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CCC A Day in The Life 2017 PDF

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Castleknock Community College

Coliste Pobail Caislen Cnucha

2016 - 2017
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Message from Principal
Mr. John Cronin
A Chara,

T an-thas orm deis a bheith agam ars chun labhairt libh san eagrn seo. Tim an-bhrdil as ucht
na hoibre iontach at ar sil i gColiste Pobail Caislen Cnucha. Is mr an sls cro dom fachaint ar
an acht oibre a chuireann an fhoireann minteoireachta, dalta agus tuismitheoir uilig isteach l i
ndiaidh lae.

Is dar mrtais dom chomh maith agus a ironn le dalta an Choliste go hacadil, in imeachta eis-
churaclaim agus go sisialta. Nuair a bhreathnaonn t ar an leabhrn seo, t m cinnte go rachaidh an
mid imeachta at ar fil anseo go mr i bhfeidhm ort.

This has been another wonderful year for Castleknock Community College It is no coincidence that
the arrival of the new Sports Hall has generated a renewed interest in our many sporting programmes.
It was a wonderful year for our athletes and they took countless medals and titles in the Provincial
Athletics Competitions in April of this year. The Hockey, Basketball, Hurling & Cricket teams all excelled
in their respective competitions. One of the highlights of the year was when the Senior Girls Camo-
gie Team was crowned All Ireland Camogie Champions in March. It was only fitting that Ms Margaret
Shortall was presented with the Evening Herald Coach of the Year for leading the Senior Girls to
National Title and the Junior Girls to lifting Dublin Trophy.

In the world of debating and public speaking, the College was well represented in both Leinster and
National Finals with CCC speakers taking senior team and individual titles.

At an International level, the College proudly supported our Olympic Swimmer Ailbhe Kelly who rep-
resented Ireland with pride in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the Paralympic Games in September. We salute
her determination and courage and in wishing her well for the future. We will hear more about Ailb-
hes achievements in the years ahead.

This year with the DDLETB taking a break from hosting the Festival of Music in NCH, the College
Choir entered the Wesley College Choirs Competition and finished a respectable third place in their
category. The musical year would not be complete without the staging by our TY students of our an-
nual talent show, Starsearch. Yet again the students of TY and the many performers excelled in their

As the academic year draws to a close we can look back on another successful year at Castleknock
Community College. Despite the many challenges that exist in our world today it is a source of enor-
mous pride to work with a team of teachers who continue to honour their profession on a daily basis.
We are also priveleged to be entrusted with students who remain so full of hope, enthusiasm and am-
bition. In partnership with the parents of the College we will continue to work together to provide the
best education for our young people.

Finally we acknowledge the huge contribution made by our Deputy Prinicipal John Hopkins who will
be retiring at the end of this academic year.

Deputy Principal Carmel ONeill

and Deputy Principal John Hopkins

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CCC Debating Society
With Katie Kenny Byrne & Megan ODriscoll, leading the societys committee for 2016-2017 as Auditor and
Deputy Auditor respectively, it has been another rewarding year for CCC students. Amongst the increasing
numbers of 1st Year students now participating, Caroline Joyce topped the poll as Best First Year Speaker at
the Coliste na hInse Mace, while Third Year student Shane Tully qualified as a finalist in both the Leinster
Schools & National Mace competitions.
At Senior Cycle, Katie Kenny Byrne took the Individual Trophy at the Grand Final of the Trinity Historical/
UCD L&H Leinster Competition in Trinity College, while for the second consecutive year, College speakers
swept the boards at NUI Maynooth in the Aoife Begley Memorial Final, with Sarah Joyce and Molly OCon-
nell declared Team Champions while Megan ODriscoll was crowned Individual Champion.
An exciting development this year was the Dublin 15 Novice Competition, an initiative from senior student
Ben Fitzpatrick, who organised this series of debates for local schools with the aim of encouraging greater
participation amongst younger students.
Meanwhile, away from the world of inter-school competition, Katie and her committee organised a variety
of debating activities for its weekly meetings including workshops, demonstration debates, table topics and
once again another very successful Internal League Competition.

