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Fresh and Hardened Properties of Fly Ash

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 3, March - 2013

Fresh And Hardened Properties Of Fly Ash Based Geopolymer

Concrete With Copper Slag
H. Hanio Merinkline *, S. Manjula Devi**, Dr. C. Freeda Christy ***

*Department of Civil Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore-641114

** Department of Civil Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore-641114

*** Department of Civil Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore-641114

Concrete is a widely used as a construction Keywords-green house gas, global warming,
material in civil Engineering field for various types Copper Slag, Sodium Hydroxide Pellets, Sodium
of structures due to its durability. For a long time it Silicate Solution.
was considered to be very durable material
requiring a little or no maintenance. Many OBJECTIVE
environmental factors are known significantly the
durability of reinforced concrete structures.  To study the experimental behaviour of
The climate change due to global Various Grades concrete in which the fine
warming, one of non Portland cements the greatest aggregate is partially replaced by Copper
environmental issues has become a major concern Slag.
during the past decade. Main reason of global  Owing to the scarcity of fine aggregate
warming is because of caused by the emission of (river sand) for the preparation of mortar
greenhouse gases, such as CO2, to the atmosphere and concrete, partial replacement of CS
by more human activities. Among the greenhouse with sand have been attempted.
gases, CO2 is responsible for contributes about  Making eco friendly and green concrete.
65% of global warming. The cement manufacturing  Making modern concrete for strength
industry is responsible for nearly 6% of all CO2 effective, cost effective
emissions, because the production of one ton 

This research work is carried out to

ordinary of Portland cement approximately emits explore the effect of CS as fine aggregates
one ton of CO2 into the atmosphere. on the strength and durability properties of
Fly ash based Geopolymer is prepared concrete with fly ash based geopolymer
from low calcium fly ash by activation with a concrete.
mixture of alkaline liquids (Sodium Hydroxide and
Sodium Silicate solution). Fly ash is a byproduct of 1. Introduction
Thermal Power Plant. A combination of sodium Normal concrete: OPC + fine aggregate + Coarse
silicate solution and sodium hydroxide solution was Aggregate.
chosen as the alkaline liquid. Sodium-based Modern concrete/Green concrete: Fly ash based
alkaline solutions were chosen because they were Geopolymer + Fine Aggregate + Copper Slag +
cheaper than Potassium-based solutions. The use Coarse Aggregate + Alkaline liquid.
of Copper Slag (CS) in concrete provides Concrete is a widely used construction
environmental as well as economic benefits for all material for various types of structures due to its
industries, mainly in areas where a large amount of durability. For a long time it was considered to be
CS is produced. very durable material requiring a little or no
In this paper we deals with the fresh and maintenance. Many environmental phenomena are
hardened properties of the fly ash based known significantly the durability of reinforced
geopolymer concrete with copper slag. Preliminary concrete structures. We build concrete structures in
Investigation physical and chemical properties of highly polluted urban and industrial areas,
various materials as cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggressive marine environments and many other
aggregate, copper slag. Fly ash is tested and the hostile conditions where other materials of
properties are compared with each other. Fresh construction are found to be nondurable. In the
and hardened properties of conventional concrete recent revision of IS: 456-2000, one of the major
and blended cement concrete are tested and points discussed is the durability factor of concrete.
compared. Conclusion of this paper will be based So the use of concrete is unavoidable. At the same
on the test results and comparative statement. time the scarcity of aggregates are also greatly
increased nowadays. 1
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 3, March - 2013

