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CCC Prospectus 2018

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The key takeaways are that the document provides information about Castleknock Community College such as contact details, staff members, mission statement, and funding sources.

The mission statement is 'In serving the needs of our community we, the pupils, parents and staff, in all our endeavours aspire towards excellence in a caring and supportive environment. By growing and developing through co-operation this will enable all to realise their full potential.'

The school hours are Monday to Friday from 8:50am to 4:00pm and Wednesday from 8:50am to 12:20pm.

Castleknock Community College

Coláiste Pobail Caisleán Cnucha


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School Details
Castleknock Community College
Carpenterstown Road,
Dublin 15.
Eircode D15 A996

Contact Details: Telephone: 01-8221626

Fax 01-8221630

School Roll No: 76062B

Principal: Mr. John Cronin

Deputy Principals: Ms Carmel O’Neill

Ms Mairéad O’Halloran
Ms Christina Clarke

Chaplain: Ms Chantelle Barrett

Guidance Counsellors: Ms Eileen Crowley & Ms Oonagh Carroll

State Examinations Secretary: Ms Gillian Walsh

Learning Support Coordinator: Ms Ruth O’Higgins

Director of Adult Education: Ms Kelly McGrath

Administration Staff: Ms Caroline O’Brien

Ms Margaret Lawlor
Ms Linda Grange
Ms Anna Pierce

Caretaker: Mr James Troy

School Hours Monday – Friday 8.50a.m. – 4.00p.m.

Wednesday 8.50a.m. – 12.20p.m.

College Uniform: Available from Grants of Manor Street.

Ph: 01- 6791626

Please contact the College Secretary for details regarding book and uniform grants.

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Mission Statement
In serving the needs of our community we, the pupils, parents and staff, in all our
endeavours aspire towards excellence in a caring and supportive environment.
By growing and developing through co-operation this will enable all to
realise their full potential.

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John Cronin, Principal
Carmel O’Neill, Mairéad O’Halloran and Christina Clarke,
Deputy Principals

Principal’s Message
Castleknock Community College was established in 1995 and is a part of the Dublin & Dun Laoghaire ETB
(formerly Co Dublin VEC). Over the last quarter of a century the College has grown into a College of Choice
for so many families in the Dublin 15 area. Today the College provides a comprehensive academic
curriculum and extra-curricular activities.

Castleknock Community College is a designated, co-educational, post-primary school. A Designated
Community College is an ETB school where the management of the school is governed by a specific
agreement between the ETB and a ‘Trustee Partner’ – the local diocese and/or a religious congregation or
other recognised school patron. The Model Agreement refers to the agreement between the ETB and the
‘Trustee Partner’ – an agreement that as well as giving the ‘Trustee Partner’ a role in the management of
the school gives the ‘Trustee Partner’ a role in determining the school’s characteristic spirit. While Model
Agreement (Designated) Colleges involve a ‘trustee partner’, the ETB is the patron.

The Board of Management at Castleknock Community College is represented by three DDLETB
Representatives, three Archbishop’s Representatives (Catholic), a Church of Ireland Representative,
two Parents’ Representatives and two Teachers’ Representatives.

Conscious that our College is situated in an area where education is valued and expectations are high, the
challenge has been to set standards which will command the respect and the pride of the community.

Aspiring towards excellence, creating high expectations, developing a holistic approach to education and
instilling a sense of pride and respect among parents, pupils and staff are among our goals.

“Mol and Óige agus Tiocfaidh Sí” underlines our philosophy of fostering self-esteem, a positive attitude
towards learning, the promotion of responsible behaviour and the encouragement of dignity and respect in
all our endeavours.

The philosophy of Castleknock Community College is one of inclusiveness in which the College supports the
principles of partnership, equality of access and participation in the school. We respect diversity, parental
choice and equality. Parental involvement in all aspects of our development is an essential and appreciated
part of our College. Parents are represented on the Board of Management and there is a vibrant Parents’

We are very proud of our academic success in the Leaving and Junior Certificate examinations. The College
has created its own awards scheme, known as the Academic Excellence Awards, which recognises students
for their high academic achievement of five hundred points or more in their Leaving Certificate results.
These results have been acknowledged by the Universities, which, in turn have awarded Entrance
Scholarships to many of our students.

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The College is deeply committed to developing a professional community of teachers and since 2013 has
engaged with the educationalist Professor Barrie Bennett through the Instructional Leadership Programme
in promoting best practice in relation to Assessment for Learning Strategies and thereby advancing the
College’s Learning & Teaching Policy. These teachers have supported the Learning & Teaching Team which
has been central in embedding AfL strategies in the classroom. Based on the feedback received from the
inspectorate as a result of the Follow Through Inspection (March 2017) the team are focussed on delivering
workshops on best practice in relation to Formative Assessment and Feedback.

In honouring its commitment to the National Literacy & Numeracy Strategy the College established two
teams that have designed strategies to enhance the standards of literacy and numeracy. Both teams have
included the staff in their planning and the clear expectation is that the agreed strategies will be included
in all subject planning. Following five years of testing and profiling students, the rich data that has been
gathered has enabled the teams to focus on and target particular areas in relation to Literacy & Numeracy.

The College continues to invest significantly in its IT Infrastructure and feedback from staff indicates that
developments over the last number of years have enhanced the quality of teaching and learning. In recent
times the College has developed its Learning Platform and subject departments have begun to use this facility
to promote and share their learning materials. The roll out of The National Digital Strategy will bring much
needed funding to the College’s IT Programme. As the College embraces the challenges and changes that the
New Junior Cycle will bring to learning and teaching, the IT Team has developed a long term strategy to meet
the needs of learners and teachers as the new Junior Cycle embeds itself in our College.

Castleknock Community College will always strive for greater achievement. It prides itself in providing a
high quality education to all its students, inspiring them to develop their abilities to the full but conscious of
the potential for further developments. All who are associated with our College are focused on its success
and on providing a holistic and quality education for the youth of the community which we serve.

John Cronin, Principal

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Educational Aims
To enable and encourage the full growth and development of each student intellectually,
creatively, physically, morally and socially.

To create a caring, safe and supportive environment in which each student will have the
opportunity to fully develop their aptitudes and talents.

To promote gender equity, self-awareness and responsible attitudes on personal
relationships, while encouraging dignity and respect in all our endeavours.

To foster consultation and the involvement of parents in the development of school
policies, and its social and recreational activities.

To engender feelings of self-esteem and the creation of sensitive, caring and politically
aware members of society.

To create opportunities for parents and other adults to further their academic or social
education by the provision of a community education programme.

To aspire towards excellence in all areas of work and involvement, thus promoting an
image and a reputation for our College, which will command the respect and the
pride of the community.

To be true to our motto “Mol an Óige and Tiocfaidh Si” and thus instil a feeling of
self-esteem within all students.

To provide a pastoral care programme that is central to the life of the college.

To provide for the cultural and aesthetic needs of the community through the arts.

Board of Management
Ms Rose Callan, DDL ETB Canon Paul Houston, Church of Irl. Representative
Cllr.Roderic O’Gorman DDL ETB Mr Brian McCann Parents’ Representative
Dr. John Walsh (Chair) DDL ETB Ms Marian Flanagan Parents’ Representative
Mr. Seán Ryan Archbishop’s Representative Ms Barbara Larkin Teachers’ Representative
Ms Máiread Weymes Archbishop’s Representative Ms Mary McDermott Teachers’ Representative
Ms Marie King Archbishop’s Representative Mr John Cronin Principal & Secretary
to BOM

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A Gradaute from CCC is recognised as a young
person who possesses a strong moral purpose and
holds the courage of their convictions. Graduates
will be equipped with the lifeskills to understand
their own wellbeing so that they can manage their
emotional, mental, spiritual and physical needs.

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Junior Cycle
A Broad Education for Your Child
The new Junior Cycle will place the student at the centre of the learning process. It allows for new ways of
learning and a broader range of skills to be properly assessed. This booklet aims to inform parents about
the key changes underway.

Principles, Statements of Learning and Key Skills

Underpinning the new Junior Cycle are a set of Principles, Key Skills and Statements of Learning. These
will ensure that your child receives a rich educational experience that has both breadth and depth. Your
child will have access to a varied curriculum of knowledge, skills and values.

Twenty-four Statements of Learning describe what your child should know, understand and value having
participated in Junior Cycle. The College will ensure that all Statements of Learning feature in the pro-
gramme offered to their Junior Cycle students.

24 Statements of Learning
1. Communicates effectively using a variety of means in a range of contexts.
2. Listens, speaks, reads and writes in English and one other language at a level
of proficiency that is to her/his ability.
3. Creates, appreciates and critically interprets a wide range of texts.
4. Creates and presents artistic works and appreciates the process and skills
5. Has an awareness of personal values and an understanding of the process
of moral decision making.
6. Appreciates and respects how diverse values, beliefs and traditions have
contributed to the communities and culture in which she/he lives.
7. Values what it means to be an active citizen, with rights and responsibilities
in local and wider contexts.
8. Values local, national and international heritage, understands the importance
of the relationship between past and current events and the forces that drive
9. Understands the origins and impacts of social, economic, and environmental
aspects of the world around her/him.
10. Has the awareness, knowledge, skills, values and motivation to live sustainably.
11. Takes action to safeguard and promote her/his wellbeing and that of others.

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12. Is a confident and competent participant in physical activity and is motivated
to be physically active.
13. Understands the importance of food and diet in making healthy lifestyle
14. Makes informed financial decisions and develops good consumer skills.
15. Recognises the potential uses of mathematical knowledge, skills and
understanding in all areas of learning.
16. Describes, illustrates, interprets, predicts and explains patterns and
17. Devises and evaluates strategies for investigating and solving problems using
mathematical knowledge, reasoning and skills.
18. Observes and evaluates empirical events and processes and draws valid
deductions and conclusions.
19. Values the role and contribution of science and technology to society, and
their personal, social and global importance.
20. Uses appropriate technologies in meeting a design challenge.
21. Applies practical skills as she/he develop models and products using a variety
of materials and technologies.
22. Takes initiative, is innovative and develops entrepreneurial skills.
23. Brings an idea from conception to realisation.
24. Uses technology and digital media tools to learn, communicate, work and think
collaboratively and creatively in a responsible and ethical manner.

