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CCC School Plan 2015-16 ETB

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School Report 2015-16

Castleknock Community
In serving the needs of our community we, the pupils, parents and staff, in all our endeavours aspire towards
excellence in a caring and supportive environment. By growing and developing through co-operation this
will enable all to realise their full potential.

School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Principals Foreword to the 10th Annual Report

A Chara,

July 2016

This years Annual Report reflects the Colleges on-going commitment to honour its commitment to
its Learning & Teaching Policy and its Guidance Plan. It reflects also the commitment of staff and
parents to a range of initiatives that have enhanced the quality of education that is provided to the
students at the College. It was also acknowledges the memorable year it was for the College with
the official opening in January of the Colleges Sports Hall and additional classrooms.
The report also captures the work of staff in relation to the five drivers of change that currently exist
in education: The Literacy & Numeracy Strategy, Assessment for Learning, The development of

IT structures, The New Junior Cycle Programme and School Self-Evaluation.

Six members of staff have engaged with the educationalist Professor Barrie Bennett through the
Instructional Leadership Programme in promoting best practice in relation to Assessment for
Learning Strategies and thereby advancing the Colleges Learning & Teaching Policy. Last year the
team addressed the staff on a number of Learning & Teaching Strategies: Sharing Learning
Outcomes & Success Criteria, Concept Attainment & Instructional Intelligence and Graphic
Organisers & Practical Applications.
In honouring its commitment to the National Literacy & Numeracy Strategy the College has
established two teams that have designed strategies to enhance the standards of literacy and
numeracy. Both teams have included the staff in their planning and the clear expectation is that the
agreed strategies will be included in all subject planning. Following three years of testing and
profiling students the rich data that has been gathered has enabled the teams to focus on and target
particular areas in relation to Literacy & numeracy. The Literacy team will focus on promoting
inference in relation to students engagement with the curriculum. Moreover, the analysis of data has
the informed The Numeracy Team and in particular the need to focus on understanding shapes.
Both teams will work with staff in the coming academic year in promoting these concepts and will
continue to be supported by the Colleges Transfer of Learning Programme and Tracking Policy.
The College continues to invest significantly in its IT Infrastructure and feedback from staff
indicates that developments over the last number of years have enhanced the quality of teaching and
learning. This year the College launched its Learning Platform to better facilitate knowledge
sharing in departments. In the coming academic year the IT Department is committed to providing
training for subject teachers in maintaining their respective sites.
The care needs of our students are at the heart of our daily work and over the last year a team of
teachers completed The College Guidance Plan. This plan captures the work and purpose of the
various care networks that exist in the College and how they contribute to providing the
appropriate supports for our students. The introduction of a Mental Health Week has proven to be
successful and this year a team of teachers will host a series of workshops and talks on mental health
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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

The College continues to embrace the concept of self-evaluation and much of the content of this
report reflects on the work achieved over the last year and what is planned for the next academic
year. In April 2016 the College undertook a review of second year students and their parents. One
hundred students and parents were surveyed and were invited to respond to a series of question in
relation to learning and teaching at the College. A total of 58 parents and 63 students responded to
the survey. The management team, having reviewed the results, have identified the need to revisit
the Colleges Homework Policy. And this will be reviewed in the next academic year. The policy
and recommended strategies will be shared with parents in response to concerns raised by them in
the survey. This will be reviewed and linked to the Colleges Learning & Teaching Policy. Regular
communications with parents in relation to the Colleges Literacy &Numeracy Strategies will also
be addressed.
The Appendix at the end of this report provides an update on the review work carried out on school
policies. Through the many networks that exist in the College we annually seek feedback from our
stakeholders: The students, parents, staff and management team. This feedback constantly informs
our planning going forward.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to all staff members who have contributed in so many ways to
the Colleges success over the last academic year.

John Cronin

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Foreword to Annual Report by Principal

Section 1: Mission & Educational Aims

Mission Statement & Educational Aims

Section 2: Context Factor: Internal & External


Pages 15 -23

Social & Personal Health Education

The Student Leadership Programme
Chaplaincy Report
Guidance & Counselling Department
Extracurricular Report

Section 5: School Management


Pages 9 - 14

Review of Curriculum 2015-16

In-service Provision at the College 2015-16
Learning Support & ESL Department Report
The Transition Year Programme
The Leaving Certificate Applied Programme.
The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

Section 4: Care & Management of Students


Pages 2 - 8

Whole School Inspection (MLL)

Instructional Leadership
Literacy & Numeracy
School Self-Evaluation Survey of Second Years
Incidental Inspection
The New Junior Cycle Programme
I.T. Developments at the College

Section 3: Curriculum Provision


Page 1

Pages 24 - 27

Board of Management Report

Management Team Meetings

Section 6: Parents Association


Section 8: Adult Education


Page 28 - 30

Review of College Policies
Other PA Activities

Pages 31 - 33

Review of academic year 2015/16

Planning & Recommendations for 2016-17

Notes Page


Page 34

Overview of Policy Development

Pages 35 - 36


Pages 37 - 40

Sporting Moments in the Life of the College

Key Moments in the Life of the College
Annual Awards Ceremony

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

~ Section 1: Mission & Educational Aims ~


~ Mission Statement ~
In serving the needs of our community we, the pupils, parents and staff, in all our endeavours aspire
towards excellence in a caring and supportive environment. By growing and developing through cooperation this will enable all to realise their full potential.


~ Educational Aims ~

To enable and encourage the full growth and development of each student intellectually,
creatively, physically, morally and socially.
To create a caring, safe and supportive environment in which each student will have the
opportunity to fully develop his/her aptitudes and talents.
To promote gender equity, self-awareness and responsible attitudes on personal
relationships, while encouraging dignity and respect in all our endeavours.
To foster consultation and the involvement of parents in the development of school policies,
and its social and recreational activities.
To engender feelings of self-esteem and the creation of sensitive, caring and politically aware
members of society.
To create opportunities for parents and other adults to further their academic or social
education by the provision of a community education programme.
To aspire towards excellence in all areas of work and involvement, thus promoting an image
and a reputation for our college, which will command the respect and the pride of the
To be true to our motto Mol an ige and Tiocfaidh Si and thus instil a feeling of self-esteem
within all students.
To provide a pastoral care programme that is central to the life of the college.
To provide for the cultural and aesthetic needs of the community through the arts.


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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

~ Section 2: Context Factors: Internal & External ~


WSE Management, Leadership & Learning (MLL) October 2013.

The College received a Whole School Evaluation (MLL) in October 2013 and the key findings and
recommendations for further developments were identified as follows:

The schools draft policy on teaching and learning should be finalised and become the basis
for whole-staff reflection on their professional practice.
A systematic and carefully-monitored embedding of the principles and practice of assessment
for learning is recommended.

Over the last two years the College committed itself to completing its Learning & Teaching Policy
and this is seen as the blueprint to support all current and future practices of assessment for
learning. The Curriculum team has completed the first strand of the policy and the second strand
will be developed over the course of the next academic year with a strong focus on Instructional
Intelligence, effective homework strategies and further developing the principles of effective group


Instructional Leadership
The College has been committed to the Instructional Leadership Programme since 2013 which has
been facilitated at a national level by Professor Barrie Bennett from the University of Toronto. Six
members of staff have engaged with this programme and thereby enabled the College to advance its
Learning & Teaching Policy.
Instructional Leadership involves all members of the College community and will lead to an inquiryoriented school. It is the dynamic delivery of the curriculum in the classroom by using strategies
based on reflection, assessment and evaluation to ensure optimum learning takes place. The teacher
in the classroom becomes the instructional leader, implementing strategies that will ensure the
optimum learning outcomes for the students. Instructional Leadership promotes student activity,
group work and individual accountability in a safe learning environment.
Last year the team addressed the staff on a number of Learning & Teaching Strategies:

September 2015
November 2015
April 2016

Sharing Learning Outcomes & Success Criteria

Concept Attainment & Instructional Intelligence
Graphic Organisers & Practical Applications

Over the last year the Curriculum Team has also begun the process of the exploring the possibility of
introducing one hour classes to the College. This process will conclude in the forthcoming academic

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Moreover, the IT Team in support of Curriculum Development has developed Learning Platforms
for all subject areas through the staff intranet. The aim of this site is to promote good practice in
managing internal information so staff become better informed of what is happening within the
College and what is happening in each Subject Department. In the coming academic year the IT
Department is committed to providing training for subject teachers in maintaining their respective
In April of this year the College received an Incidental Inspection and the Inspectorate provided
constructive comments to the management team on its observations. The feedback acknowledged
the range of AfL strategies employed by the teaching staff. Particular mention was made of the
Group Sessions in which students engaged and how these could be further developed to ensure that
all students are actively involved in the process and are contributing to the learning process in the


Literacy & Numeracy

The roll out of the National Literacy & Numeracy Strategy (For Learning & Life) has been
supported by two core teams which were established in Autumn 2012 (Literacy) and Autumn 2013
(Numeracy). Over the last number of years the College has shaped its direction in terms of the
drivers of change that currently exist in education including The Literacy & Numeracy Strategies.
A significant body of work has been undertaken by a team of staff in relation to literacy and after
two years of data analysis and testing using the Access Reading and Mathematics Programmes we
are able to identify areas that require specific attention. In the coming year, Literacy team will focus
specifically on the developing strategies to promote the use of Inference. The Numeracy Team have
also gathered a rich amount of data and have identified the area of Understanding Shapes and the
team will develop strategies to enhance students understanding of this concept in the next academic

All baseline data will be made available to teachers through VS Ware and will also be
available on our Learning Platform. This data will greatly enhance our work in the
The College continues to develop base line data for incoming first years. Through our
tracking programme the College has created a profile on each student through the Transfer
of Learning Initiative. Moreover, the data gathered is now captured on the VS Ware.

