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Castleknock Atrium May 2012

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Castleknock Community College

Success through Enlightenment

Educational Aims

To enable and encourage the full growth and development of each student intellectually, creatively, physically, morally and socially. To create a caring, safe and supportive environment in which each student will have the opportunity to fully develop her/his aptitudes and talents. To promote gender equity, self-awareness and responsible attitudes in personal relationships, while encouraging dignity and respect in all our endeavours. To foster consultation and the involvement of parents in the development of school policies, and its social and recreational activities. To engender feelings of self-esteem and the creation of sensitive, caring and politically aware members of society. To create opportunities for parents and other adults to further their academic or social education by the provision of a community education programme. To aspire towards excellence in all areas of work and involvement, thus promoting an image and a reputation for our college, which will command the respect and the pride of the community. To be true to our motto Mol an Oige and Tiocfaidh Si and thus instil a feeling of self-esteem within all students. To provide a pastoral care programme that is central to the life of the college. To provide for the cultural and aesthetic needs of the community through the arts.
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Message from College Principal John Cronin

A Chara,

an-thas orm deis a bheith agam ars chun labhairt libh san eagrn seo. Tim an-bhrdil as ucht na hoibre iontach at ar sil i gColiste Pobail Caislen Cnucha. Is mr an sls cro dom fachaint ar an acht oibre a chuireann an fhoireann minteoireachta, dalta agus tuismitheoir uilig isteach l i ndiaidh lae. Is dar mrtais dom chomh maith agus a ironn le dalta an Choliste go hacadil, in imeachta eischuraclaim agus go sisialta. Nuair a bhreathnaonn t ar an leabhrn seo, t m cinnte go rachaidh an mid imeachta at ar fil anseo go mr i bhfeidhm ort. In this edition of Atrium we hope we have captured the many aspects of life at Castleknock Community. Over the last year the students of the College have once again excelled not just academically but in a host of extracurricular activities that are offered in the College. Our College remains an exciting and dynamic institution. Our involvement in the 100MB IT initiative has allowed the College become a centre of IT excellence. In recent months we have linked in with ICS to develop an exciting and dynamic Learning Platform for our students. We are committed to on-going curriculum development and the College has been selected by the NCCA as one of forty schools nationwide to be a part of the new Junior Cycle Network. This will enable the staff to share best practice with other schools as we prepare for the roll out of the New Junior Cycle in 2014. Despite the difficult times that we are all contending with it is heartening to see so many positive projects and programmes in place at CCC. The many student leadership programmes have allowed our students to lead by example and there is no doubt that their example offers great hope for the future. It is a great honour to be working in Castleknock C.C. and I am grateful to the involvement and support I receive from so many people, staff, parents and students. Mar ata raite cheana fein Ni neart go chur le cheile and so on behalf of the Board of Management, may I again express our continued commitment to supporting a culture of learning and maintaining the highest standards in educational excellence.

John Cronin Principal

Guidance & Counselling Service

he Guidance & Counselling Department while working to the schools mission statement, has a remit to help students make informed personal, educational and career decisions, set realistic personal and career goals and develop the skills necessary to accomplish these goals. The service also offers students support in coping with personal problems or academic concerns. The Guidance & Counselling department provide an open door policy to students, teachers and parents. All students are informed of the services provided at the beginning of each term and are encouraged to use the service. They can request an appointment by filling out an appointment card. Referrals are also made from teachers or parents on behalf of the student. The department has a fully resourced careers and information library with internet access. This is open to all students on Monday & Tuesday at lunchtime. During the 2011 / 2012 school year the department provided or participated in the provision of the following services and events: Information evenings Access to colleges including those in UK CAO and UCAS applications Presentations from colleges including DCU, NUI Maynooth, DIT, IT Blanchardstown Facilitated attendance at College Open Days Post-Leaving Certificate courses and FETAC links Financial supports i.e. grants and scholarships available Study & Organisational Skills Stress & Time Management Skills Dats tests and Career Interest Tests Subject choice Primary School visits Curriculum Vitae and Interview Preparation Referrals to outside agencies e.g. clinical psychologists, Teen Between Teen Counselling, Pieta House, Students also accessed personal counselling on a wide range of issues.

Chaplaincy in CCC
Can we, I had this idea,I want to talk to you
are among the opening lines as people arrive at the Chaplaincy. Prayer, meditation, retreats and Christmas Carol Service are some of the activities students have been part of during the year. The Inter Faith Celebration and Friendship Days are key moments in the life of First Years as they build new friendships and find their feet in a new environment. Being able to support members of the college community and their families in times of stress, bereavement and loss is a central part of the work of chaplaincy while a Rainbows group offered peer support to students. In addition, this year has seen the development of the Garden of Remembrance. Planning, measuring and digging have been activities staff, students, parents and past pupils have been involved in over the past months. This is really a community effort and we eagerly await its completion in the next few weeks. Our hope is that it will be a reflective, prayerful and creative space for all.