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Key Skills permeate across the entire curriculum:

Eight principles underpin the framework for Junior Cycle. These inform the planning for, as well as the
development and implementation of, Junior Cycle programmes. The eight principles of Junior Cycle are
Learning to Learn, Choice and Flexibility, Quality, Creativity and Innovation, Engagement and Participa-
tion, Continuity and Development, Inclusive Education and Wellbeing.

Through engaging with the Key Skills students will:

• Be more actively engaged with learning.

• Take greater ownership of their learning.
• Have a critical engagement with digital technology.
• Be encouraged to problem solve and think creatively.

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How Junior Cycle Will Be Assessed
The release of the Junior Certificate results by the State Examinations Commission (SEC) in
September 2016 marked the end of an era. In the future, Junior Cycle students will receive
a new Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement ( JCPA). The JCPA will reflect a much wider range
of your child’s achievements over the three years of Junior Cycle. The JCPA will report on a
number of areas, including:

1. Subjects.
2. Classroom Based Assessments.
3. Other Learning Experiences.

The state examination that students sit in their subject at the end of their junior cycle will
also be graded differently. Instead of A, B, C, D, E, F and NG the following descriptors will
now be used:
Distinction 90 to 100 %
Achieved 40 to 54 %
Higher Merit 75 to 89 %
Merit 55 to 74 %
Partially Achieved 20 to 39 %
(not graded) 0 to 19 %

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Classroom Based Assessments
Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning and
skills in ways not possible in a pen and paper examination, for example; their verbal communication and
investigation skills. CBAs will be undertaken in subjects and will be facilitated by the classroom teacher.

CBAs will be undertaken during a defined time period within normal class contact time and to a national
timetable. Students will complete one CBA in second year and one in third year.

Once the second CBA is completed students in third year will complete a written Assessment Task. This
task, set by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), is undertaken during normal class
time and will be sent to the State Examinations Commission (SEC) for marking. This Assessment Task will
be worth 10% of the overall mark in the case of most subjects. At the end of third year, students will sit the
final SEC examination in June. CBAs will be reported on in the JCPA using the following descriptors:

• Exceptional
• Above Expectations
• In Line with Expectations
• Yet to Meet Expectations.

Other Learning Experiences

Students will have the opportunity to engage with a range of Other Learning Experiences as part of their Junior
Cycle programme and these can be recorded on the JCPA. Other Learning Experiences play a critical role in
ensuring that students are provided with a broad and balanced educational experience. These learning
experiences could include student engagement in a science fair, a musical performance or a debating

They could also include extracurricular activities, such as:

• Membership of the school Student Council or school

clubs and societies
• Participation in school sporting activities.

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Reporting in Junior Cycle
A new reporting structure at Junior Cycle will contribute to the personal and educational development of
students. It will support and underpin ongoing learning and assessment.

Reporting will:

• Provide information to parents about their sons or daughters achievement

and progress in school.
• Support students in their learning by suggesting next steps or providing
feedback to help students’ self-evaluation.

Formative assessment, complemented by summative assessment, will be the key feature of the new Junior

Quality Wellbeing Inclusive Education

All students experience a The student experience The educational experience is
high quality education, contributes directly to their inclusive of all students and
characterised by high physical, mental, emotional contributes to equality of
expectations of learners and and social wellbeing and opportunity, participation
the pursuit of excellence. resilience. Learning takes and outcomes for all.
place in a climate focused
on collective wellbeing of
school, community and
Creativity &
Engagement & Choice & Flexibility Innovation
Participation The school’s junior cycle Curriculum, assessment,
programme is broad enough teaching and learning
The experience of
to offer a wide range of provide opportunities for
curriculum, assessment,
learning experiences to all, students to be creative and
teaching and learning
and flexible enough to offer innovative.
encourages participation,
choice to meet the needs of
generates engagement and
enthusiasm, and connects
with life outside the school.

Continuity & Learning to Learn

Development High quality curriculum,
assessment, teaching and
Curriculum, assessment,
learning support students in
teaching and learning
developing greater
enables students to build on
independence in learning
their learning to date,
and in meeting the
recognises their progress in
challenges of life beyond
learning and supports their
school of further education,
future learning.
and of working life.

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Principles for Junior Cycle Education
Mixed Ability at CCC
Strict streaming of classes has been found to create very negative attitudes and to lower self-esteem. In
order to avoid the potentially serious damage done to students under this system and to instead promote and
encourage student self-confidence, classes are placed in mixed ability groups in first year.

The opportunity for students to prepare for examination subjects at various levels is achieved by setting.
This involves timetabling two or more classes for a particular subject at the same time. Thus it is possible
for a student to undertake the Junior Certificate course in different subjects at different levels. For example,
a student might wish to take Junior Certificate English at Higher or Ordinary level. The same student might
choose to take Maths at Ordinary level. This system allows for flexibility so that students’ needs are met,
and yet it avoids the stigmatisation, which can go hand in hand with a system of strict streaming. The above
system of setting will operate from the end of first year and particularly with third year and senior cycle.

Assessment of Subjects Presented for Certification

There will be a range of assessment approaches to complement learning within subjects.

- Ongoing assessment including routine teacher-designed tasks and tests.

- Two Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs), one conducted in 2nd year and one conducted in 3rd

- A written Assessment Task that will be based on the second CBA and will be submitted to the
SEC for marking along with the state-certified examination. The written Assessment Task,
marked by the SEC, will be specified by the NCCA and will relate to the learning outcomes of
the second CBA. The written Assessment Task may require the student to demonstrate an
understanding of the knowledge and skills developed during the second CBA.

- An externally assessed, state-certified examination for all subjects at the end of third year.

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Student Wellbeing
Your child’s wellbeing is of central importance to his/her educational success and overall happiness. As a
result Wellbeing will become a core part of your child’s Junior Cycle experience. This area of learning includes,
amongst others, Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE), Physical Education (PE), Social, Personal and
Health Education, (including Relationship and Sexuality Education) and Guidance.

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Student Wellbeing (Continued)
As part of the new Junior Cycle, students are experiencing a new area of learning called Wellbeing. This
will build on the curriculum and care structures already in place in support of students’ wellbeing and will
make it more visible for students.

Why Wellbeing Matters

All the day-to-day interactions that take place in school can impact on students’ wellbeing. Therefore
everyone plays a part in supporting Wellbeing.

Students have a right to feel cared for in school. Developing good relationships in the classroom and through
the school are essential for students’ wellbeing and for effective teaching and learning. When students feel
included, respected and listened to, they are more ready to learn and more successful in their learning.
Wellbeing matters not only because it leads to students doing better at school but it can also influence young
people’s outcomes as adults.

What is Wellbeing?
We often associate wellbeing with mental or physical health. Wellbeing is broader than this. Wellbeing
includes social, emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual and environmental aspects. Learning in
Wellbeing focuses on the students’ journey across all aspects of wellbeing. While it is recognised that the
journey towards wellbeing continues throughout our lives, it is one where school plays an important part.

Six Indicators of Wellbeing

To help make sure everyone – students, parents and teachers – has a common understanding of what
wellbeing means, six indicators describe what is important for young people’s wellbeing.

These indicators are not seen as goals or targets to be reached. The journey towards wellbeing is never
complete and will always involve ups and downs. Often it is through dealing with obstacles and set-backs
that people grow. The wellbeing indicators make it easier for everyone to have conversations about student
wellbeing and may help identify where a student is in need of support.

What Will Students Learn in Their Wellbeing Programme?

Through the Wellbeing Programme, students will be learning the knowledge, attitudes and skills to enable
them to protect their own wellbeing and that of others.

The Junior Cycle Wellbeing Programme currently provides students with 300 hours of timetabled learning
in Wellbeing over the three years of Junior Cycle. This will build to 400 hours by 2020.

The four main pillars of the Junior Cycle Wellbeing Programme are Civic, Social & Political Education
(CSPE), Social, Personal & Health Education (SPHE), Physical Education (PE) and Guidance Education. Other
subjects and units of learning also contribute to the school’s Wellbeing Programme.

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Leaving Certificate Established
The Leaving Certificate (Established) allows students to sit seven subjects for examination.

Three Core Subjects: Gaeilge, Maths & English

One Modern Language: French, German, Spanish & Japanese
Option Subjects: Students choose Three of the following:

History Music Art
Geography Chemistry Biology
Politics & Society Physics Home Economics
Classics Applied Maths Physical Education
Business Agricultural Science Design &
Accounting Construction Studies Communication Graphics
Economics Engineering Religion

All subjects are taken at either Higher or Ordinary Level.

In Third Year the following process allows students and parents to make informed choices about
Senior Cycle:

• Information Evening September-October on Study skills and Course Choices
available at Senior Cycle. An overview of the senior cycle programmes and interviews
( January – February).

• DATs (Aptitude Testing) December – January.

• Information Evening February - March on Transition Year/Senior Cycle Options/

Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)/Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)
Interviews: Transition Year Programme
• Career Inventory Testing

• Options/Programme Students are informed of their Options/Programme in May.

Subject to sufficient demand and resources, Management reserves the right to determine on
an annual basis the range and level of subjects.

• At Third Level, courses are offered at Level 6 (Higher Certificate), Level 7 (Ordinary
Degree) and Level 8 (Honours Degree).

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Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) is an intervention designed to enhance the
vocational dimension of the Leaving Certificate (established). The programme was introduced in 1994 in
response to the challenge placed on Ireland’s education system by a changing work and business
environment. The LCVP combines the academic strengths of the Leaving Certificate (established) with a
new and dynamic focus on self-directed learning, innovation and enterprise. This two-year programme is
part of an expanded provision that aims to cater for the diversity of participants’ needs at senior cycle.

The primary goal of the LCVP is to prepare young people for adult life by ensuring that they are educated
in the broadest sense, with an ability to cope and thrive in an environment of rapid change. Participants
in the programme are encouraged to develop skills and competencies fundamental to both academic and
vocational success.