CCC Debating Champions 2017

Katie Kenny Byrne with (seated left to right) Sarah Joyce, Molly OConnell & Megan ODriscoll.

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Aoife Begley Memorial Senior Debating Team
Champions 2017:
Sarah Joyce & Molly OConnell

Leinster Senior Schools Individual Debating

Champion 2017:
Katie Kenny Byrne

Aoife Begley Memorial Senior Debating Individual Champion 2017: Megan ODriscoll

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The Chaplaincy Team

Back: Ms. Chantalle Barrett (Chaplain), Shauna Kinsella, Aine McGuinness & Lanlan Sun.
Front: Ross Boyd, Matthew Good, Bhavya Mugawar & Colin Leech.

The Student Chaplaincy Team partook in various Interfaith and creative activities this
year. We have celebrated many events such as the Remembrance Service in the Rain-
bow Garden; the Prayer for the Beginning of the New Year; meditation sessions for exam
classes; weekly meetings, moments of reflection and prayer as well as the Interfaith Meal.
These all demonstrate the contribution of the team to the spiritual life of the College.
One of the main highlights of the work of The Student Chaplaincy Team was the Super-
hero themed drama for the Ecumenical Christmas Carol Service. It was witty while also
conveying a message of hope and faith that was explored in a present-day setting. The
Team continues to be innovative and dynamic in expressing our multi-faith tradition.

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Art History Trip - Italy

During the October midterm, senior Art students enjoyed a spectacular trip to visit the inspirational
Renaissance artwork and architecture of Italy. From the overwhelming giant sculpture of David at the
Uffizi Gallery in Florence to the breath-taking fresco paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in
Rome, teachers and students alike had an unforgettable experience, that furthered their appreciation
and understanding of the great Italian masters achievements.
Not only was the artwork an unforgettable feast for the senses, the never ending consumption of deli-
cious pizza and gelato also left a lasting impression.
The Art Department hope to make a return to this wonderful hub of outstanding artistic achievement
in the near future.

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Student Council

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Student Council at CCC.
The Student Council at CCC is a forum, through which we, the student body, can become involved in the
affairs of the school, working with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the College and
the students.
This year has been a busy time for us on the Student Council with our first official meeting taking place in
October in Westmanstown. Forige staff along with Ms. Daly and Ms. Curran attended on the day to deliver
a training programme that we found very beneficial in planning the years activities. It also helped us, as a
group, to get to know each other.
The Council took on a number of projects this year. Fundraising is always part of the years events and the St
Vincent de Paul Food Appeal was a resounding success. Other fundraising activities were held to raise funds
for the Fr. McVerry Trust, Alzheimers Ireland to name but two. We are very grateful to the student body
and their families for their generosity. The Student Council also supported the Mental Health & Wellbeing
Week, Literacy Week etc. We organised a campaign to address Road Safety with students and also issued a
letter to parents/guardians highlighting the need for vigilance when driving on the school grounds.
At the final meeting held in May, students reviewed the years activities and suggested areas that the in-com-
ing Council might continue to work on next year. We wish them well in their endeavours.

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Wayne Denner Safety Talk Online Reputation Matters..

On Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th October, we welcomed Mr Wayne Denner, a dynamic speaker, author
and expert on online reputation and well-being, to address each year group. This was one of the activities
that took place as part of our Mental Health & Well-being Week 2016.
Wayne explored with students the implications of some of their activity online. He suggested ways they
can protect themselves online, improve their digital presence and ultimately become more employable.
Wayne inspires and motivates students to protect their reputation and well-being online and maximise
their individual talent in todays digital world. He offered sound advice on using social media, the internet
and smartphones to enhance life opportunities and in so doing helps young people to be more proactive in
shaping their future.
Wayne delivered his Online Reputation Matters presentation to First, Second and Third Years on 11th
October and Transition Year, LC1 and LC2 on 12th October.
Wayne has recently published a book entitled The Students Guide to an Epic Online Reputation.and
Parents too and it is available to buy from his website

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John Hopkins Retirement
Mr John Hopkins has been a very significant member of our staff over the last two decades. Over the last
number of months, since John announced that he would be retiring, many teachers, students and parents
have shared fond memories of him as a teacher of History & English, as a Year Head, as a Deputy Principal
and as a Debating Coach.

The common thread that resonated from all the memories was that John is one of lifes gentlemen, he has a
great sense of humour and is a wonderful educationalist

But we do not simply remember him for his work, but as a man who truly did honour the core values of the
College: Courtesy, Respect & Responsibility.

At the student entrance of this College there is a large poster that captures statements made by students
about what it means to be a student at Castleknock Community College. Much is written about feeling safe,
feeling that you belong and most importantly that you were valued. In so many ways these statements are
at the core of John Hopkins value system- his kindness and humility and innate sense of decency are a re-
minders of what we truly strive to achieve at Castleknock Community College.

On behalf of the Board of Management, staff, parents & students I wish John the very best as he begins the
next chapter of his life. - John Cronin

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CCC Plant Sale
The Parents Association major fundraising event - its annual Plant Sale - was another huge success this year
when large crowds flocked to the College on a very sunny weekend in early May to stock up on their garden
needs this summer from an amazing selection of plants and flowers, and to enjoy some sweet home-made
treats with a refreshing cup of tea or coffee. Spotted amongst the crowd this year were several local
representatives, Leo Varadkar, Joan Burton and Jack Chambers.

School management and staff are indebted to the dedicated team of parents and friends whose fundraising
efforts result in considerable sums to enhance College facilities.

LC2 History Trip to Derry

As part of their study of Politics and Society in Northern
Ireland, Ms. Cotter and Mr. Darcys classes visited Derry
in early March. While there, they took a number of fas-
cinating and extremely informative tours. The first was
a trip around the Bogside which included a visit to the
Bloody Sunday Museum. We were guided and instructed
by men who lived through the dark days of the Troubles
and whose lives were directly affected by events such
as Bloody Sunday. The students handled plastic, rubber
and live bullets as part of this experience. They walked
the historical streets and stood at Free Derry Corner. For
a different perspective, we then proceeded to the Ap-
prentice Boys of Derry Memorial Hall to learn all about
the Siege of Derry 1688/9 and the organisation which
commemorates it. The hall and museum venue is full of
Apprentice Boys and siege memorabilia and our guide
was very entertaining. After a pleasant night at the Ever-
glades Hotel, we finished our trip with a guided tour of
the city walls, another incredibly interesting experience.

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As part of the vibrant musical life of the College, our TY students hosted another fabulous two evenings of
Starsearch- the Colleges annual talent extravaganza- in March this year. MCs Molly OConnell & Odhran
Lang were like seasoned professionals as they introduced an amazing & varied array of talent.

Aside from providing a stage for our talented students, Starsearch is one of the Colleges most significant
charity fundraising events and this year much needed funds were raised for the Nhambia School Project
and also for CanTeen Ireland.

Amy Fay & Tom Mulvey were the recipients of Best Performance on the first evening while Gary Farrelly
emerged as overall winner with Caoimhe Sawyer & Catherine Tolan taking second spot and another duo -
Emily Igoe and Laura Armstrong finishing in third place.

Well done to our enterprising and creative TY class for another fabulous event - Take a bow!

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Mark Barron, Ms. Miranda Doherty and Adara Garcia

TRANSITION YEAR students Adara Garcia and Mark Barron were amongst the twenty finalists (from a
total of twenty two thousand entrants) in the Microsoft Office Specialist Annual Competition to select
an All-Ireland Champion to compete in World Championships. Not only did the twenty finalists have to
achieve the highest scores in the competition but had to do so in the fastest times!