Utilization of industrial soil waste or secondary

materials has been encouraged in construction field
for the production of cement and concrete because
it contributes for reducing the consumption of
natural raw materials as resources. For the past
many years, by products such as fly ash, silica
fume, ferrous and non-ferrous slag were considered
as waste materials from so many industries. They
have been successfully used in the construction
industry for partial or full replacement for fine and
coarse aggregates. Copper slag is widely used in Fig1: fly ash dumped yard
the sand blasting industry and it has been used in Table: 1
the manufacture of abrasive tools. Recent research Chemical composition of Fly ash, Copper slag and
papers (Gorai P, Jana RK, Premchand) reviewed Cement
the potential use of copper slag as a partial
substitute of cement and aggregates in concrete and Component Fly Copper Cement
asphalt mixtures. ash slag
2. Materials and Methods SiO2 61.16 33.05 21.1
Low calcium fly ash (ASTM class F) Al2O3 30.08 2.79 4.7
collected from Mettur Thermal Power Station was Fe2O3 4.62 13.6 2.8
used for casting the specimens. Fine Aggregate CaO 1.75 6.06 63.8
(sand) used is clean river sand. The sand is sieved
Na2O 0.76 0.36 0.5
by 4.75 mm sieve for removing all the dust and
impuritiesof big in size. The specific gravity, bulk MgO 0.18 1.44 2
density and fineness modulus of fine aggregate are K2O 0.36 0.55 0
2.62, 1701.84 kg/m3 and 2.42 respectively. SO3 0.19 1.84 2.5
Preliminary test results of 20 mm size coarse LOI 0.6 0.54 2.1
aggregates are as follows: fineness modulus is 6.94,
bulk density is 1679.7 kg/m3 and specific gravity is 2.2 Copper slag
2.87.Mixing Water quality is confirmed to satisfy Copper slag used in this work was brought
the requirements of water for concreting and from Sterlite Industries Ltd (SIL), Tuticorin, Tamil

curing. Alkaline liquids are used in Nadu, India. SIL is producing CS during the
geopolymerisation. The common alkaline liquid manufacture of copper metal. Currently, about
used in geopolymerisation is a combination of 2600 tons of CS is produced per day and a total
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate accumulation of around 1.5 million tons. This slag
solution (Na2SiO3). In the present investigation, a is currently being used for many purposes ranging
combination of Sodium hydroxide solution and from land-filling to grit blasting. These applications
sodium silicate solution was used as alkaline utilize only about 15% to 20% and the remaining
activator solution. Commercially available Sodium dumped as a waste material.Surrounding
hydroxide is purchased in flakes or pellets form and environment may pollute because of this dumped
converted in to liquid by mixing with distilled waste material. The microscopic view of CS tells
water based on molarity.In this present study, that it is a glassy granular material with high
sodium hydroxide flakes with 98% purity were specific gravity. Particle sizes are of the order of
used for the preparation of alkaline solution. sand and have a potential for use as fine aggregate
2.1 Fly ash in concrete. In order to reduce the accumulation of
Fly ash is a thermal industrial by-product, CS and also to provide an alternate material for
generated in the stage of combustion of coal in the sand, the Sterlite Industries Ltd, proposed to study
power plants. The increasing scarcity requirement the potential of CS as replacement material for sand
or demand of raw materials and an urgent need to in cement concrete.
protect the environment against pollution has
accentuated the significance of developing new
building materials based on industrial waste
generated from coal fired thermal power station
which creates unmanageable disposal problems due
to its potential to pollute the environment. Fly ash
when used as a mineral admixture in concrete
improves its strength and durability. Fly ash can be
used either as mineral admixture or as a partial
replacement of cement or as a partial replacement
of fine aggregates or total replacement of fine
aggregate and as supplementary addition to achieve
different properties of concrete. Fig2: copper slag in dumped yard 2
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 3, March - 2013