Throughout the programme students are encouraged to:

• Be innovative and enterprising.

• Take responsibility for their own learning.
• Evaluate data and devise solutions to problems.
• Communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively.
• Work with others as part of a team.
• Investigate and plan career options.
• Use information and communication technologies.
• Investigate local businesses and community enterprises.
• Learn from their experiences.

These skills and qualities are equally relevant to the needs of those preparing for further education,
seeking employment or planning to start their own business. The strong vocational focus of the LCVP is
achieved by arranging Leaving Certificate subjects into Vocational Subject Groupings (VSGs) and through
the provision of additional courses of study in work preparation and enterprise known as the
Link Modules.

The Link Modules:

Link Module I – Preparation for the World of Work

Students will research and investigate local employment opportunities, develop job seeking skills such as
letter writing, CV presentation, interview techniques; gain valuable practical experience of the world of
work; interview and work shadow a person in a career area that interests them.

Link Module II – Enterprise Education

Students will be involved in organising visits to local business and community enterprises; meet and
interview enterprising people on site and in the classroom; plan and undertake interesting activities that
will build self-confidence, creativity, initiative and develop teamwork, communication and computer

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Typical LCVP Students
Typically, LCVP students take seven Leaving Certificate Subjects plus the Link Modules.

Information & Communications Technology

Students taking the LCVP will have an opportunity to develop and apply their IT skills. Students should also
have an opportunity to use audio-visual equipment and computer presentation packages for recording
and presentation purposes. During the course of the programme students will develop skills to:

• Enter, edit, store, retrieve and print information.
• Word process CVs, letters, reports and create illustrated documents.
• Send and receive e-mail messages.
• Access and use relevant information from the Internet.

Teaching and Learning

The use of active teaching and learning methodologies is encouraged across the LCVP curriculum.
Experiences such as work placement, career investigation, mini-enterprise, business and community visits
are an integral part of the programme. The Link Modules encourage students to apply the knowledge and
skills they have acquired through their Vocational Subjects and in other areas of their Leaving Certificate.
Vocational relevance is enhanced by putting in place opportunities for students to plan, organise and
engage in active learning experiences inside and outside the classroom.

Typical LCVP activities include:

• Conducting Investigations – businesses, community enterprises, agencies.
• Arranging visits out of school to sites of interest in the context of conducting investigations.
• Inviting visitors to the classroom – adults other than teachers as resource visitors.
• Working in Teams – on projects and investigations.
• Organising Enterprise Activities – setting up projects as vehicles of learning.
• Actively preparing for work – career investigation, job search, practice at interviews.
• Experiencing the world of work, work experience, work simulation, work shadowing.
• Making presentations to adults and peers.
• Using Information and Communications Technology – to access, store, communicate and
present information.

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Assessment of the Link Modules
LCVP students follow the same subject syllabi and are assessed in the same way as their peers in the
Leaving Certificate. For the Link Modules they are assessed by Written Examination (40%) and by
Portfolio of Coursework (60%).

The structure of the Written Examination is as follows:

Section A: Audio Visual Presentation.

Section B: Case Study (received in advance by students).
Section C: General Questions (4 out of 6).

The Portfolio of Coursework accounts for 60% of total marks. Students assemble the portfolio over
the two years of the programme and it is assessed at the end of the final year of the Leaving Certificate.

Link Modules – Portfolio of Coursework

Core Items Optional Items (any two)

• Curriculum Vitae.
• Diary of Work Experience.
• Career Investigation.
• Enterprise Report.
• Enterprise/Action Plan Recorded Interview/Presentation.
• Summary Report.
• Report on My Own Place.

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Leaving Certificate Applied
The Leaving Certificate Applied is a distinct, self-contained two-year Leaving Certificate Programme aimed
at preparing students for adult and working life. The Leaving Certificate Applied is best suited for the
students who are not adequately catered for by other Leaving Certificate programmes and who have not
found traditional forms of assessment to be suited to their styles of learning. The programme emphasises
forms of achievement and excellence, which the established Leaving Certificate has not recognised in the

The programme is structured around three elements:

• Vocational Preparation
• Vocational Education
• General Education
The programme here in Castleknock Community College offers our students specific opportunities to
prepare for the world of work and to progress to further education and training.

The rationale behind Leaving Certificate Applied is that the talents of all students are recognised –
the programme is responsive to the aptitudes, abilities, needs and interests of the students. The programme
also promotes communication and decision making skills and affords the students the opportunity to apply
knowledge and skills to the solution of real problems.

Consequently, the students, as a result of their involvement in the Leaving Certificate Applied, are given
the opportunity to develop in terms of responsibility and self-esteem.

Key underlying Principles:

• Subject integration across the curriculum.

• Teamwork.
• Basic Skills.
• Active teaching & Learning Methodologies.
• Reflection.
• Links with the Community.
Course Content
The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two-year Certificate Programme consisting of a range of courses,
structured on a modular basis for which credits are awarded. A module is of thirty hours duration. To
facilitate the structure of the modules the programme is broken down into four sessions. One module is
usually completed within a session in each course area.

Examination & Assessment

A range of Key Assignments and Student Tasks are completed within the two years of Senior Cycle. The
Terminal Examination requires students to take seven Leaving Certificate Examinations in the following
• English & Communications.
• Mathematical Applications.
• Social Education.
• Languages (2).
• Vocational Specialisms (2).

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Transition Year
Transition Year is a distinct one year programme taken after the Junior Certificate and before a Leaving
Certificate Programme. The overall mission of the Transition Year Programme is “To promote the personal,
social, educational and vocational development of pupils and to prepare them for their role as autonomous,
participative and responsible members of society” (Department of Education and Science Guidelines).

Transition Year offers students a broad educational experience and provides a bridge to help students take
greater responsibility for their own learning and decision making. Here in Castleknock Community College,
we encourage our Transition Year students to participate in learning strategies which are active and
experiential. This aids our students to develop a range of transferable critical thinking and creative
problem-solving skills.

Aims of the Transition Year Programme

The overall aims of the Transition Year Programme are interdependent and interrelated and include the

1. Education for maturity with an emphasis on personal development including

social awareness and increased social competence.
2. The promotion of general, technical and academic skills with an emphasis on
interdisciplinary and self-directed learning.
3. Education through experience of adult and working life as a basis for personal
development and maturity.

Structure of the Programme

The Curriculum:

Each student follows a timetable as they do in other years. Most subjects work towards getting a balance
between some continuation of essential core subjects, a tasting and sampling of other subjects, a variety
of distinctive courses designed to broaden students’ horizons and some modules and activities specifically
aimed at promoting the maturity that is central to the whole Transition Year ideal.

Our College’s Transition Year Programme contains a number of layers, which include core subjects, a
series of modules, three electives and a calendar layer:

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Core Subject Layer
T.Y. Core Subjects

• English
• Irish
• Mathematics
• European Language (French, German & Spanish)
• Physical Education
• Religious Studies
• Lifeskills
• Information & Communications Technology (MOS)
• Preparation for the World of Work
• Music
• First Aid

*Each student studies the above core subjects throughout the entire academic year.

T.Y. Specific Modules

Each student studies three blocks of Modules. Each block rotates and lasts on average, ten weeks.
The Block 2 and 3 Modules are:

Community Involvement European Studies

Creative Art Coaching (GAA)
Global Cookery Fencing
Film Studies Horticulture
Geography Business

Students sample three subjects from each block over the course of the year. They choose them themselves.
Sometimes it will not be possible to offer all subjects (such as fencing) to every student because of the level of
demand and class size permissible. Students will get their next best choice on the list.

The dates for the rotation of most of the Transition Year Modules are:

Rotation 1: End of August – Mid November

Rotation 2: Mid November– Early March
Rotation 3: Early March – End of May.

Half-Yearly Rotations: End of August – Mid January

Science/Japanese: PE/Technology Subject:
Public Speaking/History:
PE/Technology Subject:
Public Speaking/History:

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Continuing on from Junior Cycle SPHE and leading into the LC1 ‘Ways to Well-Being’ Programme,
all Transition Year students participate in a TY Lifeskills programme which consists of five modules, each
lasting six weeks in length. The modules which make up the programme are as follows:

• Introduction to Mindfulness
• Peer Mediation
• Philosophy
• Resilience Education
• Relationships and Sexuality Education (R.S.E.)

T.Y. Electives
There are five electives* within our Transition Year Programme:

• Exploring Art
• Mini-Company
• Y.S.I. (Young Social Innovators)
• Digital Media
• Digital Media and Literacy

*Students are given a list of preferences of the above, from which they will be offered just one elective to be
studied for the entire year.

Calendar Layer
Work Experience Placements Field Trips
Visiting Speakers Community Care Gaisce
Retreats Homework Club Starsearch
Excursions Fundraising Overnight Trips

Work Experience Dates

Session 1: Early November
Session 2: Two Weeks in February

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Role of Homework in Transition Year
In addition to traditional style homework, our T.Y. students are also asked to undertake projects, assignments,
interviews, research and other demanding tasks. The Transition Year Programme often asks students to
complete different homework assignments as opposed to the traditional ‘homework’ genres. Transition Year
opens doors to ‘other ways of learning’. The T.Y. student will tend to have other forms of homework. He/she
may have projects to complete, questionnaires and surveys to conduct or oral presentations to prepare.
Sometimes a student may need a helping hand from parents/guardians/siblings at home. Parents/Guardians
are requested to sign their child’s journal every weekend.

While TY presents opportunities to learn without the pressure of external examinations, assessment is an
essential part of every TY programme. Castleknock Community College uses varied forms of assessment such
as written, practical, oral and aural, portfolios or folders, project displays, exhibitions of work, personal logs,
rating scales, etc. Each student is also expected to complete a weekly and monthly reflective log based upon
his/her learning and involvement in the Transition Year Programme. Both logs must be signed by each
student’s parent(s)/guardian(s).