Literacy & Numeracy Planning for 2016/17

The strategy teams will continue to meet and review their respective plans.
Both teams recognise the importance of implementing standardised tests to ensure that
students are appropriately monitored.
Further strategies and best practice will be developed and identified in the coming academic
year by the team to enhance the Literacy & Numeracy Plans.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

The use of the Access Maths software to test First and Second Years has now provided rich
data that will enable the team to develop evidence based strategies to address Numeracy.
The team have prioritised the need to develop strategies that strengthen students
understanding of Shapes (Geometry & Measure)
There is a commitment to continue testing Leaving Certificate 1 students with the Access
Maths software in order to develop comparative data which will in time inform the numeracy
The team will encourage all staff to promote a common method of converting marks to a
percentage being applied.
The Numeracy Board is established and updated on a regular basis.
A third Maths Week is planned for the Autumn Term to coincide with International Maths
A significant body of work has been undertaken by a team of staff in relation to literacy and
after two years of data analysis and testing using the Access Reading and Programmes and
we are now able to identify areas that require specific attention.
In the coming year Literacy team will focus specifically on the developing strategies to
promote the use of inference. Researchers have confirmed that thoughtful, active,
proficient readers are metacognitive; they think about their own thinking during reading.
They can identify when and why the meaning of the text is unclear to them, and can use a
variety of strategies to solve comprehension problems or deepen their understanding of a
The Literacy team will provide guidance and support for all subject departments to enable
them to promote this concept in their classrooms.
The team will continue to promote a number of initiatives: Drop everything and read, and
the Reading Wall.
Further planning of oral literacy will be developed in the coming academic year.
The team will continue to track and review information generated from the Transfer of
Learning Initiative and link data to standardised testing.


School Self Evaluation Survey of Second Year Parents & Students

In April 2016 the College undertook a review of second year students and their parents. One
hundred students and parents were surveyed and were invited to respond to a series of question in
relation to learning and teaching at the College. A total of 58 parents and 63 students responded to
the survey.

Students Responses.

In all cases students responded positively to their experience at school with 87% of students
agreeing that they were getting on well with their school work. 84% of students indicated

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

that teachers encourage me to work to the best of my ability. In response to the questions, I
take responsibility for my own learning 84% of students agreed that this was the case.
Students were also asked to respond to the questions, my knowledge and understanding is
checked regularly in class and teachers correct my written work regularly. In relation to
the question on knowledge and understanding 24% of students disagree with this statement
while 21% of students disagreed that their homework is corrected regularly.
In response to the question What aspect of school do you like the most the majority of
students indicated the different learning activities and extracurricular activities offered at the

Parents Responses.

Parents responded positively to the survey with 85% of students agreeing that their child
was doing well. While 87% of parents acknowledged that teaching is good at the school.
Parents were also positive in their response to the school reports and parent teacher
meetings. 95% of parents agreed that the school reports gave them a good picture of how
their child is doing while 79% of parents recognised that there are good arrangements in
place for parent teacher meetings.
25% of parents were dissatisfied with the amount of homework their children were getting.
In response to the question, teachers regularly check my childs written homework 22% of
parents indicate that they did not know while a further 12% disagreed with the statement.
An analysis of the open ended questions indicated that parents would welcome more
emphasis on how their children can study and learn more effectively. With some parents
expressing concern about uncorrected homework or the lack of homework assigned. Some
parents also stated they were unclear how they should be supporting their children in
relation to homework .
Parents were also asked about the Literacy & Numeracy Strategies and a significant number
of parents indicated that they were unaware of the strategies employed by the College.
Many parents expressed their appreciation for the volunteering spirit of the College and
acknowledged the wide range of extracurricular activities that were on offer at the College.
They also recognised that there was a very strong emphasis on the Colleges code of

Responding to the Survey.

The management team, having reviewed the results, have identified the need to revisit the
Colleges homework policy.
The College will review its Homework Policy in the next academic year. The policy and
recommended strategies will be shared with parents in response to concerns raised by them
in the survey. This will be reviewed and linked to the Colleges Learning & Teaching Policy.
Regular communications with parents in relation to the Colleges Literacy &Numeracy
Strategies need to be addressed.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College


Incidental Inspection April 2016

The College received an incidental inspection on the 12th April. The inspector provided the following
oral feedback to senior management.

There was evidence of pair work and group work in all classes visited with a
recommendation that this work could be more structured.
While there was evidence that students were familiar with the structures of group work it
was recommended that students need to be given clear roles when engaging in group work.
The layout of some classrooms does not lend itself to group work.
There was evidence that students work was inspected and that formative feedback was
given but this needs to be developed.
There was good use of questioning and scaffolding of lessons. The inspector recommended a
possible strategy to use: Tell me everything you know and what you want to know about
Learning intentions were clearly shared and the lessons were consolidated.

The recommendations made by the inspector were shared with the staff and will be considered by
subject departments and senior management in the context of the Learning & Teaching Policy.


The New Junior Cycle Programme (Progress Report)

New Junior Cycle Programme Planning for 2016/17

Subject to the Union directives the College will continue to roll out the new Junior Cycle
Programme and will focus on the next two subjects that are due for review: Science and
The College is also committed to developing its Learning & Teaching policy in relation to its
AFL strategies which support the key skills and statements of learning which are key
components of the New Junior Cycle Programme.


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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

I.T. Developments at the College

IT Planning for 2015/16

The theme for 2015/16 was "Consolidation". There had been a lot of change to date and
2015/16 was the year to embed these changes and to put in place a solid foundation for future
We sought to get the basics right - Upgrading laptops, desktops, refreshing hardware,
upgrade WiFi to get ready for one-to-one student access.
Deploy state of the art classroom technology in the new school extension (e.g. interactive
Put in place Parent/Guardian access to Student Information in VS Ware.
Provide more IT information updates for teachers by continuing teacher update talks,
placing IT information in newsletters and on info display screens.
Actively be involved in joint activities with DDLETB on producing online lesson contents
(iTunes U/Onenote).
Put in place a school class room management system to assist teachers in a IT classroom
environment (e.g. Impero Class room management).
Complete the migration to DDLETB's Office 365 tenancy - thereby allowing rollout of
Student Advantage (5 free licenses to students and staff of Microsoft Office for home or
school use) and providing a more optimised management for Office365.
Execute further trialing of e-portfolios to aid teacher student collaboration.
Begin to trial Teacher Collaboration via online collaboration site (Sharepoint).
Introduce a Coding module in TY 2015/16 and continue our support for the community
based computer coding club CoderDojo

Review of Recommendations 2015-16

The strategy of consolidation worked well while flattening the network and upgrading the
memory for all the PCs was successful.
The WiFi network was flattened and simplified. However more investment is needed in the
cabling backbone in order to be fully ready for 1:1 devices.
New interactive whiteboards were deployed in the new extension based on the
recommended product from DDLETB. However, we will need to examine teacher adoption
of the interactive features in these classrooms.
Several lunchtime staff training sessions were provided and well attended and we shared
more information with staff via the interactive displays.
The migration to Office 365 was very successful and the common passwords across VS Ware,
Office 365 and PCS seem to be working very well.
Additional focus in 2016 should be on teacher education, active learning with IT and
backbone cabling.
The IT Team also commenced a teacher trial for tablets (18 teachers using iPads, 6 teachers
using MS Surfaces) and also enabled classrooms for teaching using tablets (screen mirroring
using Airserver)
The team also started the rollout of subject department sites to better facilitate knowledge
sharing in departments

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

The team supported and facilitated a large initiative to focus on internet safety.
The team also introduced coding as a subject in TY, participated in Junior Cert Coding pilot
and continued to support Coderdojo in CCC (computing club for kids).
Two members of staff were invited to participate in the ATS 2020 Project (Assessment of
Transversal Skills) an innovative student-centred approach to teaching and learning. The
emphasis of the project will be on on-going assessment in the classroom with a focus on
formative assessment, student self-assessment and effective feedback.