2.3 Geopolymer in cements, passive fire protection, refractories,

The term “geopolymer” was coined by textile and lumber processing, and automobiles.
Davidovits in 1978. This inorganic alumina silicate Sodium carbonate and silicon dioxide react in
polymer is synthesized from predominantly silicon molten state to form sodium silicate as well
and aluminium material of geological origin or by- as carbon dioxide.
product materials such as fly ash. Geopolymer
results from the reaction of a source material that is
rich in silica and alumina with alkaline liquid. Fully Na2CO3 + SiO2 → Na2SiO3 + CO2
cement free concrete. This material is being studied
extensively and shows promise as a greener 2.6 Alkaline Liquids
substitute for Ordinary Portland cement concrete in  Alkaline liquid is prepared by mixing
particular situations. Now the research is mainly sodium silicate solution and sodium
concentrated for commercial production of this hydroxide solution with proper proportion.
geopolymer concrete for its specific engineering
 Sodium-based solutions were selected
applications. It has been found that fly ash based
because they were cheaper than Potassium
geopolymer concrete has good engineering
based Solutions.
properties with a reduced global warming potential
 The sodium hydroxide solids were either a
resulting from the total replacement of ordinary
technical grade in flakes form (3 mm),
Portland cement. Fly ash-based geopolymer
with a specific gravity of 2.130, 98%
cements reduce CO2 emissions by 90% when
purity, or a commercial grade in pellets
compared to Portland cement.
form with 97% purity, obtained from
Lomb Scientific, Australia.
2.4 Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
The most common alkaline activator used
in geopolymerisation is a combination of sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH)
and sodium silicate or potassium silicate. The type
and concentration of alkali solution affect the
dissolution of fly ash. Leaching of Al3+ and Si4+
ions are generally high with sodium hydroxide
solution compared to potassium hydroxide solution.

Alkali concentration is a significant factor for

controlling the leaching of alumina and silica from
fly ash particles, geopolymerization process and
mechanical properties of hardened
geopolymer.Duchesneetal confirmed that in
presence of NaOH in the alkaline activating
solution, the reaction takes place more rapidly and
the gel is less smooth. Fig4: Alkaline Liquids

2.7 Preparation of Geopolymer concrete

Sodium hydroxide solution of 8M is
prepared by dissolving sodium hydroxide pellets
with distilled water. The mass of NaOH pellets was
taken depending on the concentration of the
solution expressed in terms of molar, M. The mass
of NaOH solids was taken as 320 g per kg of
NaOH solution of 8 M concentration. To get
desired alkaline solution the sodium hydroxide
solution which is prepared already is mixed with
sodium silicate solution one day before of the
geopolymer concrete preparation. After mixing the
constituents of concrete, wet mixing was done for 4
min.Required numbers of cubes of size 150 mm x
Fig3: Sodium Hydroxide pellet 150 mm x 150 mm and cylinder of size 150 dia 300
depth were cast and compaction was done by
2.5 Sodium Silicate solution
mechanical vibration using a table vibrator.
Sodium silicate is the common name for a
compound sodium metasilicate, Na2SiO3, also 2.8 Curing Of Geopolymer Concrete
known as water glass or liquid glass. It is available After casting the specimens, they were kept in rest
in both aqueous solution and solid form and is used period for five days and then they were remoulded. Rest 3
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 3, March - 2013

period is defined as the time taken from the completion electrons in the sample, producing various signals
of casting of test specimens to the start of curing at an which contain information about the sample's
elevated temperature. To keep rest period for specimens surface topography and composition. SEM can
before curing may be important in certain practical achieve resolution better than 1 nanometer.
applications. When fly ash-based geopolymer concrete is
used for precast concrete elements, sufficient time is
available between casting of products and sending them
to the curing chamber. At the end of the Rest Period,
some specimens were kept under ambient conditions for
curing at room temperature Remaining six specimens
were kept at 90oC in hot oven for 24 h The compressive
strength test was conducted for h sample and the results
showed that there is an increase in compressive strength
with the increase in age for ambient cured specimens.
For hot air cured samples the increase in compressive
strength with age was very less as compared to that of
specimens subjected to ambient curing. The density of
geopolymer concrete was 2400 kg/m3 which is
equivalent to that of conventional concrete.