In addition, our students will have examinations in a number of their core subjects at Christmas and at the end
of the academic year. Reports are issued to each student’s parents/guardians following the Christmas and end
of year exams. Students are also assessed using the following criteria:

Attendance Punctuality Behaviour Uniform Feedback on

Participation Initiative Team work Effort Work Placement
Standard of work Contribution to TY Standard of Portfolio
& Interview

Students who successfully complete the Transition Year Programme are awarded a certificate of completion
from Castleknock Community College. These are graded at Distinction, Merit and Pass levels. Students
receive their certificates at their end of year ceremony at the end of May. The Bronze Gaisce Award (Certificate
and Medal) as well as certificates reflecting the student’s involvement in various activities over the course of the
year are also included in a folder which is awarded to students at the ceremony. Each TY tutor is a Gaisce PAL
(President’s Award Leader) and will guide each TY student through the Bronze Award this year.

Role of the Transition Year Portfolio

T.Y. students can select from assessed work that they would like to include in their portfolio. A student’s
selection may change as the module/term progresses. The “shape” of the portfolio is for students to decide,
e.g. whether a folder or a box or a combination of both might be the most appropriate for various subjects.

All students present for interview with their portfolio at the beginning of May and are each afforded the same
amount of time to describe, analyse, reflect, discuss and evaluate their work/portfolio including their own
progress during the year.

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The Creative Thinkers: Homework
- The first quality is that creative thinkers are intensely curious
A meaningful education gives every child the best possible start in life and it helps them mature and
- They have a willingness to change and a willingness to admit when they are wrong
develop into responsible young adults. Homework is assigned to reinforce the work undertaken in class and
- As highly creative people they can say “I don’t know”
to encourage students to develop good homework and study habits.
- They have openness to continue learning and they are intensely goal focussed.
•We regard homework as an integral part of learning.
•We include homework in our planning process.

Reflective Thinkers:
•We consider homework to be a central part of assessment for learning.
•We consider that homework fosters positive values such as:
- They have the capacity to see the bigger picture of the curriculum and see the relationship
o Self-discipline.
between subjects
o Responsibility.
- They have the capacity to plan and incorporate new information and plan again
o Independent Learning.
- They have the ability to analyse and synthesise material
•We ensure that all homework is noted in the student journal.
- They possess openness to considering alternative perspectives.
•We assess and give feedback on all homework assignments.

Role Team Workers:in the Learning Process
of Homework
- aimThey
We have
to use the ability
homework to: to work as part of a team without focusing on personal recognition in order
to achieve a team goal.
They can demonstrate
•Reinforce workshared values,
done in class. mutual trust and have the ability to work towards a common
vision •Act as a bridge between the work done one day and that to be done the next.

Team workers have theconstruct
•Help students willingness to share their gifts with others.
•Develop deeper understandings and connections among new concepts.
•Provide an opportunity for students to apply the skills they have acquired.
•Give students opportunities for self-assessment.
•Develop good study habits.
- These people can take responsibility for their learning: time management, knowledge and skill ac
of Homework
They have a balanced approach to well-being and allocation of time between rest, leisure and
Preparation: Helps students get ready for the next day’s class.
- Self-Managers are capable of self-evaluation and self-development.
Practice: Helps students reinforce skills, knowledge and information presented in class.
Effective Participants:
Extension: Asks students to expand on skills concepts in the previous class.
- These people have the confidence and capacity to work with the teacher in the process of teaching
and learning Assignments: Includes analysing, synthesising and evaluating concepts/skills taught
in class.They are actively involved in decision making and take ownership of their learning process.

Feedback on Homework

•Grade only feedback allows students to focus only on the grade at the expense of written
•Our Assessment for Learning Guidelines encourages comment feedback to students. This
gives teachers the opportunity to focus student attention on:

o What the student has done well.

o What weaknesses may have been in the work.
o How to improve the work or understanding.

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Maximising Student Learning
• Teachers set high expectations for every student’s progress and ambitious targets
for improving classroom performances.
• Teachers implement teaching methods that have been shown to be effective in
promoting successful learning for all.
• Teachers create learning environments in their classrooms in which all students
are engaged, challenged, feel safe to take risks and are supported to learn.
• Teachers work to build students’ belief in their own capacity to successfully
understand the relationship between effort and success.
• Teachers provide regular and timely feedback to students that makes clear what
actions individuals can take to make further learning progress.

Students as Owners of their Own Learning

It is our goal to nurture independent learners who have the skills to be successful in an increasingly
changing world. We endeavour to educate and prepare students to do jobs that have not yet been
imagined. In order to achieve this we must train and equip students to be critical and reflective learners.
Through learning to learn students should be able to think about the learning process and how to learn
successfully. This may be achieved by:

• Engaging students in the learning process

• Employing effective questioning techniques
• Sharing learning objectives and success criteria
• Allowing students opportunities to assess their own work
• Engaging students in peer assessment
• Creating opportunities to teach each other.

The College’s Expectation of Learners

1. Learners are empowered to take responsibility for their own learning and strive to be
come independent, lifelong learners.
2. Learners are encouraged see their teachers as facilitators of learning who are there to
advise and guide them through their learning.
3. Learners need to learn to be resilient when things do not go as planned.
4. Learners are encouraged to contribute to activities and learning in lessons.
5. Learners are enabled so as to approach their learning with a positive attitude.
6. Learners are encouraged to focus on learning activities in lessons, and motivated to put
effort into these activities.
7. Learners are expected to be organised, prepared and arrive on time to all classes.
8. Learners should behave in a way that allows themselves and others to learn. This
includes listening to their fellow learners when they are speaking and developing ideas.

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Learning & Teaching at
Castleknock Community College
Teaching and learning represents the core business of our College. Our success as educators is
determined by the quality of teaching and learning that we provide to over 1000 students in our care.
Over 6,500 hours of student lesson time are experienced every day at Castleknock Community College.
As educators our role is to guide, form and enable student learning, so that our students realise their full
potential. The College continues to embrace developments through the many drivers of change that have
been introduced into Irish education. As educators we recognise that our principals of learning have the
capacity to increase the life chances of our students by raising the quality of the education we provide.
They have the potential to improve students’ engagement, enjoyment, achievement, relationships and
behaviour in school.

The Five Styles of Learning

At Castleknock Community College we recognise that students bring to their learning environment a range
of acquired skills and that the challenge for us as educators is to build on these skills so that the learner
that graduates from our College can adapt to an ever changing world. We will endeavour to develop our
graduates to be:

• Creative in their thinking with a capacity to be curious.

• Reflective in their learning with the capacity to see the big picture.
• Team workers who are capable of working with others and share their
experiences with others.
• Self-managers who can take responsibility for their learning.
• Effective participants who can take ownership of their learning process.

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The Creative Thinkers
The first quality is that creative thinkers are intensely curious

• They have a willingness to change and a willingness to admit when they are wrong.
• As highly creative people they can say “I don’t know”.
• They have openness to continue learning and they are intensely goal focussed.

The Reflective Thinkers

• They have the capacity to see the bigger picture of the curriculum and see the relationship
between subjects.
• They have the capacity to plan and incorporate new information and plan again.
• They have the ability to analyse and synthesise material.
• They possess openness to considering alternative perspectives.

The Team Workers

• They have the ability to work as part of a team without focusing on personal recognition
in order to achieve a team goal.
• They can demonstrate shared values, mutual trust and have the ability to work towards
a common vision.
• Team workers have the willingness to share their gifts with others.

• These people can take responsibility for their learning, time management, knowledge
and skill acquisition.
• They have a balanced approach to well-being and allocation of time between rest,
leisure and study.
• Self-managers are capable of self-evaluation and self-development.

Effective Participants
• These people have the confidence and capacity to work with the teacher in the process
of teaching and learning.
• They are actively involved in decision making and take ownership of their learning process.

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In our day-to-day teaching, we place a high priority on identifying and addressing the learning needs of
individual students. A differentiated classroom is a place where teachers closely monitor the progress of
individuals, identify learning challenges and tailor classroom activities to levels of readiness and need.

Some of the ways in which this may be evident in our school are:
• Teaching practices reflect the belief that, although students are at different stages in
their learning and may be progressing at different rates, all students are capable of
learning successfully if motivated and given appropriate learning opportunities.

• Teachers work at understanding where students are up to in their learning

- including their current knowledge, skills, learning difficulties and misunderstandings
- to identify starting points for teaching.

• Teachers work to ensure that all students – including high-achieving students

- are appropriately engaged, challenged and extended by designing classroom activities
to meet students’ learning needs, levels of readiness, interests and motivations.

• Teachers closely monitor the progress of individual students and continually adjust
their teaching in response to the progress the individuals are making.

• Teachers assist students to monitor their own learning and to set goals for future

• Communication with parents provides information about where students are up to in

their learning, what progress they have made over time and what they might do to
support their daughter/son’s future learning. These opportunities arise both formally
and informally:

o Parent Teacher Meetings

o Class Tests/House Examinations and Mock Examinations
o Communication through the School Journal & VS Ware

• Tailored, early and sustained interventions are in place for students identified as
requiring additional support.

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IT Facilities Supporting
Teaching and Learning
Castleknock Community College supports many IT initiatives within its environment. There is a
comprehensive corporate standard infrastructure with the entire network recently upgraded to
Cat 6 & GB standards in place in the College that facilitates teaching and learning strategies. Some
of the many IT areas the school is proud of include:

The College utilises a secure cloud based administration platform called VSWare. This allows
parents and students to access attendance records, assessment results, positive/negative behaviour
and other relevant details online from home / on their mobiles. It also supports the tracking
programme in the school as students target assessments are recorded on the students file.

In addition to class registration, taken in every class and available on VSWare, student attendance is
captured when they swipe in using their personalised swipe card in the morning and after lunch.

Upon entry to Castleknock Community College each student is given their own email address.
Through their email account each student is allocated 5 free copies of the Microsoft Office 2016
Suite (including Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and One Note). They also have full access
to Office 365 for their time at the College. As well as developing collaboration and
communication skills, this initiative gives each student one TB of secure storage space to save work.

Appropriate measures exist throughout the IT infrastructure to ensure the safeguarding of

students - data protection, filtering and Anti-Virus software.

Each classroom has access to a high quality projector and sound system. This allows for a range
of different medias to enhance lessons, whether with relevant video footage, music, presentations or
useful resources students can access via the internet.