Remembrance Garden

he parents, staff and students have come together to develop the idea of a Remembrance Garden in the college. At the moment it consists of a stone with the inscription in the rising of the sun and its going down. we remember them. We are in the process of developing seating and a sensory garden to complete this space. We, the students, were very keen to have a remembrance garden in the school to celebrate and remember the lives of those who have passed away while part of our community here in CCC. We want this to be an inspiring, peaceful and reflective space that students and staff can use. Our hope is that this space will be a comfortable and friendly environment. Our ambition is that students will be encouraged by the beautiful surroundings and scents of the garden to spend their free time there. We would like this space to fuel creativity within the college. Using the skills of all in CCC, the construction of the seating will begin next week.



History Department

e, in the history department of Castleknock Community College, aim to broaden the horizons and understanding of the world and share that understanding with our students. Through research, study and discussion to enhance and advance the study of history. We have always, through teaching and learning, to help our students understand the world around them through the study of the past. Our study of the past is the study of lives and history of civilisation and shows our students their place within the tapestry of human history. We use the prescribed curriculum to teach our students the entire range of human history. We use all resources at our disposal to give all our students a rounded and full education in the philosophical and historical debates.This, it is hoped, will help our students perform more effectively in their school lives and the department encourages our cross curricular links with other departments such as Art, Geography, Science and English. s part of our efforts to bring History to life, the entire First-Year group of classes travelled to the National Heritage Centre, Ferrycarrig Wexford.Students were encouraged to explore the replica dwellings from Mesolithic and Neolithic times, and were given opportunities to experience life as it was lived in 1000AD. All students received workbooks to help them revise their studies and to remember their time in the centre. It is hoped that other students from Castleknock Community College will visit the centre in the coming years.

he college was very pleased to welcome Mr. Michael Laffan, as a guest speaker, in October when he addressed Senior History Students with a discussion regarding the Treaty and Civil-War. Pictured above: Sheila Cotter (Castleknock CC), Michael Laffan (UCD), Michael Stanley (Castleknock CC).

Technology Trip

C1 Senior Technology students together with Fiona Byrne and Donal Ryan visited the newly opened Bord Gais Network site. After an introductory careers talk students toured the sustainable facility which includes a rainwater harvesting system, radiant heating panels and a range of energy conservation devices. Students then had the opportunity to see the national training center and the control room. After winning a competition during Engineers week Castleknock Community College were the first school to visit this site and our thanks to Bord Gais for this opportunity.


ur annual Awards Evening last November was another wonderful opportunity for the College to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of our pupils. The Colleges Gold Medals for Academic Excellence were presented to Hayley Carr, Niamh Kiernan & Rachel Murray (Junior Certificate 2011) and to Christine King (Leaving Certificate 2011). Leaving Certificate Applied graduates, Gerde Anilionyte, Cathal Crossan, Wesley Dillon & Sen Hanney were acknowledged for achieving a Distinction in the 2011 examinations while as part of a new initiative in the College, FETAC Level 2 Awards were made to Jack Conneely, John Feighery, Liam Holmes & Slaine Sheils. Presentations were also made for achievement in individual subjects at the State Examinations. The College also paid tribute to the Sporting, Artistic & Cultural achievements of its pupils in the wider community. Special Guest of Honour on the night was past-pupil & Dublin Champion Footballer Ross McConnell who accepted a cheque on behalf of Cystic Fibrosis Ireland, while this year the Colleges very own Spirit of the Community Award was presented to Pieta House CEO Joan Freeman in recognition of that organisations on-going commitment to young people in crisis. In his address, College Principal John Cronin spoke of the strong links that the College had established with the Dublin 15 community and how staff were committed to working with parents and guardians to ensure that each individual student had every opportunity to reach her/his full potential while a member of the College community.