Fig 7: (SEM Images of Fly ash)

Fig5: Hot curing of specimens


Fig 6: (SEM Images of Copper Slag)

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) produces

images of a sample by scanning it with a focused
beam of electrons. These electrons interact with 4
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 3, March - 2013

5.2 Tests on Strength

5.2.1 Compressive Strength of Cement

60 53.56

40 32.25
20 16.85 OPC +
The details of the mix design are given in Mix
Design Calculation for M25 and M30 Grade 7TH 14TH 28TH
Concrete Using IS 10262:2009
Fig8: Comparison of strength development of
M25 M30 Cement using river sand and Copper Slag

Material Quantity Mix Quantity Mix

(Kg/m3) ratio (Kg/m3) ratio

Cement 425.78 1 445 1

Fine 685 1.6 670 1.5


Coarse 1209 2.8 1186 2.6


Water 191.6 0.45 191.6 0.43

Fig9: compressive strength of cement testing setup

5.2.2 Compressive Strength of Concrete


Basic tests to find the physical properties of various

ingredients in blended cement concrete have been
conducted to continue the thesis. The results of the

various tests are tabulated and the comparisons are 35 30.92


produced in graphical form in the following 30 26.38 25.7

25 21.32
1th Day
20 17.78

7th Day
5.1 Properties of Fine Aggregate 10 14th Day
5 0 28th Day
Property River Copper 0
Sand Slag NORMAL
Specific gravity 2.68 3.86 CONCRETE
Loose density 1.57 g/cc 2.12 g/cc
Rodded density 1.72 g/cc 2.36 g/cc
Fig10: Cube compressive strength for M25Grade
Grading Zone II I
concrete 5
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 3, March - 2013

5.2.3 Split tensile Strength of Concrete

50 (N/mm2)

40 35.68 36.5

30 23.28
1th Day 3.95

20 4 3.35
7th Day 3

10 3
14th Day 14th Day
0 2
28th Day 28th Day

Fig11: Cube compressive strength for M30 Grade

Fig14: Cylinder split tensile strength for M25

Grade concrete

30 26

25 23.03

20 1th Day 4.5 4.2


15 4 3.7
7th Day 3.5 3.25

10 3
14th Day
5 2.5 14th Day
28th Day 2
1.5 28th Day


Fig12: Cylinder compressive strength for M25 Grade


Fig15: Cylinder split tensile strength for M30

Grade concrete

40 34.86

35 31

30 25.67
25 1th Day
20 7th Day
10 14th Day
5 0 28th Day


Fig13: Cylinder compressive strength for M30 Grade


Fig16: split tensile testing setup 6
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 3, March - 2013

[2]. M. M. A. Abdullah1, K. Hussin1, M. Bnhussain,

and K. N. Ismail” Mechanism and Chemical Reaction
of Fly Ash Geo polymer Cement- A Review”.

[3]. D. Brindha and S.Nagan”Durability Studies on

Copper Slag Admixed Concrete” March 2011.

[4]. Menasha Sudarvizhi .S,Ilangovan. R

” Performance of Copper slag and ferrous slag as
partial replacement of sand in Concrete” 2011.

[5]. D.Brindha,Baskaran.T, Nagan.S “Assessment of

Corrosion and Durability Characteristics of Copper
Slag Admixed Concrete”2010.

Fig17: Comparison of Cylindrical compressive

Strength development of normal concrete

Test on Durability – Alkalinity Test

pH value of concrete

Concrete pH pH value
grade value(normal (geopolymer
concrete) concrete)
M25 11.2 10.08

M30 11.7 10.17

6. Conclusion
 A detailed review of literature has been
done for copper slag, geopolymer concrete
and fly ash.
 Physical and chemical properties of
individual (fly ash, copper slag, coarse
aggregate and fine aggregate) components
of geopolymer concrete are found in
laboratory tests and SEM Analysis is also
 Experiment investigation of strength
(Compressive strength, split tension
strength) for geopolymer concrete are
found and listed.
 Test of alkalinity for conventional
concrete and geopolymer are found.
 Test on durability of geopolymer concrete
will be done.

7. References:
[1]. K. Vijai1, R. Kumutha1 and B. G. Vishnuram
” Effect of types of curing on strength of geopolymer
concrete” July, 2010. 7

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