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KE-CL-PRC-GNR-004 MS For Concrete Foundation

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Document Title:


Document No.:

Rev. Date Description DSGN CHKD APPD

A 27/03/2023 Issued for Review and Approval Husam R. Lubna D. Firas K.

Sheet No.
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1. Introduction

2. Responsibilities

3. References

4. Construction scope of work

5. Concrete Structures and Foundations

5. Execution

6. QA/QC Requirement

7. Tools, Equipment and Labors

8. Attachments
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1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to define the method statement for concrete
foundation Works.

2. Responsibilities

2.1 Site Manager

- Shall be responsible for overall managing the project at the site

- Supervise and control field staffs in site organization
- Insure the implementation of all site safety & security activities

2.2 Site Civil Engineer

- Shall be responsible for controlling of civil work.

- Generally, comprehend the current progress status on site. Analyze the
performance of subcontractor and see that manpower control is exercised in
accordance with original plan

2.3 QA / QC Inspector

- Shall be responsible for carrying out inspection for specific point.

- Coordinate and supervise the preparation of Construction QA/QC Plans for
the execution of the project, keeping track of the implementation of
Construction QA/QC plans.
- Keep all field quality control records.

2.4 HSE Engineer

- Shall be responsible for controlling of Health, Safety and Environment during

civil work Plan for and direct safety training.
- Select and maintain safety and protective equipment within the requirements
- Investigate all accident and its causes and implement preventive measures.

2.5 Surveyor

The Surveyor Shall be responsible for checking the location, elevation,

alignment, as per drawings and relevant requirements.

3. References

 Project QA/QC Plan

 Project HSE Plan

4. Construction scope of work

Prior any concrete works and foundations, sort of activities shall be done by KAWAR
ENERGY. The following general works will be provided before starting the concrete
and foundations activities:

- To provide all general work in accordance with Section 6 - Client’s

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- To verify all elevations and coordinates shown on the drawings prior to beginning
the Work. Project bench mark locations shall be designated and shall be used for
all elevations and coordinates for the Work
- To supply and install all final grading, drainage and civil work associated with
the Work Site.
- To perform geotechnical inspection and testing activities, including: Inspection
and certification that import fill material complies with.
- To perform compaction testing and perform cone penetration testing
- To perform geotechnical inspection and testing activities that adequate quantities
of material are available.
- To prepare sub-grade, supply, and install all permanent and temporary roads
associated with the Work Site.
- All tests, inspection reports and records shall be submitted to KAWAR
ENERGY’s ENGINEER for confirmation and approval. KAWAR ENERGY
shall submit all tests, inspection reports and records associated with the site
preparation works to CLIENT on a regular basis and as when requested.

Per Client Requirements; different types of concrete are required for foundations;
these are:

5. Concrete structures and foundations

When designing concrete and reinforced concrete constructions, the required

characteristics of concrete are established: strength grade of concrete, freeze-thaw
durability and water impermeability grade of concrete.

5.1 General considerations:

• Reinforced concrete according local regulations.

• The quality of the concrete used is:

 Concrete used in regularization layer: B 7.5, the property of compression

strength more than 9.8 MPa. This kind of concrete cannot be used with
reinforcement steel bars.
 Concrete used in reinforcement structures: B 20 F75 W4. The main
properties of this type are: compression strength more than 26 MPa, and
Water permeability class 4.

• The value of compression strength corresponding to each class is provided in

95% of tests. The value of average strength of concrete sample (MPa) is
calculated from concrete strength class (R=B/0.7635). This value is average
compressive strength of a cube sample testing.
• Frost resistance class shows the maximum number of successive freeze/thaw
cycles which water-saturated concrete sample can withstand without losing
more than 5% of its strength. For example, a concrete with class F75 can
withstand 75 successive freeze-thaw cycles (considered enough to life-time
of plant). The required frost resistance class is determined by the type of the
structure and environmental conditions, nevertheless for structures subject to
environment with temperature of ambient air from -5°C to -40°C frost
resistance class must not be less than F75.
• Water permeability class. It shows a maximum water pressure (kg/cm2) at
which water does not penetrate through a concrete cylinder (height 150 mm).
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For example, water permeability class W4 means that a 150 mm concrete