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Academic Achievement:
Gold Medal Winner,
Leaving Certificate 2016:
Niamh ONeill

Gold Medal Winner

Junior Certificate 2016
Adara Garcia

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Learning Centre
Achievement Award
Leaving Certificate 2016
Ciara Norton

Gold Medal Winner

Leaving Certificate 2016
Eoin Devlin

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Spirit of Community
Award 2016

Fr. Peter McVerry S.J. (Spirit of the Community Award Recipient) with Principal John Cronin,
Director of Education DDLETB Dr. Deirdre Keyes, students Olivia Grimes, Laura Boyle & Dearbhla Tully

Orienteering Success
Sisters do Double Act!
Sisters Aiofe and Ciara
Simm and Ane and Rois-
n McGuinness were all
crowned Leinster Schools
Orienteering Champions
in their respective events
held at the Hell Fire Club
in the Spring.

Ben Kinsella, Maliya Tadgine, Adam Kinsella, Garbhan Healy,

Alannah Maxwell & Ciara Simm - Back Row
Maxim Mulligan, Maryam Bhedmus, Ruair Deehan, Conor Roche &
Aiofe Daly - Middle Row
Jean OBrien, Aoife Simm, Niamh Sheridan, Molly McCarthy,
Roisn McGuinness, Catherine Tolan & Sara Higgins - Front Row Ane McGuinness, Leinster
Champion TY Girls

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Sporting Success Stories

Olympic Swimmer Ailbhe Kelly represented Ireland

with pride in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the Paralympic
Games in September 2016.


Ms. J.L. Dunne (Coach), Meadbh Styness, Sarah English, Ciara Olden, Rebecca Smith, Ellen Farrell,
Sarah Smith & Muireann Farrell - Back Row
Jessica English, Kate Finan, Charlotte Cautley, Jessica Knox, Sarah McIntosh, Niamh Cooney, Laoise
N Fhlannagin & Caoimhe Sherlock - Front Row
* Kate Harrison - absent

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Sporting Success Stories

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Molly Brown, Lucy Garry, Sarah Byrne, Claire Nulty, Molly ONeill, Lauren Sheridan, Aoife Whelan,
Aisling andrews, Mia Murray, Ciara Golden & Claudia Daly - Back Row
Dara Loomes Lynn, Ciara Murray, Sophie Browne, Lauren Finney, Sarah Rafferty, Siobhan Roche
& Aoife Bergin - Middle Row
Meadbh Stynes, Deirdre McCarthy, Eimear Griffin, Caitlin Coffey, Niamh Mulroney, Ellen Bolger,
Lucy Bolger & Aoife Coffey - Front Row

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Sporting Success Stories

Back: Patrick Reeves Smith, Callum Olliphant, Finn McKay, Darragh OConnell & Triain Rebega
Front: Alex Conroy, Neal Hogan, Alex McCormick, Sanog Mac Seoin & Alex Moore


Back: Donatus Nweke, James Caffrey & Alex Curran.
Front: Finn Woodger, Victor Ogbomo, Lloyd OConnor & Scott Hayes.

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Hannah ONeill & Victoria Knox
Sinead Nic Sheoin, Molly Brown & Niamh Sheridan

TRACK AND FIEL ssica Kane & Soph
ie Roche
WEST LEINSTER A ilb he H ea ly, Je
Eve Reilly,
Caoimhe Lynam,

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Sporting Success Stories

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Back: Charlie Rudden, Aidan McCarthy, James OConnell, Darragh Battigan Warwick,
Aidan Kearney & Luke McCann
Front:Robert McCormack, Chudy Umeh, Oisn Kirwan, Eamon Dempsey-Dunne,
Eoghan Lyons & Shane Carolan