s part of our Colleges Transition Year Programme, students are required to keep a portfolio of their work. The work in the portfolio represents all subjects and activities during the year and is compiled throughout the year on a regular basis. Our Transition Year students have had a very busy year with keeping their portfolios up to date! We began with a trip to the Carlingford Adventure Centre in order for the year group to get to know one another. Our students built a strong bond amongst themselves through experiencing group activities in a fun yet challenging environment. Other highlights were fundraising for the Central Remedial Clinic,Temple Street Childrens Hospital, the Dublin 15 Hospice, Muscular Dystrophy Ireland and The Special Olympics Association. All of our Transition Year students attended The Helix for a Road-Safe Road Show, which focused upon those about to commence their driving career towards adopting a more responsible attitude towards safe driving behaviour. Our students also participated in many exciting workshops. Included among these were a number of short story and poetry writing workshops, Show Racism The Red Card, and personal development workshops. Our students also gave of their time to help with the annual Christmas Giving Tree Appeal in conjunction with the Society of St. Vincent De Paul and Fr. Dan Joe OMahony. A number of our Transition Year students also became involved in the organisation of a very successful Primary Schools Gaelic League with a number of our local primary schools. This helped our students to develop fundamental leadership, organisational and communication skills. Following on from this, our students studied for a GAA Foundation Level Coaching Course which soon found our TY students organising a number of afterschool programmes with our local primary schools. Interested students attended a film making and broadcasting course with Gael Linn which was conducted as Gaeilge. Over the year our TY students have also helped with our Colleges after school homework club where they are available to help with any questions that our First Year students may have. In addition,, our students were afforded the opportunity to attend the DCU TY Computer Programme which found our students learning about computer programming and giving them important ICT skills for the future. Likewise, as part of a new initiative, in association with our Parents Association, a number of our TY students were be involved in teaching IT skills to a number of the parents of our student body. We commend our students for their commitment that they continually show towards the Transition Year Programme.

Transition Year (TY)

Leaving Certificate Applied Display

ounty Dublin Vocational Education Committee hosted an L.C.A. event at its Head Office in Tallaght on Tuesday 13th March 2012. The purpose of this event was to showcase the work of L.C.A. students and to promote the programme among other V.E.C. schools. The students from Castleknock Community College put on a (L to R): Marcus McKeogh, display of their Task Booklets from Laura Bhasker, Lauren McEnroe, both Session 1 and Session 3 of the Caoimhe Rodgers programme. The work on display included: Practical Achievement Task (Indian Cookery course Caoimhe Rodgers) Vocational Preparation Task (A Career Investigation Laura Bhasker) Contemporary Issues Task (An Investigation into Drug Abuse Lauren McEnroe) Vocational Education Task (Manual on how to use Microsoft Paint Marcus McKeogh). We were very proud to be given the opportunity to showcase the excellent work of our students. The art work provided by Bridget Bennett greatly enhanced the Task booklets that were displayed. The students were presented with a Certificate which will be displayed in the main foyer of the college. The display was also showcased to the Chairperson of our Board of Management, Ms. Rose Callan and to our current L.C.A.Year 1 students. As co-ordinator of the programme, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the students on their participation in this event.

FETAC Independent Living Skills Award

n November 2011, a group of our past pupils, their families, assistants and teachers, attended the presentation of FETAC (Level 2) awards in Co Dublin VEC Head Office. The awards were presented by Ms. Deirdre Keyes, Education Officer of Co Dublin VEC. The students were congratulated by Mr Cronin who commended them on their achievements and on the positive way they participated in school life. He noted how this group of students were great role models for their peers and commented specifically on hearing Jack and John address a gathering of seventy students. Four students, Jack Conneely, John Feighery, Liam Holmes and Sline Sheils from Castleknock Community College completed the Independent Living Skills award over a two-year period. There were six modules; literacy, numeracy, personal safety, healthy eating, listening skills and personal care. Ms. OHiggins of the Learning Support Department was involved in writing the modules and assessment brief, in conjunction with our sister schools in Co Dublin VEC. Previously our students had completed the ASDAN awards of Transition Challenge and Towards Independence. Liam and Sline are now studying with the National Learning Network in Swords, while Jack and John are completing the Pathways programme with the Daughters of Charity in Coolmine. Pictured at the awards ceremony are Jack Conneely, Liam Holmes and John Feighery

Student Enrichment Programme

his programme aims to provide opportunities for students beyond the curriculum. Many of our First Year students have taken part in the C.T.Y.I. Talent Search which is based in Dublin City University. Some of these have participated in the summer programme which is on offer there. As an alternative to this, students have taken part in correspondence courses which can be organised in their own time. There are two courses Creative Writing and Mathematics. A certificate is awarded on completion. In the past, the Student Enrichment Programme has organised participation in competitions and opportunities in Music, Sport and trips to local Universities such as N.U.I.M.

Debating in CCC

C1 student,Aodhn Peelo was one of five students from Ireland who travelled to South Africa in January 2012 to represent Ireland in the World Schools Debating Championship Finals. This was Aodhns second occasion debating at the World Finals as he was also part of the team that reached the Semi-Finals of the 2011 Championship in Dundee last August. Team Ireland reached the QuarterFinals in Cape Town. Aodhn is just one of many CCC students who is involved in debating.The College has a very committed society that meets weekly and all students are welcome. Each year the society hosts its own Mace competition. In recent years College students have enjoyed outstanding success in a number of prestigious competitionsJunior Debating Championship Winners in- 2005,2007,2010 & 2011 Junior National Best Speaker Award in 2005 Leinster Senior Championship Winners & National Runners-Up in 2006 Leinster Senior Finalists in 2010, 2011 & 2012 National Senior Championship Winners in 2010 College students have also spoken at other international events in Oxford & Glasgow. Aoife Begley Senior Debating Champions 2012- Aodhan Peelo & Ciara Gorman Matheson Ormsby Prentice National Junior Mace Champion 2012 - Sean McGuane Junior Schools Debating Champions 2012 Chris McMahon & Aisling Tully Aodhan Peelo & Ciara Gorman Aoife Begley Senior Champions 2012 Sean McGuane National Junior Mace Debating Champion 2012