IT Planning & Recommendations for 2016-17

To fix the fundamental network backbone - get network ready for 1:1 devices
Continue trial of tablets and look at shared class sets
Trial BYOD (bring your own device) as a prerequisite for further expansion of tablets to
students (1:1)
Put in place a device/tablet strategy based on research from other schools and CCC
To investigate the possibility of introducing three IT Learning Centres in the school to enable
collaborative learning through IT.
Continue teacher training to get to level that all teachers are on-board and comfortable with
the technology.
Examine offering computer training to first year students so they can learn basic computer
skills and get familiar using the school communications system.
To embed the Learning Platforms for all subject areas through the staff intranet. In the
coming academic year the IT Department is committed to providing training for subject
teachers in maintaining their respective sites .


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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

~ Section 3 Curriculum Provision ~


Review of Curriculum 2015/16

Following a review of subject coordinators and their respective departments in May 2014 a number
of areas were identified for further development.
- Developing peer teaching and AfL strategies.
- That the culture of common assessment continues to be developed.
- To re-evaluate the completion process for tasks, journals and projects required for the state
examinations. A summary document needs to be drafted that ensures that there is clarity for
all in relation to the process.
- To develop a common learning platform through the use of the staff intranet. This will
enable subject departments to further develop collaborative practices.


In-service Provision at the College 2015-16

The College continued to provide opportunities for staff to engage in further professional
development. In considering the release of staff, the Senior Management Team gave careful
consideration to both the needs of the school & the relevance of the training to the present &
possible future role of staff members as well as their specific interests.
With the on-going implementation of Junior Cycle reform, staff members attended in-service in
English, Science & Business as the first subjects to be delivered with new course specifications.
Staff also attended in-service for the new Leaving Certificate Politics & Society course which the
College is piloting in the next academic year.
With the renewed emphasis on student well-being, in-service opportunities were also provided in
the areas of SPHE/Lifeskills & Physical Education.
A second cohort of staff members commenced Instructional Leadership Programme and again
opportunities were provided for those involved to offer feedback to their colleagues at both Subject
Department Meetings & Staff Meetings, while informal feedback also occurred on a regular basis
which promoted the sharing of good practice and the evaluation of classroom teaching and learning.
Two staff members had approved study leave for Diploma in Special Education while member of
Spanish Department was facilitated to attend training following her appointment as Regional Coordinator in Modern Languages for New Junior Cycle.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Members of the management team had opportunities to attend

VS Ware Training
Legal Ireland Seminars
CPT & NAPD Conferences
Leadership Training for Middle Management
TY Co-ordinator Training

Management also facilitated attendance at in-service and training in the following areas during the
course of this academic yearMathematics
Guidance/Psychological Support

Spanish & other Modern Languages

Literacy & Numeracy
IT & E-Portfolio


Learning Support & ESL Department Report

Learning Support & ESL Department Planning for 2015/16

JC Exams: Two students from our ASDAN group are striving to sit 5 JC exams next June
2016. A number of incoming 1st years will follow the same model.
Assistive Technology: an incoming student will be using Dragon Naturally Speaking which
is new to CCC.
Access reading test: We plan to block book a double period in one of the computer rooms
for testing.
LS suite: The LS department will take possession of rooms 33-35 in September. Room 35 will
be a classroom, room 34 will be a classroom for ASDAN and larger groups. Room 33 will be
the Language room/ study area/small group tuition room. 26A and 26B will be upgraded over
the summer months.
SNA access: given the number of students entitled to SNA access we plan for the future to
offer less access in the mainstream at senior cycle thus encouraging students to work more
Language students and RACE: it is planned that results of Cambridge pre-testing and the
WRAT 4 will assist the department when making decisions about RACE applications for
Junior and Leaving Certificate.
VS Ware: The LS department plan to add a brief detail on SEN to VS Ware profiles of some
students who access resource or learning support allocation.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Review of Recommendations (2015-16)

Assistive technology- A First Year student has been using Texthelp Read and Write Gold
and Dragon Naturally Speaking this year. The student, SNA and a teacher from IT support
visited Catherine McAuley reading school to receive training on the software.
Access reading- First years were tested before Christmas and second years re-tested at the
end of the year. An over-view of areas of need for first years will be disseminated to staff at
the beginning of the new academic year. Second year results need to be analysed to plot
LS suite- The LS department has benefited greatly from the upgrading of our suite of rooms.
SNA access- students in TY worked well with limited access. Access for LC1 and LC2 will be
planned around health and safety with reference to practical elements of subjects.
Language students- Mary Kenny from DD LETB tested junior cycle EAL students in
October. Testing is completed online and results easier to interpret. Results were added to
VS Ware. This testing was used to inform RACE for JC and to exempt tow first years from
the study of Irish. Students were also offered language support. Moving forward this testing
will inform us about ability and RACE applications.
VS Ware- Details on diagnosis have been added to student profiles.

Learning Support & ESL Recommendations for 2016-17

Parental meetings- Notes of review meetings and agreed strategies will be recorded and
forwarded to parents and a copy added to the student file.
VS Ware- LS staff will add note in relation to parental contact.
SNAs and incoming students- From this June representatives from the SNA will visit feeder
school and meet with SNAs of students who will be allocated access in CCC. This initiative
came from a member of the SNA team.
Assistive technology- A student with a visual impairment will join 1 st year in September.
Three of the SNA team have already visited him in the feeder school. LS are also getting
support in relation to his assistive technology and other needs from the CRC and visiting
teacher for the visually impaired.
Hearing impairment sound system- An incoming 1 st year will be using a sound system in
class next year. The visiting teacher for the deaf will liaise with LS in this regard.
Modified aural- A leaving certificate student had modified aural exams in May due a hearing
impairment. Information on its format was passed onto LS staff.
WIAT 2- The LS department purchased this testing kit following a visit a local Community
School in relation to Leaving Certificate RACE refusals. This will be used for testing at junior
cycle and senior cycle for RACE applications.
Access testing results- We need to formalise a process for relaying results of testing to all
teachers and recommendations for how student deficits can be catered for in all classes.
Laptops- it is hoped that a set of four laptops, in secure casing, will be avail be for LS classes
in Room 33 from September 2016.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College


Transition Year Report 2015/16

The Transition Year Programme aims to provide students with a broad range of academic, cultural,
practical, and community based educational-experiences in order to create opportunities which
allow students to develop their interpersonal/intrapersonal skills, and focuses on developing their
independent-learning and decision-making skills. The College encourages students to participate
fully in learning-strategies which are active and experiential, leading to students developing
transferable skills such as critical-thinking and creative problem-solving skills.
Each year the Transition Year Programme is reviewed to identify areas which would further enhance
the learning-experiences of students taking the programme.

Transition Year Programme - Planning for 2015/16

The number of places offered to students who wished to take the Transition Year Programme
was increased to 120.
Coding and Research Electives were added to give greater choice to the students.
Schemes of Work were reviewed with an emphasis on the inclusion of literacy and numeracy
in classwork and with a focus on AFL in Transition Year.
Legal Studies was again included as a module.
All students were offered Home Economics as a module.
A Life Skills/Philosophy half-yearly rotation of modules was given.
Japanese and Science continued to be offered as two half-yearly modular-rotations.
Students were encouraged to continue the tradition of the College of participation in the in
the Gaisce Awards Programme, and this year saw the highest number of completions the
College has ever had.
The Gael Linn programme was offered again and was availed of by 45 students.
The Transition Year Coordinator attended several in-services in order to ensure that the programme
is incorporating current and planned changes to the curriculum.

Transition Year Planning & Recommendations for 2016-17

A maximum of 120 places will continue for this year and this will be reviewed at the end of
the year.
Schemes of Work to be reviewed with an emphasis on the inclusion of literacy and numeracy
in classwork and with a focus on AFL in Transition Year.
Log on Learn will not be offered for the year 2016-2017 based on feedback from
Teacher/Students surveys.
Life Skills/Philosophy to become an embedded module in the timetable.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

All students to be offered Home Economics as a module and Coding and Research to
continue as Electives.
Japanese and Science will be offered as two half-yearly modular-rotations.
More modules to be offered as two half-yearly modular-rotations.
Fund-raising events to be reviewed, with no event occurring in the final block of modules.
Students will be encouraged to continue the tradition of the College of participation in the in
the Gaisce Awards Programme.
Gael Linn will continue to be offered to all students.


Leaving Certificate Applied Report

LCA 2015/2016 Recommendations
Arrange meetings with LCA staff to discuss new ways to raise the profile of the programme
within the school.
Application as Task Examiner to start with the General Education Task this academic year.
Promote the use of LCA students as Mentors within the school system.
Subject word banks to be placed in student journals in the absence of teacher base room.