cylinder stays water impermeable under the water pressure of 4 kg/cm2 (0.4
• Before execution of slabs or strip foundations, it´s necessary to extend a
regularization layer with pour concrete (type B7.5 according local standards),
with a medium 100 mm thickness.
• Sulfate-resistant Portland Cement.
• Containerized inverters and transformers will be mounted on solid reinforced
strip foundations made of B20 F75 W4 concrete.
• Foundations PV panel structure and rest of foundations made of B20 F75 W4
• To guaranty durability of foundations, the minimum content of cement must
be 300 kg/m3. And the maximum relationship between water/cement is less
than 0.45.
• The steel used in reinforcement concrete structures, must preferably be
A500C (weld ability), according to local standards. With a characteristic
tensile strength 500 MPa, and design value of strength 435 Mpa.
• Concrete for each foundation must be poured continuously in order to avoid
cold joints. The clear distance between longitudinal bars and stirrups should
not exceed 300 mm in any case.
• Minimum cover of 45 mm over reinforced steel in foundation in contact with
• Contractor must notify Client before pouring any concrete, taking into
account the weather, duration of transport; site status will be discharged, etc.
• In case that pouring is interrupted during the reinforcement piece cast, Client
will decide what to do with the foundation.
• Contractor must study to the site and the concrete works to be done prior to
the construction and submit the Client a detailed plan of the concrete pouring
process, including at least:

 Amount of concrete needed per day.

 Amount of raw material needed per day.
 Truck route study and number of trucks needed.
 Pouring method (pump, direct, etc)
 Designated pouring team with team leader in contact with the plant.
 Weather conditions study to predict the need for cold or warm
temperatures procedures during the construction of foundations.

5.2 Quality. Batch plant tests:

• Contractor shall submit to Client documentation about the concrete batch

plant (experience, formula, type of gravel to be used, additives, concrete used
before under similar conditions)
• Concrete from different plants cannot be used for the same foundation.
• Plant will analyze concrete with different dosages prior to notification to
Client of the right formula.
• Concrete specifications:

 Ratio Water/Cement lower than 0.45

 Minimum dosage 300Kg/m3.
 Slump 100 mm.
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 Concrete shall be mixed in plant not in trucks.

• Cold temperatures and late cure additives may be used if needed. Prior to be
used, they have to be approved by Client.
• Before construction gets started, 6 concrete samples analysis have to be done:

 2 - 7 days
 2 - 14 days
 2 - 28 days

• Concrete will be accepted when:

 Concrete in good condition when it arrives to the site

 After 7 days - 20 N/mm2
 After 15 days - 23 N/mm2
 After 28 days - 25 N/mm2

• Proportioning and Designing Concrete Mixes

o Prepare mix designs for each type and strength of concrete, use
proportioning on basis of previous field experience or trial mixtures.
Proportion solid materials by weight, not by volume. Liquids may be
proportioned by weight or volume.

• When brand, type, size, or source of cement materials, aggregates, water, ice,
or admixtures are proposed to be changed, new field data or data from new
trial mixtures or evidence that shows that change does not adversely affect
relevant properties of concrete mix.
• Duration of curing process will have to be provided to the Client in case
some additives are needed for delaying that process.
• Proportion and design mixes shall result in fresh concrete with adequate
workability and proper consistency to be readily worked into forms and
around reinforcing without segregation or excessive bleeding under
conditions of placement.
• Proportion and design mixes for normal weight concrete shall result in air
contents from 2 to 4 percent. Concrete where identified in Table 1 or exposed
to exterior conditions subject to freezing and thawing, severe weathering, or
deicers shall be air entrained having an air content of 6 percent plus or minus
1 percent.
• Temporary batch plant:

 If a temporary plant is needed Contractor will assume the installation and

operation costs
 Curing time has to be 1 hr and 30 min after concrete is placed then time
needed for transportation will have to be calculated. List additives for
cold temperatures if needed.

5.3 Supply control during construction:

• Before place concrete, Contractor must check the following:

 Foundation is ready for pouring (rebar, no spills, clean…)

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 The batch plant has enough material for the whole working day
 There are enough trucks available
 Access to the site is granted
 Prior night and starting time temperatures are between limits

• Control sheet:

 Contractor must submit daily information about the pouring process to

the Client
 Client will provide a template for the Contractor to follow this process

• Pouring the concrete:

 Records of the trucks control sheet have to be kept.