Top Left: Aisling Tully & Rebecca Armstrong. Finalists at the ICYD Oxford May 2012 Top Right: Aisling Tully & Chris McMahon. Junior Schools Finalists 2012 Ailbhe Kelly & Karl Rochfort Junior Schools Finalists 2012


he Music Department have had another busy year Inter-faith Celebration This is an annual event where we welcome our first year students to the College. This year again, we were delighted to work with the Castleknock School of Music to award a scholarship to Cara ODoherty. She is currently taking classes in voice and is enjoying the experience. In October, we were delighted to welcome the Piano Duo, Tamara Prokopovich and Natalija Blauberg from Lituania to the college to perform a wonderful musical programme. It was a privilege to have such a professional performance to inspire our music students. Christmas Carol Service The College Choir and the Chamber Choir performed a selection of Christmas Carols. This event was attended by members of the student body, staff, parents and friends of the College. This years LCA students, Rang Mochta once again did themselves proud when they hosted their annual LCA Concert in December. Students from all year groups performed and the money raised from the event was donated to St.Vincents Ard Cuain Respite Centre.

Drumming Workshop Our first year and transition year students and the Leaving Certificate 1 Applied Class took part in a drumming workshop in February. This was a very enjoyable workshop where the students participated in various rhythm exercises and were introduced to the different drums and their cultural background. They performed a complete piece of African origin. The choir took part in the annual VEC Festival of Music in the National Concert Hall in March. Ellen Corby, David Malone, Joseph Gregory, Ciara Keegan, Molly Murphy-OKane and Oisin Murphy-OKane were involved in solo and group performances on the night. Performances were of a very high standard and they were wonderful ambassadors for the College. President Michael D.Higgins attended this concert and has invited Joseph Gregory and Ciara Keegan to perform at a garden party in ras an Uachtarin in July. We were delighted to host our annual Leaving Cert Musical Evening in the Kevin Barry Room in the National Concert Hall. The students each performed a selection of the pieces they presented for their Leaving Cert practical for family, friends and staff. It was a wonderful night of entertainment. In April, we welcomed a new and up-coming group, The Empire Lights to our college. They performed a selection of their songs, including their debut single Momentum. They spoke to the students about their musical journey and their experience of the music industry. Our LC2 students are currently preparing the music for their graduation ceremony in May. We wish them all the best!

Traditional Music Group

he goals of this group are to promote the enjoyment of Irish Traditional Music among students and to make a musical contribution both internally here in the College and externally in our locality. In the past number of years, we have played at the National Ploughing Championships in Athy and at the Curragh races. This year we have performed at the Graduation of Nurses in Connolly Hospital and at a Hospice Fundraiser in Castleknock Hotel and Country Club.We were delighted to be asked to play at the L.C.A. concert and for Grandparents and students on Grandparents Day.


onor Barron started out in first year of CCC showing a flare for the arts and pursued his studies with great motivation and determination, demonstrating outstanding creativity and talent. He was rewarded for his efforts with receiving the Art Award at the end of his first year in CCC. Conors sense of focus and drive has continued into his second year of the junior Certificate course and in the first term Conor received the accolade of coming second in the Walkers Global Art Competition. Conor entered a very accomplished composition of Dublin City entitled The Golden Age of Dublin and it was very well received by the Walkers Solicitor firm and Guest Judge Artist Rasher. Conor received his prize at an awards ceremony in the IFSC, where he met renowned artist Rasher and got to see the other contending pieces of art that were on display from schools around Dublin. Conor was also recently placed 5th in a national competition called Toyota Dream Car Art Contest. This student is showing great dedication towards the arts and is reaping outstanding acknowledgement for his efforts. The Art Department of CCC would like to extend their congratulations to Conor for achieving such admirable accolades and for encouraging and inspiring his fellow classmates to set goals of their own. Conor and Mark Kavanagh aka Rasher


Induction into Sports for 1st years

st years enjoyed the usual sporting welcome from our dedicated team of Sports Prefects when they arrived in September. As well as organising Sportshour on Wednesdays after school with sports like rugby, cricket, rounders, gaelic, soccer and basketball on offer. The highlight of the Sportshour was when Ross McConnell and Barry Cahill visited the first years with the Sam Maguire. Our prefects also coached and refereed during the Inter Class Leagues which were run on Mondays at lunch time during the first term. They also ensured that every class bonded and nurtured a great spirit in each of the 1st year classes by organising the Annual Colours Sportsday on Tir na nOg. This spirit has grown and grown and 1st years have thrown themselves into every sporting opportunity since then. These include Camogie, Gaelic, Cross-Country, Track and Field, Hockey, Basketball, Orienteering, Show Jumping, Hurling, Rugby, Badminton, Circuit training, Aerobics and Dance. We are very grateful for the help and support of parents who assist at matches, and other sporting events and we look forward to co-operating with parents on other ventures in the future.