Review of Recommendations (2015/2016)

Raising the Profile of the programme continues to be problematic but successes were
achieved in terms of:
Getting new members of staff on board for teaching the Programme in the next
academic year.
Sharing student successes with the entire staff via Newsletter
Presentation of how we implement the LCA programme at C.C.C. to the Board of
Management and at the Network of School Planners Ireland Conference.
Application as Task Examiner: Unfortunately we were unable to go forward with this as
staffing was the issue.
Promoting the use of LCA students as mentors: This was achieved and is being promoted
once again among the incoming Year 1 students for September 2016
Use of Subject Word Banks in base rooms: while it is possible for the word banks to be
placed in base rooms the method of placing word banks in Journals has yet to be worked out.

LCA Planning & Recommendations for 2016-17

Application for the position of Task Examiner within the Vocational Preparation Module at
State Examination Level.
To design a calendar of events that will enable Year Heads to acknowledge and promote more
the LCA programme within the student/parent cohort throughout the two year groups.
Promote the use of Outside visitors to the LCA students in more subject areas.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College


Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme Report

Review of the academic year 2015/16
The primary goal of the L.C.V.P. is to prepare young people for adult life by ensuring that they are
educated in the broadest sense, with an ability to cope and thrive in an environment of rapid change.
The Link Modules encourage our students to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired
through their Vocational Subjects and in other areas of their Leaving Certificate. Vocational
relevance is enhanced by putting in place opportunities for student to plan, organise and engage in
active learning experiences inside and outside the classroom. Consequently, within our Colleges
Leaving Certificate Vocational programme, participants are encouraged to develop skills and
competencies fundamental to both academic and vocational success.

LCVP 2015/2016 Recommendations

The LCVP team will continue to promote the subject at appropriate information days and
subject option workshops.
The Mock Interviews will be hosted in the Autumn Term with the support of the PA.
The need to develop a database of outside speakers to support the programme will be
addressed in this academic year

LCVP Review of Recommendations (2015-16)

Promotion of LCVP has been effective as there has been a lot of interest amongst Junior Cycle
students in relation to the benefits of the programme.
The Mock Interviews which were hosted in October were successful however there is a need
to ensure students who sign up for the interviews carry through on their commitment.
Outside speakers need to be in keeping with students interest area. This year links were
established with speakers and enabled the LCVP team to develop a data base of speakers.

LCVP - Planning & Recommendations for 2016-17

The current visit out at the start of the year in Term 1 (LC1) needs to be directed towards
Team Building to encourage and retain numbers on the programme. An additional visit out
to a local business for the summary report will be planned for the Spring Term
Mock interviews need to be compulsory for all LC2 students following LCVP
Due to workload some students are opting out of the programme at the start of sixth year. If
an additional period became available for the LCVP this would ease the pressure on students.
The team would welcome an opportunity to explore this option in the new academic year.
An additional class would allow students to complete their portfolio work during class time
with the assistance of the LCVP teacher.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

~ Section 4 Care & Management of Students ~


Social, Personal & Health Education (SPHE)

The last academic year has been a busy time for the SPHE Department as it has overseen the
introduction of new courses and modules in this subject area. Staff volunteered to undertake this
planning work that also involved staff attending in-service and other relevant courses.
The Department has been managed by a steering committee made up of Deputy Principal (Acting
Coordinator) and a core team of SPHE & Lifeskills teachers. There is a representative from each
year group on the team with a responsibility to feedback to the teaching staff. This model has
continued again this year.
The SPHE Department worked closely with various departments and the planning team to
contribute to the development of the School Plan.
The College was invited to participate in a number of different surveys that related to topics from
SPHE and to pilot class materials.
The College worked closely with Pieta House to develop class materials to encourage students to
build up their resilience. This involved second year students and staff completing questionnaires
and participating in focus groups. The personnel from Pieta House returned in the Spring term to
pilot these materials with the same cohort of students and facilitated a workshop with staff.
We developed closer links this year with Jigsaw, Blanchardstown.

Review of the academic year 2015/2016

To review the LGBT Guidelines with the College community & to continue work on the
Transgender hand-out for Parents

The LGBT Guidelines and the Hand-out has been developed. The College was invited by DCU to
participate in an online survey with 2nd year, Transition Year and Leaving Certificate 1 to assist them
in the development of an instrument for schools to test or gauge the student experience of inclusivity
and diversity. When developed, the survey will be a welcome development that will enrich this

To implement the new resources on the topic of Bullying and Counter-bullying

This project was a great success this year. Lessons were developed jointly by the SPHE department
and the IT team for all year groups in the College and presented during Internet Safety Week in the
College. The lessons were delivered during SPHE lessons. With most year groups, the purpose of
the lesson was to build on previous knowledge. However, the first year group completed a six week
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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

To review the Transition Year module Lifeskills

As September 2015 marked the second year of this module, a review was undertaken. The staff
delivering the programme had sought feedback form the students and this indicated that the
students in the main welcomed the module and found it practical in its approach. Considering the
feedback, the module was amended to include these suggestions.

To assist with the introduction of Mindfulness & Wellbeing to the Transition Year

A new module was developed and introduced as a new module in Transition Year. This programme
introduced students to the basic principles of Mindfulness & Wellbeing. Feedback from students
has been very positive and indicated that the practical nature of the programme helped them develop
skills to manage their own stress levels etc.

SPHE Planning for 2016/2017

Introduction of Ways to Wellbeing for Leaving Certificate 1.

To provide staff delivering this programme with opportunities for training.
Review the SPHE policy and the Relationships & Sexuality policy.
Review of Critical Incident policy.
To work with staff and Student Council representatives to introduce the theme of using
social media to build a more positive profile of self.
To work with the IT Department to build the SPHE Learning Platform site.


Student Leadership
Review of the academic year 2015/16
Student appointments to leadership positions in our College is a reflection of how the students have
embraced the College motto Mol an ige agus Tiocfaidh S, employed the core values of courtesy,
respect and responsibility and is an acknowledgement of the leadership potential they have
displayed. Student Leadership in the College is a very active programme where senior students are
encouraged to take on positive leadership roles to support the wider student body. There are a
number of roles that students can engage with and they are as follows:
Class Captains and Vice-captains (all year groups)
Class Representatives on Student Council (all year groups)
Mentors (Leaving Certificate 1 students) & Prefects (Leaving Certificate 2 students)
Prefects have a key role to play in the everyday life of the College. Within this group, a number of
students act as Sports Prefects and make a significant contribution to the sporting life of the College.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Prefects are responsible for running the Student Council meetings, recording minutes and
communicating student ideas to the College management team. Student Mentors make a significant
contribution in assisting our first year students make a smooth transition from primary to postprimary education. The College extended the programme out in 2014/2015 to develop a buddy
programme with second year students, which has proved very successful.

The targets for 2015/2016 were as follows:

Election of Class Representatives
It was agreed that prefects would address all assemblies to outline the important work of the
Student Council. They outlined the role of a class representative and the importance that all classes
be represented by students that are genuinely interested in the work of the Council. An agreed date
was set aside for all classes to vote for their chosen representatives. This proved very successful and
this practice will carry forward into the coming year.
Profile of the Student Council
During the MLL inspection, the Student Council was congratulated on their work and there was a
recommendation that the profile of the Student Council and the work it undertakes should be
recognised more widely. This tears Council addressed this in a number of ways. The Prefects visit
to assemblies to outline the role of class representative ahead of the election worked very well. In
fact they regularly addressed tutor groups and assemblies through the year to brief students. The
Prefects issued the agenda ahead of each meeting so that class representatives had the opportunity to
discuss the issues with their class. This ensured that all opinions were voiced and equally feedback
was shared with the class following the meeting. This will continue to be addressed with each new
Charity Appeal
At the autumn meeting, the student council representatives organised the running of St Vincent de
Paul food appeal. Captains and vice-captains were assigned roles and prefects co-ordinated the
collection, storage and distribution etc. The food appeal was a great success as the student body
contributed generously.
Policy Review
Students were consulted on the Colleges Guidance Plan. The representatives were given the
opportunity to contribute to this policy by presenting the student perspective in April 2016.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

New College Journal

General feedback on the school journal was collected and viable suggestions for further
improvement were finalised for the new academic year.
Board of Management
In previous years the Council made a presentation to the Board at the end of the academic year.
However the Council agreed that it would be more beneficial if the presentation was made at the
start of the academic year as this would be an opportunity for the Council to present its plans and
targets for the forthcoming academic year.
Autumn Handover to new Council
It has been arranged that some students from the current years council will make a presentation at
the first meeting of the new council in the autumn to ensure there is understanding and continuity of
work undertaken.

Student Leadership Planning for 2016/17

Election of Class Representatives

To work with staff on the Learning & Teaching Policy in relation to Homework following
the outcome of the survey of second students in relation to attitudes to Learning & Teaching.
To work on the Critical Incident Policy
To continue to promote an awareness of the work of the Students Council.