Curriculum areas are enhanced in class with the use of visualizers, iPads and other mobile
devices. These tools can facilitate the showing of student’s work, fine minute details in examples,
the audio/visual recording of progress and to support students in assessment.

To support the interactive nature and demonstration of appropriate usage of the internet, the
school has access to 200MB Broadband speed.

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Students have many opportunities to access computers via any of the 3 fully equipped computer
rooms, specialised DCG computer labs, Career Guidance Library computers, Learning Support
Room computers, or via one of the laptop trolleys that are placed around the school for in-class
use. A computer room is open weekly for any students to conduct research, complete IT elements
of assignments and to give access to printing within the College.

Curriculum specific software is installed to aid teaching and learning in a variety of subjects
including Music and DCG.

An IT curriculum is in place and further initiatives are being planned for the future. Students
have access to computer rooms when required for a variety of subjects in both Junior and
Leaving Certificate classes, Microsoft Office Specialist Training & Coding with Web Design are
offered in TY, and the specialist ICT Module is taken in the LCA programme.

The College has a dedicated TEL (Technology Enhance Learning) team that meets weekly to
ensure that all current IT and future investment is focused, deliberate and tailored to meet
the needs of teaching and learning.

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Care Structures at
Castleknock Community College
At Castleknock Community College the care structures have been established to meet the personal, social
and spiritual needs of all students. The Principal and Deputy Principals work closely with the care teams
that are in place and ensure that communication between the seven strands of the Guidance Plan exist in
an effective manner.

Each Year Group is supported by a Care Team that meets fortnightly. The Care Team is comprised of the
Year Head &Assistant Year Head(s), The Chaplain and a representative from the Guidance Department and
the Learning Support Department. These meetings are facilitated by the Principal and Deputy Principals.
The Year Head liaises closely with the Tutors in advance of the meeting.


Chaplaincy Guidance

The Role of the Year Head

The Year Head is a member of the management team with specific responsibility for the day-to-day pastoral
care, supervision and well-being of the pupils within her/his year group. The work of the Year Head seeks to
create in her/his year group of students a cohesive, harmonious and disciplined group, positive in their attitude,
confident in their self-esteem, motivated and ambitious to pursue excellence in all their endeavours.

The Year Head’s primary task is to oversee the welfare of the year group on behalf of the school community.
Year Heads serve at an intermediary level between class tutors and Principal/Deputy Principal. This role exists
as part of a structure caring for all students in a year group. The Year Head seeks to provide support to Class
Tutors in their care of a class group. The Year Head also provides support to teachers in the development of a
positive learning environment.

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The Year Head has an overseeing responsibility for the implementation of the Behaviour Code.

a. Subject teachers are responsible for discipline at class level and ensure that appropriate
sanctions are applied and records kept. When improvement is not forthcoming the
student is referred to the Class Tutor who may refer to the Year Head. In extreme cases
a referral is made directly to Senior Management.

b. The Year Head refers students experiencing on-going difficulties to Senior Management
or, when appropriate, the Chaplain, the Guidance Counsellor and/or the Learning
Support Department. In matters of child protection the Year Head will refer the case to
the Designated Liaison Person (DLP), The Principal, John Cronin or the Deputy Principal,
Carmel O’Neill.

The Year Head has a responsibility to work closely with the Care Team and parents/guardians to assist
students at-risk in the year group.

The Year Head oversees students’ academic progress and holistic development and will also meet students
in relation to tracking and target setting. The Year Head, in consultation with the Class Tutor/Teacher,
interviews those in most need of encouragement. The Year Head and her/his team will meet students in
relation to tracking and target setting.

In conjunction with Senior Management the Year Head assists in the process of subject choices for senior
cycle. He/she will also liaise with the Transition Year Team in relation to the TY process.

The Year Head will have an input into the timetable requirements for her/his Year Group.

The Role of the Assistant Year Head

The Assistant Year Head supports the work of Year Head in relation to the day-to-day pastoral care, super-
vision and well-being of the pupils within her/his year group. The Assistant Year Head will support the Year
Head in creating in her/his year group of students a cohesive, harmonious and disciplined group, positive
in their attitude, confident in their self-esteem, motivated and ambitious to pursue excellence. The Assistant
Year Heads work closely with Tutors in the following areas:

• Track Attendance & Punctuality
• Monitoring Standards
• Assists in the running of in-house examinations,
assemblies and award ceremonies.

The Role of the Class Tutor

Class Tutors and subject teachers are responsible for students’ attendance and punctuality. The Year Head
monitors the overall attendance and punctuality in accordance with the Attendance & Punctuality Policy.
Tutors are required to contact parents/guardians if a student is absent for three consecutive days where no
communication relating to the absence has been received.

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The Seven Strands of the Guidance Plan

The Guidance Plan has been divided into seven strands which capture the range of supports that are
offered to students at Castleknock Community College.

Strand 1 - The Guidance Department

This strand focuses on the services provided by the Guidance Department and how these link with the
other seven strands captured in the Guidance Plan.

Strand 2 - The Learning Support Department

The Learning Support Department works closely with the Guidance Department in providing for the
educational needs of the students in their care.

Strand 3 - SPHE & RSE

The College has developed very comprehensive programmes in both SPHE and RSE. These programmes are
supported by the various care teams: The Guidance Department, the Learning Support Department and
the Chaplaincy. The College is committed to reviewing and developing further programmes to meet the
needs of the students.

Strand 4 - Physical Health

The College provides for the physical well-being of its students through its physical education and
extra-curricular programmes. This strand acknowledges the importance of physical health in young
people and the importance of physical well-being for life.

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Strand 5 - Inclusion & Diversity

This fifth strand is included in the Guidance Plan to ensure that adequate provision is made for students
from disadvantaged backgrounds and for those students from minority groups. The College has a long
tradition in promoting inclusivity and diversity to meet the needs of life complexities in the 21st

Strand 6 - Student Leadership

The College is proud of the huge contributions made by the students. The Prefect and Mentor
programmes afford students the opportunity to lead by example to ensure that the College’s core values of
courtesy, respect and responsibility are honoured. The Student Council provides a forum for students to
play an active role in the life of the College.

Strand 7 - The College Chaplaincy

The College community is supported through the work and support of the College Chaplain.
The Chaplain provides for the spiritual and pastoral needs of the College community while working
closely with the other care teams associated with the Guidance Plan.

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Inclusion and Diversity at
Castleknock Community College
Castleknock Community College is a place of growth and learning that demonstrates a clear commitment to
the promotion of equality, respect and inclusion as communicated in policy documents. We embrace
diversity and recognise that everyone is unique and has a positive contribution to make. Our College is a
vibrant learning community where students, parents and teachers are encouraged and supported in the
pursuit of the highest standards of achievement and academic excellence.

The College’s vision to build a reputation for excellent practice in equality and diversity and to be recognised
as an inclusive College where everyone is supported to fulfil their potential has been recognised. However,
we are always mindful that work, planning and practice in this area of school life is constantly developing
and evolving.

The College endeavouring to address the specific needs of all, will assess the impact of decisions and will
create a positive environment across the nine grounds enshrined in equality legislation as set out under the
Equal Status Act 2000. They are as follows:

• Gender
• Marital Status
• Family Status
• Sexual Orientation
• Religion
• Age
• Disability
• Race
• Membership of the
Traveller Community

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The College works actively to celebrate difference and challenge racism, sexism, homophobia and all forms
of prejudice.

The College takes positive action to promote harmony and positive attitudes towards life in a multi-cultural
and multi-denominational setting through assemblies, the curriculum and special projects throughout the

There is a constant focus to ensure that all students have equal opportunities to achieve to the best of their
ability regardless of their gender, background, religion or sexuality.

Along with our motto “Mol an Óige agus Tiocfaidh Sí”, Castleknock Community College actively promotes
the shared values of Courtesy, Respect and Responsibility which underpins all our College policies.

Castleknock Community College has embraced diversity systematically. The commitment to recognising and
celebrating diversity is acknowledged through our awards structure and the recognition and marking of
significant dedicated dates that highlight particular events and occasions with the College community etc.
Initiatives have included the Refugee Solidarity Badge launched in 2000 by the then High Commissioner for
Human Rights, Mary Robinson and in 2005 the establishment of the Language Centre which was devoted to
the linguistic needs of students and the cultural needs of the school. In 2007, the Language Centre awarded
the European Label and the jury’s comments were as follows:

“This outstanding project could serve as a valuable model for the many Irish schools with increasing
populations of international students. It is a highly structured programme, which addresses a new and
urgent need in Irish education. Creative and original initiatives such as a welcome pack for new students,
signage, flags, posters and noticeboards throughout the school contribute to a vibrant and inclusive project”.

In 2008, the College was awarded the Maltese Cross Award and in 2011 was shortlisted by the
Integration Centre for its work on diversity. Also, in 2011, the College was acknowledged formally by
Fingal Integration Unit for the support given to immigrant parents through the Pathways to Parental

The College is also proud of its involvement in a European Project that saw nine European Union countries
come together with the Danish Institute of Human Rights to develop a toolkit for the education of young
people in the area of homophobia. This has been implemented and has enhanced our RSE Programme. Our
status as a “Human Rights Friendly School” awarded by Amnesty International is also an achievement of
which we are very proud.

Our work with GLEN and TENI (Transgender Equality Network Ireland) over a number of years has
provided staff with excellent opportunities for continuous professional development. These
opportunities have ensured that our management and staff are best placed to support students, siblings,
parents and guardians with matters of sexual identity. The Student Council have been very proactive in
ensuring that the Rainbow Flag was formally unveiled by Dr Marie Griffin (former Acting CEO, DDL ETB)
in 2013 and is now placed in each classroom to communicate the College’s support of our LGBT community.

We have applied to be part of the Yellow Flag Programme for the school year 2017 – 2018. This is a
programme which promotes inclusion and celebrates diversity. We would hope to further develop the work
of the College community in strengthening the activities that build knowledge, understanding and inclusion
between the multiple ethnicities and different faith communities. This work also includes students of
different learning styles and abilities, sexual orientations and gender identities.

