1 What Is Suicide?: Durkheim Social Fact
1 What Is Suicide?: Durkheim Social Fact
1 What Is Suicide?: Durkheim Social Fact
1 What is suicide?
Suicide – “any death which is the direct or indirect result of a positive or negative
act accomplished by the victim himself, which he knows will produce this result”
- How a person is absorbed into the society
- The bonding to social groups
- Power that controls individuals’ actions
- E.g. Social norms
3 Egoistic Suicide (*Low Social Integration)
- Low degree of integration of the social groups
- Detached from society, less resistance to suicide
- Excessive individualism
Catholics vs. Protestants
Features of Protestants:
- Spirit of free inquiry
- Greater religious individualism
(‘The Bible is put in his hands and no interpretation is imposed upon him’)
- Fewer common beliefs and practices
- More individual judgement
- Thinner bureaucracy
- Less integrated church
1. Soldiers who preferred death to the humiliation of defeat
2. People who kill themselves to prevent disgrace befalling their family in traditional
Economic Crisis
- Individuals fall to the lower state
- Reduce requirements and needs
Economic Boom
- Conditions of life change suddenly
- Regulations lost
- Unknown values and limitations
- No restraints
- Demands increase fulfillment impossible
6 Fatalistic Suicide (*Too Much Social Regulation)
- Individuals with over-regulated, unrewarding lives (e.g. slaves, prisoners)
- Unable to see their future
- No way to escape/improve