barricaded, signed, and
protected to prevent unauthorized access.
3. Underground Obstructions

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Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
a. The Design Engineer and/or Contractor shall field verify all Record
Drawing information obtained from the Department, prior to start of
any Work within the Development Project Area.
b. Contractor shall notify each utility owner and request utilities to be
field located by surface reference.
c. The request for the location of utilities shall be made a minimum of
48 hours prior to trenching or excavation (exclusive of holidays and
d. The Contractor shall expose and verify the size, location, and
elevation of all underground utilities and other obstructions,
sufficiently in advance of construction to permit changes to be made
to the Construction Drawings, and to secure approval of those
e. In the event there is a conflict, the Contractor shall notify the
Department and the affected utility company.
f. In the event there is a conflict, the proposed work may be modified, at
the Department's discretion and with the Design Engineer’s
g. Existing improvements, adjacent property, utilities, trees, and plants
that are not to be removed shall be protected from injury or damage
resulting from the Contractor's operations.
h. If the Contractor removes any underground obstructions, the
following shall apply:
1) Drainage culverts may be salvaged and reused, if written
approval is first obtained from the applicable City/County or
State agency.
2) Other underground obstructions shall be replaced or repaired as
directed and first approved by the affected City/County or State
3) Field drains shall be repaired or replaced to their original
condition, or better.
4. Maintenance and Correction
a. Trench settlement, including any related damage to pavement, curb
and gutter, sidewalks or other structures, which occurs during the
warranty period, shall be the responsibility of the
b. The Developer/Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all
necessary permits to affect repairs within the Right-of-way or
c. The Developer/Contractor shall coordinate all repairs with the
appropriate City Departments, including this Department.

City of Loveland Water and Wastewater Development Standards Page 6-3

Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
6.2.1 Stabilization Material
A. If the existing soil in the trench bottom is judged to be unsuitable by the
Department, a minimum of the top 6-inches of the pipe subgrade shall be
removed and replaced with a stabilization material.
B. Stabilization material is crusher-run rock, conforming to ASTM D448, or
CDOT Table 703-2 No. 357, or an approved substitute.
Stabilization Material
Size Percent Passing
2” 95-100
1” 35-70
1/2” 10-30
#4 0-5

C. In all situations where stabilization material is required, geotextile fabric

shall be placed in between stabilization material, and pipe bedding.
1. Geotextile fabric shall meet the requirements of CDOT 712.08
(AASHTO M-288) Class A fabric.
a. Grab strength: 180 lbs. (ASTM D4632)
b. Seam strength: 160 lbs. (ASTM D4632)
c. Puncture strength: 80 lbs. (ASTM D4833)
d. Trapezoid tear: 50 lbs. (ASTM D4533)
e. Apparent opening size (AOS): less than 0.297 mm. (greater than No.
50 sieve) (ASTM D4751)
f. Permeability, cm/s: k fabric > k soil for all classes (ASTM D4491)
g. Ultraviolet degradation at 500 hours: 50% strength retained for all
classes. (ASTM D4355)

6.2.2 Pipe Zone Bedding Materials

A. The bedding area shall extend from 4 inches (or 1/4 O.D., whichever greater)
below the bottom of the pipe to 12 inches above the top of the pipe, herein
known as the “Pipe Zone”.
B. Bedding shall not compromise the integrity of poly-wrap or other
material/covering used to protect the pipe system from corrosion or other
C. Reference Standard Drawings W-1 and W-22.