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The Learning Support Department’s positive commitment to facilitating an effective learning support system
provides an environment, which will promote, enhance and further develop the skills of all students with
special educational needs and disability of any kind. The mission statement for the Department states:

“The Learning & Language Support Department is committed to providing a comprehensive and effective
learning support service for students. This will enable students with special educational needs to access the
curriculum and achieve their full potential.

The role of the Learning & Language Department is to provide a proficient and responsive Learning &
Language Support Service, which keeps up-to-date with changes in curriculum, syllabi, teaching and
support methods. Within an appropriate framework of support, we assist students to function as
independent, autonomous learners with a clear commitment to the principles of equal opportunity for all.

The Learning & Language Department works in partnership with the feeder primary schools, parents/
guardians and outside agencies assist in identifying students with special educational needs and if
assistive technology would enable students to fulfil their potential. In having this insight, it further assists
the Department and staff with a profile including how the student learns and ensures as seamless a
transition for learners to post-primary education as possible. From information gathered from the initial
assessments, a negotiated learning/language support timetable is put in place for each student. Regular
reviews of students’ progress are maintained and parents/guardians are informed of this. The duration of
this provision will be determined by the student’s progress.

The Department of Education & Skills may grant special arrangements to students with additional learning
needs. Each application is assessed on an individual basis. The Learning Support Department is responsible
for the submission of these applications to the Department on behalf of students and parents/guardians.

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The Good Behaviour Code
MEAS - Respect
• Encourage and support your fellow students. Show courtesy.
• Be a friend. Be respectful.
• Behave in a polite and mannerly fashion to everyone you meet in your College. Be helpful to
• Wear your school uniform with pride and always remember that you are an ambassador for
your College.

AIRE - Health & Safety

• Make safety and health a priority.
• Obey all safety instructions moving about the school, entering and leaving the building,
especially in the event of an emergency.
• Note safety instructions in all rooms, and in particular in practical classrooms.
• Travel with care to and from school. Be responsible when using public transport. Wear
the proper safety gear when cycling to and from school.
• Take care of your health: Smoking, drinking alcohol, abusing drugs is harmful to your

AIRE DON TIMPEALLACHT - Care for the environment

• Show care for the environment of your school and your neighbourhood.
• Have responsibility for our own belongings and those of others.
• Make sure that any equipment taken to school is safe and is not a risk to others.

DICHEALLACHT AGUS FEABHAS – Commitment to Excellence

• You are challenged to make the most of your opportunities while at Castleknock
Community College.
• Attend regularly, be punctual and be prepared. Complete your homework and study
with pride and commitment. Always make sure that you have the appropriate
schoolbooks and equipment.
• Participate: get involved in school activities, sport, clubs and remember.


Always do your best

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Counter Bullying Policy
Our policy on Bullying has been developed in the context of our school, which aims to provide a safe and
secure learning environment for all the students in our care. Our commitment to this aim means that we
have developed programmes, structures and roles within the College to make this aim real for all our

Our commitment to this aim means that we:

• Take the issue of bullying very seriously.
• Do all we can to be proactive about the issue.
• Put support systems in place for the students and parents involved.
• Include students and parents in decisions about how to resolve the issue.
• Review our policy regularly with students, parents and staff.

Aims of the policy:

• To inform all students, parents and staff of the procedures.
• To empower students to deal with the issue should it arise.
• To engender a sense of collective responsibility regarding the issue of bullying.
• To support the students and parents involved.

Essential Elements of the Policy:

• Focus on bullying as a human rights issue.
• Regular highlighting of the issue with all students from first year.
• Provision of a range of ways for students to access advice and support.
• Regular information and In-Service support for staff.

Features of the Policy

• Clear guidelines for staff about how to document and resolve the issue.
• Clarity for students about how the school aims to resolve the issue.
• Clear steps for students to follow seeking advice or reporting bullying.
• Regular highlighting of the issue with students, parents and staff.
• Regular review of our policy with students, parents and staff.

Our Counter Bullying Policy is available to download from our website:

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Guidance & Counselling Services
We offer a full range of interventions and activities, which assist pupils to make choices about their lives.
For second level pupils these choices are focused in a developmental way on three key areas:

At the end of the school year students will have experienced:

• Guidance in educational and personal learning management.

• Vocational exploration and information.
• Individual and/or Group Counselling will have been available for all students on request
and/or on referral.
• Students will have access to information, which is appropriate for their personal, educational
and vocational development.
• Parents will have met with the School Guidance Counsellors at Information Evenings,
at organised.
• Guidance Meetings on request.
• Students’ needs – with regards to the Guidance Counselling Service - will be evaluated,
and in partnership with staff and the Principal/ School Management, planning for the future
will be ongoing.

Information for Students

As a student you will make significant decisions while still at school. These choices are related to
personal and social issues, educational issues and career issues. Guidance Counsellors are trained
professionals with the expertise and knowledge to help you make choices in the three important areas
outlined above. We do this through individual consultation, guidance classes and other activities.

We do not make decisions for you.

During your years in Castleknock Community College we will undertake, with you, some or all of the

• Help you to explore your feelings about your present life situation.
• Explore with you choices open to you and explore the consequences of each choice.
• Help you to come up with solutions to any problems you may be experiencing.
• Offer confidential counselling and/or advice on issues of a personal nature.
• Give you information on various educational and training courses and/or
employment opportunities.
• Organise classroom activities to develop job seeking skills.
• Provide advice and help on study and examination techniques.
• Carry out Assessment and Aptitude Testing and Career Interest Inventories.
• Explain to you and your parents the CAO system and assist with application.
• Give you information on studying in the United Kingdom.

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Referrals cover two types of activity:

• Referrals by the Counsellor: The Guidance Counsellor recognises that an individual student needs
assistance from other qualified helpers outside of school and organises the provision of such
assistance following agreed procedures with the school, parents and local agencies. Guidance
counsellors need to establish links with appropriate sources of help and have a system that
monitors results.

• Referrals to the Counsellor: Teachers, School management and parents may refer students to the
Guidance Counsellor. The voluntary participation in counselling of the referred pupil must be
respected by all concerned.

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The Learning Support Department
Castleknock Community College is committed to providing a comprehensive and effective learning support
and resource teaching service for students. This enables a specific cohort of students who have special
educational needs, with an appropriate framework of support, to access their curricula and achieve their
potential. It is an entitlement for all students to have their needs appropriately identified and met. This policy
considers the student as a young person and as a learner.

Admission Arrangements for Students with Special Needs

Castleknock Community College will use the resources provided by the Department of
Education and Skills to make reasonable provision and accommodation for students with disabilities or
special educational needs. These students are free to participate in the life of the College in so far as is
reasonably practicable. While recognising and fully supporting parents’ rights to have a College of their
choice for their children, the College’s ability to accept students with particular needs are dependent on
the supply of resources, suitable to the needs of the individual student, being supplied by the Department
of Education and Skills.

The Learning Support Department in conjunction with The Board of Management needs to be
aware of any special needs as early as possible, so that these needs can be assessed and addressed if

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In making provision for students with additional educational needs the following information is required
to be included with any application to the college:

Has the student had access to any of the following?

1. Special needs assistant or classroom teacher.

2. Special classes.
3. Help, for specific needs, from any resource teacher.
4. Assistance with behavioural modification.
5. Psychological and/or professional assessment/report. Report to
be provided in strict confidence to the College.
6. Evidence of treatment in relation to EBD diagnosis.
7. Any additional resources to help with their special needs.
8. Help in areas including, visual impairment, hearing impairment,
sensory issues, general learning disability or emotional disturbance.
9. Any resource(s) in relation to travel or mobility.

The Board of Management, having gathered all relevant information and professional documentaion,
assesses how the needs of the special needs students can be met.

Final confirmation of a place may, in exceptional cases, be given when the Department of Education and
Skills/College confirm that the necessary resources are in place.

Note: It may take some time for the Department of Education and Skills to process such applications.
Parents are strongly advised to inform the College as early as possible and discuss their particular
situation well in advance of making application.

As soon as is possible, but not later than 21 days, after a parent has provided the relevant
information, the Board of Management shall make a decision in respect of the application concerned
and inform the parents in writing thereof (Education Welfare Act (Section 19, (3)).

The Learning Support Department is committed to providing a comprehensive and effective learning
support service for students. This will enable students who have special educational needs to access their
curricula and achieve their full potential.

The Learning Support Coordinator will work closely with the Learning Support Teacher(s) of feeder
primary schools in planning the most appropriate provision for students with special educational needs.
Where possible, the Learning Support Department Coordinator and Learning Support Teacher(s) of the
feeder primary schools will meet with the Special Educational Needs Organiser (SENO) for the Dublin 15
region to review the transition process.

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Facilities & Resources
The Learning Support Department will allocate all designated additional teaching support hours
appropriately, to the students with Special Educational Needs who are in receipt of these hours, in the
most effective way possible.

Any additional funding will be used to purchase suitable resources for the department which will enhance
the learning of all students.

The Learning Support Department will continue to work from three core classrooms which have been
designated for learning support and resource teaching, using other free classrooms when there is great
demand in a particular period.

The Learning Support Department encourages learning support teachers to use as many resources in
supporting the students. Resources such as ICT resources, suitable Junior Certificate and Leaving
Certificate texts and readers across all subject levels can be found in 26a and 26b.

Our role is to provide a proficient and responsive learning support service, which keeps up-to-date with
changes in curriculum, syllabi, teaching and support methods. Within an appropriate framework of
support, we assist students to function as independent, autonomous learners. We are committed to the
principles of equal opportunities for all.

How the Learning Support Department operates

We function mainly on an in-class support and withdrawal basis. In-class support is mainly provided in
Maths across all First Year classes and at ordinary level for other years where appropriate. This method is
used when a number of students in the same class require support. Withdrawal means that the students
attend support sessions either on a one to one basis or in small group situations with their assigned tutor
in the Department’s suite of rooms. (The NCSE recommends that Colleges minimise the use of one to one
sessions as these place significant demands on limited resources). These rooms are fully equipped with IT
assistive equipment and software.