Cross Country and Athletics

ross-Country continues to grow from strength to strength in the college and the links we have forged with Donore Harriers, Chapelizod, one of our local Athletics clubs has been of mutual benefit in encouraging and supporting our students. At the west Leinsters in Feburary our athletes recorded the best successes to date in the competition. 1st year boys won the team event, Osgur Murphy O`Kane finishing impressive style in 1st place. Intermediate girls finished in 2nd place while Intermediate boys took the bronze in the team event. Our Senior girls were just pipped for 3rd place but recorded a fine victory in the Confined

Schools in March, Sinead Commerford and Brian OMalley finished in 1st place. Saibh Healy and Ryan McCann took bronze. Between both competitions a total of 56 students represented their school. All athletes went on to compete in the Leinsters finals in Santry and acquitted themselves very well. With the Track and Field West Leinsters Schools competitions still to come as this report goes to print, we look forward with great anticipation to some of our experienced athletes like Emily Geoghan, Saibh Healy, Sinead Commerford, Brian OMalley and Ryan McCann recording excellent results in Santry in May.forward to co-operating with parents on other ventures in the future.


his is the fourth year that C.C.C has competed in the Leinster Schools League and the Leinster Schools Championship. It is a hugely popular sport among our students and all love the combination of map reading, physical exercise and of course the time challenge.Any number between 50 and 80 students at a time competed in events held in such idyllic locations as Malahide Castle , Cabinteely Park , St Annes Park , Raheny, Santry Demense Corcagh Park and Bushy Park Terenure .This year our L.C.A 1 class Rang Mochta took part in all the events as part of their Leisure and Recreation studies. They competed very well in all events, learned a lot and enjoyed the experience. To try and offer Orienteering to as many students as possible, we offer places to a different set of students at each event. However, a group of extremely interested and talented students has emerged in the school and they have experienced great success over the year.This year best results were; Jessica Agnoli 1st place Leinster Championship, 2nd Leinster League Katie Brown 1st Leinster League, 2nd Leinster Championship

Christina Asaulenco Luke Kearney

3rd place Leinster League 2nd place Boys Leinster League. Team was placed in 2nd place.

1st Alan Johnson 2nd David Costello 4th Sean O Malley in the Transition Year Boys. Ciara Wylie and Gwen Perry came 2nd place in the Transition Year girls. 2nd\3rd year boys were placed 1st in the Leinster League. Simon Bangu was the best placed in the LCA boys. Jessica McDonnell and Yasmin Barr were the best placed in the LCA girls. 2nd/3rd year girls also finished 1st in the Leinster League.

Girls Hockey

Back Row L-R: Sarah Smith, Ciara Olden, Kate Finnan, ELAINE King, Jessica Knox, Ellen Farrell, Amy Jordan, Sarah McIntosh, Amy Kelleher, Alannah McEnroe, Laoise Ni Fhlannagain, Front Row L-R: Eimear Lyons, Aine Gahan, Marianne Power, Orla Cooney, Rachel Meehan, Charlotte Cautley, Caoimhe Sherlock, Niamh Cooney. s you may know, this year marks the first year of hockey in Castleknock Community College. Training started in September every Thursday evening after school for 1st and 2nd girls. Unfortunately we only had enough players to field a 1st year team. During our first season we reached the semi-final having played and beaten St. Dominicans (7-0), Kings Hospital (6-0) and Trinity

Comprehensive Ballymun (2-0). They have all been great sports. Unfortunately the fairy tale ending was not to be and we were beaten in a very tight game against Manor House (1-0). However there is always next year. We would like to give a huge thank you to Mr Fleming, our coach Lizzie Colvin (Ireland International), David Nugent (Hockey Dave) and St Brendans Hockey Club, Ms Sheridan, Mr Troy, all bus drivers and all parents involved especially Aisling Olden and Louise Knox for their valued support and assistance.

