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1 What Is Suicide?: Durkheim Social Fact

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SOC3201 Presentation Tong Ho Hin 4045656

Presentation Question: Why, according to Durkheim, do people kill themselves? Give

an account of Durkheim’s analysis based on integration and regulation.
As a mini case study, choose one specific social group and collect information on
their suicide situation.

1 What is suicide?
Suicide – “any death which is the direct or indirect result of a positive or negative
act accomplished by the victim himself, which he knows will produce this result”

People used to think that suicide is an individual act

Durkheim  Social Fact
 Social structures
 Social causes

2 Suicide Statistics in Europe

- At each moment of the history, each society has a definite aptitude for suicide.
- Suicide rate: ‘a factual order, unified and definite’
- NOT just an individual action
- Suicide is a social phenomenon
- Social factors driving suicide produces the tendency

Two social forces: Integration and Regulation

- How a person is absorbed into the society
- The bonding to social groups

- Power that controls individuals’ actions
- E.g. Social norms
3 Egoistic Suicide (*Low Social Integration)
- Low degree of integration of the social groups
- Detached from society, less resistance to suicide
- Excessive individualism

Catholics vs. Protestants

Protestants’ suicide rates > Catholics’ suicide rates

Features of Protestants:
- Spirit of free inquiry
- Greater religious individualism
(‘The Bible is put in his hands and no interpretation is imposed upon him’)
- Fewer common beliefs and practices
- More individual judgement
- Thinner bureaucracy
- Less integrated church

Societies and Families

- Widowed and divorced men > married men
- Without children > With children

Egoistic suicide is more common in modern societies

- Individuality
- Independence
- Fewer social contacts
- Nuclear families
4 Altruistic Suicide (*Too Much Social Integration)
- Suicide is DUTY
- Highly integrated and absorbed into the society
- Impersonality
- Self-sacrifice
- Obligatory (implicitly or explicitly)
- Social prestige attaches to suicide

Egoistic Suicide Altruistic Suicide

Sadness Hope and Satisfaction
Detached from life With a goal
No goal in life Belief in beautiful perspectives beyond this life

1. Soldiers who preferred death to the humiliation of defeat
2. People who kill themselves to prevent disgrace befalling their family in traditional

5 Anomic Suicide (*Low Social Regulation)

- Normlessness
- Can occur when societies change drastically
- Sudden growth/Unexpected Catastrophe
- Disturbances of the collective order

Economic Crisis
- Individuals fall to the lower state
- Reduce requirements and needs

Economic Boom
- Conditions of life change suddenly
- Regulations lost
- Unknown values and limitations
- No restraints
- Demands increase  fulfillment impossible
6 Fatalistic Suicide (*Too Much Social Regulation)
- Individuals with over-regulated, unrewarding lives (e.g. slaves, prisoners)
- Unable to see their future
- No way to escape/improve

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