Individual provision

Individual provision and its outcomes will be kept constantly under review and amended as necessary.
Termly reviews and records of work for students in receipt of learning support/resource teaching will be
completed as required by the learning support teachers. This allows the Learning Support Department to
appropriately monitor and review student progress.

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Learning Support Teacher’s Folder.

The Learning Subject Department provides a comprehensives folder for all Learning Support teachers.
On their time tables teachers are provided with a list of students for each Learning Support class and the
subject area to cover for each class. Work records must be completed for each class. These are returned to
the Learning Support Office at the end of each term and filed in student files.

Assessment on Entry

All students complete Entrance Assessments (CAT 4) which screen for basic skills in literacy, numeracy,
spatial awareness and problem solving competencies. (Students within the moderate GLD range are
invited to attend during the assessment testing. Their primary school is asked to provide suitable material
that the student can complete with the assistance of a mentor.) This information, coupled with the
informal information obtained from the feeder primary schools, results on professional assessments and
reports and meetings with parents of students with NCSE resources assists in identifying those students
with special educational needs. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) should forward any relevant information on their
child’s learning that may assist the Learning Support Department.

Review on Progress

From information gathered from the initial assessments, meetings with primary school personnel,
meetings with parents and reviewing professional reports where appropriate, an individualised
negotiated educational programme is put in place for each student.

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In a school community, which embraces a holistic vision of education, chaplaincy plays a pivotal role. The
Education Act 1998 Section 9-(d) notes the obligation placed on schools to “promote the moral, spiritual
and personal development of students in consultation with parents having regard to the charismatic spirit
of the school”. While the chaplaincy is primarily concerned with moral and spiritual development of
students it also plays an important role in integrating these with other dimensions of education, social,
personal, academic and physical.

The Chaplaincy Team:

The Chaplaincy team is intimately involved in the life of Castleknock Community College. It is totally
committed to supporting the ethos of the College through working together as a team. The Chaplaincy team
operates on an interdenominational basis, and enjoys the services of a full-time Catholic chaplain, a
part-time Church of Ireland chaplain, the Religious Studies Department, and bereavement volunteers.

Open Door:
No matter what stage in life we are at; all of us need some kind of support. The Chaplaincy team at
Castleknock Community College provides an open door where students can come and receive support in a
confidential, supportive and safe way. Many students have used this open door system as their first steps to
dealing with a problem or seeking help. The Chaplain may refer a student to another member of staff,
another support person or a counsellor, with the permission of the student. The school Chaplain works
closely with the Principal, Deputy Principals, and the Guidance Teachers, as well as the Class Tutor and Year

Bereavement Support:
The loss of someone close through death or separation is one of the most traumatic events in a person’s life.
When the loss occurs during teenage years, the effects can be even greater. The Chaplaincy team at
Castleknock Community College provides bereavement support through “The Rainbows Programme”.
Rainbows is a support group for young people dealing with loss or trauma. A Rainbows site has been set
up in the college and is co-ordinated by the Chaplain. Several teachers and parents have now completed
training to take this programme.

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Prayer & Church:
The Chaplain’s Meditation Room and office provide a haven of peace for a chat, for prayer, reflection, or
simply a pause during a busy school day. Prayer and Thanksgiving are an important part of a person’s life.
The Chaplaincy team provide each student with opportunities to nourish their spirit and get in touch with
their inner self. Class groups are offered prayer experiences, which help to develop their relationship with
God. Classes take part in Eucharistic Celebrations, Prayer Services, and Meditation thus making prayer a
part of the ordinary life of the school.

The Chaplaincy team at Castleknock Community College provide a full retreat programme for the students
in the College. The retreats provide the students with an opportunity to examine their lives in relation to the
issues they face each day and where God fits into their daily lives. Senior retreats are conducted away from
the school and are tailored to the needs of students.

Since Castleknock Community College is an interdenominational College it is our policy to honour and
support all faiths. The First Year multi-faith celebration is the spiritual highlight of the first term and this is
always a very joyful, collaborative and unifying event. Other ecumenical occasions are the Christmas Carol
Service and Prize Giving.

The Chaplain is always available to meet with parents and to listen to their concerns. The involvement of
parents is also welcomed in the Chaplaincy team.

General College Activities:

• Contribution to all Information Evenings for parents/guardians on how the core values,
morality and faith influences the development of a young person.
• Attendance at all Parent Teacher Meetings – availability to parents at these events.
• Attendance at all Care Meetings.
• Attendance at Senior Management Meetings.
• Weekly meeting with a member of the Learning Support Department and a member of the
Guidance Department to ensure we sustain a collaborative approach in our work.
• Working with Guidance Department on initiatives relevant to young people.

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Student Leadership at
Castleknock Community College
We endeavour to include our students in the day to day life of our College. Students have a valuable
contribution to make to their College and their involvement in the operation of their College is itself a
valuable part of the education process for the students. Practical pupil participation is at the core of our
Student Leadership programmes. These programmes aim to promote leadership and responsibility among
the student body and afford students opportunities to develop communication, planning and
organisational skills which will benefit them in their future lives.

At present we have three formal projects for students to develop and refine their leadership potential.
These are:

1. Student Council
2. Mentor Programme
3. Prefect System

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Student Council:

The Student Council is the representative structure through which students can become involved in the
affairs of the College by working in partnership with College management, staff and parents for the benefit
of the College and its students (Education Act 1998).

In Castleknock Community College, the Student Council is organised by the Prefects and the Liaison Teacher
who is the link person between the students, staff and management. The Council is made up of the Class
Representatives ensuring that the voice and opinions of each year group is represented.


• Recognition of the importance of student involvement.

• Recognition of the value of student input in our on-going school development.

Structure of the Student Council

• A Class Captain and Vice-Captain represent each class group.
• The students in each class vote representatives into the position.
• Class Captains and Vice-Captains meet with the Senior Council once every month .
with more meetings scheduled if required.
• Student feedback is brought by the Senior Council to Management after each

Functions of the Student Council

• A forum for students to have their suggestions and opinions heard.

• To ensure that all students are represented equally.
• To present students’ suggestions to the College Management.
• To ascertain students’ opinions on a range of issues.
• To regularly review aspects of school organisation and learning at the
Student Council Seminars.
• Yearly Report to the Board of Management.

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The Mentor Programme – Taking Time to Care
This is a structured “Programme of Welcome and Support” for the incoming First Year classes offered each
year. This is an initiative aimed at making the transition from primary to secondary education more
enjoyable and less daunting for our in-coming First Year students.

The Mentor programme affords senior students the opportunity to act as a buddy for the new First Year
students. Students are available to their small group of mentees each morning and help the students with any
challenges they may be facing. These can range from reading their timetable, finding their way around the
building, using their lockers to supporting them with the transition and to make friends. The mentors also
assist with the organisation of a series of activities, trips and events for the year groups.

Senior students volunteer for this role, complete an application form and personal statement to assess their
suitability for the project. They attend a training workshop where they engage in activities that helps to hone
their skills and build a team spirit. At this workshop, the role is comprehensively outlined and throughout the
programme, the team of Mentors work closely with the Deputy Principal, year head, tutors etc.

The benefits to the Mentors include practical opportunities to experience:

• Leadership skills.
• Personal and social skills.
• Listening Skills.
• Social awareness.
• Sense of responsibility.
• Team-work.
• Communication skills.

This is an opportunity to become involved in a project that has the potential to help others in a real and
practical way.

The Prefect System

Each year a select group of our Leaving Certificate 2 students are chosen as the leaders of our student body.
At this age they are recognised as young people with leadership qualities and initiative who are dependable and
reliable. They apply and if successful, attend a training workshop on “Leadership Skills and Effective
Communication”. This is facilitated by professional trainers from outside the school community. The benefits
of such training on this group operating as a team are clearly evident.

Prefects are a layer between staff and students. Their duties include:

• Running the Student Council.

• Working alongside staff giving practical.
help with the running of the College including
helping to supervise locker areas, the canteen
and the corridors.
• Representing the College at public events.
• Being role models for younger students in our
• Attending school events.

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Some prefects have responsibility for promoting and organising sporting activities for other students in the
College. Sports Prefects have displayed a passion for developing their sporting ability over the years. They
like working with people, are committed and have good organisational abilities. The Sports Prefects are
responsible for organising inter-class leagues, matches and the First Year Sports Hour.

The Prefect Mission Statement says:

“We, the prefects, are committed to assisting the staff and management of our College in a loyal and
mature manner. At all times we endeavour to be role models for the student body in
Castleknock Community College.”

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The Parents Association
Since, 1995 a very dedicated and committed Parents Association has existed in the College. Parents have
always played a very active part in the life of the College.

Throughout the school year monthly meetings are held, usually on the first Tuesday of each month. These
meetings are generally well attended and are a forum for discussion of matters relevant to the advancement
of the well-being of the students of the College and the fostering of good relations between parents,
teachers, students and the school management.

The College Principal attends regularly and actively participates; his commitment to the Parents Association
is recognised and is greatly appreciated. Other members of school staff and management are always
welcome to attend our meetings and will do so as appropriate. This partnership approach is vital to the
effectiveness of the Parents Association and has enabled the PA to contribute towards many aspects of
College life.

Communications & Representations

The Parents Association regards effective communication as a core function in its operation and considers it
essential that all parents, whether or not they are active in association affairs, are at all times fully informed
of our activities.

Our PA Database continues to grow and we are currently in contact with about 530 parents via email. It
is our aim to eventually capture contact details of all parents. To assist with this the College has agreed to
include with enrolment packs for parents of new first year students, a request from the PA for parents to
supply their email addresses. Our Newsletter which is published four times a year is distributed via email
and is also posted on the College website for parents who do not use email. Notice of monthly meeting,
details of other PA events and requests for assistance with College activities are all sent via email.

The PA also operates a Twitter account.

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The Parents Association have also hosted many beneficial Information Evenings dealing with issues such
as Self-esteem, Drug and Substance Abuse etc. Furthermore, they have been actively involved in designing
policies in the College most notably the College Code of Behaviour.