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Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
D. Public Water System Pipe Zone bedding: shall be granular material,
uniformly graded, sand conforming to ASTM C33 or CDOT Table 703-2, for
fine aggregate.
Public Water System bedding
Size Percent Passing
3/8” 100
#4 95-100
#8 80-100
#16 50-85
#30 25-60
#50 10-30
#100 2-10

E. Hydrant gravel: shall be a well-graded crushed stone or gravel, conforming to

CDOT Table 703-2 No. 67.
Hydrant gravel bedding
Size Percent Passing
1” 100
3/4” 90-100
3/8” 20-55
#4 0-10
#8 0-5

F. Public Wastewater System Bedding: shall be granular material, uniformly

graded, crushed material, conforming to either of the following:
1. CDOT Table 703-2 No. 67
Public Wastewater System bedding (No. 67)
Size Percent Passing
1" 100
¾" 90-100
3/8” 20-55
#4 0-10
#8 0-5

City of Loveland Water and Wastewater Development Standards Page 6-5

Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
2. CDOT Table 703-2 No. 8 (aka squeegee)
Public Wastewater System bedding (No. 8)
Size Percent Passing
1/2" 100
3/8" 85-100
#4 10-30
#8 0-10
#16 0-5

G. Services:
1. The water services should be bedded with the same material as the main
2. The wastewater service should be bedded with the same material as the
main line.

6.2.3 Groundwater Barriers

A. Clay ground water barriers shall meet the following soil classifications:
CH - inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays.
SC - clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures.
CL - inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy
clays, silty clays, clean clays.
B. Concrete shall not be used unless specifically approved by the Department.
Concrete used in ground water barriers shall meet the requirements of
Chapter 9, Cast-In-Place Concrete.

6.2.4 Trench Backfill Material

A. Trench backfill material shall be placed from the top of the Pipe Zone to the
ground surface or to the bottom of the pavement section, whichever is
B. Ordinary/Native Backfill- material shall consist of material excavated from
the site and be free from frozen matter, stumps, roots, brush, other organic
matter, cinders or other corrosive material, debris, rocks or stones which are
larger than 6 inches, in any dimension, or other materials considered
unacceptable by the Inspector.
1. Rocks or stones, which are larger than 3 inches, in any dimension, shall
not be placed within one foot of the pipe or within one foot of the top of
the trench backfill.
C. Imported Backfill- material imported from off-site locations. Material shall
be free of rock or gravel larger than 3 inches, and free of debris, waste,
frozen materials, vegetation and other deleterious matter. Material shall meet

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Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
the acceptable ASTM soil classification groups for locally available material.
Top soil shall not be used as fill.
D. Structure Backfill- material shall meet Class 1 Structure backfill, conforming
to CDOT Standard Specifications Section 703.08

CL 1 Structure Backfill Material

Size Percent Passing

2” 100
#4 30-100
#50 10-60
#200 5-20

E. Flowable Fill- material shall be required for utility trenching in existing

pavement or as directed by the Inspector. Shall meet the requirements from
LCUASS 22.2.3.D.
F. Conventional Backfill– known as “nonflowable fill.” Shall meet the
requirements from LCUASS 22.2.3.E.

6.2.5 Native Seed Mix (if used)

A. Mix Design
1. Modifications to the following mix design can only be made with prior
approval of the City.
Lbs PLS Lbs PLS/acre
Common % in /acre broadcast
Scientific Name Variety
Name Mix drill seed seeding method
Pascopyrum Western 5.6
Arriba 8.1 2.8
smithii wheatgrass

Bouteloua Hachita, 0.3

Blue grama 0.43 0.15
gracilis Lovington

Schizachyrium Little Pastura, 0.7

1 0.35
scoparium bluestem Cimarron
Buchloe 40
Buffalograss Improved, 57.7 20
Tatanka, Cody
Bouteloua Sideoats Vaughn, El 2.7
3.9 1.35
curtipendula grama Reno, Niner

Green 20
Stipa viridula Lodorm 28.9 10

City of Loveland Water and Wastewater Development Standards Page 6-7

Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
B. Mulch: Weed Free Hay
C. Weed-control: Herbicides and pesticides shall be EPA registered and

6.3.1 Preparation
A. Topsoil shall be stripped from areas, which are to be disturbed by
construction, and stockpiled.
B. Topsoil shall be segregated from non-organic trench excavation material, and
debris. Sod shall be either ground up into the topsoil or segregated and
disposed of. No sod pieces greater than 3 inches shall remain in the topsoil.
C. Topsoil and other soil with organics or other unsuitable material shall not be
placed as trench backfill.