Girls Basketball
he Girls Basketball Teams of Castleknock Community College compete in The Dublin Secondary School League. The year begins with our Senior (Under 19) Team and our Cadette (Under 16) Team. These teams train and compete from September-December. If a team succeeds in the Dublin playoffs they progress into the All-Ireland Tournament. The same format takes place for our First Year and Second Year teams.These teams compete from January-March and then progress if they are successful in the Dublin playoffs. This years Senior Team fought hard and just missed out on the playoffs by 1 game while the Cadettes won the league format and finished second in the Dublin playoff tournament. As a result, they progressed to The All-Ireland quarter final pool in Cork. Here they met the eventual All-Ireland Championship team in Christ The King, Cork and lost a hard fought game. The girls showed great improvement throughout the season and Coach Ron Antoniotti as well as the players look forward to next year. This years Second Year Team, like our Seniors, missed out on the playoffs by just 1 game. They showed great improvement during the season and are a team of great promise. The First Year Team finished in third place in the league and progressed to the Dublin Playoffs. Here they lost to an excellent team from Holy Family, Newbridge.This team of First Years demonstrated excellent enthusiasm and desire to improve during the season and Coach Fiona Clancy has great hope for the future of this team as well as our Second Year Team.


his year our equestrian team is up and running again. Our Chef dEquipe was Louise Knox, a parent of one of the girls. The interschool league ran from November to February in Killossery Lodge Shed, Rolestown, Swords, Co. Dublin. It was a showjumping league. We were very lucky to have four experienced girls; Jessica Knox, Rebecca Stephens, Fiona McKiernan, and Katie

Walton competing for the school. In the team event we placed 6th, 5th, and on our very last week we got a very good result of 2nd place. We were delighted. In the individual competitions the girls also placed 6th, 5th, 5th, 4th, and 3rd.They were delighted for themselves. We would like to thank everyone who took part and the hard work that went in to it. We looked great in our white saddle cloths with Castleknock Community College embroidered on the side, white riding breeches, and our school jumper. Of course, the ponies were also clean. It was great fun! Written by Jessica Knox, Rang Broighter, 1st Year.


his is the first year CCC has entered competition with Dublin Colleges Camogie. Our Minor team have reached the semi-final stages of the Minor C competition and will play St. Michaels in the semi-final on 27th April. En route we beat Holy Faith, Clontarf and got a walkover from Loreto Balbriggan. Our First Year team retained the Anthony Talbot Memorial trophy by defeating Setanta. At Senior level we have had two challenge matches in preparation for next season. In September 2012 we hope to compete at minor and senior level. We wish to thank Castleknock GAA club for the use of their facilities for training and home matches. We are also indebted to Helen Cosgrove and Paul O Brien who kindly shared their training skills with us.

Special Events

-Ms V. Stokes ongratulations to all involved in this years Starsearch Talent Competition which was produced and hosted by a team of dedicated transition year students at the end of January. Each year, TY students who elect to become involved in this annual event, do so as part of the Community Involvement aspect of the Bronze Gaisce Award. Under the tutelage of Ms Stokes and Ms Murphy, this years team attended weekly production meetings which began in September, ran auditions and chose finalists for the show itself...never an easy task with such fine CCC talent to choose from! They also worked exceptionally hard to produce what year on year, proves to be a sell out event and highlight of the school calendar for TYs and the student body alike. LC2 students Ellen Corby and David Malone, who raised the roof on both nights of the show succeeded in winning Starsearch 2012 with their fantastic rendition of Rattlin Bones. Ellen Murphy, also in LC2, came second with her version of Candy and in third place we had a band consisting of TY and LC1 students Abdullah Albayyari, Laura Bradshaw, Dylan Lynch, Artur Stark and Shane Wright, with their cover of My Heart. We were also delighted to welcome back winners of Starsearch 2011, past pupils Deirdre McGuane and Kevin Thomson. These students, along with David Malone, very generously offered to guest-act on both nights of the show and went down a treat with the audience, as they performed a few hits which kept us all entertained while the judges made their deliberations! Each year, we greatly appreciate the huge generosity shown by so many staff who supervise on both nights of this hugely popular event. The proceeds of Starsearch 2012 went to two very worthy causes, the local Laura Lynn Foundation and the Little Lambs School in Chennai, India. As always, we encourage students from first year right up to LC2 to audition for the show, so if you think youve got what it takes to entertain the masses next year, go for it!...See you at Starsearch 2013!