Other projects have included The Mock Interviews for Leaving Certificates Students and many
extra-curricular programmes.

The Parents Association meet once a month and all parents are welcome. Two parents also represent the
Parent Body on The Board of Management.

Without the hard work, support and commitment of all members of the Parents Association, our College
would not be able to provide an educational experience of such high quality to our students.

Other PA Activities
Other areas where the PA is involved includes:

• Parents support the Learning Support Department by providing readers/scribes for

house exams.

• School Uniforms – The used uniform sale is held on the Saturday after the State exams. All items
are donated by parents and the proceeds are donated to Pieta House. To assist parents of first
time students College management has also agreed to place a photo on the school website
illustrating the correct wearing of the school uniform for both Junior and Senior students.

• Used School Book Sale.

• Talks for Parents - The Association has hosted a number of talks in recent years on a variety of
contemporary themes: Young People & Social Media, Promoting Resilience among Young People,
Twenty First Century Learning.

• Finance – The introduction of portable card payment terminals to facilitate debit/credit card
payment have enhanced sales at the Annual Plant Sale.

• College Debs – The Parents Association assists the Debs Committee.

• Annual Plant Sale - the Annual plant sale continues to be a major community event and a very
significant fund raiser for the school.

• Bag2School - The PA had teamed up with Bag2School to organise a collection of quality used
clothing, shoes, accessories and soft toys.

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Physical Health at
Castleknock Community College
Physical Education is taught as part of the curriculum within class time.

Physical Activity is an all-encompassing term which includes Physical Education, sport, play and activity
undertaken for enjoyment, health or performance enhancing purpose.

Sport is defined as activities that are organised in a structured way and have a focus on competition.

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Physical Education at the College is regarded as an integral part of the whole school approach to physical
and mental wellbeing. Since the founding of the college in 1995, Physical Education, Physical Activity and
sport have received the support of Senior Management, which has engendered an extremely positive
feeling towards Physical Education in the school. Indeed the first special duties post created in 1995 was
that of Extra-Curricular Co-ordinator which has set the tone for the years to come.

General Aims
Physical Education applies a holistic approach to physical activity in the students of the College. The
Physical Education Department recognise that the general aim of physical education is to contribute to the
preparation of the students for a life of autonomous wellbeing.

The Physical Education Department pursues its aim by developing the student’s skill and creative
performance; by developing the students understanding of the importance of physical activity; by
motivating the student to choose a healthy lifestyle and by encouraging the student to develop personal
and social skills as well as valuing positive interactions with others.

Physical Education is compulsory for all Junior Cycle students. Each student receives a minimum of 44
hours per year. The students follow the Junior Cycle Physical Education programme which studies such
modules as Adventure activities, Athletics, Dance, Game, Gymnastics and Health related activities.

The Department of Education and Skills recommend that each school has the responsibility for the
selection and adaptation of the Physical Education curriculum in Transition Year. In Castleknock
Community College the Transition Year students receive a minimum of 32 hours of formal Physical
Education classes, and a further 30 hours of physical activity in the form of coaching studies, fencing and

In Senior Cycle, Physical Education is offered to all students. The students receive a minimum of 44 hours
of Physical Education per year.

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Leaving Certificate Physical Education
In February 2018 the College was chosen as one of the first schools in Ireland to introduce Physical
Education as a Leaving Certificate Exam Subject. Students will now be able to select PE as an Option

The general aim of Physical Education at Senior Cycle is to develop the young person’s capacity to
participate in Physical Education and Physical Activity in a confident and informed way. Students will have
the opportunity to study Physical Education for certification. Students learn about the importance of
Physical Activity as part of a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle. Having studied Science as a core subject for
Junior Cycle, will greatly enhance the student’s interaction with the course content. The programme is
designed to appeal to students who have an interest in and a commitment to participation and
performance in physical activity. It will also assist in the development of the student’s capacity to become
an informed, skilled, self-directed and reflective performer in Physical Activity not just in Senior Cycle but
in their future lives.

Students will be assessed in three areas:

• Physical Activity Project 20%

• Performance Assessment 30%
• Written Examination 50%

Cross Curricular Links

The Physical Education Department regularly encourages cross curricular involvement.

• Science • Biology
• Home Economics • Nutrition
• Geography • Map Reading
• Art • Posters

Extra-Curricular Programme:
As stated earlier, Physical Activity and sport has always had an important place in the life of the College. The
present Extra Curriculum Programme Co-ordinator is one of the Physical Education teachers and continues
to initiate and support new programmes every year. Students in First Year are obliged to attend a sports
hour on Wednesday afternoons after school in the first term, with the aim of encouraging and developing
relationships within the first year group as well as promoting the benefits of physical activity.

Each academic year a comprehensive extra-curricular programme is published and issued to every student
and parent in the college. This programme details the wide range of activities available to students in C.C.C.
and encourages every student to choose a physical activity or sport with the hope of developing their
physical and mental wellbeing. This programme links in with the Sports Prefect programme which was
established to provide the opportunity for senior students to develop leadership skills. It also enables the
college to offer a broad range of physical activities to the students.

With the opening of the College’s new Sports Hall and Fitness Suite it is envisaged that the College continues
to broaden and enhance the student’s Physical Education, Physical Activity and sporting experience into the

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Extra-Curricular Activities
Physical Education is a timetabled subject on the curriculum and all students are expected to participate. We
have a Sports’ Hall, which provides a great facility for the promotion and development of sports and leisure
activities. Other sports, games, inter-school competitions and extra- curricular activities are organised in
part within the Physical Education Programme, as co-ordinated by the P.E. Department, but also and in the
main on a voluntary basis, with the co- operation of teachers.

At Castleknock Community College all our students are encouraged to involve themselves in at least one
extra-curricular activity. It is exciting to think that since 1995 a wide range of clubs and activities have been
established to cater for all students in the College. Activities are organised to cater for boys and girls. The
availability of such a wide variety of activities is a credit to the generosity of our staff. We hope that there
is something for every student.

Activities organised to date include:

• Gaelic Football • Debating

• Camogie • Public Speaking

• Hurling • Educational Trips

• Orienteering • Cricket

• Table Tennis • The Traditional Music Group

• Basketball • The Senior Chamber Choir

• Folk Group • Indoor Wall Climbing

• Choir • Rugby

• Hill-Walking • Enterprise Group

• Hockey • Self Defence

• Athletics • Student Exchanges

• Swimming • Drama Group

• Computer Club • Chess

• Homework Club

The support and involvement of parents will always be encouraged and welcomed.

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Adult Education Night Classes
Our Adult Education-Night Classes programme was first launched in 1999. Since then, the number of
participants enrolled has grown dramatically, as has the number of courses on offer. The current
Director of Adult Education is Kelly McGrath.

There are two terms each academic year. The Autumn Term generally commences towards the end of
September, with the Spring Term getting under way towards the end of January. Each term is normally of
ten-week duration.

An extremely comprehensive and diverse range of classes are available, with over 70 exciting courses on
offer each term. Courses vary from professional qualifications in our E.C.D.L. Computer classes and First
Aid courses, right through to classes on Gardening, Flower arranging, Cookery, Psychology, Painting,
Reflexology, Spanish, Italian, Pilates, Tai Chi, Yoga and Ballroom Dancing, to name but a few.

Our brochures are widely available in the local area with over 10,000 delivered door to door in the weeks
leading up to the commencement of each term. Copies of our brochure are also available from the College
offce or can be downloaded from the Adult Education Section of the College’s website.

You can enrol in person on one of our Enrolment Nights in the College, which are held the week prior to
the start of each term. Alternatively, you can enrol by post by availing of our simple and convenient Postal
Enrolment facility, details of which can be found on the back of our brochure. On-line enrolment by
laser/credit card is also available via the Adult Education/Night Classes section of the College website.

If there is any group of ten or more people in the community interested in any particular course currently
not on offer in our programme, please contact the Director of Adult Education and we will do our best to
facilitate you.

Should anyone be interested in teaching a course currently on offer in our programme, or would like to
teach a course not presently available, please contact the Director of Adult Education.

If you have any queries concerning Adult Education, please contact us at any time on 01 822 1626 or
you can contact the Director of Adult Education directly on 01 812 9340 or by e-mail at

Further information on the Department can also be found via the Adult Education section of the College’s
website at:
The following Policies are available on request and on our website:

• Admissions & Enrolment Policy

• Code of Behaviour
• Attendance & Punctuality Policy
• Suspension & Exclusion Policy
• Substance Abuse Policy
• Counter Bullying Policy
• Child Safeguarding Procedures
• Critical Incident Policy
• Acceptable Usage Policy for IT
• Data Protection Policy

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Dublin & Dun Laoghaire ETB., voluntary contributions and fund raising, provide for the financial and
teaching resources of the College. The voluntary contribution is an annual donation made by
families to support the Sports, Social and Cultural Fund. This money is invested in extracurricular
programmes and the environment of the College. An additional cost is incurred for students of The
Transition Year Programme, which offsets the cost of running extracurricular and outdoor education

Sports Social & Cultural Fund Payments:

1. Contributions are subject to annual review.

2. These contributions are voluntary. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may

contact the Principal/Deputy Principals of the College in strictest
confidence if they have any concerns regarding payment of the above.

3. The contributions requested will be outlined to Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

at time of enrolment.

The Sports, Social & Cultural Fund Contributes towards:

• The College’s extracurricular programmes.

• Affiliation fees to various Sports Associations.
• I.D. Registration Card.
• The College’s online communication systems.
• Student Name Badges.
• Purchase of additional equipment to support Teaching.
& Learning at the College.
• Maintenance & upkeep of School Minibus.
• The College’s Arts Programme.
• School Publications.
• School Awards Programmes.
• Expenses for Information Evenings.
• Parent –Teacher Meetings.
• Additional Stationery Expenses.
• Additional Classroom Resources.
• The College Library.

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CCCprospectus3.indd 71 28/05/2018 10:26
Castleknock Community College
Carpenterstown Road,
Dublin 15.
Eircode D15 A996
Tel: 01-8221626
Fax: 01-8221630

CCCprospectus3.indd 72 28/05/2018 10:26

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