 Water cannot be added during transportation. If plasticity is inadequate,
the concrete must be rejected.
 Special attention must be given to the vibrating process of concrete.
 Batch concrete analysis: 4 samples (6 cylinders each)
 1 – 7 days
 1 – 14 days
 2 – 28 days
 2 – 60 days
 External Testing Laboratory Company will provide both, the Client and
the Contractor, with the concrete testing results at the same time.
 The Client will have to know in advance where and when the concrete is
going to be poured. No concrete will be poured without the knowledge of
the Client.
 Describe concrete sample-cube or cilinders storage until they go to the
lab, according to US Standards.

6. Execution:

6.1 Work preparation

• Prepare the surface below (clean, no water…)

• Client can check the quality of the excavation and ask that it be improved
before pouring concrete
• Client can check the steel reinforcement (unions, welds, distances…)
• Lean concrete characteristics B7.5
• Contractor must construct the grounding system according to the design.
• Under bad weather Contractor will take special caution.

6.2 Formwork

• Construct formwork so concrete surfaces conform to tolerance limits.

• Use forms whenever necessary to confine concrete and shape it to required
dimensions. Design, erect, support, brace, and maintain formwork to support
vertical, lateral, static, and dynamic loads that might be applied, until
concrete structure is capable of supporting applied loads. Also, meet local
building code requirements for allowable stresses and for other loads,
including live loads and wind loads.
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• Clean interior surfaces of forms and interior form accessories of accumulated

mortar or grout and other foreign material before each use.
• Earth cuts shall not be used as forms for surfaces unless otherwise noted or
approved by Client
• Construct and maintain formwork so completed concrete members and
structures are within specified tolerance for size, shape, alignment, elevation,
location, plumbness, and levelness. Camber formwork to compensate for
anticipated deflections in formwork before concrete hardens or provides
positive means of adjustment by wedges or jacks. If wood forms are used,
provide means of adjustment to counteract swelling of forms where

6.3 Concrete mixing:

• Ready-mixed and site-produced concrete suppliers shall measure, batch,

deliver, and mix concrete materials and concrete in conformance with local
• Plant will report characteristics of materials used every day. The dosage
design should be reported in detail to the Client.
• When concrete made by volumetric batching and continuous mixing is
acceptable, it shall conform to requirements of Contract Documents
• Only a formula reviewed by Client can be used.
• In case a new formula is needed, test must be done prior to use (28 days of
delay at least). The Client will have a week to review the formula after the
• Approved mix designs shall be verified by a successful test placement onsite.

6.4 Transportation

• Maximum waiting time between trucks at foundation, 40 min.

• Concrete must be poured within 60 min after mixing. Additives can make
longer this time but in case they are used they have to be reported to the
• Taking in account the longest trip from the plant to the farthest foundation,
plant has to ensure the quality of the concrete.

6.5 Pouring concrete

• Name a QA/QC supervisor by the Client

• Do not place any concrete without approval of concrete mix from Registered
Design Professional
• If any kind of curing process, segregation or drying is founded in the
concrete, it will not be accepted.
• Do not place concrete before notifying the Client’s Representative at least 24
hours in advance that embedded items required in particular placement have
been installed, inspected, and approved.
• Concrete free fall shall not exceed 3 meter for concrete containing high-range
water reducing admixture (super plasticizer) or 1.5 meters for other concrete.
Thickness of the layers must allow good compaction.
• Use backhoe or directly from truck. Pumping if needed.
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• Consolidate placed concrete with internal vibrating equipment supplemented

with hand spading, rodding, or tamping. Use vibrators that are as large and
powerful as possible without affecting proper execution. Thoroughly work
concrete around reinforcement and embedded items and into corners of
forms, eliminating air and stone pockets that may cause honeycombing,
pitting, or planes of weakness. Do not use vibrators to move concrete within

6.6 Pouring under cold weather conditions

• Do not place concrete during cold weather conditions without procedures

approved by Registered Design Professional and Testing Agency verification
of availability of equipment and materials necessary to fully implement
• Control and report of temperatures, night before, 7am, 4pm and max temp.
• If temp anytime below 3ºC

 No pouring if temperature was below -3ºC the night before,

 Otherwise:

 Cover steel bars

 Will not pour until 3ºC
 Has to be done by 4pm
 Antifreeze additive approved by Client
 Cover foundation with isothermal blanket

6.7 Pouring under warm weather

• Do not pour concrete during warm weather without procedures approved by

Registered Design Professional and Testing Agency verification of
availability of equipment and materials necessary to fully implement
• If over 30°C

 Dosage report by plant

 No pouring if over 40°0 or strong wind
 Protect steel bars from sun before concrete is poured and then, the
whole foundation
 Avoid pouring concrete during warmer hours of the day.