Chaplaincy Report
Review of the academic year 2015/16

Consolidate the work of the Student Chaplaincy Team and expand numbers involved in
Continue to provide a range of liturgical experiences for students
Highlight liturgical festivals of all Faith groups in the College

Building on the work of the Student Chaplaincy Team this year was at the heart of Chaplaincy
activities. The number of students involved in the Student Chaplaincy Team increased to twenty
but significantly the group ranged from Second Year to LC1 students. The quality and quantity of
projects engaged with expanded their creative capabilities as well as their understanding of faith.
A further point of development during the year was the time and variety of opportunity afforded to
students to engage in liturgy in the Mediation Room. All students had time in the Meditation Room

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during the month of November where, in a creative and sensory environment, they were able to pray
for those in their families and communities who had died. At other times during the year various
year groups were invited for prayer, meditation and reflection. A Mass was celebrated on the first
anniversary of the death of our Transition Year student and the preparation for the event, with the
involvement of the students, proved to be a very healing and cathartic experience.
The Friendship Days, along with the times for retreat, are significant experiences for students in the
development of a life of faith.
However, outreach for the Rainbows programme continues to be a concern for us. We again used
the Rainbows Awareness Week but the take up for places has been very poor. This is compounded
by the necessity to separate groups into junior and senior students as well as the distinction between
those who experience bereavement and those who live with the pain of family separation.
The weekly meetings between the Guidance Department, Learning Support Department and the
Chaplain continue to be a valuable source of contact, thus enhancing the support we offer students.

2015-16 Recommendations

Provide further opportunities for developing the skills of meditation and mindfulness
amongst the student body
Continue to highlight religious festivals from all faiths
Sustain the work of the Student Chaplaincy Team
Working with Guidance on Mental Health Week for the College

Review of Recommendations 2015-16

The Chaplaincy team recognise the need to develop more opportunities to develop the skills
of meditation and mindfulness amongst the student body. The challenge to for the team is to
be creative in finding time for students to promote these skills.
The opportunities to celebrate religious festivals were successful and the addition of the
Interfaith Meal was well received by the school community.
The Chaplaincy Team was expanded this year and this ensured that its work was sustained
and expanded.
The inaugural Mental Health Week which was hosted in October 2015 was a significant
development in the school calendar and its many initiatives reached out to the entire student

Chaplaincy Recommendations for 2016-17

The team will attempt to develop the skills of meditation and mindfulness.
The team will continue its focus on religious festivals from all faiths.
There will also be a commitment to sustain and expand the work of the Student Chaplaincy

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The second Mental Health Week will enable the Chaplaincy team to expand its work with
the Guidance Department and interested teachers and students.
The team will lead the Colleges commitment to securing the Yellow Flag for its work in the
area of inclusion and diversity.


Guidance & Counselling Department Report

Guidance & Counselling Department Planning for 2015/16

The priority for the Department this year is to complete the Guidance Plan Policy and to
begin to ensure that the plan is at the Centre of school development and school evaluation.
Continue to promote the guidance service to all year groups and engage with other year
Continue to invite speakers in from a greater range of colleges and give students the option to
attend college talks that are applicable to them. (supervision permitting)
From our survey some LC2 students didnt find all college speakers helpful, perhaps we could
organise 2 different talks at one time and give students a choice.
Create a new location for our notice board and endeavour to have a greater online presence to
reach all students with current information.
We need to reach all LC2 students for a second appointment regarding their CAO
application. We want every student to be confident in their CAO choices. Time may permit
this in the coming year.
Visit referral agencies such as Jigsaw, Aistear Beo, Teen Counselling, to refresh our
knowledge of their services.
Visit PLC colleges to have a greater awareness of where we are offering advice on.
Attend training on a wide range of key subjects such as depression, anxiety and anger
management. This is an ideal way to increase our effectiveness and further our professional
development. It also enriches our existing knowledge and adds new strategies to our existing

Review of Recommendations 2015-2016

We promoted the guidance service throughout the year on various occasions, this was
reflected by over 80% of respondents of our end of year evaluation survey stated they were
familiar with the role of the Guidance Counsellor and knew who the Guidance Counsellors
were. However we need to inform students on how to make an appointment as 34% of 1st5th year students didnt know how to make an appointment.
Over 90% of leaving cert students found the guidance service useful or very useful.

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We didnt fulfil our plan of organising speakers for specific target groups, supervision of the
remaining students didnt allow for this. We did arrange a wide range of speakers from
various colleges to present to our students.
We did not promote our online presence but we were present each morning to LC2 students
during tutorial and email communication was encouraged.
Over 80% of our leaving cert students received more than 1 appointment with some having
up to 4 during the year. This is an increase on last year
We increased our links with outside agencies. We invited the National Learning Network
and Jigsaw Dublin 15 in for an information session. This was attended by Learning Support,
Senior Management and the LCA coordinator.
Only one visit to a PLC college took place.
Throughout the year the Guidance Counsellors attended different seminars/training days on
subjects such as self-harm, suicide, eating distress, child protection and mindfulness

Guidance & Counselling Department - Recommendations for 2016/2017

Further promote the guidance service by regularly attending assembly for all year groups and
informing students of the appointment card system.
Ensure year heads have appointment cards in their office. Consider the addition of
appointment cards in the students journal.
Increase class contact with year groups especially LC1 students, 68 % of the students
surveyed felt more class contact would be beneficial.
Locate a notice board in the area where the LC2 students lockers are.
Arrange lunchtime talks in the careers library from people in different career areas.
Increase email communication with senior students.
Arrange to visit some PLC colleges.


Extracurricular Report 2015- 2016

With its extensive extracurricular programme the College remains committed to its aims:

Promote the physical, emotional & psychological well-being of students

Nurture and encourage the talents and abilities of all students
Foster an interest in and love of pursuits beyond the academic
Encourage the development of life-skills
Enhance the positive relationships between staff and students & parents
Promote Courtesy, Respect & Responsibility
Provide opportunities for the affirmation of students
Emphasise the importance of participation & involvement
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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

A full time-table of the Colleges comprehensive extracurricular programme was issued to students
and parents/guardians in September 2015. Staff members as well as Senior students &
Parents/Guardians continued to give very generously of their time and talents throughout the year to
ensure the success of the programme and this commitment has ensured another very successful year
with, amongst other achievements

Girls Hockey Team secured a second Dublin Title in as many years.

Camogie Team taking the Dublin Minor Title for the second consecutive year
Dublin Colleges Final appearance for U-14 Hurling team
Junior Boys Basketball Team progressing to the All- Ireland Qualifiers
CCC students taking numerous medals in Field & Track events at West Leinster, Leinster
& All-Ireland Championships
Rugby success with the lifting of the Coolmine Cup
Dublin Schools Final appearance for our Senior Cricket team
Debating & public speaking victories such as National Junior Mace & Aoife Begley Senior
Competition titles

Musically speaking the College hosted a wonderful 20 th Anniversary Concert at Draocht

Blanchardstown in November while once again many of our students performed at the NCH Festival
of Music.
A new initiative was piloted this year with the introduction of a Get Active Week in April,
encouraging students & staff alike to kick-start a more physically active lifestyle.
Our new Sports Hall which was officially opened on January 29th has greatly enhanced the
experiences of all students as they engage with sport & physical activity which is so essential for
their well- being.
Full details of the Sporting Moments in the Life of the College 2015 2016 are included in the

Annual Award Ceremonies- Celebrating Achievements in the College and in the

The College hosted a number of ceremonies throughout the past academic year to acknowledge
publicly students achievements and affirm their success in keeping with our philosophy of Mol an
Oige agus Tiocfaidh s
At the conclusion of the first term in December, the respective Year Heads & her/his team
hosted ceremonies for the students in the Year Group at which Merit Awards were presented
to a female and male recipient in each tutor class in recognition of commitment and
contribution to the life of the College and the pursuit of excellence. The recipients of these
awards are decided following a consultative process with teaching staff.
In May 2016 parents/guardians were invited to special end of year ceremonies for 1 st, 2nd, 3rd
& LC1 students. As well as Merit Awards, Spirit of the College Awards were also presented

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

on this occasion as well as specialist awards in the areas of Art, Music, Sport, Culture &
Debating. The occasion was also marked by the presentation of Student of the Year Awards
in each year group.
The presentation of awards such as the above was also an integral part of the programme at
both the LC2 Graduation Ceremony on May 25th (The Graduation Ceremony took place in
the New Sports Hall, the first occasion since 2002 that the College was able to accommodate
this important event) and the TY End of Year Ceremony on May 30 th
The College also hosted its Annual Achievement Awards Evening on November 24 th
Presentations were made to students from the Junior, Leaving Cert and Leaving Cert Applied
classes of 2015 in recognition of academic excellence achieved at the State Examinations. The
contribution of students in the various individual subjects at Junior & Senior Cycle was also
recognised as well as the commitment of students to the Language & Learning Support
Centres. The Sporting, Artistic, Musical & Cultural achievements of pupils in the wider
community was also acknowledged at this event. The Colleges own Spirit of the Community
Award was also presented on the evening & accepted by Dr Eamon Dolan on behalf of
Connolly Hospital.