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Sporting Success Stories
Back: Aiden Kearney, Conor
Murray & Keith ODonahue
Front: Darragh OConnell,
Ben Harding, Daniel Mur-
phy & Brian Bergin


Back: Molly Brown, Tara King,
Tara Coffey, Eimear Griffen, Aoife
Whelan, Caitlin Coffey,
Mia Murray & Jessica Kane.
Front: Aisling Andrews, Lucy
Quinn, Aoife Bergin, Sinead Wa-
ters, Aisling ONeill, Deirdre Mc-
Carthy & Dara Loomes Lynn

and Field Medallists:

West Leinster Track
lanah Maxwell,
Alex Clarkin - All Ireland 100 M Jennifer Treadwell, Al
igail Knox
Hurdles Champion 2016 & Meghan Jordan & Ab
Leinster Champion 2017

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(coach), Jack Bohan,
PamirWassiee, Niall Kirwan,
San Greene, Rishiraj Roy,
Robert Coughlan, Tristan
Griss Browne & Patrick
Reeves Smyth
Middle: Chuks Umeh, Mur-
rough McKinley, Tommy
Igoe, Rian Buckley, Adam Pet-
it, Brian Bergin, Eoin Conlon
& Alex Brassil
Front: Lloyd OConnor, Cal-
lum Olliphant, Denis Ilumah,
Odhrn Lang, James Caffrey,
Eoin Walshe & Victor Ogbno


(Coach), David Mullin,
Conor Murray, Eoin Wal-
she, Evan McShery, Rian
Buckley, Oisn ONeill, Denis
IIumah, Keith ODonahue,
Robert OShea, Diarmuid
Brady, Harry Melia, Matthew
Lynam, Ruairi Deehan &
David Powell.
Front: Eoin Monaghan, Neil
Hogan, Tommy Igoe, Darragh
OConnell, Ciaran Taeffe,
Alex Conroy & Joshua Mc-


Back: Coach - Ms. S. Cotter,
Eliel Oshiokaneh, Donatus
Nweke, Keith Murray, Victor
Ogbono, Diarmuid Brady, Paul
Tanigoi & Assistant Coach
Aidan Kearney.
Front: Tommy Igoe, Cathal
Flynn, Perry Cloud, Matthew
Lynam, Evan McShery, Rian
Buckley & Conor Murray.

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Sporting Success Stories

Front: Sara Higgins, Lanlan Sun, Catherine Kizyank, Neghat Bakshi,

Eva Mullholland & Louise lucas

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Back: Caoimhe Harrington, Chloe OSullivan, Aoibhinn Richmond, Joanne Umeh, Coach
Fiona Clancy, Caoimhe Sawyer & Jumana Sabri

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Mr. Brendan Kelly (1967-2016)

Sad news visited the College last November when our dear colleague, friend and teacher, Mr Brendan
Kelly, passed away after a long illness.
Brendan was a highly valued member of our staff and school community for nearly twenty years.
He was a passionate teacher and was truly committed to the students he encountered whether it
was in Room 13 as a teacher of Mathematics or through the many extra-curricular programmes he
supported over the last two decades. One such programme being the Colleges Traditional Group of
which he was a founding member.
In so many ways Brendan gave generously of his time to the College and played an influential role
in the Colleges development in its formative years. As a school we owe a huge debt of gratitude to
Brendan and he will be fondly remembered by students, parents, past pupils and his colleagues.

In the words of Emerson

To find the best in others:

To leave the world a bit better, whether by
a healthy child, a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed

easier because you have lived;

This is to have succeeded.

Our dear colleague Brendan will be remembered as one of lifes true gentlemen, whose commitment
to and compassion for the students and staff of this College will never be forgotten.

Go ndanfaidh Dia trcaire ar a anam

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Castleknock Community

Carpenterstown Road,
Dublin 15
Phone: 01 822 1626

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