Seachtain na Gaeilge 2012

eachtain na Gaeilge was celebrated this year with lots of energy, spirit and affection for the Irish language. A wide range of fun-filled activities was organised by our senior students and it was wonderful to see the energy and enthusiasm of all those who took part. Is le rimse mr imeachta a ceiliradh Seachtain na Gaeilge sa scoil i mbliana. Dalta sinsireacha, dalta n gcigi bliain a bhformhr, a deagraigh na himeachta ar fad agus bh dea-thoradh ar a ndograis. Chonacthas gr na ndalta dr dteanga dhchais, agus neart fuinnimh agus spraoi agus iad i mbun na n-imeachta. Comrtas na dTicad gave every student a chance at winning a prize for speaking Irish outside of the classroom. Senior students distributed raffle tickets to those who spoke to them as Gaeilge. Mr Cronin drew the winning tickets out of our Hata Glas and many efforts were rewarded with great prizes. Deagraigh dalta sinsearacha Cluich Peile n Peil Ghaelach do na ranganna cad bliana agus bh siad ina riteoir ar na cluich chomh maith. The First Year students made a big effort to participate in the matches agus iad ag labhairt as Gaeilge and surprised their teachers with their skills - both linguistic and athletic! Leaving Certificate 1 students organized a Trth na gCeist (Treasure Hunt) for Second Year students. This proved to be a very popular event and keen rivalry was evident as students followed clues anxious to record the fastest time. L Glas agus Oriste was held as a charity fundraiser midway through the week. In keeping with the festivities of L le Pdraig chaith na dalta ada glasa, bna agus oriste agus tugadh an t- airgead don Dublin Zoo Trust. This activity was held in conjunction with C.S.P.E. action projects on Animal Rights. Comrtas na bPstaer was organized for First Year students and involved designing a poster as Gaeilge. Chuir a ln dalta isteach ar an gcomrtas seo agus roghnaigh na minteoir Ealane an buaiteoir. Mr Cronin presented the winner Heather Smith with a perpetual plaque. Comhghairdeas li! Ar an l deireanach, D hAoine, cuireadh Ceolchoirm ar sil ag am lin. Ghlac an-chuid ceolir pirt, ag canadh amhrn as Gaeilge agus

ag seinm ar a gcuid uilis. Baineadh sult agus spraoi as an cid. Lots of talented performers in our school participated in our Seachtain na Gaeilge Concert at lunchtime. Students performed ballads and popsongs as Gaeilge to an appreciative audience. Mle buochas leis na dalta a deagraigh Seachtain na Gaeilge agus leo sid a chuir a gcrothe isteach sna himeachta. Is lir go bhfuil r dteanga beo beathaoch! Congratulations and thanks to all those who organized and participated in Seachtain na Gaeilge this year!

French Department

ette anne encore, nous avons eu le plaisir de recevoir la troupe de thtre French Theatre For Schools en janvier dernier pour deux reprsentations, une pour les lves du cycle collge Le Porte-Bonheur et lautre pour ceux du cycle lyce Le Paysan Mdecin . Certains tudiants ont mme particip aux pices. Flicitations nos acteurs et actrices en herbe! (Photos; Le Paysan Mdecin : Hakim Mansouri, Abdullah AlBayyari, Rory OConnell, Ffion Kelly-Rees, Zakaria Benrabah et Julianne Keely). Le Dpartement de Franais (V.Tison) Last January we had the pleasure of welcoming the theatre company French Theatre For Schools to our school for two shows, one show for the junior cycle Le Porte-Bonheur (the Lucky Charm) and the other for the senior cycle Le Paysan Mdecin (The Country Quack). Some students even took part in the plays. Congratulations to our budding actors and actresses!

LC1 Retreat September 2011

By Daire Boyle, Rang Coleman headed out on the school bus to Dalgan Park, Meath in the morning along with some of my classmates, not knowing what we would encounter there. When we arrived we were greeted by the sight of a monastery that was grand in every respect.The grounds that surrounded it were large, spacious and quite green. Inside we were most cordially greeted by members of the centre and brought to a room where we filled out a questionnaire. Each question was a trick question and no one got everything right. Quite disappointing then! The day was filled with a whole range of activities; we completed a fantastic nature walk, watched a movie narrated by Morgan Freeman (got to love those booming tones) and measured the height of a tree using only a stick and an apprehensive volunteer.The highlight for me was probably the nature walk, it served to relax me and help me remember the beauty in nature that we all so often forget. Also, our brilliant guide talked to us about the art of water divining, an extremely interesting subject to say the least. The movie was one of those Wow, us humans are TINY movies that kind of put me in my place! All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the day. The staff at Dalgan was thoughtful, knowledgeable and so friendly. By the end of the day I felt humbled; we humans always get so caught up in the bustle of everyday life and can be quite narcissistic; and in doing so lose sight of the beauty in nature. Not just a treat for the religious; a retreat for the body and soul which I certainly gained a lot from.

Grandparents Day
n the 16th of March we celebrated our thirteenth annual Grandparents Day in School. Grandparents of first year students were invited to live a day in the life of their grandchildren in school. This years Transition Years did a wonderful job of arranging the day and saw a fantastic turnout. Grandparents attended classes with their grandchildren and got to enjoy all kinds of lessons. At the end of the day there was a wonderful assembly showcasing some of the Colleges talent. Acts involved singing, Irish dancing, folk music, ukuleles and one student also told the story behind a photograph their grandparent had provided. The day was a tremendous success with a fantastic time had by all involved.