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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

~ Section 5 School Management ~

Board of Management Review of 2015-16
The Board of Management had another busy year with board meetings in September October,
December, February, March, April and June. The Board included a number of new members, with Dr
John Walsh and Cllr Roderic OGorman as the new ETB nominees and Mr Brian McCann as the new
Parents Representative. Ms Rose Callan stood down as Chairperson having served for five years and
Dr John Walsh was appointed as Chairperson of the Board. The Baord would like to record its
gratitude to Rose Callan for her service to the Board and to the school community over the previous
five years.
We reviewed and updated the following policies.

Post of Responsibilities.
Attendance & Punctuality Policy
Lunchtime Arrangements Policy
Colleges Code of Behaviour
Suspension & Exclusion Policy
Data Protection Policy & CCTV Policy
The Colleges Guidance Plan
Common Enrolment Policy 2016-17
The Annual Review of the Child Protection Policy & Counter-Bullying Policy was
undertaken in January 2015.

Presentations were made to the board by:

Ms Jamie Lee Dunne of The Science Department

Ms Vickie Stokes on the Colleges Guidance Plan
Ms Fiona Byrne of The Design, Material & Technology Department
Dr Gerry Sutton of the History, Classics & Politics Department.
Michael Heffernan Chairperson of the Parents Association

The Board were also delighted to be represented at the Annual Awards Ceremony in November, the
Carol Service at Christmas, the ETB Festival of Music and the Graduation ceremony at the end of the
school year.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Board of Management - Planning & Recommendations for 2016/17

The Board is committed to planning and reviewing a number of policies in the forthcoming academic

Review of Common Enrolment Policy 2017/18 (including implications of school

admissions legislation if any)
Annual review of the Child Protection Policy and Counter Bullying policy
Learning & Teaching policy (Strand 2) Homework Strategies
The College Guidance Plan
Uniform Policy (with reference to suppliers)
A number of ratified policies are due for review and the Board will review the
following policies to ensure that they remain in keeping with recent legislation and
o Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
o Critical Incident Policy
o Substance abuse Policy
o SPHE & RSE Policies

The Board will invite the following stake holders to make presentations to the Board in the coming
academic year:

The Students Council

The Parents Association
The Irish Department
The PE Department
The Literacy Team

The Board will continue to be updated on the initiatives that the College is undertaking:

The roll out of the New Junior Cycle programme (where applicable)
Updates on the transfer of learning initiative
Reviewing the Colleges Homework Policy and Strategies to be linked with the
Colleges Learning & Teaching Policy.
The Literacy & Numeracy strategies


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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Management Team Planning for 2015-2016

Senior Management was committed to the on-going review & enhancement of existing policies and
practices as part of the School Self Evaluation Programme:
The completion of Strand 2 of the Learning & Teaching Policy with an emphasis on Success
The review of Attendance & Punctuality Policy in conjunction with the roll-out of the MIS,
VS Ware
The completion of the Colleges Guidance Plan.

Review of Management Team Meetings 2015-16

Care Meetings for each Year Group were held on a regular basis, allowing the team to focus on the
needs of each year group. Additional meetings were scheduled for the LC2 and Third Year Care
Teams in advance of their state examinations. The Care Meetings were complimented by a series of
Full Management Meetings throughout the year. Minutes of previous meetings were forwarded to
each member in advance.
The Care Meetings were attended by their respective Year Heads and her/his Assistants as well as
members of Guidance, Learning Support & Chaplaincy teams. The meetings focused on a number of
key issues in particular:

Pastoral Care
Individual students of particular concern
Intervention & supports
Academic progress and Tracking Process
Review & planning for key events
Success stories

The Management Team discussed/reviewed the following

Learning & Teaching Policy: The policy was further developed over the course of the
academic year. The teams focus was on embedding the policy and consideration was also
give to success criteria and through the instructional leadership programme the team
discussed and reviewed the introduction of Concept Attainment and Instructional
Guidance Plan: The team reviewed the Guidance Plan over the course of the academic year.
The team recognised the importance of a strategic approach to managing the care needs of
the students in our care.
Student Management Policies. A review of the Colleges student management policies was
conducted by the team over the course of the academic year:
o Attendance & Punctuality Policy
o Lunchtime Arrangement Policy
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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

o Student Behaviour Policy

o Suspension & Exclusion Policy
Data Protection & CCTV Policies were both discussed and reviewed and the implications
for members of the management team were considered.
Freedom of Information: The team received training on Freedom of Information and Data
Protection in relation to a school setting from Ms Sinead Byrne, Data Protection Adviser.
Further training was provided to members of the team following the introduction of the new
MIS, VS Ware.

Training of Assistant Principals: DDLETB provided an opportunity for two member of the team to
attend a series of workshops on middle management training. The two members attended four
sessions throughout the spring and autumn terms. The focus of the workshops was on capacity
building and communication skills and they were well received by the members. Further
opportunities for other members to attend similar training courses will be available in the
forthcoming academic year.

Management Team - Planning & Recommendations for 2016/17

The Senior Management is committed to the on-going review & enhancement of existing policies
and practices as part of the School Self Evaluation Programme:

As part of the Learning & Teaching Policy the team will focus on the Homework Policy.
This decision comes about as a result of the findings from the survey of second year students
and parents in April 2016.
The team have recognised the importance of developing a Dignity in the Workplace Policy
and have already invited staff to join this working group in the new academic year.
A review of the SPHE & RSE policies is required in the new academic year and these
reviews will take place in the context of the Colleges Guidance Plan.
A number of Policies will need to be reviewed in the coming year:
Critical Incident Policy
Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)
Critical Incident Policy
Substance abuse Policy
Critical Incident Policy


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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

~ Section 6 Parents Association ~

The Castleknock Community College Parents Association continues to be an active and vibrant
association. Throughout the school year monthly meetings are held, usually on the first Tuesday of
each month. These meetings are generally well attended and are a forum for discussion, of matters
relevant to the advancement of the well-being of the students of the College and the fostering of
good relations between parents, teachers, students and the school management.
The College Principal attends regularly and actively participates; his commitment to the Parents
Association is recognised and is greatly appreciated. Other members of school staff and management
are always welcome to attend our meetings and will do so as appropriate. This partnership approach
is vital to the effectiveness of the Parents Association and has enabled the PA to contribute towards
many aspects of College life in 2015-2016.

Parents once again arranged an informal social evening in April. It was well attended by parents and
was an enjoyable and entertaining evening. In addition a further social evening was hosted by Mr
Cronin at CCC in June to celebrate the success of the plant sale and as a gesture of appreciation to
all who contributed towards its success.

Communications & Representations

The Parents Association regards effective communication as a core function in its operation and
considers it essential that all parents, whether or not they are active in association affairs, are at all
times fully informed of our activities.
Our PA Database continues to grow and we are currently in contact with about 530 parents via
email, it is our aim to eventually capture contact details of all parents. To assist with this the College
has agreed to include with enrolment packs for parents of new first year students, a request from the
PA for parents to supply their email addresses. Our Newsletter which is published four times a year
is distributed via email and is also posted on the College website for parents who do not use email.
Notice of monthly meeting, details of other PA events and requests for assistance with College
activities are all sent via email. The PA also operates a Twitter account.
At the AGM, an election was held for a new male representative to the Board of Management of the
College. Mr Brian McCann was elected and we wish him every success on the Board.
Congratulations to Frank OHanlon on his appointment to the board of the Dublin and Dun Laoghaire
Education Training Board. Frank very kindly put his name forward for this role and replaces Joe
Pitcher as parent representative.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

The PA was invited by College management to deliver presentation to parents of prospective

students to inform them of the activities of the PA. Two such presentations were delivered and an
information desk was set up on each occasion.

Review of College Policies

This year the PA assisted in reviewing the following policy:
The Guidance Plan

Other PA Activities
Other areas where the PA was involved included
Parents continue to support the Learning Support Department by providing readers/scribes
for house exams.

School uniforms The used uniform sale is held on the Saturday after the State exams. All
items are donated by parents and the proceeds are donated to Pieta House. To assist parents
of first time students College management has also agreed to place a photo on the school
website illustrating the correct wearing of the school uniform for both junior and senior
students. In addition Grants uniform retailers set up a pop-up shop in the College, this was
designed to facilitate parents who wished to avoid travelling to their main shop in Manor
Street and was a great success with excellent feedback received from parents and from
Grants who reported that the shop had been consistently busy all during the time it was

Used School Book Sale For the first time this year, the PA with the assistance of the school
organised a used school book sale. This was held in tandem with the used uniform sale and
afforded parents and students the opportunity to sell their used text books. This appeared to
be a success and was well received. It is an initiative which is likely to be continued in the

Talks/Lectures The guest speaker at the Parents Associations AGM was Mr. Enda
Murphy co-author of the book Flagging the Screenager. Enda gave an informative talk on
parenting and mentoring teenagers and young adults in the digital age. There was also an
election for a male representative to the Board of Management at the College. See report
below for further details. The PA hosted a second talk in March entitled Social MediaChallenges for Parents by Dr. Sinad Devine at the College. Sinad spoke about Social Media
sites, Apps, Cyber-bullying and mobile phones. Sinads talk had a very unique Irish
perspective. This is because she generally speaks to student groups in schools before she
talks to the parent group in the evening. Sinad encouraged all parents to involve themselves
in the digital world that their children are part of. She suggested examples such as watching
an episode of MTVs Catfish program with your teen, as a starting point for a discussion or
debate on how your teen interacts in their digital world.