6.3.2 Trenching
A. Trenches shall be excavated by open cut methods, except where boring or
tunneling is shown on signed PICPs, or as otherwise approved by the
B. Trench width shall be maintained to within 3 inches of that specified on
Standard Drawings W-1 and W-22.
C. Care shall be used when operating mechanical equipment in locations where
it may cause damage to trees, buildings, culverts or other existing property,
utilities or structures above or below ground.
D. Mechanical equipment shall be operated in such a manner the bottom
elevation of the trench can be maintained with uniform trench widths and
vertical sidewalls of the bedding zone.
E. Trench alignment shall be sufficiently accurate to permit pipe to be aligned
properly with minimum clearances between the pipe and sidewalls of the
trench (or trench box) pursuant to Standard Drawing W-1 and W-22 of these
F. The trench sidewall shall not be undercut in order to obtain clearance.
G. If the trench bottom is rock, the Contractor shall over-excavate the trench
bottom and backfill and compact with suitable bedding material. The
minimum over-excavation depth shall be 12 inches below the bottom of the
pipe. The trench width through the extents of the rock excavation shall
match the trench width above the top of rock elevation. The Department may
allow blasting within rock, with prior approval.
H. Over-excavation shall be backfilled and compacted with acceptable Bedding
Material or Stabilization Material at the Department’s discretion.
I. Contractor shall follow the most current regulations concerning excavations
set forth by OSHA. Trench safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor

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Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
J. Trench support is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The Department’s
presence in no way implies approval of trench support methods being
utilized. The Department/Inspector reserves the right not to enter a trench
which, in the Inspector’s opinion, may be unsafe.

6.3.3 Pipe Zone and Subgrade

A. Pipe Zone trench bottom shall be graded uniformly to provide clearance for
each bell and barrel section of pipe.
B. Loose material, water, and foreign objects shall be removed from the trench
C. The Contractor shall provide a firm trench bottom, which is suitable for
application of Pipe Zone bedding material.
D. Wherever wet or unstable material is encountered in the bottom of the trench,
said material shall be over-excavated to a depth of 6 inches, minimum.
1. The over-excavation shall be backfilled with Stabilization Material and
compacted as required by the Department.
2. Use geotextile where necessary around Stabilization Material and on the
subgrade to stabilize subgrade and prevent fines from migrating into
granular materials.
3. The Department may require the Contractor to provide an opinion from a
Geotechnical Engineer if the Department determines the conditions merit
special investigation.

6.3.4 Stockpiling Excavated Materials

A. Suitable material for backfilling shall be stockpiled in an orderly manner, and
stored away from the edge of the trench.
B. Contractor shall dispose of unsuitable or excess excavated materials.
C. Excavated material shall not be stockpiled against or over existing structures
or appurtenances.
D. Excavated materials shall not be stockpiled beyond, or in a manner not
consistent with an approved erosion control plan.

6.3.5 Pipe Zone Bedding

A. Reference Standard Drawings W-1 and W-22.
B. Bedding material shall be distributed and graded to provide uniform and
continuous support beneath the pipe, including services at all points between
bell ends, or pipe joints.
C. Pipe shall not be supported by the bells.
D. A minimum of 4 inches of bedding shall be placed prior to the installation of
the pipe, including services.
E. Bedding material shall not be dropped on unsupported pipe or pipe, which is
supported only at the ends. Pipe shall be uniformly supported before
continuing with bedding lifts.
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Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
F. Bedding material shall not be placed in a manner that could damage
protective coating, poly wrap, or similar elements of the pipe system.
G. Bedding material shall be consolidated under and around the pipe.
H. To prevent lateral displacement, bedding material shall be deposited and
compacted uniformly and simultaneously on each side of the pipe.
I. Care shall be taken when installing pipe to prevent damage to protective
coatings, poly wrap, or similar elements of the pipe system. Workers shall
not walk on coated or protected pipe.
J. Any pipe coatings, poly wrap, or other surface damage shall be repaired
according to manufacturer/supplier recommendations and in a manner
acceptable to the Department prior to backfilling.