Our Year as Young Social Innovators

ur teacher Ms Cunningham told us about the Young Social Innovators project at the start of the year. We spent some time discussing and suggesting problems and issues that people face in their daily life which we could take on as our YSI project.We had many great ideas and had to narrow it down. We decided upon the idea of homophobic bullying and mental health. We then had to think of what we could do about these issues and we decided to write a drama tying the two issues together. We also created a display with information on the issues, such as signs of a problem and positive strategies to support your mental health. We also contacted the organisations Pieta House and Belong To who sent us out information leaflets which we found very helpful. We sent a report of our project to the YSI head office for marking. The next stage of our YSI project was to prepare for the YSI Speak Out. This is where all YSI projects are presented to judges in front of an audience. We came up with a silent drama that represented the issues and we performed it in front of 23 other schools on the 6th of March in the Helix in DCU. We recently got the results of our project and we were delighted to see that our overall project scored the top mark. We all agreed afterwards that we could have even put more work into our project performance at the Speak Out, as the schools with the best speak outs won a prize and they looked as if they had a lot of fun creating and performing it. On the 9th of May there will be a showcase for the best Speak Out performances and afterwards there will be many different fun activities to take part in, like a silent disco and bouncing castles to enjoy. I would recommend doing YSI because it is an exciting class and very active class as we, as a class group, had to make all the decisions and organise everything to do with our project.

a World of Education in your Local Community!

VEC Cover AW

Adult Education-Night Classes

Our Adult Education-Night Classes programme was first launched in 1999. 19/08/2011 17:20 Page 1 Since then, the number of participants enrolled in our night classes has grown dramatically, as has the number of courses on offer. The current Director of Adult Education is Paul Mc Corry. There are two terms each academic year. The Autumn Term generally commences towards the end of September, with the Spring Term getting under way towards the end of January. County Dublin Vocational Education Committee An extremely comprehensive and diverse range of classes are available, with over 70 exciting courses on offer each term! Courses vary from professional qualifications such as the NUI Maynooth Certificate course in Psychology, right through to classes on gardening, flower arranging, cooking, psychology, painting, A world of education reflexology, spanish, italian, pilates, ta chi, yoga and ballroom dancing, to name in your local community but a few! Our brochures are widely available in the local area with over 10,000 delivered door to door each term. Copies of our brochure are also freely available in the school office and can be downloaded from the Adult Education Section of the Colleges website at Enrolment in our Night Classes is both flexible and easy! You can enrol in person at one of our Enrolment Nights or by post by availing of our simple and convenient Postal Enrolment facility. On-line enrolment, paying by laser/ credit card is by far the most convenient and hassle free way to enrol and is available via the Night Classes section of the County Dublin V.E.C. website at AAworld of any group of ten or more people in the community interested in any If there is education world of education particular course in our programme, please contact Gairmoideachais in your local community community Coiste Gairmoideachais in yourlocalof Adult currently not on offerCoisteDublin VocationalChontae tha Cliaththe Ch County Education Committee Director Education and we will do our best to facilitate you. Vocational E County Dublin Should anyone be interested in teaching a course currently on offer in our programme, or would like to teach a course not presently available, please contact the Director of Adult Education. If you have any queries concerning Adult Education, please feel free to contact us at any time. You can contact the college on 822 1626 or you can contact the Director of Adult Education directly on 812 9340 or by e-mail at Further information on the Department can also be found via the Adult Education section of the colleges website at

Adult Education Courses


Back Row: Mr. Brendan Kelly, Aodhn Peelo, Michelle Carroll, Daire Boyle, David Bennett, Dylan Lynch, Mr. John Hopkins Front Row: Darah Carroll Noonan, Laoise Gilleece, Eoin Gray, Liana Kupcova, Ciara Gorman, Alannah Byrne

Tapestry would not have been possible without the advice of the following: The Mary Fitzgerald Fund Mr. Tom OBrien Mr. John Cronin Ms. Carmel ONeill Mr. John Hopkins Mr. David Hopkins Mr. Fursey DArcy Ms. Bridget Bennett Ms. Gabrielle OConnor Mr. Eoin OMaoileoin Mr. Shane Foley Ms. Mire N Fhinidh Ms. Brenda OKelly Ms. Ada Broderick Ms. Louise Abbott Mr. Brendan Kelly Andy Mullen Print

Castleknock Community College Carpenterstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15 Tel: Fax: email: School Roll No: Principal: Deputy Principals: 01-822 1626 01-822 1630 76062B Mr. John Cronin Ms Carmel ONeill Mr. John Hopkins

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