The PA provided assistance for extra-curricular school activities in sporting and other areas.

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

The PA continues to receive approaches from commercial concerns regarding their services. It
was agreed that parents would be made aware of all such approaches in the event that they
may be interested in the services on offer. This is done at monthly meetings and via regular
channels of communication. The policy of the PA is not to endorse any such products or

Finance The introduction of portable card payment terminals to facilitate debit/credit card
payment have enhanced sales at the Annual Plant Sale and has certainly benefitted from a
security perspective in reducing cash handling.

College Debs - The PA continues to assist the Debs committee in the organization of the

College Debs. Assistance is afforded in advice regarding venues. The PA also handles all the
arrangements regarding ticket sales and manages all the finances. Parents also assist with
ticket sales. This facility is now greatly enhanced by the use of mobile card payment
terminals which the PA has purchased and which facilitate payment by credit/debit card.

The Mock Interview Programme continued this year. This initiative has proven to be a
great success and has gone from strength to strength. A large number of parents volunteer
their experience and expertise and for the first time, this year formal feedback from students
was requested and analysed.

Annual Plant Sale - the Annual plant sale continues to be a major community event and a
very significant fund raiser for the school. The event could not take place without the
commitment, expertise and leadership of the plant sale committee and the PA is greatly
appreciative of their efforts. The mobile payment terminals previously referred to were of
great assistance at the sale and also contributed to the security of the event by reducing cash

Bag2School - The PA had teamed up with Bag2School to organise a collection of quality used
clothing, shoes, accessories and soft toys next month. The initiative proved to be very
successful Bag2school will donate an additional 10% of the value of our collection to the
Laura Lynn Childrens Hospice.

A theme for our activities in 2016-17 will be discussed at a PA meeting following our AGM on 17th

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

~ Section 7 Adult Education ~

Review of the academic year 2015/16

A total of 30 classes ran in the Autumn Term and 26 in the Spring Term. A total of 376
participants enrolled in the Colleges Night Class programme in the Autumn Term with 333
enrolling in Spring; a combined total of 709 participants for the academic year 2015/16. This
represents an increase of 12 participants or 1.7% in the numbers enrolled in the colleges Night
Class programme when compared to 2014/15.
A total of 4,888 enrolment hours were generated in the Autumn Term with 4,264 hours being
generated in the Spring Term. This resulted in a total of 9,152 enrolment hours for the academic
year 2014/15. This represents a decrease of 2.4% or 226 hours when compared to the enrolment
hours generated in 2014/15.
The Department is pleased to report that the colleges Night Class programme created
employment for 20 tutors in the Autumn Term and 17 tutors in the Spring Term.
Alongside this work, the Director of Adult Education publishes a Night Class brochure for both
the Autumn and Spring Terms and organises the printing and distribution of 11,000 brochures in
the local area each term. These brochures are also made available to download from the Adult
Education section of the colleges website. The Director is also responsible for the hosting of two
Enrolment Nights in the college each term. The Director is also responsible for updating the
colleges course listings in the Night Classes section of the Dublin & Dun Laoghaire E.T.B.
website as well as its annual composite brochure. According to the results of the Departments
electronic surveys, this online enrolment system now accounts for over 81.6% of enrolments in
the colleges Night Class programmes.
The Director also continues to offer and administer a postal enrolment facility each term and
continues to respond to a large number of phone calls and e-mails each term and throughout the
year. The Department makes extensive use of the computerised enrolment system to contact
participants by web text and e-mail to alert them of enrolment dates, upcoming courses and
other relevant information. As previously mentioned, the Department also continues to conduct
and review an electronic survey of the Adult Education programme offered by the college. This
survey is completed at the end of each term by participants enrolled in our Night Class
programme. The Director is also responsible for the setting-up of contracts and the monitoring of
payroll for Night Class tutors each term.
As stated in previous reports, when the enrolment hours for 2011-2012 fell below the threshold of
10,000 hours, the Director of Adult Education was no longer entitled to receive a four hour
reduction in his teaching timetable. Consequently, since 2013/14 the Director of Adult Education
has seen an increase in his teaching hours. Based on the enrolment hours generated in 2015/16,
this will continue to be the case for the academic year 2016/2017.
The removal of the reduction in teaching hours continues to add to the Director of Adult
Educations workload and threatens to compromise the Departments ability to maintain and

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

deliver a professional and effective service now and in the future. As stated in previous reports,
the Director of Adult Education shared these concerns with the Principal at his Review Meeting
held in June 2013 and also highlighted these issues to the C.E.O. of what was then County Dublin
V.E.C. at a meeting of Adult Education Directors and Co-ordinators held in Head Office on 24th
May 2012.

2015-16 Recommendations

The Department will endeavour to expand and enhance the range of classes currently on offer as
part of the Colleges Adult & Community Education programme.
The Department will continue to offer the best possible service and experience it can to those
who enrol in its classes; notwithstanding the concerns raised above .
The Department will continue its work of self-evaluation, through the use of electronic surveys,
to monitor and improve the service it provides to the local community and to those who engage
with its services.
The Department will continue to work with Senior Management to off-set the financial impacts
of the running of the Night Class programme on the wider school budget.

Review of 2015-16 Recommendations

Expand & Enhance the Range of Classes on Offer:

The Department is keen to continue to promote and expand the range of courses on offer in the
Colleges Adult Education programme. Examples of some of these new classes offered in 2015/16
DJing with X3 Academy, Eyebrow Threading, Origami Jewellery Making, Cloud Computing for
Small Businesses, Domestic Appliance Repair, Electric Music Production, Nutrition & Weight
Management, World Cinema Appreciation, The Creative Journey, Global Kitchen Cookery, The
Creative Entrepreneur, Short Film Production, Hairdressing Bootcamp, Microsoft Excel for
Beginners & Improvers.

The Work of Self-Evaluation & Engagement with Service Users:

In 2013/14 the Department piloted the use of electronic surveying to enhance its capacity for selfevaluation, through the use of Survey Monkey and Google Docs surveys. The Department
adopted this practice once again this year by using a Google Docs survey at the end of both the
Autumn and Spring Terms to elicit feedback from participants in the colleges Night Class
programme. A summary of the results of both these surveys is outlined in the following section of
the report.

Offering the Best Possible Service & Experience to those Enrolled in its Night Class

There were a total to 57 responses to the Autumn Term Survey. Of those who responded, 90.6%
rated the standard of service provided by the Department as being either excellent or very good.
A further 80.4% rated the range of courses available as being either excellent or very good with

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

85.4% rating the quality of teaching provided as being either excellent or very good. 76.3% of
respondents felt that the courses on offer represented either excellent or very good value for
money, with 79.3% classifying the college facilities as being either excellent or very good. Based
on their experience of the colleges Night Class programme, 85.5% of those surveyed said they
would recommend the colleges Night Class programme to a friend.
There were a total of 44 respondents to the Spring Term Survey. 84.1% of respondents rated the
standard of service provided by the Department as being either excellent or very good. 85.7%
rated the range of courses on offer as being either excellent or very good, with 84.1% stating that
the quality of teaching provided was either excellent or very good. 72.7% of those surveyed felt
that our courses represented either excellent or very good value for money, with a further 90.7%
ranking the facilities in the college as being either excellent, very good or good. Based on their
experience of the colleges Night Class programme, 86.4% of those surveyed said they would
recommend the colleges Night Class programme to a friend.

Working with Senior Management to Off-Set the Financial Impact of Running the Night Class

The Department is keenly aware of the costs incurred by the college in the running of the Night
Class programme and continued with the policy adopted in 2013/14 to restrict the number of
nights the college is used to host Night Classes to two nights per week, namely Monday and
Tuesday evenings.
As was the case in 2014/15, to further enhance these cost efficiencies, classes were confined to
one wing of the school building on Tuesday evenings. This meant that heating and lighting had
to be activated in the whole building on Monday evenings only. The Director of Adult Education
also actively engaged with the colleges maintenance staff to ensure that the colleges heating and
lighting systems were used only when appropriate and were deactivated when not needed,
especially in the final weeks of the Spring Term.

Adult Education Recommendations for 2016/17

The Department will endeavour to expand and enhance the range of classes currently on offer as
part of the Colleges Adult & Community Education programme.
The Department will continue its work of self-evaluation, through the use of electronic surveys,
to monitor and improve the service it provides to the local community and to those who engage
with its services.
The Department will continue to offer the best possible service and experience it can to those
who enrol in its classes.
The Department will continue to work with Senior Management to off-set the financial impacts
of the running of the Night Class programme on the wider school budget.