6.3.6 Groundwater Barriers / Cut-Off Walls

A. Groundwater barriers / Cut-Off Walls shall be constructed in a manner that
impedes passage of water through the entire portions of the trench pipe zone
and backfill material.
B. Reference Standard Drawings W-19, W-28 and W-34.

6.3.7 Backfilling and Compaction

A. All trench backfill shall be mechanically compacted, including services.
1. No compaction shall be done by use of a drop hammer compactor.
2. Compaction shall not be performed by jetting or water settling.
B. Backfill of pipe and appurtenances and around vaults and valve boxes shall
be compacted in a manner which is capable of producing the required results.
C. Backfill material shall be deposited in uniform horizontal layers which shall
not exceed eight inches (compacted depth), in all areas, unless otherwise
approved by the Department.
D. Equipment or backfilling methods which damage the pipe, pipe coatings,
poly wrap, or other elements of the pipe system shall not be utilized.
E. Sheeting removal (if utilized)
1. Do not remove sheeting prior to backfilling.
2. Use effective methods to protect the construction, other structures,
utilities and properties during sheeting removal.
3. Voids left by sheeting removal shall be filled with dry sand.
4. Sheeting which is left in place shall be cut off at an elevation 18 inches
below the finish grade of unpaved areas, or 24 inches below the subgrade
of paved areas.
F. Topsoil shall be replaced to the depth of stripping over all areas, which are to
be reseeded or otherwise restored. See Section 6.3.10 for reseeding.

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Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
6.3.8 Manhole Frames and Valve Boxes
A. Prior to completion of backfilling, manhole frames, vault frames and water
valve boxes shall be raised to subgrade. Manhole adjustment shims shall not
exceed eight (8) inches.
B. Valve boxes and manhole/vault rings shall be straight and properly aligned.
C. Valve boxes shall be inspected by placing a valve key on the operating nut to
ensure a proper alignment and that the valve box is plumb.
D. Construction materials and foreign matter shall be removed from the interior
of manholes, vaults and valve boxes immediately. Care shall be taken to
insure foreign matter dies not enter the wastewater collection system.
E. Asphalt or oil which covers a manhole lid or valve box cover shall be
removed and the lid or cover replaced so access to the structure is available.