6.8 Concrete compaction

• By vibration
• At least 2 vibrators working with 1 in reserve

6.9 Concrete curing

• Avoid fissures
• At least 200 gr/m2 of product qualified as ASTM C309 Type 2, or other
• If fissures happen, fill with epoxy and cover with reinforced concrete
• Isotherm blankets covering the foundations if needed
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• Everything must be included in the original price

6.10 Removing Formwork

• Unless otherwise specified, leave formwork and shoring in place to support

weight of concrete in beams, slabs, and in-place structural members until
concrete has reached specified compressive strength.
• Do not remove any formwork supporting the weight of concrete or
construction loads until the concrete has attained 75% of its specified design
strength. If lower compressive strength is proposed for removal of formwork,
submit detailed plans for review and acceptance. Analysis methods and
results shall be submitted for approval before early formwork removal. Such
analysis shall be at the Contractor's expense
• When removal of formwork is based on concrete reaching specified
compressive strengths, formwork may be removed when either of the
following requirements is met:

 Test specimens, field cured under the same moisture and temperature
conditions as the concrete they represent, reach the compressive strength
specified for formwork removal. Mold samples in accordance with local
standards, and cure them under same conditions for moisture and
temperature as used for concrete they represent.
 Concrete has been cured as specified for the same length of time as
laboratory-cured specimens that have reached the compressive strength
specified for formwork removal. Determine the length of time concrete
has been cured in the structure by the cumulative number of days or
fractions thereof, not necessarily consecutive, during which the ambient
air temperature is above 10°C and the concrete has been damp or
thoroughly sealed from evaporation or loss of moisture.

• When finishing is required, remove forms as soon as removal operations will

not damage concrete.
• Do not remove forms early unless all the following are met:

 Shores and other vertical supports to remain are arranged to allow

removal of side forms without loosening or disturbing shores and
 Concrete has cured at least 24 hours, not necessarily consecutively, above
10°C and concrete has hardened sufficiently to resist damage from
removal operations.
 Unless they support only the lateral pressure of plastic concrete or
strength criteria is met.

• Cure and protect formed surfaces exposed by the early removal of formwork
in the same manner as unformed surfaces for the remainder of the specified
curing and protection periods.
• Patch tie holes and defects of all formed surfaces before finishing, except that
fins, burrs, and other projections may be removed, as specified for finish
type, concurrently with patching operations.
• Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be reused, including removal of old
form release agents and accumulated concrete mortar. Dispose of split,
frayed, delaminated, or otherwise damaged form facing material.
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6.11 Joints

• Every 5 m in slabs or pavements

• No contact between different cement concretes if inconsistent
• No concretes from different plants in the same foundation

6.12 Finishes

• Good appearance

6.13 Liabilities

• No inspection, visit, writing or verbal approval for formulas, additives,

authorization to proceed, will reduce the liability of Contractor to ensure the
concrete quality.
• All expenses to achieve the quality demanded here (blow the foundation,
reworks, etc.) must be paid by Contractor.

6.14 Materials

• Cement Materials: Use cement materials that are of same brand and type and
from same plant of manufacture as cement materials used in concrete
represented by submitted field test records or used in trial mixtures. Unless
otherwise specified or permitted, use moderate heat of hydration Portland
cement, blended hydraulic cement with moderate or low heat of hydration
properties, or Portland cement combined with fly ash or blast furnace slag
(Cement materials shall conform to ASTM C150 Type V for standard (28-
day) strength concrete, high sulfate resistance or the local equivalent
• Aggregates: Aggregates shall conform to local regulations, unless otherwise

 Aggregates used in concrete shall be obtained from same sources and

have same size ranges as aggregates used in concrete represented by
submitted historical data or used in trial mixtures.
 Do not use aggregates that are classified as "moderate stain" or darker,
when tested for staining
 Furnish largest size coarse aggregate consistent with cover and clearance
requirements. Furnish in two separate component sizes until mixing in
 Materials

 Coarse aggregates for normal weight concrete shall be crushed stone,

crushed gravel, or washed gravel conforming to local standards.
 Fine aggregate shall be natural sand.