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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College


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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Policy Development


Document in

Ratified by BOM

Review Date

Admissions & Participation Policy


November 2011



November 2010

Attendance & Punctuality


May 2010

Child Protection


January 2012

January 2016

Dignity in the Workplace



March 2012

February 2018

Code of Behaviour & Code of

Guidance Plan

Suspensions & Exclusions


November 2011

May 2017
January 2018





Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)

Policy under review in line with new
Department Guidelines.
SPHE/Pastoral Care



November 2012



October 2013

March 2017



October 2014

March 2017


Relationships & Sexuality (RSE) /

Religious Education




Special Needs & Learning Support






Critical Incident


May 2013

November 2017


Substance Use


May 2012

November 2017


Learning & Teaching Policy


May 2015

On-going Reviews

CCTV & Data Protection


March 2015

March 2017




February 2016
February 2016
January 2018

Yes (ETBI)


May 2017

October 2012


May 2017

April 2018
May 2017

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Guidelines Development Checklist


Ratified by BOM


Document in

Staff Development

Tracking Students



Annual Review

VS Ware



Annual Review

Green Schools



Extracurricular Guidelines



Student Enrichment



Student Leadership



Annual Review

NQT / Mentoring



Annual Review

Allocation/admission of students to
Allocation of students to classes
(streaming/banding/mixed ability)
Curriculum or Programme Provision /
Subject Choice








Health, Safety & Welfare


Home-School/ Primary School Links

Annual Review

February 2012
(Subject to





Record Keeping




Curriculum Development



Review Date

January 2017
On-going Reviews

Annual Review

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Appendix 1
Sporting Moments in the Life of the College 2015 2016
September to December 2015
Sports Hour for all 1 st Year students runs for six weeks to encourage active participation in
physical activity for all our new students
Large cohort of students & staff take part in Simon Fun Run in Phoenix Park
Colours Afternoon/Sports Day for all 1 st Year students
Cadette & Senior Girls Basketball teams play host for the first time in the new Sports Hall to
Loreto Bray while we also host our first Cup game when U-16 Girls meet St. Pauls
U-19 Boys Basketball team meet St. Vincents in Dublin Plate Final
Success for CCC students in Liffey Descent, taking 1 st, 3rd & 4th places in Junior General
Purpose Class
U-16 Hurlers play Templeogue College in Dublin Quarter-Final
U-16 Girls Football team meet St. Josephs Lucan & Old Bawn in Leagues matches and
qualify for Quarter-Final against St. Vincents Dundalk
CCC brings home eight Gold Medals from Castleknock College Athletics meeting
Several League victories for Minor Camogie team as they qualify for Dublin knock-out rounds
January to March 2016
CCC Athletes compete in West Leinster Championships
In Cross Country twenty eight students qualify for Leinster Championships
1st & 2nd Year Boys Basketball teams reach Dublin League Quarter-Finals while our U15 Girls
travel to Monaghan Town to compete in the All Ireland Schools Cup Competition, playing
teams from Monaghan, Mullingar and Dublin
First Year Boys Basketball team are victorious in Dublin League Semi-Final.
Minor Camogie team in Dublin Quarter-Final for second consecutive year
Junior Hockey team victorious in North East League
March to June 2016

Success for Junior Rugby players as they win the Coolmine Cup
1st Year Boys Basketball team meet Ashbourne CS in Dublin Final
PE Department hosts a very successful Get Active Week
CCC student is crowned Leinster Orienteering Champion
Five CCC Teams finish in top three of their respective Medley races at West Leinster
Senior Cricket team record third consecutive win against Clongowes
U-14 Hurling team defeat Temple\aogue in Dublin Semi-Final
Camogie Minor team takes Dublin title for second consecutive year

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

Past & Present pupils take part in Basketball Exhibition match at which former pupil
Whitney Moia (currently playing in USA) makes a star appearance

Key Moments in the Life of the College 2015 - 2016.

September 2015
The Junior Cert class of 2015 receive JC results on Wednesday 9th September
Students/Classes involved in several educational trips including visit to National Ploughing
Championship for students of Agricultural Science, Ecology Trips for Junior students of
Science, visits to Art Exhibition in Botanic Gardens & Croke Park Museum as well as
Transition Year trip to Carlingford
Days of Reflection/Induction for LCA1 & LCA2 students & the students of LCA2 are
presented with their Session 2 results in the presence of their parents/guardians. Day of
Reflection/Retreat also held for TY students
Chaplaincy team hosts Friendship Days for First Year students who are also involved in
series of hikes to Glendalough
Adult Education classes commence
Information Evenings are held for parents/guardians of LC2/LCA2 & Third Year students
Parents Association hosts its AGM
Student Council Elections are held for the positions of Class Captain & Vice Captain
CCC students participate in Belvedere & Colaiste na hInse Junior Mace Debating
Competitions, taking home Best Speaker prize from Belvedere
October 2015

LC2 Theatre Trip to King Lear at Helix

College hosts Mental Well-Being week
Non-Uniform Day fundraising for Irish Cancer Society & Crosscare
Remembrance Ceremony for deceased members & friends of the College held at Rainbow
Information Evening for parents/guardians of TY students
Third Year Parent/Teacher Meetings
Information Afternoons hosted for parents/guardians of 1 st Year students
Super Generation deliver Study Skill workshops for Third Year students
TY students fundraise for Temple Street Hospital
First Year Inter-Faith Celebration
Day of Retreat/Reflection for LC2 students
Exhibition of students work hosted by Art & DMT Departments
The French Department hosts its annual Petit Djeuner Franais in conjunction with
"Cheerios Breakfast Together Week" in aid of Childline
Maths Department hosts College Maths Week to promote numeracy

Parents Association host Mock Interviews for Senior students

LCA students on work experience for two weeks

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

November 2015
College hosts its Annual Awards Evening celebrating students success in State
Examinations and in Sport & Cultural events both in the College & the wider community
Past & Present students perform at Draocht Concerts to mark Colleges 20 th Anniversary
Science Department hosts another successful Science Week
CCC speakers qualify for Loreto Mace Grand Final & win Best Speaker prize
Auditions are held for Starsearch, the Colleges annual Talent Concert
Two week work experience for all TY students
LC2/LCA2 Parent Teacher Meetings
Class of 2016 officially enrols
December 2015

Annual Ecumenical Carol Service

House Examinations are held for all Year Groups
End of Term Merit Award Ceremonies hosted by Year Heads
CCC speakers qualify for Wesley Mace Grand Final & win Best Speaker prize
Visiting French Theatre performs for Junior & Senior students
Presentation of Silver Gaisce Awards to Senior students at ceremony in Helix
TY students involved in Giving Tree Appeal at Blanchardstown Centre

January 2016

Official Opening of New Sports Hall

Senior students enjoy Spanish Day Out
LC1/LCA1 & Second Year Parent/Teacher Meetings
Music Department hosts African Drumming Workshop
Senior students of Chemistry & Physics attend workshops at NUI Maynooth

February 2016

Mock Examinations for LC2/LCA2 & Third Year students

Assessment for First Years 2016
Second & First Year Parent/Teacher Meeting
Work Experience for LCA students following their Task Inteviews
Annual Starsearch Concerts
First Year student qualifies for Doodle for Google Art Competition Final
Senior speakers win Phoenix FM Radio Political Debate
Junior speakers participate in Matheson Junior Mace Leinster Final with CCC speaker
taking Leinster title
Positive Points Initiative commences for 2nd Year students

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School Report 2015-16 Castleknock Community College

March 2016
College Choir and individual musicians perform at DDLETB Festival of Music in National
Concert Hall
Senior students of History visit city of Derry
TY students annual excursion to Donegal
First Year Parent/Teacher Meetings
College Debating Society hosts National Final of Matheson Junior Mace with CCC speaker
taking national title for second consecutive year
Senior students of Music perform for family & friends
Irish Department hosts Seachtain na Gaeilge
Staff & students host Open Afternoon for prospective students
April 2016

PE Department organises Get Active Initiative

Annual Student Council Seminar at Westmanstown
TY trip to Burren
Internet Safety Week to promote on-line safety awareness
Junior speakers compete in UCD Leinster Schools Debating Final
College speakers win both Team & Individual titles at Aoife Begley Grand Final in NUI
LCA Student Exhibition in DDLETB Head Office
LCA students receive Session Results
SEC Practical & Oral Exams
May 2016

Parents Association hosts annual Plant Sale

SEC Practical & LCA Examinations continue
House Examinations
Year Heads host end of year Award Ceremonies, attended by parents/guardians
LC2 Graduation hosted in new Sports Hall on Wednesday 25th May.
Transition Year End of Year Ceremony takes place on Monday 30 th May


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