6.3.9 Field Quality Control

A. This section applies to all Public Water and Wastewater System mains and
appurtenances. All tests shall be the responsibility of the
Developer/Contractor and shall reflect results in accordance with these
B. Field moisture/density testing control
1. Field tests will be conducted to determine compliance of moisture/density
requirements in accordance with ASTM D6938. Moisture/density testing
may also be performed according to ASTM D1556. Where inconsistent
or conflicting test results are obtained other methods of determining in
place moisture and density may be required.
2. Moisture/density tests are the responsibility of the Contractor, and shall
be performed by a private Geotechnical Consultant.
a. The Department may elect to perform separate moisture and density
tests for compliance of the work at any time.
b. Test results are for discreet locations only and do not guaranty
acceptance for trenches or backfill zones in their entirety.
3. The method of testing the compacted material shall be determined by the
Geotechnical Consultant or the Department. The validity of the results
shall be the responsibility of the Geotechnical Consultant.
4. Test results shall be submitted to the Department by the Contractor or the
Geotechnical Consultant within 24 hours of the test, or by the end of the
next working day.
5. Copies of the field work sheets are acceptable.
6. Results of all moisture and density tests shall be submitted to the
Department and approved by the Department prior to acceptance of water
and wastewater systems. Approved test results shall be available on the
job site.
7. Moisture/density test shall be performed at a depth not more than 2 feet
above the top of the pipe bedding and in 2-foot increments up to the final
City of Loveland Water and Wastewater Development Standards Page 6-11
Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
8. Moisture/density test shall be performed at a minimum of 200 lineal feet,
as measured along the length of the pipe, or as determined by the
Department. Testing may be requested at an increased frequency and/or
at specific locations.
9. A minimum of one test shall be performed for every 2 vertical feet of
compacted backfill material. Test locations shall be staggered within each
lift so that successive lifts are not tested in the same location.
10. Moisture/density tests shall be performed on trench backfill, a minimum
of one time for each service line installed. Certain cases may require
additional tests, as required by the Department/Inspector.
11. Tests for Public Water System appurtenances.
a. Moisture/density tests in the vicinity of vaults and valve boxes shall
be performed at a maximum of 1 foot away from the vault sections or
valve box.
b. Tests shall be performed in random directions from the vault or valve
box, on separate lifts. A minimum of two tests shall be performed at
each valve box and vault location.
12. Tests for Public Wastewater System appurtenances.
a. Moisture and density tests in the vicinity of manholes shall be
performed at a maximum of one (1) foot away from the manhole
section. If nuclear test methods provide uncertain or inconsistent
results due to the proximity of the structure, sand cone tests or other
approved methods will be used.
b. At least one test shall be made in all four directions from each
manhole and at different elevations.
13. Failed test areas shall be recompacted and retested at Contractor’s
14. Compaction and moisture content shall be to the following minimum
standards unless recommended otherwise by the geotechnical engineer
and approved in writing by the Department. (Reference ASTM D698 or
AASHTO T99, unless otherwise indicated).
a. Ground water barrier material: 95% of maximum standard Proctor dry
density (ASTM D698) between optimum moisture content and three
percent over optimum moisture content.
b. Pipe Zone bedding: 85% of relative density (ASTM D4253 & D4254)
c. Trench backfill: 95% of standard Proctor maximum dry density
(ASTM D698).
15. Moisture content.
a. The acceptable range of moisture content for compacted trench
backfill will be within two percent (+/-) of the optimum moisture
content determined by the standard Proctor test (ASTM D698) unless
recommended otherwise by the geotechnical engineer and approved
in writing by the Department.
b. Variances may be requested by submitting a report and
recommendation from a private Geotechnical Consultant

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Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition
accompanied with a letter that specifically identifies the variance.
Submittals should be directed to the Water and Power Director.
c. If water is added to the material, the material shall be harrowed,
disked, bladed, or otherwise worked to ensure a uniform moisture

6.3.10 Seeding (if used)

A. All disturbed areas shall be restored to natural grade, and reclaimed.
B. Seeding can only be done during the months of March to May or October to
C. Fine grade the proposed area to be seeded to establish an even gradient over
the entire surface. Provide even transition areas between changes in slope.
D. Clear topsoil of roots, plants, sod, stones, lumps, and other material harmful
to plant growth and the appearance of a smooth finish grade. Provide
positive surface drainage of planted areas.
E. Limit soil preparation to areas which will be planted in the immediate future.
F. Do not work soil when moisture content is so great that excessive
compaction will occur, nor when it is so dry that dust will form in the air or
that clods will not break readily. Apply water if necessary to bring soil to
optimum moisture content for tilling and planting. Maintain within 2 percent
above or below optimum moisture content at all times during the work.
G. Rip existing soil to a depth of eight (8) inches minimum in one direction a
minimum of eighteen (18) inches apart. Soils that have been over compacted
by traffic shall be ripped or tilled to break up restrictive layers and then
harrowed or rolled to firm the seed bed. The seed bed shall be friable enough
to allow seed to be placed at the proper depth. Remove any stones larger
than eight (8) inches.
H. Seed shall be uniformly sown by drill or by broadcast methods (seeding rates
shall be doubled the amounts specified for broadcast if hand broadcast).
Hydroseeding shall not be used. Do not drill or sow seed during high winds
or when the ground is frozen or otherwise unable to be worked.
I. The reseeded areas shall be mulched with weed free hay. Straw shall not be
used as mulch. The hay shall be crimped in to the soil.
J. Protect seeded areas against erosion.

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Approved: August 2007, Revised: 7th Edition

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