• Water and Ice: Mixing water for concrete and water used to make ice shall
meet requirements.

 As a general requirement any water, successfully used before, could be

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 If there is no evidence of had being used before, it would be rejected if do

not agree:

 pH ≥ 5
 DS ≤ 15000ppm
 Sulfates as S042- ≤ 1000ppm (but if cement used is sulfates resistant)
 Concentration of Cl-

 If prestressed concrete ≤ 1000ppm

 If regular concrete ≤ 3000ppm

 Carbohydrates = 0
 Organic matters soluble in water ≤ 15000ppm

7. QA/QC Requirement

7.1 Scope

Project Quality Plan serves as the basis for addressing the contract quality
requirements, project execution instruction and to establish the quality
management system for complying with the quality requirements on the Project.
This Project Quality Plan identifies the systems/ activities required, which are to
be specified in the project procedures to meet the requirements of the contract and
serves as a reference for the preparation of project procedures by
CONTRACTOR. This includes planning and performance of Project Quality
Audits throughout the project at all work locations, review and monitoring of
vendor quality assurance requirements, quality surveillance of any project related
activities including review of quality assurance and quality control activities of
the project site during construction.

7.2 General Requirement

a. Inspection and Testing shall be carried out in order to adequately demonstrate

the suitability and acceptability of the material and in accordance with
approved QCP / ITPs.
b. The required inspection and testing for each activity will be monitored by an
authorized and certificated Contractor's QC Site Inspector in accordance with
approved QCP / ITP for General Earth Work during construction
c. Quality records shall be complied and maintained at QC department for final
submission at the end of the project as per handling over documentation
d. ITR (Inspection Test Records) shall be submitted to CLIENT according to
approved QCP / ITP above mentioned
e. All precautions and notes associated with soil works shall be in accordance
with Project Technical Specification
f. In place soil compaction tests and all materials shall be performed by testing
Basra university laboratory as approved by the Client

7.3 Concrete test

a. Concrete slump tests

Slump of the concrete sample shall be determined for each strength test and
whenever consistency appears to vary using ASTM C143.
b. Concrete strength tests
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Sampling shall be in accordance with ASTM C172. Each sample shall be

obtained from a different batch of concrete on a random basis, avoiding any
selection of the test batch other than by a number selected at random before
of concrete placement. Mould and cure of three specimens from each sample
shall be in accordance with ASTM C31. Specimens shall be tested in
accordance with ASTM C39.Two specimens shall be tested at 28 days for
acceptance and one shall be tested at 7 days for information.
The acceptance test results shall be the average of the strengths of the two
specimens tested at 28 days.
If one specimen shows evidence of improper sampling, moulding or testing,
it shall be discarded and the strength of the remaining cylinder shall be
considered the test result. Should both specimens in a test show any of the
above defects, the entire test shall be discarded. Samples for strength tests of
each class of concrete placed in each day shall be taken not less than once a
day, nor less than once for 100 m3 of concrete, nor less than once for each
500 m2 of surface area of slabs or walls. When the total quantity of concrete
with a given mixture design is less than 50 m3, the strength tests may be
waived by the CLIENT if, in his judgment, adequate evidence of satisfactory
strength is provided, such as strength test results for the same kind of
concrete supplied in the same day and under comparable conditions to other
work or other projects. On a given project, if total volume of concrete is such
that frequency of testing would provide less than five strength tests for a
given class of concrete, tests shall be made from at least five randomly
selected batches or from each batch if fewer than five batches are used. The
strength level of the concrete will be considered satisfactory so long as the
averages of all sets of three consecutive strengths result falls above the
specified strength f'c, and no individual strength test result falls below the
specified strength f'c by more than 3.4N/mm².

8. Tools, Equipment & labors

8.1 Construction Equipment List


1 Pump car 36m
2 Generator (50KVA)
3 Cargo Truck 10 tonnes
4 Forklift Truck (4 tonnes 4WD)
5 Bending Machine
6 Vibrating Equipment
7 mixing trucks
8 Cutter machine

8.2 Labors

The following man power required to implement the work:

1. Civil engineering
2. Surveyors
3. Civil Forman
4. Skilled and unskilled workers
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9. Attachments:

• Concrete works Risk Assessment

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